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        •  " κόλον""intestine, food, fodder" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  " Κροῖσος""Croesus" [OneCookieRule]
        •  " Κροῖσος""Croesus" [BiasConfirmation]
        •  " Κροῖσος""Croesus" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  " Κροῖσος""Croesus" [AtbashCipher]
        •  " ῥέω""flow" [YesAndNo]
        •  " Ῥῶς""Russia" [VeteransDay]
        •  " σχίσμα""division" [BibleRainbows]
        •  " ὑπέροχος""superior" [Philippians3b]
        •  " ὑπέροχος""superior" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  " ῠ̔πέρ""over, above" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀ""opposite" [Tartarus]
        •  "α""(negation)" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "α""not" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "ἀ""opposite" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "ᾱ̓ργός""idle, slow" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἀαπστρέφω""turn away, turn back" [Loans]
        •  "ἄβυσσος""bottomless, boundless, unfathomable" [Tartarus]
        •  "ἄβυσσος""bottomless, boundless, unfathomable" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "ἄβυσσος""bottomless, boundless, unfathomable" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "ἀγαθός""good, capable, trustworthy" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "αγάπη""love" [BibleHypocritesUnsaid]
        •  "ἀγγαρεύω""dispatch as a courier, press into service" [Miles]
        •  "ἀγγαρεύω""dispatch as a courier, press into service" [Miles]
        •  "ἀγγαρεύω""dispatch as a courier, press into service" [Miles]
        •  "ἀγγαρεύω""dispatch as a courier, press into service" [BibleDanielKnowledge]
        •  "ἀγγαρεύω""dispatch as a courier, press into service" [Herodotus]
        •  "ἀγγαρεύω""dispatch as a courier, press into service" [PersianInvasions]
        •  "ἁγγᾶρήιον""system of mounted couriers" [Miles]
        •  "ἄγγαρος""mounted courier" [Miles]
        •  "το ἄγγελμα""message" [Miles]
        •  "το ἄγγελμα""message" [Miles]
        •  "το ἄγγελμα""message" [Miles]
        •  "το ἄγγελμα""message" [Miles]
        •  "το ἀγγελμα""message, announcement, news" [Miles]
        •  "το άγγελμα""the message" [Loans]
        •  "ο ἄγγελος""messenger" [Miles]
        •  "ἄγγελος""messenger, one that announces" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "ἄγγελος""messenger, one that announces" [WrestleDarkPowers]
        •  "ἄγγελος""messenger, one that announces" [Angels]
        •  "ἄγγελος""messenger, one that announces" [Angels]
        •  "ἄγγελος""messenger, one that announces" [Angels]
        •  "ἄγγελος""messenger, one that announces" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "ἄγγελος""messenger, one that announces" [BibleReligious]
        •  "ἄγγελος""messenger, one that announces" [BibleReligious]
        •  "αγείρω""gather, collect" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "αγελη""herd, flock" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "ἀγηθής""joyless" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ἁγιασμός""sanctification" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "το αγιον""the holy" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "ἅγιος""devoted to the gods, sacred, holy" [Months]
        •  "ἅγιος""devoted to the gods, sacred, holy" [BibleSaints]
        •  "ἅγιος""devoted to the gods, sacred, holy" [BibleSaints]
        •  "ἀγκάλη""bend" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἀγκάλη""bend" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "ἀγκάλη""bend" [HebrewVavHook]
        •  "ἀγκάλη""bend" [HebrewVavHook]
        •  "ἀγκάλη""bend" [WordAngle]
        •  "ἄγκιστρον""hook" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἄγκιστρον""hook" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "ἄγκιστρον""hook" [HebrewVavHook]
        •  "ἄγκιστρον""hook" [HebrewVavHook]
        •  "ἄγκιστρον""hook" [WordAngle]
        •  "ἄγκος""bend" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "ἄγκος""bend" [HebrewVavHook]
        •  "ἄγκος""bend" [WordAngle]
        •  "ἄγναπτος""not carded cloth" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἄγναφος""not carded cloth" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἄγνοια""ignorance" [GreekBreathMarkings]
        •  "ἄγνοια""ignorance" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἄγνοια""ignorance" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ἁγνός""chaste, pure" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἁγνός""chaste, pure" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἁγνός""pure, chaste, innocent" [GreekBreathMarkings]
        •  "ἁγνός""chaste, pure" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἁγνός""chaste, pure" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἁγνός""pure, chaste, innocent" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἁγνός""pure, chaste, innocent" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ἁγνός""pure, chaste" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἁγνός""chaste, pure" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "ἁγνός""chaste, pure" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "ἁγνός""pure, chaste, innocent" [GermanicGEnglishY]
        •  "αγνός""pure, chaste, innocent" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἁγνός""pure, chaste" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἄγνος""chaste tree" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""unknown, ignorant" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""unknown, ignorant" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""ignorant" [GreekBreathMarkings]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""ignorant" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""ignorant" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""unknown, ignorant" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""unknown, ignorant" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""ignorant" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""ignorant" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""unknown, ignorant" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "ἄγνωστος""unknown, ignorant" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "ἂγο""go" [PaulRapture]
        •  "αγονία""contest, competition" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀγορά""assembly, speech, marketplace" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "ἀγορᾱ́""assembly, market place" [GalationsTables]
        •  "ἀγορᾱ́""assembly, market place" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "αγοράζω""buy, purchase" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "ἀγορεύω""speak" [GalationsTables]
        •  "ἀγορεύω""speak" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "ἄγω""lead" [Miles]
        •  "αγω""lead, bring, go" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἄγω""lead" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "άγω""lead, go" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ἀγωνα""gathering, contest, competition" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀγωνα""gathering, contest, competition" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀγωνα""gathering, contest, competition" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀγωνία""competition, struggle" [AthleticAgony]
        •  "αγωνια""competition" [AthleticAgony]
        •  "ἀγωνία""competition, struggle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "αγωνια""competition" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "ἀγωνία""competition, struggle" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ἀγωνία""competition, struggle" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ἀγωνία""competition, struggle" [Philippians1B]
        •  "ἀδάμας""adamant, hard metal resembling gold, diamond" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "ἀδελφός""brother, male sibling" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἀδελφός""brother, male sibling" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἄδηλος""not visible" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἄδηλος""not visible" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "αδημονία""anxiety, distress" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "αδημονία""anxiety, distress" [Philippians4a]
        •  "αδημονία""anxiety, distress" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "αδιάλείπτως""uninterrupted" [JosephusFlavious]
        •  "αδιάλείπτως""uninterrupted" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "αδόκιμος""unapproved, discredited" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "αεργος""not working, idle" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "αεργος""not working, idle" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "αεργος""not working, idle" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "αεργος""not working, idle" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "αεργος""not working, idle" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ἀετός""eagle" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "ἀετός""eagle" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "ἀετός""eagle" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "ἀήρ ""air" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "ἀθετέω""dishonor, break with" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἀθετέω""dishonor, break with" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἀθλέω""contest, struggle" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἀθλέω""contest, struggle" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ἀθλητής""champion, master" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἀθλητής""champion, master" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ἆθλον""prize, contest" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ἀϊδής""invisible" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἀϊδής""invisible" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "αἰδώς""shame, respect, reverence" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "αἰδώς""shame" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "Αἰθιοπία""Ethiopia" [BibleLeopardSpots]
        •  "Αἰκατερίνη""Goddess Hecate" [PaulRapture]
        •  "Αἰκατερίνη""Goddess Hecate" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "Αἰκατερίνη""Goddess Hecate" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "αἷμα""blood" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "αινείτε""praise" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "αινείτε""praise" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "αινείτε""praise" [BibleWordPraise]
        •  "αινείτε""praise" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "αινείτε""praise" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "αινείτε""praise" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "αἴνιγμα""riddle, taunt, dark saying" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "αἴνιγμα""riddle, taunt, dark saying" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "αἴνιγμα""riddle, taunt, dark saying" [BibleWordPraise]
        •  "αἴνιγμα""riddle, taunt, dark saying" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "αἴνιγμα""riddle, taunt" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "αἴνιγμα""riddle, taunt, dark saying" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "αἴνιγμα""riddle, taunt, dark saying" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "αἴξ""goat" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "αἰπόλος""goat herder" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "αἴσθησις""perception" [BibleTruthKnowledge]
        •  "αἴσθησις""senses, sensation" [Philippians1A]
        •  "αἶσχος""shame, disgrace, ugliness, deformity" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "αἰσχύνη""shame, disgrace" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "αἰσχύνη""shame, disgrace" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "αἰτέω""ask, request" [Loans]
        •  "αἰτέω""ask, demand" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "αἰτέω""ask, demand" [BibleAnything]
        •  "αἴτησις""request, demand" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "αἴτησις""request, demand" [BibleAnything]
        •  "αἰτία""accusation, cause, occasion" [Loans]
        •  "αἰτία""cause, reason" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "αἰτία""cause, reason" [BibleAnything]
        •  "αἰτία""cause, reason" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "αἰτία""cause, reason" [Phillpians4b]
        •  "αἰτιᾱτική""expressing an effect" [Loans]
        •  "αἰτιατικός""cause" [Loans]
        •  "αἴτιος""cause, responsible for" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "αἴτιος""cause, responsible for" [BibleAnything]
        •  "ἄκανθος""thorny plant" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "ἄκανθος""thorny plant" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "ἄκανθος""thorny plant" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἄκανθος""thorny plant" [BibleThorns]
        •  "ἀκατάστατος""unstable" [James1]
        •  "ακέραιοι""without antennas, without horns" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "ακέραιοι""without antennas, without horns" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "ἀκή""thorn" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "ἀκή""thorn" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "ἀκή""thorn" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἀκή""thorn" [BibleThorns]
        •  "ἀκοή""hearing, the sound heard" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ἀκοή""hearing" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "ἀκόλουθος""following, attending" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀκόλουθος""following, attending" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "ἀκόλουθος""following, attending" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "ἀκούω""hear" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ἀκούω""hear" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἀκούω""hear" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ἀκούω""hear" [FollowTheLeader]
        •  "ἀκούω""hear" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "ἀκούω""hear" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "ἀκούω""hear" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "ἀκούω""hear" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "ἀκρασία""lack of strength" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀκρασία""lack of strength, lack of self-control, self-indulgence" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ἀκράτεια""lack of control" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀκριβῶς""accurately, precisely" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "ἀκριβῶς""accurately, precisely" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "ἀκριβῶς""accurately, precisely" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "ἀκροβάτης""acrobat" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "ἀκροβυστία""foreskin, uncircumcision" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "ἄκρος""point, top" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "ἄκρος""point, top" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [WordPrattle]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαζονεία""pretense to superior knowledge or skill" [MovingMountains]
        •  "ἀλαζών""charlatan, impostor, deceiver" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ἀλαλάζω ""war-cry, shout aloud" [MovingMountains]
        •  "ἅλας""salt, brine, sea" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἅλας""salt" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἅλας""salt" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "αλας, αλος""salt" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [BibleJesusBornWhy]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ἄλευρον ""ground grain" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "αλέω""grind, bruise, mill" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth, not a lie" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth, not a lie" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth, not a lie" [BibleLies]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth, not a lie" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [Aristotle]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth, not a lie" [TruthGreek]
        •  "αλήθεια""truth" [TruthGreek]
        •  "αλήθεια""truth" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ἀλήθεια""truth" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "αλήθεια""truth" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ἀλλάσσω""change, altar, exchange, take a new position, have dealings with" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ἀλλαχῃ""in another place" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "αλληγορέω""be expressed allegorically" [GalationsTables]
        •  "ἀλληγορία""allegory" [GalationsTables]
        •  "ἀλληγορία""allegory" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "αλλο""other another" [GalationsTables]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "ἄλλος""other" [GalationsTables]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "ἄλλος""other" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "ἄλλος""other - similar" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "ἀλλότριος""belonging to another, stranger" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἀλλότριος""belonging to another, stranger" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἀλλότριος""belonging to another, stranger" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἀλλᾰ́ττω""change, alter, exchange, take a new position, have dealings with" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ἁλός""salt, brine, sea" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἁλουργής""sea-purple" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "ἅλς""sea" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "ἅλς""salt, brine, sea" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἅλς""salt, brine, sea" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἀλυπότερος""less sorrowful" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "ἅλυσις""chain, link in chain mail" [ChurchFatherIgnatius]
        •  "ἅλυσις""chain, link in chain mail" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "ἅλυσις""chain, link in chain mail" [James3]
        •  "ἅλυσις""chain, link in chain mail" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "αλων""salt" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "αλων""threshing floor" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "αλωνα""threshing floor" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἀλωπεκῆ""fox" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "ἀλωπεκίς""hybrid of fox and dog" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "ἀλώπηξ""fox" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "ἅλως""threshing floor" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "ἅλως""threshing floor" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "ἅλως""threshing floor" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἅλως""threshing floor" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἅλως""threshing floor" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἅλως""threshing floor" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ἁμαρτία""error, mistake, fault, sin" [GoodPeople]
        •  "ἁμαρτία""error, mistake, fault, sin" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "ἁμαρτία""error, mistake, fault, sin" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἁμαρτία""error, mistake, fault, sin" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "ἁμαρτία""error, mistake, fault, sin" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "ἄμεμπτος""spotless, unblemished" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ἄμεμπτος""spotless, unblemished" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "αμήν""amen" [BibleWordAmen]
        •  "ἀμήν""amen" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "ἀμήν""amen" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "ἀμφι""two ways, sides, places" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "ἀμφιβάλλω""throw around" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "ἀμφινέμομαι""dwell around" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "ἀν""not" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "αν""if" [BibleAnything]
        •  "ἀν""not" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "αν""if, when" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "ἀνα""up, upwards" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ανά""up" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "ανα""re-" [Acts17v10to14]
        •  "ανα""re-" [BibleScripturesSearch]
        •  "ἀνα""up, upwards" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "αναβλέπω""looking up, looking ahead" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "αναβλέπω""looking up, looking ahead" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "αναβλέπω""looking up, looking ahead" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "αναβλέπω""looking up, looking ahead" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "ἀναιδής""shameless, ruthless" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἀναιδής""shameless, ruthless" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "ἀναιδής""shameless, ruthless" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "ἀναιρέω""take up, carry away, abolish, cancel" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "ανακαιον""prison" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ανακαιον""prison" [PaulEpaphroditus]
        •  "ανακαιον""prison" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "ανακρινω""discern" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "ανακρινω""discern" [Acts17v10to14]
        •  "ανακρινω""discern" [BibleScripturesSearch]
        •  "ανακρινω""discern" [BibleScripturesSearch]
        •  "Αναλυτικών προτέρων""Prior Analytics" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ἀναλύω""cause to wander, unloose, undo, resolve" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "ἀναλύω""cause to wander, unloose, undo resolve" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "ἀνάπειρα""testing, trial" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "ἀνάπηρος""crippled" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "ἀναπολόγητος""without excuse or defense" [NoExcuseReasons]
        •  "ἀνάστασις""standing up, making someone move, resurrection" [CorruptionAndDecay]
        •  "ἀνέμητος""not divided, unpropertied" [James1]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind, breeze, gale" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind, breeze, gale" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind, breeze, gale" [WordCrafty]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind, breeze, gale" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind, breeze, gale" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "ἄνεμος""wind" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "ἀνέχω""bear" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἀνήμερος""savage, not tame" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀνήρ""man" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "ἀνήρ""man, husband" [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  "ἀνήρ""man, husband" [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  "ἀνήρ""man, husband" [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  "ανθ""because" [BiblePrefixAnti]
        •  "ἀνθίστημι""stand against" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀνθίστημι""stand against" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀνθίστημι""stand against" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀνθίστημι""stand against" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀνθίστημι""stand against" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀνθίστημι""stand against, oppose" [James4]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἄνθος""flower, blossom" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [BibleThorns]
        •  "ἄνθος""blossom, bloom" [BibleThorns]
        •  "ἄνθος""flower" [BibleThorns]
        •  "ἀνθρακιά""pile of charcoal, charcoal fire" [AnthraxColorCoal]
        •  "ἀνθρακιά""pile of charcoal, charcoal fire" [AnthraxColorCoal]
        •  "ἀνθρακιά""pile of charcoal, charcoal fire" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ἀνθρακιά""pile of charcoal, charcoal fire" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "ἄνθραξ""charcoal, deep red precious stone, abscess, carbuncle" [AnthraxColorCoal]
        •  "ἄνθραξ""charcoal, deep red precious stone, abscess, carbuncle" [AnthraxColorCoal]
        •  "ἄνθρωπος""person, humanity, man" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἄνθρωπος""person, humanity, man" [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  "ἄνθρωπος""person, humanity, man" [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  "ἄνθρωπος""person, humanity, man" [HamKen]
        •  "ἀνόητος""foolish, stupid, idiot" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "ἀνόητος""foolish, stupid, idiot" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "ἀνόητος""foolish, stupid, idiot" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "ἀνόητος""foolish, stupid, idiot" [BibleEyewintessTestimony]
        •  "ἀνόητος""foolish, stupid, idiot" [BibleTruthHistory]
        •  "ἀνόητος""foolish, stupid, idiot" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἀνοίγω""open" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἄνομος""lawless, impious, unmusical" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "ἄνομος""without law" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἄνομος""without law" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "ἄνομος""without law" [WordCrafty]
        •  "ἄνομος""without law" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "ἄνομος""without law" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "ἀνόσιος""without regard for anyone or anything" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀνοχή""hold back, cease" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἀνοχή""hold back, cease" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἀντί""in place of" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "αντι""in place of" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "αντι""in place of" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "αντι""in place of" [Cloaks]
        •  "ἀντί""in place of" [EyeForEye]
        •  "αντι""in place of" [EyeForEye]
        •  "ἀντί""in place of" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ἀντί""in place of" [BibleAntiChrist]
        •  "ἀντί""in place of" [BiblePrefixAnti]
        •  "ἀντιδίδωμι""give in return" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "ἀντίδικος""legal opponent" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἀντίδικος""legal opponent" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἀντίδικος""legal opponent" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἀντίδοτος""given in place of" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "ἀντίκειμαι""opposite" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀντίκειμαι""opposite" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀντίκειμαι""opposite" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "ἀντίκειμαι""opposite" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "ἀντίκειμαι""opposite" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "ἀντιλεγόμενα ""in place of saying" [James1]
        •  "ἀντιλέγω""contradict, reply in response, argue against" [EpistleBarnabas]
        •  "ἀντιλέγω""contradict, reply in response, argue against" [James1]
        •  "ἀντιλέγω""contradict, reply in response, argue against" [James1]
        •  "ἀντίστημι""stand against" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "αντιστηναι""resist, stand in place" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀντῐ""in place of" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀντῐ""in place of" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἀντῐ""in place of" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀντῐ""in place of" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "ἄνω""upwards, above" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἄνω""upwards, above" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἄνω""upwards, above" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἄνω""upwards, above" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἀνώγεον""upper room" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "ἀνώγεον""upper room" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "ἄνωθεν""from above, from the beginning" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἄνωθεν""from above" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἄνωθεν""from above, from the beginning" [LxxGntSearchAbove]
        •  "ἄξει""go" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἄξει""go" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἄξιος""worthy" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ἄξιος""worthy" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἄξιος""worthy" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "ἄξιος""worthy" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "ἄξιος""worthy" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "ἀόρᾱτος""not visible" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἀόρᾱτος""not visible" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "απ αρχής""from the beginning" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "απαρχή""from the beginning, origin" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "απαρχή""from the beginning, origin" [BibleFruit]
        •  "απαρχή""from the beginning, origin" [BibleFruitsFirst]
        •  "απαρχής""first fruits" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀπάτη""deceit, fraud" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀπάτη""deceit, fraud" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀπάτη""deceit, fraud" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "ἀπάτη""deceit, fraud" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "ἀπάτη""deceit, fraud" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "απειθής""disobedient" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἄπειρος""infinite" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "ἀπέχω""keep away from" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἀπέωσα""push away, drive away, dislodge" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "ἁπλόος""simple, one-fold, honest, candid, simple-minded" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ἁπλοῦς""single (of a leader)" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ἁπλοῦς""single (of a leader)" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ἁπλοῦς""single (of a leader)" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ἁπλούσιος""not rich" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ἁπλοῦτος""not rich, not of Hades" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "απο""from" [Cloaks]
        •  "απο""from" [Loans]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀπό""from" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἄπο""away from" [PaulRapture]
        •  "απο""away from" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "απο""from" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "απο""from" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "απο""from" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἀπό""away from" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἀπό""from" [BibleFruit]
        •  "ἀπό""from" [BibleWordApostle]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "ἀπό""from, away from" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "απο""from" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἀπο""away from" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "απο""from" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἀπό""from" [BibleFruitsFirst]
        •  "απογραφη1""census" [BibleWordCensus]
        •  "απογραφη1""census" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "ἀποκάλυψις""disclose, reveal" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀποκάλυψις""disclose, reveal" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀποκάλυψις""disclose, reveal" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "ἀποκάλυψις""disclose, reveal" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἀποκάλυψις""disclose, reveal" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "ἀποκρίνομαι""answer" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἀποκρίνω""answer a question" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "ἀποκρίνω""answer a question" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἀποκρίνω""answer a question" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "ἀποκρίνω""separate, distinguish" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ἀποκρίνω""separate, distinguish" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἀπολαύω""enjoy" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ἀπόλλυμι""destroy, perish" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀπόλλυμι""destroy, perish" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀπόλλυμι""destroy, perish" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "ἀπόλλυμι""destroy, perish" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "ἀπολογία""speech made in defense" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἀπορέω""be at a loss, be in need of" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἀπορία""impassable, difficult" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "ἀπορία""impassable, difficult" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἀπορία""impassable, difficult" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἀπορία""impassable, difficult" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἀπορία""impassable, difficult" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἄπορος""without passage, difficult" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἀποσκιάζομαι""be cast" [James1]
        •  "ἀποσκιασμός""casting a shadow" [James1]
        •  "ἀποστασία""defection, revolt" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀπόστολος""one who is sent" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "απουσία""absence" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "απουσία""absence" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "απουσία""absence" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "απουσία""absence" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "ἀπρόκοποι""without work" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἀπροσκοποί""without offenses" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἀπροσκοποί""without offenses" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἅπτω""touch, fasten to, kindle, set on fire" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "ἅπτω""touch, fasten to, kindle, set on fire" [BibleGardenTouch]
        •  "απώλεια""loss" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "απώλεια""loss" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "απώλεια""loss" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "απώλεια""loss" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "ἀργέω""idle, doing nothing" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "αργος""not working, idle" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "αργος""not working, idle" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "αργος""not working, idle" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "αργός""white, light" [PhilosophyCinics]
        •  "αργος""not working, idle" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ἀργός""not working" [TruthGreek]
        •  "αργός""white, light" [Philippians3a]
        •  "αργος""not working, idle" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ἀργός""not working" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ἀργός""not working" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ἄργυρος""silver" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "ἄργυρος""silver" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἄργυρος""silver" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἄργυρος""silver" [GoldenCross]
        •  "ἄργῠρος""silver" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἀριθμός""amount, number" [YesAndNo]
        •  "άριον""diminutive suffix" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ἀριστερός""left, ominous, clumsy" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἀριστερός""left, ominous, clumsy" [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  "ἀρκέω""defend, suffice, have enough" [SectsGreek]
        •  "ἀρκέω""suffice, be enough" [BibleWordArk]
        •  "ἀρκέω""suffice, be enough" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "ἀρκέω""defend, suffice, have enough" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "ἄρκτος""bear" [Bears]
        •  "Ἄρκτος""big dipper" [Bears]
        •  "ἅρμα""chariot" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "ἁρμός""join" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "ἀρξάμενος""begun rule" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BiblePassover]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [FriendshipEvangelism]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [FriendshipEvangelism]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [TenCommandments]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch, carry away, seize" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off" [SongBlessedAssurance]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [BiblePassover]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [FriendshipEvangelism]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [TenCommandments]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ἅρπη""bird of prey" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "ἄρτι""just" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἄρτιος""complete" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἄρτιος""complete" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀρχή""beginning" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀρχή""beginning" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ἀρχή""beginning, origin, sovereignty, authority" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "ἀρχή""beginning" [BibleFruit]
        •  "ἀρχή""beginning" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἀρχή""beginning" [BibleFruitsFirst]
        •  "αρχι""main" [BibleGulagArchipelago]
        •  "ἄρχω""begin, rule, lead" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἀσέλγεια""lewd, sensual" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "ἀσκέω""to work, exercise" [PhilosophyCinics]
        •  "ἀσκέω""to work, exercise" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "ἀσκέω""to work, exercise" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἀσκέω""to work, exercise" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ἀσκός""skin, bag from hide, wineskin" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἀσκός""skin, bag from hide, wineskin" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἀσπάζομαι""welcome, greet" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "ἄσπανδος""without drink offerings, not formalized" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἀσσάριον""Roman coin made of bronze" [Numismatics]
        •  "ἀσσάριον""Roman coin made of bronze" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "ᾄσσω""move quickly, dart, flutter" [Numismatics]
        •  "ᾄσσω""move quickly, dart, flutter" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "ἀσφαλής""immovable, unfailing, safe" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "ἀσφαλής""immovable, unfailing, safe" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "ἀσφαλής""immovable, unfailing, safe" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "ἀσφαλής""immovable, unfailing, safe" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ἀσφάραγος""asparagus" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "ἀσφάραγος""asparagus" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "ἄσχημος""ugly, bad, nasty" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "ἀτμὶς""vapour" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ἄτομος""uncut, indivisible, individual" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "ατομος""indivisible" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "ἄτομος""uncut, indivisible, individual" [RealityAndAtomicTheory]
        •  "ατομος""indivisible" [RealityAndAtomicTheory]
        •  "Ἄτροπος""without turn" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "ἀτροφία""wasting away" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "αὐθέντης""perpetrator" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "αὐθεντικός""authentic, authoritative" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "αὐθεντικός""authentic, authoritative" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "αὐθεντικός""authentic, authoritative" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "αὐλέω""play the pipe, flute" [PipeDream]
        •  "αὐλέω""play the pipe, flute" [PipeDream]
        •  "αὐλή""courtyard" [PipeDream]
        •  "αὐλός""pipe, flute" [PipeDream]
        •  "αὐλός""pipe, flute" [PipeDream]
        •  "αὐτάρκεια""self-sufficient" [SectsGreek]
        •  "αὐτάρκεια""self-sufficient" [SectsGreek]
        •  "αὐτάρκεια""self-sufficient" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αὐτάρκεια""self-sufficient" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αὐτο""self" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "αὐτο""self" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "αὐτο""self" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "αὐτο""self" [ChickenOrEgg]
        •  "αὐτο""self" [ChickenOrEgg]
        •  "αὐτο""self" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αὐτο""self" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αὐτοῖς""to them" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "αὐτοῖς""to them" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [ChickenOrEgg]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [ChickenOrEgg]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αὐτόματος""self-willed, self-moving" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αὐτός""self, same" [SectsGreek]
        •  "αὐτός""it, self, same" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "αὐτός""it, self, same" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "αὐτός""self, same" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αυτού""him, it" [Miles]
        •  "ἀφανής""not visible" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἀφανής""not visible" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "αφανιζω""conceal, disappear" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "ἀφεδρών""latrine, toilet" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "ἀφεδρών""toilet" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "ἀφεδρών""toilet" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "ἀφεδρών""toilet" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "ἀφεδρών""toilet" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἀφεδρών""toilet" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send forth, send away" [Cloaks]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send away, let pass" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send away, let pass" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send forth, send away" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send forth, send away" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send away, let pass" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send forth, send away" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send forth, send away, allow, permit" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send away, let pass" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send away, let pass" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send forth, send away" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send forth, send away" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἀφίημι""send away, let pass" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἀφίστημι""stand off, stand away, depart" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἀφορίζω""mark off a boundary, distinguish, separate" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἀφορίζω""mark off a boundary, distinguish, separate" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἀχάριστος""unthankful" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἄχθος""burden, load, grief, sorrow" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "ἀψευδής""without falsehood, truthful" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "βαίνω""walk, step" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "βαίνω""walk" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "βαίνω""walk" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "βαίνω""walk" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "βαίνω""come" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "βαίνω""walk, step" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "βαίνω""walk, step" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "βάλλω""throw" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "βάλλω""throw, cast, hurl" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "βάλλω""cast, throw, hurl" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "βάλλω""throw, cast" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "βάλλω""cast, throw, hurl" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "βάλλω""cast, throw, hurl" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "βάλλω""throw, cast, hurl" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "βαρύς""heavy, weighty, deep" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "βασίλεια""kingdom" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "βασίλεια""kingdom" [TailMindSky]
        •  "βασίλεια""kingdom" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "βασίλεια""kingdom" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "βασίλεια των Θεού""kingdom of God" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "βασίλεια των ουρανών""kingdom of heaven" [BibleBirds]
        •  "βασίλεια των ουρανών""kingdom of heaven/air" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "βασίλεια των ουρανών""kingdom of heaven" [TailMindSky]
        •  "βασίλεια των ουρανών""kingdom of heaven" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "βασίλεια των ουρανών""kingdom of heaven" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "βδελυρός""disgusting, loathsome, repulsive" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "βδελυρός""disgusting, loathsome, repulsive" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "βέβηλος""permitted, allowed, not holy, uninitiated" [2Timothy2]
        •  "βελόνη""needle" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "βέλος""arrow" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "βελτις""Bel" [BibleIdolBel]
        •  "βῆμα""step, pace, raised place or tribune" [BibleBemaSeat]
        •  "βιάζομαι""use force, inflict on, constrain" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "βιβλίον""scroll, book" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "βιβλίον""scroll, book" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "βίβλος""book" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "βίβλος""book" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "βλέμμα""expression, look, glance" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "βλέπω""see" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "βλέπω""see" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "βλέπω""see" [Philippians3a]
        •  "βλήθεν""cast" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "βλῆμα""throw of dice, thrown missile, coverlet" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "Βοανεργές""Boanerges" [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  "βοή""shout, cry" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "βοή""shout, cry" [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  "βοή""shout, cry" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "βοήθεια""aid, help" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "βοήθεια""aid, help" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "βολή""stroke from an arrow or missile" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "βου""ox, cow" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "βουκόλος""cow herder" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "βουνός""hill. heap, mound, altar" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "βουνός""hill. heap, mound, altar" [BibleWordValley]
        •  "βοῦς""cow" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "βοῦς""cow" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "βοῦς""cow" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "βοῦς""cow" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "βοῦς""cow" [BibleWordCowPaths]
        •  "βοώτης""herdsman" [Bears]
        •  "βοώτης""herdsman" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "βραδύνω""make slow, delay" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "βραδύνω""make slow, delay" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "βραδύνω""make slow, delay" [James1]
        •  "βραδύς""slow" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "βραδύς""slow" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "βραδύς""slow, dull-witted, dull, late" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "βραδύς""slow" [James1]
        •  "βραδύς""slow, dull-witted, dull, late" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "βραδύς""slow, dull-witted, dull, late" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "βραδύς""slow, dull-witted, dull, late" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "βράχυς""shallow waters" [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  "βρέμω""roar, clash, shout" [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  "βρέφος""unborn baby, baby, infant" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "βρέφος""unborn baby, baby, infant" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "βρέφος""unborn baby, baby, infant" [BibleBaby]
        •  "βρέφος""unborn baby, baby, infant" [XmasMagiChildHouse]
        •  "βρέφος""unborn baby, baby, infant" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "βροντή""thunder" [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  "βρυγμος""gnash" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "βρυγμος""gnash" [EyeForEye]
        •  "βρυγμος""gnash" [GhashingTeeth]
        •  "βρῶσις""eating, food" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "βύβλινος""made of papyrus" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "βύβλινος""made of papyrus" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "βυθός""depth, depth of the sea" [Tartarus]
        •  "βυθός""depth, depth of the sea" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "βυθός""depth, depth of the sea" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "βύσσος""flax, linen, cotton, silk" [Tartarus]
        •  "βύσσος""flax, linen, cotton, silk" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "βύσσος""flax, linen, cotton, silk" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "βύσσος""flax, linen, cotton, silk" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "βωμός""raised platform, altar" [BibleBemaSeat]
        •  "βωμός""raised platform, pedestal, altar" [BibleBemaSeat]
        •  "βῠ́βλος""papyrus, book" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "βῠ́βλος""papyrus, book" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "γάγγραινα""gangrene" [2Timothy2]
        •  "γάμος""wedding" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "γαρ""for" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "γαστήρ""belly, womb" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "γαστήρ""belly, womb" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "γαστήρ""stomach, belly, womb" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "γαστήρ""stomach, belly, womb" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "γέλως""laugh" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "γέλως""laugh" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "γέλως""laugh" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "γέλως""laugh" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "γέλως""laugh" [SongTurnTurnTurn]
        •  "γέλως""laugh" [PaulEpaphroditus]
        •  "γένεσις""origin, source, manner of birth, creation" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "γένηται""come into being, take place" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "γέννησις""producing, beginning, birth" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "γέννησις""producing, beginning, birth" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "γέννησις""producing, beginning, birth" [XmasNativity]
        •  "γέννησις""producing, beginning, birth" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "γένος""race, stock, kin" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "γεωμετρία""geometry" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "γεωμετρία""geometry" [FundamentalConstants]
        •  "γεωμετρία""geometry" [CodesGematria]
        •  "γεωργός""tilling the ground, fertilizing, farmer" [2Timothy2]
        •  "γη""earth" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "γη""earth" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, become" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "γίγνομαι""come into being, take place" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "γινώσκω""know, understand" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "γλυκύς""sweet" [BibleWordSweet]
        •  "γνώριμος""well-known, familiar" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "γνωριμος""well-known, familiar" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "γνωριμος""well-known, familiar" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "γνωσιν""knowledge" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "γνῶσιν""inquiry, knowledge, fame" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "γνῶσις""inquiry, knowledge, fame" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "γνωσις""knowledge" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "γνῶσις""inquiry, knowledge" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "γνῶσις""inquiry, knowledge" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "γνῶσις""inquiry, knowledge" [Philippians3a]
        •  "γονεύς""parent, ancestor" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "γόνυ""knee" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "γόνυ""knee" [WordAngle]
        •  "γραμματεύς""scribe, secretary" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "γραμματεύς""scribe, secretary" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "γράφειν""scratch, etch, write" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "γράφειν""scratch, etch, write" [LanguagesOnTheCross]
        •  "γράφω""write, depict" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "γράφω""write, depict" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "γράω""to devour" [2Timothy2]
        •  "γρηγόριος""watchful, vigilant" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "Γρηγόριος""watchful, vigilant" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "γρῖφος""fishing basket" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "γυῖον""hand" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "γυῖον""hand" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "γυμνασίαν""physical training, mental training" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "γυναίκα""woman, wife" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "γυναικαρία""women's time/season" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "γυνή""woman" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "γωνία""corner, angle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "γωνία""corner, angle" [WordAngle]
        •  "δαίμων""demon" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "δάκτυλος""finger, toe" [BibleBirds]
        •  "δαμάζω""tame, subdue, control, seduce, rape, kill" [James3]
        •  "δαμάζω""tame, subdue, control, seduce, rape, kill" [James3]
        •  "δαμάζω""tame, subdue, control, seduce, rape, kill" [James3]
        •  "δαμάζω""tame, subdue, control, seduce, rape, kill" [James3]
        •  "δαμάζω""tame, subdue, control, seduce, rape, kill" [James3]
        •  "δαμάζω""tame, subdue, control, seduce, rape, kill" [James3]
        •  "δάνειον""(finance) loan" [Loans]
        •  "δάνειον""(finance) loan" [Loans]
        •  "δάνειον""(finance) loan" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "δάνος""gift, present" [Loans]
        •  "δάνος""gift, present" [Loans]
        •  "δάνος""gift, present" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "δε""but (not)" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "δε""but (not)" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "δε""but" [Miles]
        •  "δε""however, which" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "δεκάλογος""ten words" [TenCommandments]
        •  "δελφύς""womb" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "δεξιά""right (hand side)" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "δεξιά""right (hand side)" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "δεξιά""right (hand side)" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "δεξιά""right (hand side)" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "δεσμός""bond, fetter" [ChurchFatherIgnatius]
        •  "δεσμός""bond, fetter" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "δέχομαι""accept, receive" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "δέχομαι""take, accept" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "δέω""bind, lack" [Miles]
        •  "δέω""bind" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δέω""bind" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δέω""bind, fasten" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "δέω""bind" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "δέω""bind" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "δέω""bind, tie, fasten, hinder" [BindLooseEarthHeaven]
        •  "δηλέομαι ""I hurt" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "δηλέομαι ""I hurt" [BookApostolicFathers]
        •  "δηλητήριος""harmful, damaging" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "δηλητήριος""harmful, damaging" [BookApostolicFathers]
        •  "δηλητηριώδης""harmful, poisonous, noxious" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "δῆλος""clear, obvious" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "δῆλος""clear, obvious" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "δημοκρατία""people government" [WordHoldingBack]
        •  "δημοκρατία""people government" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "δημοκρατία""people government" [BibleWordDemocracy]
        •  "δημοκρατία""people government" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "δῆμος""common people" [WordHoldingBack]
        •  "δῆμος""common people" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "δῆμος""common people" [BibleWordDemocracy]
        •  "δῆμος""common people" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "δηνάριον""denarius" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "δηνάριον""denarius" [Numismatics]
        •  "δήση""bind" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δήση""bind" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δήση""bind" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "δήση""bind" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "δια""through, between" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "διά""through" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "διά""through" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "δια""through" [Quakers]
        •  "διά""through" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "διά""through" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "διά""through" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "δια""through" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "δία""through" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "δια""through" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "δια""through" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "δια""through" [BiblePrefixDia]
        •  "δια""through" [BiblePrefixDia]
        •  "διάβολος""accuser" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "διάβολος""accuser" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "διαζώσεν""girded" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "διαζώσεν""girded" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "διαζώσεν""girded" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "διάκονος""servant" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "διακόπτω""interrupt" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [Aristotle]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [James1]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [James1]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [James1]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [James1]
        •  "διάκρινω""separate, distinguish, discern" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "διαλασσω""interchange, exchange" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "διαλασσω""interchange, exchange" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "διαλέγω""choose, gather, select" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "διάλεκτος""conversation, dialect" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "διάλεκτος""conversation, dialect" [BiblePrefixDia]
        •  "διαλλαγή""exchange, settlement, peace terms" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "διαμερίζω""divided into parts" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "διαμερίζω""divided into parts" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "διασπείρω""scatter, spread around" [James1]
        •  "διασπείρω""scatter, spread around" [James1]
        •  "διασπείρω""scatter, spread around" [James1]
        •  "διασώσεν""saved" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "διασώσεν""saved" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "διασώσεν""saved" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "διαφέρω""carried through" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "διαφέρω""carry across, differ" [GalationsTables]
        •  "διδάσκαλος""teacher, master" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "διδάσκαλος""teacher, master" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "διδάσκαλος""teacher, master" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "διδάσκω""teach, instruct, train" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "διδάσκω""teach, instruct, train" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "διδαχή""teaching" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "διδαχή""teaching" [BibleDidache]
        •  "δίδυμος""double, twofold, twin" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [Philippians3b]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [Aristotle]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [Philippians4c]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη""righteousness, justice" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "Διογένης Λαέρτιος,""Diogenes Laertius" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "Διογένης ὁ Κυνικός""Diogenes the Cynic" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "Διογένης ὁ Κυνικός""Diogenes the Cynic" [PhilosophyCinics]
        •  "Διογένης ὁ Κυνικός""Diogenes the Cynic" [Philippians3a]
        •  "διοίκησισ""internal administration" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "διορύσσω""dig a canal/tunnel" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "διορύσσω""dig a canal/tunnel" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "διορύττω""dig a canal/tunnel" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "δίπλωμα""double-folded document" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "διυλίζω""sort out" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "διυλίζω""sort out" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "διυλίζω""sort out" [Quakers]
        •  "διυλίζω""sort out" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "διυλίζω""sort out" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "διυλίζω""sort out" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "διυλίζω""sort out" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [Philippians3e]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [Philippians3e]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [PersecutedForRighteousness2]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "διώκω""pursue" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "δόγμα""opinion, belief" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "δοκεῖν""they expect, think, suppose" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δοκεῖν""they expect, think, suppose" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δοκεῖν""they expect, think, suppose" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "δοκέω""think, expect" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "δοκέω""seem, appear" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "δοκέω""expect, think, suppose" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δοκέω""expect, think, suppose" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δοκέω""expect, think, suppose" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "δοκέω""expect, think, suppose" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "δοκέω""expect, think, suppose" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "δοκιμάζω""try out, test, taste, attempt" [James1]
        •  "δοκόν""beam" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δοκόν""beam" [Philippians3b]
        •  "δοκον""beam" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δοκόν""beam" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δοκόν""beam" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "δοκόν""beam" [Philippians4c]
        •  "δοκον""beam" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δοκον""beam" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δοκον""beam" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "δόκος""beam" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δόκος""beam" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δόκος""beam" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δόκος""beam" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [Philippians3b]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [Philippians3b]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [Aristotle]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [Philippians4c]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [Philippians4c]
        •  "δοκοῦν""opinion, expectation" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "δοκώ""delusion, illusion" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δόλος""wile, bait" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "δόμα""gift, present, payment" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "δόμα""gift" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "δόμα""gift, present, payment" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "δόμα""gift" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "δομή""structure" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "δόμος""house" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "δόμος""house" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [PlausibleDeniability]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [GoodPeople]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "δόξα""expectation, opinion" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [BibleJesusBornWhy]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Philippians3b]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Philippians3b]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Philippians3b]
        •  "δόξα""expectation, opinion" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δόξα""expectation, opinion" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δόξα""expectation, opinion" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Aristotle]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "δόξα""expectation, opinion" [SantaClaus]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Philippians4c]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Philippians4c]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [SelfReferenceParadoxes]
        •  "δόξα""expectation, opinion" [SongGloriaPatria]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Photos20240414]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [BibleCrossAt]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "δόξα""opinion, expectation" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "δόξα""expectation, opinion" [Philippians2aReview]
        •  "δοξολόγος""telling the opinion of" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δοξολόγος""telling the opinion of" [SongDoxology]
        •  "δόσις""gift, dose of medicine" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "δοῦλος""servant, slave" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "δοχή""receptacle" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "δοχή""receptacle" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "δράκων""dragon, serpent" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "δράκων""dragon, serpent" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "δρομάς κάμηλος""running camel" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "δρόμος""race course" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "δρόμος""run" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "δρόμος""race course" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "δρόμος""race course" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "δρόμος""run" [Philippians3e]
        •  "δρόμος""run" [Philpiians2Rejoicing]
        •  "δύναμις""power, might, strength, potentiality" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "δύναμις""power, might, strength, potentiality" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "δύναμις""power, might, strength, potentiality" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "δύναμις""power, might, strength, potentiality" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "δύναμις""power, might, strength, potentiality" [Aristotle]
        •  "δύναμις""power, might, strength, potentiality" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "δύναμις""power, might, strength, potentiality" [Philippians4d]
        •  "δυνατός""strong, mighty, possible, practical" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "δυνατός""strong, mighty, possible, practical" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "δυνατός""strong, mighty, possible, practical" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "δύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [2Timothy2]
        •  "δύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [2Timothy2]
        •  "δύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [2Timothy2]
        •  "δύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [2Timothy2]
        •  "δύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "δύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "δύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "δύο""two" [Miles]
        •  "δύο""two" [Miles]
        •  "δύο""two" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "δυσ""bad, hard, unfortunate" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "δυσ""bad, hard, unfortunate" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "δυσ""bad, hard, unfortunate" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "δυσεντερία""dysentery" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "δύσις""setting of sun, west, hiding place" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δύσις""setting of sun, west, hiding place" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δύσις""setting of sun, west, hiding place" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "δύσις""setting of sun, west, hiding place" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "δύσις""setting of sun, west" [BindLooseEarthHeaven]
        •  "δύσκολος""annoyed, grumpy, bad-tempered" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "δύσκολος""annoyed, grumpy, bad-tempered" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "δύσκολος""annoyed, grumpy, bad-tempered" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "δύσκολος""annoyed, grumpy, bad-tempered" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "δύσκολος""annoyed, grumpy, bad-tempered" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "δύσκολος""annoyed, grumpy, bad-tempered" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "δύσκολος""annoyed, grumpy, bad-tempered" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "δύω""cause to sink, plunge" [Miles]
        •  "δύω""cause to sink, plunge" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δύω""cause to sink, plunge" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δύω""cause to sink, plunge" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "δύω""cause to sink, plunge" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "δῶμα""house" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "δῶμα""house" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "δῶμα""house" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "δωρεά""gift" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "δωρεά""gift" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "δωρεά""gift" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "δωρεά""gift" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "δωρεά""gift" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "Δωροθέα""Dorothy" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "Δωροθέα""Dorothy" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "εαν""if, when" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "εαν""if" [BibleAnything]
        •  "ἑβδομάς""group of seven, week, seven years" [NumberSeven]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [JesusTriumphalEntry]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ἐγγύς""near" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ἐγείρω""awaken, raise up, erect a building" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "ἐγείρω""awaken, raise up, erect a building" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐγείρω""awaken, raise up, erect a building" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "ἐγείρω""awaken, raise up, erect a building" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "ἐγείρω""awaken, raise up, erect a building" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "ἐγείρω""awaken" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἐγκράτεια""mastery over, self-control" [WordHoldingBack]
        •  "ἐγκρατής""possession of, power over" [WordHoldingBack]
        •  "ἐγκρύπτω""hide, cover" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἐγκρυφιάζω""act secretly towards, hoodwink someone" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἐγρήγορος""wake, keep watch" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἕδρα""seat" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ἕδρα""seat" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "ἕδρα""seat" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "ἕδρα""seat" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "ἕδρα""seat" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "ἕδρα""seat" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἐθνικός""national" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "ἔθνος""group of people" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἔθνος""group of people" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἔθνος""group of people" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἔθνος""group of people" [HamKen]
        •  "ἔθνος""tribe, family, nation" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "ἔθος""habit, custom, manner" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ἔθος""habit, custom, manner" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ἔθος""habit, custom, manner" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "εί""if, whether" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "εἶδος""form, shape" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "εἶδος""form, shape" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "εἰδύλλιον""idyll" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "εἰκαῖος""aimless, reckless" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "εἰκαιότης""capricious, unprincipled" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "εἰκῇ""without cause, without planning, without purpose" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εἰκῇ""without cause, without planning, without purpose" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εἰκῇ""without cause, without planning, without purpose" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εἰκῇ""without cause, without planning, without purpose" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εἰκῇ""without cause, without planning, without purpose" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εἴκω" (ee-ko) ≈ "yield, turn" [LetterDigamma]
        •  "εἴκω" (ee-ko) ≈ "yield, turn" [NumberSeven]
        •  "εἰκών""picture, image" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "ειλικρινής""sincere" [Philippians1A]
        •  "εἰμί""to be, happen" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "εἷμᾰ""garment" [Cloaks]
        •  "εἶπον""say, speak" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "εἰρήνη""peace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "εἴρων""one who feigns ignorance" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "εἰρωνεία""feigned ignorance" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "εἰρωνεία""feigned ignorance" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "εις""into" [PaulRapture]
        •  "εις""into" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "εις""into" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "εις""into" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "εἰς""into" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "εἷς""one" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "εἷς""one" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "εις""into, to" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "εκ""out" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "εκ""out, out of" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἐκ""out" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "ἐκ""out of" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "εκ""out of" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "εκ""out of" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "εκ""out of" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "εκ""out of" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "εκ""out of" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "εκ""out of" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "εκ""out of" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "εκ""out, out of" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "εκ τουτων""out/of of these" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "εκβαλλω""cast out" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "εκβαλλω""cast out" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "εκβαλλω""cast out" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "ἐκβάλλω""throw or cast out" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "εκδίκηση""revenge, vengeance" [PaulRapture]
        •  "εκδίκηση""revenge, vengeance" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "εκεί""there" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ἐκεῖνος""that" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἐκείνων""that" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "εκκακείν""out and there" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἐκκλησία""assembly, called-out, church" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἐκκλησία""assembly, called-out, church" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ἐκκλησία""assembly, called-out, church" [PaulOpeningLines]
        •  "ἐκκλησία""assembly, called-out, church" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "ἐκκλησία""called-out ones" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "ἐκκλησία""church" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἐκκλησία""called-out ones, church" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "ἐκκλησιαστικός""of the church" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "ἐκλείπὼ""leave out, pass over" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "ἐκλείπὼ""leave out, pass over" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "ἔκλειψις""disappearance, abandonment, eclipse" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "ἔκλειψις""disappearance, abandonment, eclipse" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "ἐκλεκτός""picked out, selected" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἐκλεκτός""picked out, selected" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἐκλεκτός""picked out, selected" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "εκμασσω""wipe away blood" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "ἐκόψασθε""wail" [PipeDream]
        •  "εκπιεζης""squeeze out" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "εκπίπτω""fall out, be thrown out" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "ἔκστασις""displacement from proper place, amazement, trance" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "ἔκστασις""displacement from proper place, amazement, trance" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "ἐκστατικός""astonished" [TenCommandments]
        •  "ἐκστατικός""astonished" [WordEcstatic]
        •  "ἐκστατικός""astonished" [WordEcstatic]
        •  "ἐκστατικός""astonished" [CretanParadox]
        •  "ἔλεγχος""argument of disproof, reproach" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "ἔλεγχος""refute, reproach" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "ἐλέγχω""disgrace, question, test" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "ἐλέγχω""disgrace, question, test" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "ἐλέγχω""disgrace, question, test" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "ἐλεέω""have mercy" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "ἐλεημοσύνη""alms" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "ἐλελεῦ""woe, alas" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "ἐλελεῦ""woe, alas" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "ἐλελεῦ""woe, alas" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "ἔλεος""pity, mercy, compassion" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "ἐλεός""kind of owl" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "ἐλεός""kitchen table, dresser" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "ἔλεος""pity, mercy, compassion" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "ἔλεος""pity, mercy, compassion" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "ἐλεός""kind of owl" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "ἐλεός""kitchen table, dresser" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "ἔλεος""pity, mercy, compassion" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "ἔλεος""pity, mercy, compassion" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "ἐλεός""kind of owl" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "ἐλεός""kitchen table, dresser" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "ἔλεος""pity, mercy, compassion" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [BibleJesusBornWhy]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἐλεύθερος""free" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "ἐλθών""go, come" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ἕλιξ""something twisted or spiral" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ἕλιξ""something twisted or spiral" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "ἕλιξ""something twisted or spiral" [BibleChaos]
        •  "ἕλκος""wound, injury" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "ἕλκος""wound, injury" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "ἕλκω""drag" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "ἕλκω""drag, attract" [LittleLess]
        •  "ἕλκω""drag, attract" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "ελπίζω""expectation, hope" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "ελπίζω""expectation, hope" [GottMitUns]
        •  "ελπίζω""expectation, hope" [GottMitUns]
        •  "ελπίζω""expectation, hope" [XmasEmmanuel]
        •  "ελπίζω""hope, expectation" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "ελπίζω""expectation, hope" [InGodWeTrust]
        •  "ελπίζω""expectation, hope" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "ελπίζω""expectation, hope" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "ἐλύομεν""give up" [SongWenceslas]
        •  "ἐμπίς""mosquito, gnat" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ἐμπλέκω""tangle, entangle, involve" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐμπόριον""trading station, market" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "ἐμπόριον""trading station, market" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [PipeDream]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "ἔμπορος""traveler, merchant" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "ἑν""one" [Miles]
        •  "ἑν""one" [Miles]
        •  "ἐν""in" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἐν""in" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "εν""in" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εν""in" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ἐν""in" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἐν""in" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐν""in" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐν""in" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐν""in" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐν""in" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "εν""in" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "ἐν""in, on, at" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "ἐν""in" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "εν""in" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἑν""one" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "ἑν""one" [YesAndNo]
        •  "ἐν""in" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "ἐν""in" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "εν""in" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἐν ""in" [WordHoldingBack]
        •  "ἐν ""in" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "εν ὄχλος""in the crowd" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εναρξάμενοι""having begun" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἔνδον""in, within" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ἔνδον""in, within" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "ἐνδύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐνδύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐνδύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐνδύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἐνδύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἐνδύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "ἐνδύνω""get into, put on (clothes)" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "ενεργεί""actuality" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ενεργεί""actuality" [Aristotle]
        •  "ενεργεί""actuality" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "ενέργεια""actuality" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ενέργεια""in working" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ενέργεια""actuality" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ενέργεια""actuality" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ενέργεια""actuality" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "ενέργεια""actuality" [Aristotle]
        •  "ενέργεια""actuality" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "ἔνθεος""possessed by a god" [WordEcstatic]
        •  "ἔνθους""possessed by a god" [WordEcstatic]
        •  "ἐνθουσιάζω""inspired, possessed" [WordEcstatic]
        •  "ἐνθύμη""consideration, esteem, anxiety" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ἐνθύμη""consideration, esteem, anxiety" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ἐνθύμη""consideration, esteem, anxiety" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ἐνίστημι""begin, be, be upon, be present" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἐνίστημι""begin, be, be upon, be present" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἔνοχος""hold in, bound by, liable" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ἔνοχος""hold in, bound by, liable" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ἔνοχος""hold in, bound by, liable" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εντάστις""inscribe inside, place inside" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "ἐντείνω""stretch" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "ἐντελέχεια""entelechy" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ἐντελέχεια""entelechy" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ἐντέλλω""order, command" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "ἔντερον""inside" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "ἐντεῦθεν""from this place, time, source, cause" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ἐντεῦθεν""from this place, time, source, cause" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ἐντευξιν""encounter, interaction" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ἐντευξιν""encounter, interaction" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ἐντευξιν""encounter, interaction" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ἐντευξιν""encounter, interaction" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ἐντολή""order, command, mandate" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "ἐντολή""order, command, mandate" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "ἐντολή""order, command, mandate" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "έντομα""insects" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "έντομα""insects" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ἔντομα ζῷα""insect animals" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "ἔντομα ζῷα""insect animals" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "έντομον""insect" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "ἔντομος""cut into pieces" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "εντός""within, inside" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "εντός""within, inside" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "ἐντρέπω""turn, have regard for, pay heed to, show respect" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "ἐντρέπω""turn, have regard for, pay heed to, show respect" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "ἐντρέπω""turn, have regard for, pay heed to, show respect" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "εντροπή""turning away, shy, disgrace" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "ἐντροπή""turning in" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "εντροπή""turning in, turning away, cowardice, shame" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "εντροπή""turning away, shy, disgrace" [BibleEntropy]
        •  "ἐντροπή""turning in" [Entropy]
        •  "ἐντυγχάνω""meet" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ἐντυγχάνω""meet" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "ἐντύπωσις""impression" [TheoryTypes]
        •  "ἐνώπιος""face to face" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἐνώπιος""face to face" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "εξ""out of" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "εξελθής""go out, come out" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "εξελπής""out of hope, out of expectation" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "εξετάζω""examine, investigate" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "εξετιθετο""put out" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "εξετιθετο""put out" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ἔξοδος""way out, exodus" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἔξοδος""way out, exodus" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "ἐξουσία""possibility, opportunity, lack of restraint (lifestyle)" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "ἐξοχή""pre-eminence" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "έξω""outside" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "το επἄγγελμα""promise" [Miles]
        •  "το επἄγγελμα""promise" [Miles]
        •  "το επἄγγελμα""promise" [Miles]
        •  "ἐπάνω""above, higher than, more than" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἐπάνω""above, higher than, more than" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "επι""on" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "επι""on" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "επί""on" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "επί""on" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ἐπί""on" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ἐπί""on" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "επι""on" [BibleWordRebuke]
        •  "επί""on" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "επι""on, over" [Philippians3e]
        •  "ἐπι""on" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "επι""on" [LittleLess]
        •  "ἐπί""upon, on" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "ἐπί""upon" [BibleWordApostle]
        •  "επι""on, over" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "επι""on" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "επι""on, over" [BibleWordBishop]
        •  "ἐπιβάλλω""throw, cast, fling upon" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "επιβλέπω""look upon" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἐπίβλημα""covering" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἐπίβλημα""covering" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ἐπίγνωσις""examination, scrutiny" [BibleTruthKnowledge]
        •  "ἐπίγνωσις""examination, scrutiny" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "ἐπίγνωσις""examination, scrutiny" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἐπιείκεια""reasonableness" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "ἐπιείκεια""equity, fairness" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ἐπιείκεια""equity, fairness" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "ἐπιείκεια""equity, fairness" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ἐπιείκεια""equity, fairness" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ἐπιεικής""reasonable" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "επιθυμία""desire, wish" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "ἐπικουρία""help, aid" [SectsGreek]
        •  "ἐπικουρία""help, aid" [SectsGreek]
        •  "ἐπικουρία""help, aid" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "ἐπικουρία""help, aid" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἐπικουρία""help, aid" [FriendshipEvangelism]
        •  "ἐπικουρία""help, aid" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "Ἐπίκουρος ""Epicurus" [SectsGreek]
        •  "Ἐπίκουρος ""Epicurus" [SectsGreek]
        •  "Ἐπίκουρος ""Epicurus" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "Ἐπίκουρος ""Epicurus" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "Ἐπίκουρος ""Epicurus" [FriendshipEvangelism]
        •  "Ἐπίκουρος ""Epicurus" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "ἐπιμέλεια""diligence, care" [BibleWordShow]
        •  "επιποθήτοι""longed for" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ἐπίσκοποι""bishops" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ἐπίσκοποι""bishops" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [BibleDogsWolfSheep]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""watcher, overseer, visitor" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [Philippians3e]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [Philippians3e]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [Philippians1Review]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [BibleWeakAndVisited]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [BibleWordBishop]
        •  "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" [BibleWordBishop]
        •  "ἐπιτιμάω""honor, censure" [BibleWordRebuke]
        •  "ἐπιφάνεια""appearance, manifestation" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "ἐπιφάνεια""appearance, manifestation" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "ἐπιφάνεια""appearance, manifestation" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "ἐπιφάνεια""appearance, manifestation" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "ἐπιφάνεια""appearance, manifestation" [XmasHanukkah]
        •  "ἐπιφάνεια""appearance, manifestation" [BiblePunEpiphanies]
        •  "ἑπτά""seven" [NumberSeven]
        •  "ἑπτά""seven" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "ἔργον" (er-gon) ≈ "work" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ἔργον" (er-gon) ≈ "work" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "ἔργον""work" [WordCrafty]
        •  "ἔργον""work, deed" [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  "ἔργον" (er-gon) ≈ "work" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "ἔργον" (er-gon) ≈ "work" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ἔργον" (er-gon) ≈ "work" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ἔργον""work" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ἔργον""work, deed" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ἔργον""labor, work" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "ἔργον" (er-gon) ≈ "work" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "ἔρδω""make" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "ερεις""shall you say" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ερεις""shall you say" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἐρεῖς""strife" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἐρέσσω""row, paddle" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἐρέσσω""row, paddle" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἐρέσσω""row, paddle" [BibleJesusReadsInLuke]
        •  "ἐρετής""rower" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἐρετής""rower" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἐρετής""rower" [BibleJesusReadsInLuke]
        •  "ερευνώ""search, investigate" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "ἔρις""strife" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "Ἔρις""Eris" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "ἔριφος""kid, young goat" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ἕρκος""fence" [PipeDream]
        •  "ἕρκος""fence" [PipeDream]
        •  "ἕρκος""fence" [YesAndNo]
        •  "ἕρκος""fence" [OathsAndVows]
        •  "ἑρμηνεία""interpretation, meaning" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "ἑρμηνεία""interpretation, meaning" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "ἑρμηνεία""interpretation, meaning" [Angels]
        •  "ἑρμηνεία""interpretation, meaning" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "ἑρμηνεία""interpretation, meaning" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "ἑρμηνεία""interpretation, meaning" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [Angels]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [Aristotle]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [Aristotle]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [Aristotle]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "Ἑρμῆς""Hermes, Mercury" [Angels]
        •  "Ἑρμῆς""Hermes, Mercury" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "Ἑρμῆς""Hermes, Mercury" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "Ἑρμῆς""Hermes, Mercury" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ἑρπετόν""any animal that walks on four legs, creeping animal, reptile, snake" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "ἑρπετόν""any animal that walks on four legs, creeping animal, reptile, snake" [James3]
        •  "ἐρυθρός""red" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "ἔρχομαι""go, come" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ἐρωτάω""ask, question" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἐρωτάω""ask, question" [SongChristForTheWorldWeSing]
        •  "ἐρῠθρός""red" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "εσμεν""we are" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "Ἕσπερος""Hesperus" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "ἕσπερος""evening" [EasterNameEnglish]
        •  "ἔσχατος""farthest, most remote, last, final, extreme" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἔσχατος""farthest, most remote, last, final, extreme" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἔσχατος""farthest, most remote, last, final, extreme" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "ἑταιρεία""association, company, band" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἑταιρεία""association, company, band" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἐτεός""true, genuine, reality" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "ἐτεός""true, genuine, reality" [TruthGreek]
        •  "ετεροις""friend" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ετεροις""friend" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ετεροις""friend" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ετεροις""friend" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἕτερος""other - different" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "ἕτερος""other - different" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἕτερος""other - different" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "ἕτερος""other - different" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "ἕτερος""other - different" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "ἕτερος""one or other of two" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "ἕτερος""one or other of two" [LogicSolecisms]
        •  "ἕτερος""one or other of two" [Philippians3e]
        •  "ἕτερος""other - different" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "ἕτερος""other - different" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "ἑτέρως""differently, otherwise" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "ἑτέρως""differently, otherwise" [LogicSolecisms]
        •  "ἑτέρως""differently, otherwise" [Philippians3e]
        •  "ετηρησας""watch over, look after, take care of" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ετηρησας""watch over, look after, take care of" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ετι""yet, further" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἔτυμος""true, real, sure" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "ἔτυμος""true, real, sure" [TruthGreek]
        •  "εὐ""good" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "ευ""good" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "εὖ""good" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "ευ""good" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "εὐ""good, easy" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "εύ""good" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "εὐ""good" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "εύ""good" [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  "ευ""good" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ευ""good" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "εὐαγγελίζομαι""bring good news" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "Εὐβουλίδης""Eubulides" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "εὐδία""calm weather" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "εὐδοκέω""well-pleased, content" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "εὐδοκέω""acceptable" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "εὐδοκέω""well-pleased, content" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "εὐδοκέω""well-pleased, content" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "εὐθέως""immediately, at once, straightway" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "εὐθέως""immediately, at once, straightway" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "εύκολος""good natured, easy going" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "εὔκολος""easy" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "ευκολος""easy" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "εὔκολος""easy" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "εὐκοπώτερος""which is good toil" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "εὐκοπώτερος""which is good toil" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "εὐκοπώτερος""which is good toil" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "εὐκοπώτερος""which is good toil" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "εὐκοπώτερος""which is good toil" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "εὐλογία""good speaking, flattery" [GoldenCross]
        •  "εὐλογία""good speaking, flattery" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "ευνοώ""show goodwill, be well disposed towards" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ευνοώ""show goodwill, be well disposed towards" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ευνοώ""show goodwill, be well disposed towards" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ευνοώ""show goodwill, be well disposed towards" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "εὐτραπελία""witty humor" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "εὐτράπελος""witty humor" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "εὐχαριστέ""thank you" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "εὐχαριστέ""thank you" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "εὐχαριστέ""thank you" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "ευχάριστος""thankful" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "εὐχαριστῶ""thank you" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "εὐχαριστῶ""thank you" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "εὐχαριστῶ""thank you" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "εὐχή""prayer,wish" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "εὐχή""prayer,wish" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "εὐχή""prayer,wish" [Aristotle]
        •  "εὐχή""prayer,wish" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "εὔχομαι ""pray, vow" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "εὔχομαι ""pray, vow" [BibleAnything]
        •  "εὔχομαι ""pray, vow" [BibleAnything]
        •  "εὔχομαι ""pray, vow" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "εὔχομαι ""pray, vow" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "εὔψυχος""good courage" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "εὐώνυμος""of good name, honored, fortunate, ominous, ill-boding" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "εὐώνυμος""of good name, honored, fortunate, ominous, ill-boding" [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  "ἔφη""he said" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "ἔφη""he said" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἐφήμερος""daily" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "ἐφιάλτης""nightmare" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "ἐφιάλτης""nightmare" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ἔχω""have" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "ἔχω""hold" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ἔχω""hold" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ἔχω""keep, hold" [PaulRapture]
        •  "ἔχω""have" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ἔχω""have" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "ἔχω""have, hold" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἔχω""have, hold" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἔχω""have, hold" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἔχω""have, hold" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἔχω""have, hold" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἔχω""have, hold" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἔχω""have, hold" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ἕως""until" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "εως""until" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "εως αν""until if/when" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "ζάω""live" [BibleSaints]
        •  "ζεστός""seethed, boiled, hot" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "ζεστός""seethed, boiled, hot" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "ζεστός""seethed, boiled, hot" [YesAndNo]
        •  "ζεστός""seethed, boiled, hot" [BibleHeirarchy]
        •  "ζεστός""seethed, boiled, hot" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ζέω""boil, seethe, bubble" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ζῆλος""zeal, passion" [DiagramCollection]
        •  "ζῆλος""zeal, passion" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ζῆλος""zeal, passion" [BibleSeekDamageJealousy]
        •  "ζῆλος""eager rivalry" [BibleSeekDamageJealousy]
        •  "ζῆλος""zeal" [BibleSeekDamageJealousy]
        •  "ζῆλος""zeal, passion" [SuperBowl]
        •  "ζηλωτής""emulator, zealous follower" [BibleSeekDamageJealousy]
        •  "ζημιά""damage, loss" [DiagramCollection]
        •  "ζημιά""damage, loss" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ζημιά""damage, loss" [BibleSeekDamageJealousy]
        •  "ζημία""loss, damage, penalty" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "ζημιά""damage, loss" [SuperBowl]
        •  "ζημῐ́ᾱ""loss, damage" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ζητέω""seek" [DiagramCollection]
        •  "ζητέω""seek" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ζητέω""seek" [BibleSeekDamageJealousy]
        •  "ζητέω""seek" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "ζητέω""seek" [SuperBowl]
        •  "ζιζάνιον""darnel, rye-grass" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "ζύμη""yeast, dough" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "ζύμη""yeast, dough" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "ζύμη""yeast, dough" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "ζύμη""yeast, dough" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ζύμη""yeast, dough" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ζύμη""yeast, dough" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ζύμη""yeast, dough" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ζύμη""yeast, dough" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ζύμη""leaven, yeast" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ζωνη""belt, sash" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "ζῷον""animal, portrait" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "ζῷον""animal, portrait" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "ή""or" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "η""the" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "ή""or" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "ἡ ποικίλη στοά,""the painted porch" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "ἡγεμονία""supremacy or leadership as in a chief command" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ἡγεμονία""supremacy, leadership" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "ἡγεμών""leader, commander" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ἡγέομαι""go before, lead the way, rule, have dominion" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ἡγέομαι""guide" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ἡγέομαι""go before, lead the way, guide" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "ἥγημαι""I counted" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ηγησαμην""lead the way" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "ἡγοῦμαι""I count" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ἡδονή""delight, pleasure, taste" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "ἡδονή""delight, pleasure, taste" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "ἡδονή""delight, pleasure, taste" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "ἡδονή""delight, pleasure, enjoyment" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "ἡδονή""delight, pleasure, enjoyment" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ἡδονή""delight, pleasure, taste" [WesleyanQuadrilateral]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [WordSlides]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [RedFlags]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [RefrigeratorMagnetSermons]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [Cubit]
        •  "ἡλικία""age, maturity" [WordSlideCollection]
        •  "ἡλίκος""as big as, as great as, as old as" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ἧλιξ""of same age" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ἧλιξ""of same age" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ἡλῐ́κος""big as, great as, old as" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ημεις""we" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "Ἥρα""Hera" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "Ἡράκλειτος""Heraclitus" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "Ἡράκλειτος""Heraclitus" [Heraclitus]
        •  "Ἡρακλῆς""Hercules" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "Ἡρακλῆς""Hercules" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "Ἡρόδοτος""Herodotus" [Herodotus]
        •  "Ἡρώδης""Herod" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "ἡσυχία""peace" [BibleVitaminsPaul]
        •  "ἡσυχία""peace, silence, stillness, rest" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "θάλαμος""chamber, room" [EyeForEye]
        •  "θάλαμος""chamber, room" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "θάλαμος""chamber, room" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "θάλαμος""chamber, room" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "θάλαμος""chamber, room" [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  "θάλασσα""sea" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θάλασσα""sea" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "θάλαττα""sea" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θάλαττα""sea" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "θείνω""strike, wound" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "θεῖος""godly" [Miles]
        •  "θείου""of the gods" [Miles]
        •  "θέλοντας""desiring" [Loans]
        •  "θεός""god" [Miles]
        •  "θεός""god, God" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "θεός""God" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "θεός""god, God" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "θεός""god" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "θεός""god" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "θεός""god" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "θεού""of god" [Miles]
        •  "θεού""of God" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "θεραπεύω""wait on, obey, flatter consult, cure, heal" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "θερίζω""reap" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "θερίζω""reap" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "θερίζω""reap" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "θερίζω""reap" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "θερίζω""reap" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "θερίζω""reap" [BibleJesusBornWhy]
        •  "θερίζω""reap" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "θερισμός""harvest" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "θερισμός""harvest" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "θερισμός""harvest" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "θερισμός""harvest" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "θερισμός""harvest" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "θέρμη""heat" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "θέρμη""heat" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "θέρμη""heat" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "θέρμη""heat" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "θέρμη""heat" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "θερμός""warm, hot, boiling" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "θερμός""warm, hot, boiling" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "θερμός""warm, hot, boiling" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "θερμός""warm, hot, boiling" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "θερμός""warm, hot, boiling" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "θερός""heat" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "θέρος""heat, summer, harvest" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "Θεσσαλονίκη""Thessalonica" [BibleVictory]
        •  "Θεσσαλονίκη""Thessalonica" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "Θεσσαλονίκη""Thessalonica" [CityThessolanica]
        •  "Θεσσᾰλός""Thessalos" [BibleVictory]
        •  "Θεσσᾰλός""Thessalos" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "Θεσσᾰλός""Thessalos" [CityThessolanica]
        •  "θήρ""beast" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήρ""beast" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήρ""beast" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "θήρ""beast" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "θήρ""beast" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "θήρα""hunt, hunted,beast" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήρα""hunt, hunted" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήρα""hunting" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήρα""beast, hunt" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήρα""beast, hunt" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήρα""hunt" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "θήρα""hunt" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "θήρα""beast, hunt" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "θήρα""hunting" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "θήριον""diminutive of beast" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήριον""diminutive of beast" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "θησαυρός""treasure" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "θησαυρός""treasure" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "θησαυρός""treasure" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θησαυρός""treasure" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θησαυρός""treasure" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θησαυρός""treasure" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θιγγάνω""touch, handle, take hold of" [BibleGardenTouch]
        •  "θλάσμα""bruise, contusion" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "θλάω""crush, bruise" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "θρᾶνος""bench, seat" [PipeDream]
        •  "θρῆνος""waling, lamenting, dirge" [PipeDream]
        •  "θρῆνυς""footstool" [PipeDream]
        •  "θρόνος""throne" [PipeDream]
        •  "θρυλιμα""byword" [BibleWordThrills]
        •  "θρῦλος""noise" [BibleWordThrills]
        •  "θυμός""passion" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "θύρα""door, entrance" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θύρα""door, gate" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "θυσία""offering, sacrifice, victim" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "θυσία""offering, sacrifice, victim" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θυσιαστηρίων""altar" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "θυσιαστηρίων""altar" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θύω""offer in sacrifice, kill, slaughter" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "θύω""offer in sacrifice, kill, slaughter" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "Θωμᾶς""Thomas" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "θώραξ""breastplate" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "θώραξ""breastplate" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "θῡμός""soul, desire, temper, passion" [WordCalques]
        •  "θῡμός""soul, desire, temper, passion" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "θῡμός""soul, desire, temper, passion" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "Ἰακώβ""Jacob" [James0]
        •  "Ἰάκωβος""Jacob" [James0]
        •  "Ἰαρέδ""Jared" [BeforeTheFlood]
        •  "Ἰαρέδ""Jared" [AdamToNoahDetails]
        •  "ἰατρός""physician" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ἰατρός""physician" [DayValentines]
        •  "ἰατρός""physician" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "Ἰγνάτιος Ἀντιοχείας""Ignatios of Antioch" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "Ἰγνάτιος Ἀντιοχείας""Ignatios of Antioch" [ChurchFatherIgnatius]
        •  "ἴδιος""own, private" [LanguageIdioms]
        •  "ἴδιος""own, private" [LanguageIdioms]
        •  "ἴδιος""one's own" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "ἰδίωμα ""peculiarity, unique feature" [LanguageIdioms]
        •  "ἰδιώτης""private citizen, layperson" [LanguageIdioms]
        •  "ἰδιώτης""layperson" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "ἱερογλυφικός""hieroglyphic" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ἱερογλυφικός""sacred writing" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "ἱερός""connected with the gods, supernatural, holy, sacred" [Months]
        •  "ἱερός""connected with the gods, supernatural, holy, sacred" [BibleSaints]
        •  "ἱερός""connected with the gods, supernatural, holy, sacred" [BibleSaints]
        •  "ἵημι""release, let go" [Cloaks]
        •  "ἵημι""release, let go" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "ἵημι""release, let go" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "ἵημι""release, let go" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "ἵημι""release, let go" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἵημι""release, let go" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ἵημι ""send, throw" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ιησούς""Jesus" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ""Jesus" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ""Jesus" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "ιησούς""Jesus" [EpistleBarnabas]
        •  "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ""Jesus" [EpistleBarnabas]
        •  "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ""Jesus" [Chrismons]
        •  "Ἰησοῦς""Jesus, Jeshua, Yeshua, Joshua" [BibleJoshuaJesus]
        •  "ἱμάτιον""garment" [Cloaks]
        •  "ἵνα""in order that, so that" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ἰός""poison, venom" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "ἰός""poison, venom" [BibleWordVirus]
        •  "ἶρις""rainbow, halo" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "ἶρις""rainbow, halo" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "ἶρις""rainbow, halo" [LetterDigamma]
        •  "ἶρις""rainbow, halo" [LetterDigamma]
        •  "ισα""equal" [LogicFallacies]
        •  "ισα""equal" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "ισα""equal" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "ισα""equal" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "ισα""equal" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "ισα""equal" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "ἴσα πρὸς ἴσα""tit for tat" [PhilippiansExistenceWord]
        •  "ισθι""be" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἴσθι""be" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἴσθι""be" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἴσθι""be" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ἴσο""equal" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "ἴσος""like, similar, as" [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  "ἴσος""equal to" [PhilippiansExistenceWord]
        •  "ἴσος""equal" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "ἵστημι""make to stand, set up, stand" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἵστημι""make to stand, set up, stand" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ἵστημι""stand" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "ἰσχυρός""strong, mighty" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἰσχυρός""strong, mighty" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ἰσχυρός""strong, mighty" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "ἰσχυρός""strong, mighty" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "ἰσχυρός""strong, mighty" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἰσχυρός""strong, mighty" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "ἰσχύς""strength, power, might" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ἰσχύς""strength, power, might" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἰσχύς""strength, power, might" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ἰσχύς""strength, power, might" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ἰσχύω""physically strong, powerful" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "ἴσως""equal, probably, perhaps, maybe" [PhilippiansExistenceWord]
        •  "ἴσως""equal, probably, perhaps, maybe" [PhilippiansExistenceWord]
        •  "ιχθύς""fish, ixthus" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "ιχθύς""fish, ixthus" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ιχθύς""fish, ixthus" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "ιχθύς""fish, ixthus" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "ιχθύς""fish, ixthus" [Acronyms]
        •  "καθ""according to" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "καθ""according to" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καθ""according to" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καθαρός""clean, clear, pure" [PaulRapture]
        •  "καθαρός""clean, clear, pure" [PaulRapture]
        •  "καθαρός""clean, clear, pure" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "καθαρός""clean, clear, pure" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "καθαρός""clean, clear, pure" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "καθαρός""clean, clear, pure" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "καθεξής""going forth in sequence" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "καθεξής""going forth in sequence" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "καθεξής""going forth in sequence" [Philippians3a]
        •  "καθεύδω""lie down to sleep, be still, be idle" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "καθεύδω""lie down to sleep, be still, be idle" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καθολικὴ ἐκκλησία""catholic church" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καθολικός,""universal" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "καθολικός,""universal" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καθολικός,""universal" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καθόλου""at all" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "καθόλου""at all" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καθόλου""at all" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "και""and" [Cloaks]
        •  "και""and" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "και""and" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "και""and" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "και""and" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "και""and" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "και""and" [TailMindSky]
        •  "καὶ""and" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "και""and" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "και""and" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "και""and" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "και""and" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "καὶ εἶτᾰ""and then" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "καὶ τὰ ἕτερα""and the other things" [Philippians3a]
        •  "καινός""new" [Cloaks]
        •  "καινός""new" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "καινός""new" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "καινός""new" [TailMindSky]
        •  "καινός""novel, recent" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "καινός""novel, recent" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "καινός""novel, recent" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "καινός""new" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "καινός""novel, recent" [BibleWordsNew]
        •  "καινοῦ""new" [Cloaks]
        •  "καινοῦ""new" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "καινοῦ""new" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "καινοῦ""new" [TailMindSky]
        •  "καινοῦ""new" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "καιουσιν""light, burn, kindle" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [JesusTriumphalEntry]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "καιρός""measure, season, time" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "καῖρος""row of thrums in the loom" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "καιρός""measure, season, time" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "καιρός""measure, period of time, season" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "καιρών""of the season" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "καίω""light, kindle, burn" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "καίω""to burn" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "καίω""to burn" [AmosYokeOfCompulsion]
        •  "κακεί""and there" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κἀκείνων""and that" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "κακή""baseness, wickedness, faint-bigheartedness" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κακή""unimpressive, low born, powerless" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κακός""worthless, useless" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "κακός""unimpressive, low born, powerless" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κακός""bad, worthless, useless" [2Timothy2]
        •  "κακός""bad, worthless, useless" [2Timothy2]
        •  "κακός""bad, ugly, wretched, mean" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "κακός""bad, sick" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "κακός""worthless, useless" [DayValentines]
        •  "κακός""bad, ugly, wretched, mean" [WesleyanQuadrilateral]
        •  "κακός""bad, worthless, useless" [Philippians3a]
        •  "κακός""bad, worthless, useless" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "κακους εργατας""bad workers" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κακους εργατας""bad workers" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κακους εργατας""bad workers" [Philippians3a]
        •  "κακῶς""badly, miserably, maliciously" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "κακῶς""badly, miserably, maliciously" [WesleyanQuadrilateral]
        •  "καλάμη""reed, staff, rod" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "καλάμη""reed, staff, rod" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "καλέω""call" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "καλέω""call" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "καλέω""call" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "καλέω""call" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "καλέω""call" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "κάλυξ""shell, hull" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "καλύπτω""cover" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "καλύπτω""cover" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "καλύπτω""cover" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "καλύπτω""cover" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καλύπτω""cover" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "καλύπτω""cover" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "κάλυς""cup" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "κάμηλος""camel" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κάμηλος""camel" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κάμπτω""bend, curve, turn" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "κάννα""reed" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "κανών""rod, pole, bar, standard" [SectsGreek]
        •  "κανών""rod, pole, bar, standard" [SectsGreek]
        •  "κανών""rod, pole, bar, standard" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "κανών""rod, pole, bar, standard" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "κανών""rod, pole, bar, standard" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "Κάνωπος""Canopus" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "καρκίνος""crab, cancer" [2Timothy2]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [JerusalemAndTrees]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [Philippians3b]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [Philippians4c]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [BibleFruit]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [HolidayThanksgiving]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [HolidayThanksgiving]
        •  "καρπός""fruit" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter, mote" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter, mote" [Philippians3b]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter, mote" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter, mote" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter, mote" [Philippians4c]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "κάρφος""twig, splinter" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "κατά""back, downwards, against, fully, completely" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κατά""against, opposing, into" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κατά""downwards, towards, according to" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κᾷτα""and then" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κατα""down" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "κατά""down, against" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "κατά""down, against" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "κατά""down, according to, against" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κατά""down, according to, against" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κατά""down, according to, against" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κατά""under" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "κατά""down, against" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κατά""against, according to" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "κατά""below, against, according to" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "κατά""down, against" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "κατά σου""against you" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κατά σου""against you" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κατακρίμα""enforcement of penalty" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κατακρίμα""enforcement of penalty" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "κατακρίμα""enforcement of penalty" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "καταλαμβάνω""seize, grasp, hold" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "καταλύεις""lodge" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "καταλύεις""lodge" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "καταλύεις""lodge" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "κατάλυσις""dissolution, disbanding, lodging, accommodation" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "καταλύω""loosen, unbind, lodge, destroy" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "καταλύω""unbind, loosen, destroy, lodge" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "καταλύω""loosen, unbind, lodge, destroy" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "καταπατέω""trample into the ground" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "καταπάττω""sprinkle, strew" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "καταπίνω""swallow, drink down" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "καταπίνω""swallow, drink down" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "καταργέω""leave unemployed, leave idle, make of no effect" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "καταργέω""leave unemployed, leave idle, make of no effect" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "καταργέω""leave unemployed, leave idle, make of no effect" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "κατασκήνωσις""take up quarters, lodge" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "κατάτομη""niche" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κατάτομη""niche" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κατάτομη""niche" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "κατατομην""concision" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κατατομην""concision" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κατατομην""concision" [Philippians3a]
        •  "κατεργάζομαι""effect by labor" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "κατέχω""hold down, restrain" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "κατέχω""hold down, restrain" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "κατέχω""hold down, restrain" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "κατέχω""hold down, restrain" [Philippians3a]
        •  "κατισχω""come to full strength" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "κατισχω""come to full strength" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "καυχάομαι""boast" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "καυχάομαι""boast" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "καυχάομαι""boast" [WordPrattle]
        •  "καυχάομαι""boast" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "καύχημα""boast" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "καύχημα""boast" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "καύχημα""boast" [WordPrattle]
        •  "καύχημα""boast" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "καύχησις""boast" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "καύχησις""boast" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "καύχησις""boast" [WordPrattle]
        •  "καύχησις""boast" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "κεῖμαι""lie, placed" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "κεῖμαι""lie, placed" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "κεῖμαι""lie, be situated, be in store" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "κεῖμαι""lie, be situated, be in store" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "κεῖμαι""lie, be situated, be in store" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "κειμενη""lie, be situated, be in store" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "κέλευθος""road, way, path" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "κέλευθος""road, way, path" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "κελεύω""urge, command" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "κελεύω""urge, command" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "κενός""empty, fruitless, void" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "κεραία""little horn, antennae of an insect" [MosesHorned]
        •  "κεραία""little horn, antennae of an insect" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κεραία""little horn, antennae of an insect" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "κεραία""little horn, antennae of an insect" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "κεραία""little horn, insect antenna" [BibleThorns]
        •  "κεραίζω""plunder, prey" [JosephusFlavious]
        •  "κεραίζω""sack, pillage, destroy, sink" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "κεραίζω""plunder, prey" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "κεραίζω""plunder, prey" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "κεραμευς""potter" [BibleSandTowerBabel]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [MosesHorned]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [MosesHorned]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "κέρας""horn" [BibleGreeceHorns]
        •  "κέρδος""gain, profit" [Philippians3b]
        •  "κέρδος""gain, profit" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" [SongSilentNight]
        •  "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" [SongSilentNight]
        •  "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "κιθάρα""lyre, lute" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "κιθάρα""stringed instrument" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "κιθάρα""lyre, lute" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "κινέω""move" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "κίνησις""motion, dance" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "κινύρα""harp" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "κινύρα""harp" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "κλαῖον""cry, weep" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "κλαυσίγελως""laughing to tears" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "κλαυσίγελως""laughing to tears" [PaulEpaphroditus]
        •  "κλαῦσις""tears" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "κλαῦσις""tears" [PaulEpaphroditus]
        •  "κλειδόν""little key" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "κλειδόν""little key" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "κλεῖθρον""bar for closing a door" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "κλείς""bolt, catch, key" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "κλείς""bolt, catch, key" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "κλείω""close" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "κλέος""rumor, report, fame, glory" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "κλέος""rumor, report, fame, glory" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "κλέος""rumor, report, fame, glory" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "κλέπητς""thief, deceitful person" [TenCommandments]
        •  "κλέπητς""thief, deceitful person" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "κλέπητς""thief, deceitful person" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "κλέπτω""steal" [TenCommandments]
        •  "κλέπτω""steal" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "κλέπτω""steal" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "κληθέντες""called, summoned" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "κληθέντες""called, summoned" [Philippians4a]
        •  "Κλήμεντος πρὸς Κορινθίους""Clement to the Corinthians" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "κληρικός""of the clergy" [BibleClergy]
        •  "κλήρος""allotted, lot" [BibleClergy]
        •  "κλῆσις""call" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "κλητός""called one" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "κλητός""called one" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κλητός""called one" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "κλίβανος""baker's oven" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κλίβανος""baker's oven" [BibleWordLord]
        •  "κλύδων""strong waves, choppy waters, surging seas" [James1]
        •  "Κλωθώ""spinner" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "κνῆσις""scratching (of an itch)" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "κνῆσμα""scraping, shavings" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "κοιλία""belly, stomach, hollow" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "κοιλία""belly, stomach, hollow" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "κοῖλος""hollow" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "κοῖλος""hollow" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "κοιμητήριον ""sleeping place" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "κοιμητήριον ""sleeping place" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "κοινωνία""community, fellowship" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "κόκκινος""scarlet, blushing" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "κόκκινος""scarlet, blushing, red" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "κόκκος""grain, seed" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "κόκκος""grain, seed" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "κόκκῦ""cuckoo" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "κολάζω""check, chastise, punish, beat" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κολοβός""maimed, mutilated, stunted, undersized" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κολοβός""maimed, mutilated, stunted, undersized" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κολοκύνθη""gourd" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κολοκύνθη""gourd" [HistoryHalloween]
        •  "κόλον""intestine, food, fodder" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλον""intestine, food, fodder" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλον""intestine, food, fodder" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλον""intestine, food, fodder" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλον""intestine, food, fodder" [CityColossae]
        •  "κόλον""intestine, food, fodder" [HistoryHalloween]
        •  "κόλος""parts or extremities removed" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλος""parts or extremities removed" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλος""parts or extremities removed" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλος""parts or extremities removed" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλος""parts or extremities removed" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλος""docked, hornless" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κόλος""parts or extremities removed" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κολος""keeper, tender, watcher" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "κόλος""parts or extremities removed" [CityColossae]
        •  "κόλος""parts or extremities removed" [HistoryHalloween]
        •  "Κολοσσαί""Colossae" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "Κολοσσαί""Colossae" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "Κολοσσαί""Colossae" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "Κολοσσαί""Colossae" [CityColossae]
        •  "Κολοσσαί""Colossae" [CityColossae]
        •  "κολοσσός""large statue" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κολοσσός""large statue" [CityColossae]
        •  "κόνις""dust, ashes" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "κόνις""dust, ashes" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "κόπος""toil, work" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "κόπος""toil, work" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "κόπος""toil, work" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "κόπρος""dung, excrement, filth, dirt" [Philippians3b]
        •  "κόπτω""cut" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "κόπτω""stroke, cut, shake" [PipeDream]
        •  "κόπτω""cut" [Philippians1B]
        •  "κόραξ""raven, crow" [BibleBirds]
        •  "κορώνη""sea bird" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "κόσσυφος""blackbird" [PipeDream]
        •  "κουρά""shearing" [SectsGreek]
        •  "κόφινος""basket" [BibleBaskets]
        •  "κόψιχος""blackbird" [PipeDream]
        •  "κράς""head (person, animal), peak, summit, top, upper rim of a mixing bowl" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "κρᾶσις""mixing, blending, combining" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "κρατέω""rule, conquer, seize, hold" [BibleGardenTouch]
        •  "κρατία""power, rule" [WordHoldingBack]
        •  "κρατία""power, rule" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "κρατία""power, rule" [BibleWordDemocracy]
        •  "κρατία""power, rule" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "κράτιστε""most excellent" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "κράτος""might, strength" [WordHoldingBack]
        •  "κράτος""might, strength" [2Timothy2]
        •  "κράτος""might, strength" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "κράτος""might, strength" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "κρατύς""strong" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "κρατύς""strong" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "κριθή""barley" [Cloaks]
        •  "κριθή""barley" [Cloaks]
        •  "κριθή""barley" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "κριθή""barley" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "κριθη""barley" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κριθη""barley" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "κριθή""barley" [BibleReflexivity]
        •  "κριθή""barley" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κριθη""barley" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κριθή""barley" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κριθη""barley" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κριθήναι""will separate/judge" [Cloaks]
        •  "κριθήτε""judged" [Cloaks]
        •  "κριθήτε""judged" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "κριθήτε""judged" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "κριθήτε""judged" [BibleReflexivity]
        •  "κριθήτε""judged" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κριθητε""separated" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κρίμα""decision, sentence" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κρίμα""decision, sentence" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "κρίμα""decision, sentence" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κρίνο""lily" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "κρίνο""lily" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "κρίνο""lily" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "κρίνο""lily" [HolidayThanksgiving]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, distinguish" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, distinguish" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "κρίνω""to separate" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [Cloaks]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, distinguish" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, divide, distinguish" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κρινω""separate" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [BibleReflexivity]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, distinguish" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, distinguish" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, distinguish" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, divide, distinguish" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, discern" [Acts17v10to14]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, discern" [BibleScripturesSearch]
        •  "κρίνω""separate" [Philippians1A]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, distinguish" [HolidayThanksgiving]
        •  "κρίνω""separate, distinguish" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "κρίσις""decision, determination" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κρίσις""decision, determination" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "κρίσις""decision, determination" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κριτής""judge" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "κριτής""judge" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "κριτής""judge" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κρυπτός""hidden, secret" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "κρυπτός""hidden, secret" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "κρυπτός""hidden, secret" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "κρυπτός""hidden, secret" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "κρυπτός""hidden, secret" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "κρυπτός""hidden, secret" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "κρυπτός""hidden, secret" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "κρύπτω""hide" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "κρύπτω""hide, cover" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "κρύπτω""hide, cover" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "κρύπτω""hide, cover" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "κρύπτω""hide" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "κρύπτω""hide, cover" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "κρύπτω""hide" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "κρύπτω""hide" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "κτάομαι""acquire" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτάομαι""acquire" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτάομαι""get, obtain, acquire" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "κτάομαι""get, obtain, acquire" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κτάομαι""get, obtain, acquire" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κτασθαι""acquire" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτασθαι""kill, prove fatal" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτασθαι""acquire" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτασθαι""kill, prove fatal" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτείνω""kill, prove fatal" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτείνω""kill, prove fatal" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [Cloaks]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [PaulRapture]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κτῆσις""act of acquiring, ownership, taking" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "κυβερνήτης""steersman" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "κῦμα""wave" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κύμβαλον""cymbal" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "κύμβαλον""cymbal" [MovingMountains]
        •  "κύμβη""hollow of a vessel" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "κύμβη""hollow of a vessel" [MovingMountains]
        •  "κυνας""dogs" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κυνας""dogs" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κυνας""dogs" [Philippians3a]
        •  "κυνέω""kiss" [SongWorshipTheKing]
        •  "κυριακόν""place of the lord or master" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κύριος""lord or master" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "κύριος""lord or master" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "κύριος""lord or master" [PaulOpeningLines]
        •  "κύριος""lord or master" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κύριος""lord or master" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κῦρος""supremacy" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κυρτός""bulging, arched, humped" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "κυσιν""dogs" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "κύων""dog, hound" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "κύων""dog" [PhilosophyCinics]
        •  "κύων""dog" [PhilosophyCinics]
        •  "κύων""dog" [Philippians3a]
        •  "κῶλον""part of something, body, building, sentence, verse, etc." [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κωλύω""hinder, prevent" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "κώνειον""hemlock" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κώνειον""hemlock" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κῶνος""pine cone, conic section" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κῶνος""pine cone" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κώνωπα""gnat, mosquito" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κώνωπα""gnat, mosquito" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κώνωψ""gnat, mosquito" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κώνωψ""gnat, mosquito" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κώνωψ""mosquito, gnat" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κώνωψ""gnat, mosquito" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κώνωψ""gnat, mosquito" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κωφός""dull, mute, deaf" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "κωφός""dull, mute, deaf" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "λαθεῖν""escape detection, escape notice" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "λαθεῖν""escape detection, escape notice" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "λαλέω""talk, speak, chatter" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "λάμπω""shine, be bright, give light" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "λάμπω""shine, be bright, give light" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "λανθάνω""escape detection, escape notice" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "λανθάνω""escape notice, cause to forget" [BibleWordForget]
        •  "λαός""people" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "λαός""people" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "λαός""people" [SantaClaus]
        •  "λαός""people" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "λαός""people" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "λαχαίνω""dig out" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "λαχαίνω""dig out" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "λάχανον""leafy vegetable" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "λάχανον""leafy vegetable" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "Λάχεσις""disposer of lots" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "λεγω""I say" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "λέγω""order, arrange, gather, choose, say, call" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "λέγω""order, arrange, gather, choose, say, call" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "λέγω""order, arrange, gather, choose, say, call" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "λεγω""say" [NewWordsNotYetPlaced]
        •  "λέγω""say, speak" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "λέγω""say, speak" [BiblePrefixDia]
        •  "λειπός""remaining, the rest" [PaulRapture]
        •  "λείπω""leave, leave behind" [PaulRapture]
        •  "λείπω""leave" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "λείπω""leave behind" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "λείπω""leave, leave behind" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "λείπω""leave behind" [Philippians3a]
        •  "λειτουργός""public servant, minister" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "λεόπαρδος""leopard" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "λεπίς""scale, flake" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "λεπίς""scale, flake" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "λέπρα""skin disorder" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "λέπρα""skin disorder" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "λεπτόν""small coin, small intestine" [JesusTriumphalEntry]
        •  "λεπτόν""small coin, small intestine" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "λεπτόν""small coin, small intestine" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "λέπω""peel" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "λέπω""peel" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "λευκός""bright, light, pale, happy" [YesAndNo]
        •  "λέων""lion" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "λήθαργος""forgetful, lethargic" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "λήθαργος""forgetful, lethargic" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "λήθαργος""forgetful, lethargic" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "λήθαργος""forgetful, lethargic" [TruthGreek]
        •  "λήθαργος""forgetful, lethargic" [TruthGreek]
        •  "λήθαργος""forgetful, lethargic" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "λήθη""oblivion, forgetfulness" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "λήθη""oblivion, forgetfulness" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "λήθη""oblivion, forgetfulness" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "λήθη""oblivion, forgetfulness" [TruthGreek]
        •  "λήθη""oblivion, forgotten" [TruthGreek]
        •  "λήθη""oblivion, forgetfulness" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "λήθη""oblivion, forgotten" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "λήθω""escape notice" [BibleWordForget]
        •  "Λῆμνος""Lumnos" [Philippians4c]
        •  "Λῆμνος""Lumnos" [PaulEpaphroditus]
        •  "Λῆμνος""Lumnos" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "λῆρος""trash, trifle" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "λῆρος""gold ornament" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ληστής""robber, bandit" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "ληστής""robber, bandit" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "λίζω""play" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "λίζω""play" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "λιθων πολυτελων""precious stones" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "λικμάω""winnow" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "λίκνον""winnowing fan, basket, cradle" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "λογία""words, explanation, reasoning" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "λογίζομαι""count, reckon" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "λογίζομαι""count, reckon" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "λογίζομαι""count, reckon" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "λογίζομαι""count, reckon" [Philippians4c]
        •  "λογίζομαι""count, reckon" [Philippians4c]
        •  "λογίζομαι""count, reckon" [Philippians4c]
        •  "λόγος""word, reasoning" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "λογος""reasoning" [Miles]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "λόγος""word, reasoning" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [MosesHorned]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [2Timothy2]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [2Timothy2]
        •  "λόγος""word, reasoning" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "λόγος""reasoning, word" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "λόγος""word, reasoning" [BibleJesusBornWhy]
        •  "λόγος""word, logic, reasoning" [BibleJesusBornWhy]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [TenCommandments]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [BibleWordLiteral]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [Aristotle]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [MovingMountains]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "λόγος""word, reasoning" [BibleCrossAt]
        •  "λόγος""word, reasoning" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "λόγος""word" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation" [BibleWordSay]
        •  "λόγος""rational explanation, word" [BibleWordsEmpty]
        •  "λόγος""reasoning, word" [BiblePrayerBeads]
        •  "λοιδορέω""abuse, insult, revile" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "λοιπόν""further, besides" [PaulRapture]
        •  "λοιπόν""what remains, others" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "λοιπον""the rest, remainder" [Philippians4c]
        •  "λοιπόν""what remains, others" [Philippians3a]
        •  "λοιπόν""what remains, others" [Philippians3a]
        •  "λοιπός""remaining" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "λοιπός""remaining" [Philippians3a]
        •  "λύκος""wolf" [BibleDogsWolfSheep]
        •  "λύπη""annoyance, distress" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "λύπη""annoyance, distress" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "λύπη""annoyance, distress" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "λύπη""annoyance, distress" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "λύπη""annoyance, distress" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "λύπη""annoyance, distress" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "λύπη""annoyance, distress" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "λύρα""lyre" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "λύρα""lyre" [SongSilentNight]
        •  "λύρα""lyre" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "λύρα""lyre" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "λύρα""lyre" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "λύση""answer, solution" [BindLooseEarthHeaven]
        •  "λυσις""loose, release" [BindLooseEarthHeaven]
        •  "λυτρόω""release on receipt of ransom, released from obligation" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "λυχνεῖον""ballot stand" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "λυχνεῖον""ballot stand" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "λυχνος""lamp" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "λυχνος""lamp" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "λυχνος""lamp" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "λυχνος""lamp" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "λυχνος""lamp" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "λύω""loosen, release, solve" [SongWenceslas]
        •  "λύω""loose, slacken" [BindLooseEarthHeaven]
        •  "λύω""unbind, solve, destroy" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "λῡ́πη""annoyance, distress, anguish" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "λῡ́πη""annoyance, distress, anguish" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "μάγος""magical, magical" [BibleRagMag]
        •  "μαθηματικός""mathematics, astrology" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "μαθηματικός""mathematics, astrology" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "μαθητεύω""instruct, teach" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "μαθητεύω""instruct, teach" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μαθητεύω""instruct, teach" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "μαθητεύω""instruct, teach" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "μαθητεύω""instruct, teach" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "μαθητεύω""instruct, teach" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "μαθητεύω""instruct, teach" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleLeopardSpots]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleDidache]
        •  "μαθητής""learner, disciple" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "μάκαρ""happy" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "μακάριος""happy, content" [James1]
        •  "μακάριος""happy, content" [Philippians1A]
        •  "μακάριος""happy" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "μακροθυμία""longsuffering, patience" [WordCalques]
        •  "μακροθυμία""longsuffering, patience" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "μακροθυμία""longsuffering, patience" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "μαλακία""softness, effeminacy, unmanliness, feebleness, faint-hardheartedness" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "μαλακός""soft, tender, gentle, mild" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μαλακός""soft, tender, gentle, mild" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "μαλακός""soft, tender, gentle, mild" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "μαλακός""soft, tender, gentle, mild" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "μαλακός""soft, tender, gentle, mild" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "μαλακός""soft, tender, gentle, mild" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "μαλακός""soft, tender, gentle, mild" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "μᾶλλον""rather" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "μᾶλλον""rather" [PaulRapture]
        •  "μᾶλλον""rather" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "μᾶλλον""rather" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "μᾶλλον""more" [Philippians3a]
        •  "μαμωνα""mammon" [BibleWordWorld]
        •  "μαμωνᾶς""mammon" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "μαμωνᾶς""mammon" [BibleMammonLogic]
        •  "μανία""madness, frenzy" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "μανία""madness, frenzy" [WordConfusion]
        •  "μανία""madness, frenzy" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "μανία""madness, frenzy" [XmasHanukkah]
        •  "μανία""madness, frenzy" [BiblePunEpiphanies]
        •  "μανία""madness, frenzy" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "μᾶνις""rage, wrath" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "μάραγδος""emerald" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [ChurchFatherIgnatius]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [BibleWordSwine]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [NewWordsNotYetPlaced]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "μαργαρίτης""pearl" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "μάρτυς""witness" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μάρτυς""witness" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μάρτυς""witness" [TenCommandments]
        •  "μάρτυς""witness" [TenCommandments]
        •  "μάρτυς""witness" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "μάρτυς""witness" [BibleThorns]
        •  "μάχαιραν""sword" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "μάχαιραν""sword" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "μάχη""battle, fight" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "μάχη""battle, fight" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "με""me" [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  "με""me" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "μέδω""rule over" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "μέθη""wine" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [WordCrafty]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "μέθοδος""following after, pursuit" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "μεθυσηωσιν""they might have drunk freely" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "μεθύω""to get drunk" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "μείζων""greater, larger" [James4]
        •  "μείζων""greater, larger" [James4]
        •  "μελαιναν""indistinct, dark, black" [Miles]
        •  "μελαιναν""indistinct, dark, black" [YesAndNo]
        •  "μέλας""dark, dim, indistinct" [Miles]
        •  "μέλας""dark, black" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "μέλας""dark, dim, indistinct" [YesAndNo]
        •  "μέλλω""likely, destined, bound" [Miles]
        •  "μέλος""member" [Miles]
        •  "μενη""abide, remain" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "μενη""abide, remain" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "μενη""abide, remain" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "μένος""mind" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "μένος""mind" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "μένος""mind" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "μένος""mind" [ChickenOrEgg]
        •  "μένος""mind" [ChickenOrEgg]
        •  "μένος""mind" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "μένος""mind" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "μένω""stay, wait, remain" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "μένω""stay, wait, remain" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "μέριμνα""portion, part" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "μέριμνα""care, pursuit" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "μέριμνα""portion, part" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "μέριμνα""care, pursuit" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "μέριμνα""care, pursuit" [BibleThorns]
        •  "μέριμνα""care, pursuit" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "μέρος""part, portion, share" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "μέρος""part, portion, share" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "Μεσοποταμία""Mesopotamia" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "Μεσοποταμία""Mesopotamia" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "μέσος""middle, between" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "μέσος""middle, between" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "μέσος""middle, between" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "μετ""after, with" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μετ""with, after" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά""after (accusative), with (genitive)" [Miles]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "μετά""after" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "μετά""after" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "μετά""after" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "μετά""after" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "μετά""after, with" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "μετά ταύτα""after these things" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταβολή""change, transition" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "μεταμέλεια""change of purpose, regret, repentance" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "μετανοέω""perceive afterwards" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετάνοια""afterthought" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετάνοια""afterthought, repent" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετάνοια""after thought, repent" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετάνοια""afterthought, repent" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετάνοια""afterthought, repent" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "μετάνοια""afterthought, repent" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "μετάνοια""afterthought, repent" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "μετάνοια""afterthought, repent" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "μετάνοια""afterthought, repent" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "μετέχω""take part, partake" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "μετέωρα""thing high up" [Meteorites]
        •  "μετοχή""take part, participate" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "μετοχή""take part, participate" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "μέτρον""measure, distance" [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  "μέτρον""measure, distance" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "μέτρον""measure, distance" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "μέτρον""measure" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "μέτρον""measure" [WordAngle]
        •  "μέτρον""measure, distance" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "μέτρον""measure, distance" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "μέτρον""measure, distance" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "μέτρον""measure" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "μέτρον""measure, distance" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "μέτρον""measure" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "μέτρον""measure, distance" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "μή""not" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "μή""not" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μή""not" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μη""not" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μη""not" [OneCookieRule]
        •  "μη""not" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "μη""not" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "μη""not" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "μὴ""not" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "μη""not" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "μη""not" [BibleWordNothing]
        •  "μη αίτιος χωρίς αιτιώ""Don't blame me without reason" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "μη αίτιος χωρίς αιτιώ""Don't blame me without reason" [BibleAnything]
        •  "μη δοτε""do not give" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "μηδέ""and not" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "μηδέ""and not, nor" [BibleAnxiety]
        •  "μηδέ""and not" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "μηδέ""and not, nor" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "μηδέ""and not, nor" [BibleWordNothing]
        •  "μηδείς""and not one" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "μηδείς""and not one" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "μηδέν""not one" [BibleAnxiety]
        •  "μηδέν""nothing" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "μηδέν""not one" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "μηδέν""not one" [BibleWordNothing]
        •  "μῆλον""apple" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "μῆλον τῆς Ἔριδος""Apple of Eris" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "μῆλον τῆς Ἔριδος""Apple of Eris" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "μῆνις""rage, wrath" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "μῆνις""rage, wrath" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "μῆνις""rage, wrath" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "μῆνις""rage, wrath" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "μήποτε""never" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "μήποτε""never" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "μήποτε""never" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μήποτε""never" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μια""one" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "μικρολογιαν""meticulous argument" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μικρολογιαν""meticulous argument" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μικρολογιαν""meticulous argument" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μικρολογιαν""meticulous argument" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μικρολογιαν""meticulous argument" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μικρολογιαν""meticulous argument" [JosephusFlavious]
        •  "μικρός""little of, brief, young" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "μικρός""small" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "μικρός""little, small" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "μικρός""small" [RedFlags]
        •  "μικρός""little of, brief, young" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "μικρός""little of, brief, young" [RefrigeratorMagnetSermons]
        •  "μικρός""a little of, trivial, brief, young" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μικρός""a little of, trivial, brief, young" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μικρός""little of, brief, young" [Cubit]
        •  "μίλιον""mile" [Miles]
        •  "μίλιον""mile" [Miles]
        •  "μίλιον""mile" [Miles]
        •  "μίλιον""mile" [YesAndNo]
        •  "μῖμος""imitator, actor" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "μῖμος""imitator, actor" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "μῖμος""imitator, actor" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "μῖμος""imitator, actor" [BibleChristFalse]
        •  "μνησθης""rememberest" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "μνησθης""rememberest" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "μνηστεία""proposal of marriage" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "μόδιυς""dry measure, vessel of this capacity" [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  "μόδιυς""dry measure, vessel of this capacity" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "Μοῖραι""lots, fate" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "μοιχός""adulterer" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "μονή""remain, stay" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "μονή""remain, stay" [Philippians4a]
        •  "μονή""remain, stay" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "μορφή""shape, fashion, appearance" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "μορφή""shape, fashion, appearance" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "μορφή""shape, fashion, appearance" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "μορφή""shape, fashion, appearance" [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  "μορφή""shape, fashion, appearance" [OopIntro]
        •  "Μοῦσα""Muse" [Mosaics]
        •  "Μοῦσα""Muse" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "Μουσεῖον""Shrine of the Muses" [Mosaics]
        •  "μουσική""music" [Mosaics]
        •  "μουσική""music" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "μουσική""music" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "μουσικών""music" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "μουστάκιον""moustache" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "μρωανθη""foolish flower, foolish blossom" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "μῦθος""speech, story" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "μῦθος""story, myth" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "μῦθος""story" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "μῦθος""story" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "μυλω""mill" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "μύξα""mucus, discharge from the nose, slime" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "μυοσωτίς""mouse's ear" [BibleWordForget]
        •  "μῦς""mouse, mussel, muscle" [TruthMystery]
        •  "μύσταξ""upper lip" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "μυστήριον""secret" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "μύτις""snout" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "μυωπάζων""short sighted" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "μωραίνω""foolish, stupid" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "μωραίνω""foolish, stupid" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "μωραίνω""foolish, stupid" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "μωρανθη""foolish flower, foolish blossom" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "μωρανθη""foolish flower, foolish blossom" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "μωρανθη""foolish flower, foolish blossom" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "μωρός""foolish, stupid" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "μωρός""foolish, stupid" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "μωρός""foolish, stupid" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "μωρός""foolish, stupid" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "μωρός""slow, sluggish" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "Μωϋσῆ""Moses" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "ὁ Μωϋσῆ""the Moses" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "Μωϋσῆ""Moses" [PipeDream]
        •  "Μωϋσῆ""Moses" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὁ Μωϋσῆ""the Moses" [PipeDream]
        •  "Μωϋσῆ""Moses" [BurningBush]
        •  "Μωϋσῆς""Moses" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "Μωϋσῆς""Moses" [PipeDream]
        •  "Μωϋσῆς""Moses" [BurningBush]
        •  "μᾰκρό""long" [WordCalques]
        •  "μᾰκρό""long" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "μᾰκρό""long" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "μᾰκρόθῡμος""longsuffering, patience" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "Μῑ́λητος""Miletus" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ναι""yes" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ναι""yes" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ναι""yes" [Cloaks]
        •  "ναι""yes" [Cloaks]
        •  "ναι""yes" [EyeForEye]
        •  "ναός""temple" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ναου""of the temple" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "νεῖκος""quarrel, wrangle, strife" [SantaClaus]
        •  "νεῖκος""quarrel, wrangle, strife" [BibleVictory]
        •  "νεῖκος""quarrel, wrangle, strife" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "νεκρός""dead" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "νεκρός""dead" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "νεκρός""dead" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "νεκρός""dead" [BibleSaints]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [2Timothy2]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [Numismatics]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [AccentsChangeOverTime]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [Stars]
        •  "νέμω""distribute, pasture, graze" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "νέος""young, fresh, unexpected" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "νέος""young, fresh, unexpected" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "νέος""young, fresh, unexpected" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "νέος""young, fresh, unexpected" [BibleWordsNew]
        •  "νηθουσιν""spin" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "νήθω""spin" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "νήπιος""childish, infantile" [GalationsTables]
        •  "νικάω""win, conquer" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "νίκη""victory" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "νίκη""victory" [SantaClaus]
        •  "νίκη""victory" [SantaClaus]
        •  "νίκη""victory" [BibleVictory]
        •  "νική""victory" [BibleVictory]
        •  "νική""victory" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "νίκη""victory" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "νίκη""victory" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "νική""victory" [CityThessolanica]
        •  "Νικόλαος""Nicholas" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "Νικόλαος""Nicholas" [SantaClaus]
        •  "Νικόλαος""Nicholas" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "νοια""mind" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "νοια""mind" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "νοια""mind" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "νοια""mind" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "νοια""mind" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "νοια""mind" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "νομάς""roaming, wandering" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "Νομάς""Numidia" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [2Timothy2]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [2Timothy2]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [Numismatics]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [Numismatics]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [AccentsChangeOverTime]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [AccentsChangeOverTime]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [Philippians3b]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [Philippians3b]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [Aristotle]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [Aristotle]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [Philippians4c]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [Philippians4c]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [Stars]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [Stars]
        •  "νομός""pasture" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "νόμος""custom, law" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "νόος""mind" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "νόος""mind" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "νόσος""sickness, disease, distress" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "νόσος""sickness, disease, distress" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "νοῦ""mind, brain" [Cloaks]
        •  "νοῦ""mind, brain" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "νοῦ""mind, brain" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "νοῦ""mind, brain" [TailMindSky]
        •  "νοῦ""mind, brain" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "νουθεσία""warn" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "νουθετέω""admonish, warn, exhort" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "νουθετέω""admonish" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "νουθετησιν""instruct" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "νους""mind" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "νοῦς""mind" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "νοῦς""mind, brain" [Cloaks]
        •  "νοῦς""mind, brain" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "νους""mind" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "νους""mind" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "νους""mind" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "νοῦς""mind, brain" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "νους""mind" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "νοῦς""mind, brain" [TailMindSky]
        •  "νους""mind" [HeThatHathEars]
        •  "νους""mind" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "νοῦς""mind" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "νοῦς""mind" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "νους""mind" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "νους""mind" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "νους""mind" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "νους""mind" [PipeDream]
        •  "νοῦς""mind, brain" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "νους""mind" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "νους""mind" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "νῦ ἐφελκυστικόν""nu dragged onto, nu attracted to" [LittleLess]
        •  "νῦ ἐφελκυστικόν""nu dragged onto, nu attracted to" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "νῦν""now" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "νῦν""now" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ξενοδοχεῖον""hotel, inn" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "ξένος""stranger" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "ξένος""foreign, strange, unusual" [NewWordsNotYetPlaced]
        •  "ξένος""foreign, strange, usual" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "ξηρᾶς""dry" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ξηρός""dry, withered" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ο""the" [Miles]
        •  "ο""that, it, the" [BibleAnything]
        •  "ὁ""the" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὁ Κολοσσὸς Ῥόδιος""Colossus of Rhodes" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "ὁ Κολοσσὸς Ῥόδιος""Colossus of Rhodes" [CityColossae]
        •  "ὁδηγός""guide" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ὁδός""threshold, path, way" [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  "ὁδός""way, path" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ὁδός""threshold, path, way" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "οδός""path" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ὁδός""way, path" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ὁδός""road, way, path" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "ὁδός""way, path" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ὁδός""way, path" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "ὀδύρομαι""wail, weep, lament for" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "οδω""way, path" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "οδω""way, path" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "οἴγω""open" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "οἶδα""know, be acquainted with" [FallacyConverse]
        •  "οἶδα""know, be acquainted with" [James1]
        •  "οἰκία""house" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "οἰκοδομοῦντι""build" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "οἰκονόμος""manager of the house, steward" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "οἰκονόμος""manager of the house, steward" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "οίκος""house" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "οἶκτος""pity, compassion, wailing" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "οἰκτρός""pitiable, pitiful" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "οἰκτρός""pitiable, lamentable" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "οἶνος""wine" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "οἶνος""wine" [BibleWordWine]
        •  "οἶσθα""know, be acquainted with" [FallacyConverse]
        •  "ὀκνέω""shrink, hesitate" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ὀκνηρός""shrink, hesitate" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ὄκνος""shrinking, hesitation" [Philippians3a]
        •  "όλη""all" [BibleEverything]
        •  "ὀλίγος""few, little, small" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "ὀλίγος""few, little, small" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "ὁλόκαυστος ""wholly burnt" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ὁλόκαυστος ""wholly burnt" [AmosYokeOfCompulsion]
        •  "ολον""whole" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "ολον""whole" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ὅλος""whole, all" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "ὅλος""whole, entire" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ὅλος""whole, entire" [AmosYokeOfCompulsion]
        •  "ὅλος""whole, all" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ὅλος""whole, all" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ὁμιλία""interaction, friendship, company" [Miles]
        •  "ὄμμα""eye" [EyeForEye]
        •  "ὄμμα""eye" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ὄμμα""eye" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "ὄμμα""eye" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "ὄμμα""eye" [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  "ὅμοιος""similar, like, resembling" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "ὅμοιος""similar, like, resembling" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "ὅμοιος""similar, like, resembling" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "ὅμοιος""similar, like, resembling" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὅμοιος""similar, like, resembling" [BibleWordSame]
        •  "ὅμοιος""similar, like, resembling" [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  "ὁμοιόσω""I liken" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ὁμοιόσω""make similar, assimilate, compare" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὁμοιόσω""I make similar, compare" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὁμολογέω""agree" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "ὁμολογέω""agree" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "ὁμολογέω""agree" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "ὁμός""same" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "ὁμός""same, common" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "ὁμός""same, common" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "ὁμός""same, common" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "ὁμός""same, common" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὁμός""same, common" [BibleWordSame]
        •  "ὁμός""same, common" [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  "ὁμώνυμος""having the same name" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "ὅμῑλος""crowd, gathering of people" [Miles]
        •  "ὄνομα""noun" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "ὄνομα""name, noun" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "ὄνομα""name, reputation, noun" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ὄνομα""name, reputation, noun" [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  "ὄνομα""name, noun" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "ὀνοματοποιία""maker of names" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "ὄνυμα""name" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "οξύνει""sharpens" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "ὀπή""opening, hole, hollow" [EyeForEye]
        •  "ὀπή""opening, hole, hollow" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ὀπή""opening, hole" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ὀπή""opening, hole" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ὀπή""opening, hole, hollow" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "ὀπή""opening, hole, hollow" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "ὀπή""opening, hole, hollow" [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  "ὅπλον""tool, instrument" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "ὁράω""look with the eyes, able to see" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ὁράω""guard" [WordHeresy]
        •  "ὁράω""guard" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "ὁράω""guard" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "ὁράω""look with the eyes, able to see" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ὁράω""guard" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "ὄργανον""instrument, implement" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "ὄργανον""instrument, implement" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "ὄργανον""instrument, implement" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "ὄργανον""instrument, implement" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "ὄργανον""instrument, implement" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "ὀργή""temper, disposition, anger, wrath" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ὀργή""temper, disposition, anger, wrath" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ὀργή""temper, temperament, disposition, nature, passion, anger, wrath" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "ὀργή""temper, temperament, disposition, nature, passion, anger, wrath" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "ὀργίζω""to anger, to irritate, to become angry" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ὀργίζω""to anger, to irritate, to become angry" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ὀργίζω""to anger, to irritate, to become angry" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ὀρθός""straight, upright, erect" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ὀρθός""straight, upright, erect" [WordOrthodox]
        •  "ορθοτομη""rightly dividing" [WordOrthodox]
        •  "ὅρκος""oath" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ὅρκος""oath" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὅρκος""oath" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὅρκος""oath" [YesAndNo]
        •  "ὅρκος""oath" [OathsAndVows]
        •  "ὄρνεον""bird" [BibleBirds]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [GreekBreathMarkings]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [GreekBreathMarkings]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [Aristotle]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [MovingMountains]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [MovingMountains]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [MovingMountains]
        •  "ὄρος""mountain" [MovingMountains]
        •  "ὅρος""boundary, definition" [MovingMountains]
        •  "ὀρχέομαι""dance" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὀρχήστρα""dance floor" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὁρῐ́ζω""separate" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ὅσος""as much as" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ὀστέον""bone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὀστέον""bone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὀστέον""bone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὀστέον""bone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὀστέον""bone" [Miles]
        •  "ὀστέον""bone" [Miles]
        •  "ὀστέον""bone" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "ὅστις""whoever" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὅστις""whoever" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὅστις""whoever" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὅστις""whoever" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὅστις""whoever" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ὅστις""whoever" [Miles]
        •  "ὅστις""whoever" [Miles]
        •  "ου""no" [Cloaks]
        •  "ου""no" [Cloaks]
        •  "ου""no" [EyeForEye]
        •  "ου""no" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ου""no" [OneCookieRule]
        •  "ου""no" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "ου""no" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "ου""no" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "ου""not" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ου""no" [BibleWordNothing]
        •  "ου μη""no not" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ου μη""no not" [OneCookieRule]
        •  "ου μη""no not" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "ου μη""no not" [DoubleNegatives]
        •  "ου μη""no not" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "ου μη""no not" [BibleWordNothing]
        •  "οὐαί""woe, alas" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "οὐαί""woe, alas" [AmosYokeOfCompulsion]
        •  "οὐαί""woe, alas" [HebrewWordEvil]
        •  "οὐαί""woe, alas" [BibleEagles]
        •  "οὐαί""woe, alas" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "οὐαί""woe, alas" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "οὐαί""woe, alas" [WordsRepeatedThrice]
        •  "οὐαί""woe, alas" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "Οὐάλης""Valens" [DayValentines]
        •  "ουδεν η σκια""not (even) a shadow" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ουδεν η σκια""not (even) a shadow" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ουδεν ισχυει""not strong, ineffective" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ουδεν ισχυει""not strong, ineffective" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "οὔν""therefore" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ουράνιο τόξο""rainbow" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "οὐρανός""heaven, air" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "ουρανός""sky, heaven" [TailMindSky]
        •  "Οὐρανός""Uranus" [TailMindSky]
        •  "οὐρανός""heaven, air" [TailMindSky]
        •  "οὐρανός""sky, heaven" [TailMindSky]
        •  "οὐρανός""sky, heaven" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "οὐρανός""sky, heaven" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "οὑρανός""sky, heaven" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ουρανός""sky, heaven" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "Οὐρανός""Uranus" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ουρανός""sky, heaven" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ουρανός""sky, heaven" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "Οὐρανός""Uranus" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "οὖς""ear" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "οὐσία""essence" [WordEcstatic]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "ουσία""substance" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "ουσιν""being" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "ουσιν""being" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "οὕτως""thus" [LetLightOfJesusShine]
        •  "ὀφείλω""owe, be obligated" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ὄφεις""serpents, snakes" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ὀφθαλμός""eye" [EyeForEye]
        •  "ὀφθαλμός""eye" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "ὀφθαλμός""eye" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "ὀφθαλμός""eye" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "ὀφθαλμός""eye" [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  "ὅχλος""multitude, crowd, mob" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ὄχλος""multitude, crown" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ὅχλος""multitude, crowd, mob" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "ὅχλος""multitude, crowd, mob" [RefrigeratorMagnetSermons]
        •  "ὄχλος""multitude, crown" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "ὅχλος""multitude, crowd, mob" [Cubit]
        •  "ὀψάριον""small plate of food, fish" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ὄψεις""evening" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ὄψις""view, sight, face, countenance" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ὄψις""view, sight, face, countenance" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ὄψις""view, sight, face, countenance" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "όψις""view, sight, face, countenance" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "ὄψον""delicacy" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ὄψον""delicacy" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "παγίδα""trap" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "πάθος""experience, happening" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πάθος""experience, happening" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πάθος""experience, happening" [2Timothy2]
        •  "πάθος""experience, happening" [2Timothy2]
        •  "πάθος""experience, happening" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "πάθος""experience, happening" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παιδίον""small child" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "παιδίον""small child" [XmasMagiChildHouse]
        •  "παιδίον""small child" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "παιζω""play" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "παῖς""child, servant" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "παῖς""child, servant" [XmasMagiChildHouse]
        •  "παῖς""son, boy, servant" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "παῖς""child, servant" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "πάλη""wrestling, fight" [WrestleDarkPowers]
        •  "πάλη""wrestling, fight" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "πάλη""wrestling, fight" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "πάλη""wrestling, fight" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "πάλη""wrestling, fight" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "παλιά""old" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "παλιά""old" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "παλιά""old" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "πάλιν""again" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "πάλιν""again, once more" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "πάλιν""again, once more" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "πάλιν""again, once more" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "παλίνδρομος""running back again" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "πάλλω""poise or sway a missile" [WrestleDarkPowers]
        •  "πάλλω""poise or sway a missile" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "πάλλω""poise or sway a missile" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "πάλλω""poise or sway a missile" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "πᾶν""everything, anything" [WordCrafty]
        •  "παν ῥημα""every spoken word" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "πανδοκεῖον""inn" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "πανδοχειον""inn" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "πανδοχειον""inn" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "πάνθηρ""panther" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "πάνθηρ""panther" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "πάνθηρ""panther" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "πάνθηρ""panther" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "πάνθηρ""panther" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "πανοπλία""suit of armor" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "πανοῦργος""ready to try anything" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "πανοῦργος""ready to try anything" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πανοῦργος""ready to try anything" [WordCrafty]
        •  "πανοῦργος""ready to try anything" [WordCrafty]
        •  "πανοῦργος""ready to try anything" [WordCrafty]
        •  "πανοῦργος""ready to try anything" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "πανοῦργος""ready to try anything" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "πάντα""always, all, whole" [BibleEverything]
        •  "πάντων χρημάτων ἄνθρωπον μέτρον εἶναι ""man is the measure of all things" [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  "πάντων χρημάτων ἄνθρωπον μέτρον εἶναι ""man is the measure of all things" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "πάντων χρημάτων ἄνθρωπον μέτρον εἶναι ""man is the measure of all things" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "πάντων χρημάτων ἄνθρωπον μέτρον εἶναι ""man is the measure of all things" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "πάντων χρημάτων ἄνθρωπον μέτρον εἶναι ""man is the measure of all things" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "παρα""beyond" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [PaulRapture]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [GeometryDimensions]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "πάρα""beyond" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παρα""beyond" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [SelfReferenceParadoxes]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "πάρα""beyond" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "παρα""beyond" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "πάρα""beyond" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "παρά""beyond" [BiblePrefixPara]
        •  "παραβάτην""transgressor" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "παραβάτην""transgressor" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "παραβάτην""transgressor" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [JesusLanguageSpoken]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [BibleJesusCodes]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "παραβολή""saying, proverb" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "παραγγέλλω""pass on a message" [Miles]
        •  "παραγγέλλω""pass on, transmit a message" [PaulRapture]
        •  "παραγγέλλω""pass on, transmit a message" [PaulRapture]
        •  "παραγγέλλω""pass on, transmit a message" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "παράγω""lead past, move along, go past" [Miles]
        •  "παράγω""lead past, move along, go past" [Miles]
        •  "παράγω""lead past, move along, go past" [Miles]
        •  "παράγω""lead past, move along, go past" [Miles]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [TheoryTypes]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [ParadigmShifts]
        •  "παράδειγμα""pattern, example" [ParadigmShifts]
        •  "παραδείκνυμι""show, compare" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "παραδείκνυμι""show, compare" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "παραδείκνυμι""show, compare" [ParadigmShifts]
        •  "παράδεισος""paradise, enclosed park" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "παράδεισος""paradise, enclosed park" [BibleWordParadise]
        •  "παράδεισος""paradise, enclosed park" [TruthParadoxLost]
        •  "παράδεισος""paradise, enclosed park" [SongChristTheLordIsRisen]
        •  "παράδοξος""beyond expectation, strange" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "παράδοξος""beyond expectation, strange" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παράδοξος""beyond expectation, strange" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παράδοξος""beyond expectation, strange" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "παράδοξος""beyond expectation, strange" [SelfReferenceParadoxes]
        •  "παραδω""hand over, betray, deliver" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "παραδω""hand over, betray, deliver" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "παρακαλέω""call, summon, appeal, urge" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παρακληθήσονται""comfort" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παρακληθήσονται""comfort" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [WordCalques]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [PaulRapture]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [BibleTrinityAndModalism]
        •  "παράκλητος""advocate" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "παρακούω""hear incidentally, overhear, misunderstand, pay no heed" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "παρακούω""hear incidentally, overhear, misunderstand, pay no heed" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "παραλλαγή""exchange, transmission, interchange" [James1]
        •  "παράλλαγμα""variation, difference of solar and lunar year" [James1]
        •  "παραλογίζομαι""reason falsely" [RefrigeratorMagnetSermons]
        •  "παραλογίζομαι""reason falsely" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "παραλογίζομαι""reason falsely" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "παραλογίζομαι""reason falsely" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "παραλογίζομαι""reason falsely" [Aristotle]
        •  "παραλογίζομαι""reason falsely" [SoundDoctrine]
        •  "παραλογίζομαι""reason falsely" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "παραμύθιο""console" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παραμύθιο""console" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "παράξενος""beyond expectation, strange" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παράξενος""strange, weird, paradoxical" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "παράπονο""complaint, grievance" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "παράπονο""complaint, grievance" [BiblePrefixPara]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "παράπτωσις""impetuous pursuit, going astray" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "πάρδαλιω""leopard" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "παρείς""take, get, move" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "παρέλθη""pass by, come by, come beyond" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "παρίστημι""place beside, set before the mind" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "παροικία""dwelling abroad" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "παροικία""dwelling abroad" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "παροικία""dwelling abroad" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "παροιμία""saying, proverb" [JesusLanguageSpoken]
        •  "παροιμία""saying, proverb" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "παροιμία""saying, proverb" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "παροιμία""saying, proverb" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "παροιμία""saying, proverb" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "παροιμία""saying, proverb" [BibleJesusCodes]
        •  "παροιμία""saying, proverb" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "παροιμία""saying, proverb" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "παροράω""see, detect, sideways glance, overlook, disregard" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "παρουσία""arrival, occasion, coming" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παρουσία""presence" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παρουσία""presence" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "παρουσία""presence" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "παρουσία""presence" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "παρουσία""arrival, occasion, coming" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "παρουσία""arrival, occasion, coming" [Philippians1B]
        •  "παρουσία""presence" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "παροψίς""side dish, appetizer" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "παροψίς""side dish, appetizer" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "παροψωνέω""(of women) to buy food secretly (for themselves)" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "παροψώνημα""added relish" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "παρρησία""frankness, openness" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "παρρησία""frankness, openness" [Philippians1B]
        •  "παρρησία""frankness, openness" [Philippians1B]
        •  "παρρησία""frankness, openness" [Philippians1B]
        •  "παρῳδία""parody" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "παρών""present" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "πᾶς""all, every, each" [James3]
        •  "πας""all, every, each, whole" [BibleEverything]
        •  "πᾶς""all, every" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "πᾶς""every, all" [Philippians1B]
        •  "πάσχα""passover" [WordCalques]
        •  "πάσχα""passover" [WordCalques]
        •  "πάσχα""passover" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "πάσχα""passover" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "πάσχω""undergo, experience" [WordCalques]
        •  "πάσχω""undergo, experience" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πάσχω""undergo, experience" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "πάσχω""undergo, experience" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "πάσχω""undergo, experience" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "πάσχω""undergo, experience" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "πάσχω""undergo, experience" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "πάτέω""walk" [SectsGreek]
        •  "πάτέω""walk" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "πάτέω""walk" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "πάτέω""walk" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "πατέω""walk" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πάτηρ""father" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "πάτηρ""father" [BibleFather]
        •  "πάτος""walk" [SectsGreek]
        •  "πάτος""walk" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "πάτος""walk" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "πάτος""walk" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "Παῦλος""Paul" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "παῦσις""stopping, ceasing" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "παυσις""stopping, ceasing" [BibleRestPause]
        •  "παύω""stop" [BibleRestPause]
        •  "πεῖρα""trial, experiment, attempt" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πεῖρα""trial, experiment, attempt" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "πεῖρα""trial, experiment, attempt" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [WordDoomsday]
        •  "πειράζω""try, tempt" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [SchreiberFalseReasoning]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [James1]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [James1]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [James1]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πειράζω""examine" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πειρατής""pirate" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πειρατής""pirate" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "πειρατής""pirate, robber" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "πειρατής""pirate" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "πέλαγος""sea" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "πέλαγος""sea" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "πέλαγος""sea" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "πέλαγος""sea" [BibleGulagArchipelago]
        •  "πέλαγος""sea" [BibleGulagArchipelago]
        •  "πελεκάν""pelican" [BibleGulagArchipelago]
        •  "πέλεκυς""hatchet, ax" [BibleGulagArchipelago]
        •  "πένθος""grief, sorrow, mourning, misery" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πένθος""grief, sorrow, mourning" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "πένθος""grief, sorrow, mourning" [WordEcstatic]
        •  "πένθος""grief, sorrow, mourning, misery" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "πένθος""grief, sorrow, mourning, misery" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "πένθος""grief, mourning, misery" [ClementChurchFather]
        •  "πένθος""grief, mourning, misery" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "πένθος""grief, sorrow, mourning" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "πενθούντ""mourn" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "πένομαι""to exert oneself" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πέντε""five" [WordFive]
        •  "περί""around" [PaulRapture]
        •  "περι""around" [PaulRapture]
        •  "περι""around" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "περί""around" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "περι""around" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "Περὶ γενέσεως καὶ φθορᾶς""On the coming to be and passing away" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "Περὶ γενέσεως καὶ φθορᾶς""On the coming to be and passing away" [Aristotle]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνεία""About meaning" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνεία""About meaning" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνεία""About meaning" [Aristotle]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνεία""About meaning" [Aristotle]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνεία""About meaning" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνεία""About meaning" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνείας""On Interpretation" [Angels]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνείας""On Interpretation" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνείας""On Interpretation" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "Περὶ Ἑρμηνείας""On Interpretation" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "περιέχω""surround" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "περίμετρος""perimeter, circumference" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "περιοχή""circumference, extent" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "περιοχή""circumference, extent" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "περιπατέω""walk around" [SectsGreek]
        •  "περιπατέω""walk around" [SectsGreek]
        •  "περιπατέω""walk around" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "περιπατέω""walk around" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "περιπατέω""walk around" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "περιπατέω""walk around" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "περιπατέω""walk around" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "περιπατέω""walk around" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "περιποιέω""preserve, save, procure, save money" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "περιποιέω""preserve, save, procure, save money" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "περίστεροι""pigeon, dove" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "περίστεροι""pigeon, dove" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "περιτέμνω""to cut around, to circumcision" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "περιτομή""circular incision, circumcision" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "περιττότης""excess, extravagance" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "περῐ""around" [SectsGreek]
        •  "περῐ""around" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "περῐ""around" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "περῐ""around" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "πετεινά""birds" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "πετεινά""birds" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "πετεινα του ουρανου""birds of the air" [BibleBirds]
        •  "πετεινα του ουρανου""birds of the air" [TailMindSky]
        •  "πετεινα του ουρανου""birds of the air" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "πετεινα του ουρανου""birds of the air" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "πετεινός""fully fledged, able to fly" [BibleBirds]
        •  "πετεινός""bird" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "πετεινός""bird" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "πέτομαι""to fly" [BibleBirds]
        •  "πετράς""rock" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "πετρωδη""rocky" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "πετρώδη""stony places" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "πέφτω""fall, drop" [BibleBirds]
        •  "πηλός""clay, mud" [BibleSandTowerBabel]
        •  "πῆρα""bag, pouch, knapsack" [Cloaks]
        •  "πῆρα""bag, pouch, knapsack" [Cloaks]
        •  "πῆχυς""forearm, cubit" [Cubit]
        •  "πιάζω""press, squeeze" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "πιάζω""press, squeeze" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "πιέζω""press, squeeze" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "πιέζω""press, squeeze" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "πιθανός""persuasive" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "πικρός""pointed, sharp, keen" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "πικρός""pointed, sharp, keen" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "πικρός""pointed, sharp, keen" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "πικρός""pointed, sharp, keen" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "πικρός""pointed, sharp, keen" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "πινάκιον""small tablet, plate, platter" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "πίνακος""tablet" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "πίναξ""board, plank, tablet, plate, platter" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "πίνω""drink" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "πίνω""drink" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "πίνω""drink" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "πιπράσκω""sell" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "πιπράσκω""sell" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "πιπράσκω""sell" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πιπράσκω""sell" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [BibleBirds]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [DativeCase]
        •  "πίπτω""fall, throw oneself down" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [LetLightOfJesusShine]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [PersecutedForRighteousness2]
        •  "πίπτω""fall" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "πλανάω""wander about" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "πλανάω""wander about" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "πλανάω""wander about" [BibleLies]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [WordCrafty]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [James1]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" [PhariseesGroupthink]
        •  "πλάσσω""form, mold, shape" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "πλάσσω""form, mold, shape" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "πλάσσω""form, mold, shape" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "πλάσσω""form, mold, shape" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "πλάσσω""form, mold, shape" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "πλάσσω""form, mold, shape" [PipeDream]
        •  "πλάσσω""form, mold, shape" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "πλατεῖα""wide, broad" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλατεῖα ὁδός""broad way" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [GeometryDimensions]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πλατύς""wide, flat" [BibleGatesNarrowWide]
        •  "πλέκω""plait, twine, twist, weave, braid" [2Timothy2]
        •  "πλέον""more" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "πλεονεξία""greediness" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "πλέω""sail, float" [BibleFloodsAndRivers]
        •  "πληγή""stroke from a sword or pike" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "πληρόω""complete, fill full" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "πληρωμα""complete, fill full" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "πληρωμα""complete, fill full" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "πληρωμα""complete, fill full" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "πληρωμα""complete, fill full" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "πληρωμα""complete, fill full" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "πληρωμα""complete, fill full" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "πληρωμα""complete, fill full" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "πληρωμα""complete, fill full" [BibleNeighborWho]
        •  "πλησίον""near, neighbor" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "πλησίον""near, neighbor" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "πλούσιος""wealthy, rich" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "πλοῦτος""riches" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "Πλούτων""God of the underworld or Hades" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "πλυσιον""those near, neighbor" [BibleNeighborWho]
        •  "πνεῦμα""air, wind, breath, life, spirit, soul" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "πνεῦμα""air, wind, breath, life, spirit, soul" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "πνεῦμα""air, wind, breath, life, spirit, soul" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "πνεῦμα""air, wind, breath, life, spirit, soul" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "πνεῦμα""air, wind, breath, life, spirit, soul" [BibleTrinityAndModalism]
        •  "πνεῦμα""air, wind, breath, life, spirit, soul" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "ποιέω""make, do, cause" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ποιέω""create, produce, cause" [BibleAnything]
        •  "ποιέω""make, do, cause" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "ποιέω""make, create, do, cause" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "ποιέω""make, do, cause" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "ποιέω""make, do" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "ποιέω""make, do" [YesAndNo]
        •  "ποίησις""poetry, creating, making" [BibleAnything]
        •  "ποικίλος""dappled, variegated" [Cloaks]
        •  "ποικίλος""dappled, variegated" [SectsGreek]
        •  "ποικίλος""dappled, variegated" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "ποικίλος""dappled, variegated" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "ποικίλος""dappled, colored, intricate, painted" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "ποικίλος""dappled, variegated" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "ποικίλος""dappled, variegated" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "ποιμαίνω""tend, feed, nourish" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "πόλις""city" [Philippians4c]
        •  "πόλις""city" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "πολύ""many" [BibleChristFalse]
        •  "πολύ""many" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "πολυπραγμοσύνη""meddlesomeness, curiosity" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "πολύς""large, great" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "πολύς""many" [BibleChristFalse]
        •  "πολύς""large, great" [BibleFruit]
        •  "πολύς""many" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "πονέω""to toil, labor" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πονέω""to toil, labor" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "πονέω""to toil, labor" [EasterTenebrae]
        •  "πονέω""to toil, labor" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "πονέω""to toil, labor" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "πονέω""to toil, labor" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πονέω""to toil, labor" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "πονηρός""oppressed by toils" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πονηρός""enduring toil or suffering" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πονηρός""oppressed by toils" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "πονηρός""enduring toil or suffering" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "πονηρός""oppressed by toils" [EasterTenebrae]
        •  "πονηρός""oppressed by toils" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "πονηρός""oppressed by toils" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "πονηρός""enduring toil or suffering" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "πονηρός""oppressed by toils" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πονηρός""enduring toil or suffering" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πονηρός""oppressed by toils" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "πονηρός""enduring toil or suffering" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "πονηρού""evil, oppression" [Cloaks]
        •  "πονηρού""evil, oppression" [EyeForEye]
        •  "πόνος""work, toil" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πόνος""work, toil" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "πόνος""work, toil" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "πόνος""work, toil" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πόνος""work, toil" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πόνος""work, toil" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "πορνεία""fornication, prostitution" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πορνεία""fornication, prostitution" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "πορνεία""fornication, prostitution" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "πορνογράφος ""pornography" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "πορνογράφος ""pornography" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "πόρος""passage" [BibleGatesNarrowWide]
        •  "πόρος""passage" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "πορφύρα""purple" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "πορφύρα""purple" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "πορφύρα""purple" [Lydia]
        •  "ποταμός""river" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ποταμός""river" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "ποτέ""ever, at some time" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "ποτέ""ever, at some time" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ποτέ""ever, at some time" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "πότερος""which of the two" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "ποτήρ""cup" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ποτήρ""cup" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "ποτήριον""cup" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "ποτήριον""cup" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "πούς""foot" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [2Timothy2]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "πράγμα""thing" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "πράγμα""thing" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" [BibleMatthew18]
        •  "πράγματα""things" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "πραγματικός""active, versed in affairs" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πραγματικός""active, versed in affairs" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "πραγματικός""active, versed in affairs" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "πραγματικός""active, versed in affairs" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "πραγματικός""active, versed in affairs" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "πραγματικός""active, versed in affairs" [BibleMatthew18]
        •  "πρᾶος""soft, gentle, tame, mild" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "πρᾶος""soft, gentle, tame, mild" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [2Timothy2]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "πράσσω""to do" [BibleMatthew18]
        •  "πρέσβυς""aged, elder" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "πρόβατα""sheep" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "πρόβατα""sheep" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "πρόβατα""sheep" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "προδότης""traitor, betrayer" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "πρόδοτος""betrayed, let down" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "προηγούμενος""preceding, going first, leading the way" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "προηγούμενος""preceding, going first, leading the way" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "πρόθυμος""eager, willing" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "προκοπή""progress in a journey, improvement" [Philippians1B]
        •  "προκόπτω""progress, thrive, succeed" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "προπέτεια""impetuous, reckless" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "προπετής""falling forwards" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "προπετῶς""headlong, impetuous, reckless" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "πρός""to, towards" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πρός""to, towards" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "προς""to, towards" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "πρός""to, towards" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "πρός""to, towards" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "πρός""to" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "πρός""to" [BibleAnything]
        •  "πρός""to" [BibleAnything]
        •  "πρός""to, towards" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "πρός""to" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "πρός""to" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "πρός""to, towards" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "προς""to, towards" [PipeDream]
        •  "πρός""to, towards" [SongWorshipTheKing]
        •  "προς""towards" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [BibleAnything]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [BibleAnything]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [Aristotle]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "προσεύχομαι""pray, vow, request" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "προσκόπτω""cut towards/off" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "προσκόπτω""cut towards/off" [DativeCase]
        •  "προσκόπτω""cut towards/off" [LetLightOfJesusShine]
        •  "προσκόπτω""cut towards/off" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "προσκόπτω""cut towards/off" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "προσκόπτω""cut towards/off" [PersecutedForRighteousness2]
        •  "προσκόπτω""cut towards/off" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "προσκυνέω""fall down and worship" [SongWorshipTheKing]
        •  "πρόσοπον""view, sight, face, countenance" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "πρόσοπον""view, sight, face, countenance" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "προσφέρης""resemble" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "προσφέρω""bring to or upon, apply to, lay upon" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "προσφέρω""bring to or upon, apply to, lay upon" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "προσφέρω""bring to or upon, apply to, lay upon" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "προσφωνέω""speak to, address, accost" [PipeDream]
        •  "προσῳδία""song with accompaniment, tone or pitch of a word, diacritic mark" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "Πρωταγόρας""Protagoras" [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  "Πρωταγόρας""Protagoras" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "Πρωταγόρας""Protagoras" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "Πρωταγόρας""Protagoras" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "Πρωταγόρας""Protagoras" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "πρῶτον""first" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "πρῶτος""first, earliest, most prominent, prime (number)" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "πρῶτος""first, earliest, most prominent, prime (number)" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "πταίω""to stumble" [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  "πτερόν""feather, wing" [BibleBirds]
        •  "πτύξις""folding" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "πτύξις""folding" [BibleJesusReadsInLuke]
        •  "πτωξ""cowering animal, hare, coward" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "πτώση""fallen, dropped" [DativeCase]
        •  "πτώση""fallen, dropped" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "πτώση""fallen, dropped" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "πτώση""fallen, dropped" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling, failing" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling" [DativeCase]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling, failing" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling, failing" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling, failing" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling" [LetLightOfJesusShine]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling, failing" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling, failing" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling" [PersecutedForRighteousness2]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "πτῶσις""falling, failing" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar" [DativeCase]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar" [LetLightOfJesusShine]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar, one who crouches and cringes" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar" [PersecutedForRighteousness2]
        •  "πτωχός""beggar" [PersecutedForRighteousness3]
        •  "πτῡ́ω""spit out, spit up" [Philippians1B]
        •  "πύλη""wing of gates, door, entrance" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "πύλη""wing of gates, door, entrance" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "πύλη""wing of gates, entrance" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "πύλη""wing of gates, entrance" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πύλη""wing of gates, door, entrance" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πυλών""gateway" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "πυλών""gateway" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "πυλών""gateway" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πυλών""gateway" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πῦρ""fire" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "πῦρ""fire" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πῦρ""fire" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "πῦρ""fire" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "πυρά""pyre" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "πυρράζω""redden" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πυρράζω""redden" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πυρράζω""redden" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πυρράζω""redden" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "πυρρός""fire" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "πωλέω""sell" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "πωλέω""sell" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "πωλέω""sell" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "πωλέω""sell" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "πωρός""miserable" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "πᾰ́σχω""undergo, experience" [YesAndNo]
        •  "πᾰν""all" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "πᾰν""all" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "ῥακά""idiot, fool, good-for-nothing" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ῥάκος""rag, strip of cloth" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ῥάκος""rag, strip of cloth" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ῥαπίζς""beat (with a stick), lash, bash" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ῤαπίζω""beat" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ῥάπισμα""slap with the palm" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ῥάπισμα""slap, blow" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ῥαπτός""stitched (of a tunic)" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ῥάπτω""sew together, stitch" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ῥεῦμα""stream, flow, current" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "ῥήγνυμι""break asunder, rend, shatter" [BibleWordSwine]
        •  "ῥήγνυμι""break asunder, rend, shatter" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ῥήγνυμι""break asunder, rend, shatter" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ρῆμα""verb, spoken word" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [BibleWordLiteral]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "ῥῆμα""spoken word" [BibleWordSay]
        •  "ῥῆσις""utterance, speech" [Philippians1B]
        •  "ῥίζα""root" [RootsSquare]
        •  "ῥίζα""root" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ῥίζα""root" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "ῥινός""of the nose" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "ῥινός""of the nose" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "ῥιπή""throw, flight, surge" [James1]
        •  "ῥιπίζω""fan a fire" [James1]
        •  "ῥις""nose" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "ῥίς""nose" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "ῥις""nose" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "ῥομφαία""large broad sword" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "ῥομφαία""large broad sword" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "ῥομφαία""large broad sword" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "Ῥοῦφος""Rufus" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "ῥυθμός""rhythm" [YesAndNo]
        •  "ῥῦμα""that which is drawn" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "ῥύμη""force of a body in motion, charge of soldiers" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "ῥύμη""force of a body in motion, charge of soldiers" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "ῥύμη""force of a body in motion, charge of soldiers" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "ῥύμη""force of a body in motion, charge of soldiers" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "ρως""Rhos" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "ρως""Rhos" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "ρως""Rhos" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "ρως""Ros" [VeteransDay]
        •  "ρως""Rhos" [Photos20240414]
        •  "ῥῑνόκερως""rhinoceros" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "ῥῑνόκερως""rhinoceros" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "ῥῑνόκερως""rhinoceros" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "ῥῑνόκερως""rhinoceros" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "σαλεύω""shake up, agitate" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "σαλεύω""shake up, agitate" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "σάλπιγξ""war trumpet" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "σάλπιγξ""war trumpet" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "σάλπιγξ""war trumpet" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "σάλπιγξ""war trumpet" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "σάλπιγξ""war trumpet" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "σαμβύκη""sambuca" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "σάνδαλον""sandal" [BbileConspiracyTheories]
        •  "σάνδαλον""sandal" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "σας""you, yours" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "σατα""measure" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "σατα""measure" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "σατα""measure" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "σατανά""Satan" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "σαταρίς""woman's headdress" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "σαῦρος""lizard" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "σαῦρος""lizard" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "σε""you" [Loans]
        •  "σεβαστός""venerable, august" [Philippians4c]
        •  "σεληνῐᾰκός ""of the moon" [BibleEclipses]
        •  "σεληνῐᾰκός ""of the moon" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "σῆμα""mark, sign" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "σημαίνω""to indicate" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "σημαίνω""to indicate" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "σημαίνω""to indicate" [Aristotle]
        •  "σημαίνω""to indicate" [MovingMountains]
        •  "σημαντικὴ""meaning" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "σημεῖον""mark, sign, omen, flag" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "σῆς""moth" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "σης""thy" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "σιαγονα""jaw, jawbone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σιαγών""jaw, jawbone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σιαγών""jaw, jawbone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σιαγών""jaw, jawbone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σιαγών""jaw, jawbone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σιαγών""jaw, jawbone" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σίναπι""mustard plant" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "σίναπι""mustard plant" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "σίναπι""mustard plant" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "σίνις""agent of destruction or plunder" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "σίνομαι""ravage, plunder, destroy" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""snare, trap, temptation" [BbileConspiracyTheories]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""snare, trap, temptation" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "σκάνδαλον""trap, snare" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [PaulRapture]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [BiblePassover]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [2Timothy2]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [FriendshipEvangelism]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [TenCommandments]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "σκευή""vessel" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "σκεῦος""vessel, implement" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "σκηνή""tent, theater stage" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "σκηνή""tent, theater stage" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "σκηνή""tent, theater stage" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "σκηνή""tent, theater stage" [ParadigmShifts]
        •  "σκιά""shadow" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σκιά""shadow" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σκιά""shadow, shade, spirit of someone dead" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σκιά""shadow, shade, spirit of someone dead" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "σκληρός""hard, harsh" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "σκληρός""hard, harsh" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "σκληρός""hard, harsh" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "σκολιός""curved, bent, twisted" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "σκοπέω""look at, behold" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "σκοπός""watcher" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "σκοπός""watcher, target" [Philippians3e]
        •  "σκοπός""watcher, target" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "σκοπός""watcher, target" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "σκοπός""watcher, target" [Philippians1A]
        •  "σκοπός""watcher, target" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "σκοπός""watcher, target" [BibleWordBishop]
        •  "σκοπός""watcher, target" [BibleWordBishop]
        •  "σκορπίος""scorpion" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "σκορπίος""scorpion" [BibleScorpionSting]
        •  "σκύβαλον""excrement, dung" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "σκύβαλον""excrement, dung" [Philippians3b]
        •  "σκύβαλον""excrement, dung" [Philippians3b]
        •  "σκύλαξ""dog" [WordSpoils]
        •  "σκύλος""skin, hide" [WordSpoils]
        •  "σμαράγδινος""of emerald, emerald green" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "σμάραγδος""emerald" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "σμάω""wipe clear, cleanse" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "Σμύρνη""Smyrna" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "Σμύρνη""Smyrna" [BibleCitySmyrna]
        •  "σοι""(to) you" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "Σόλοι""Soli" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "Σόλοι""Soli" [LogicSolecisms]
        •  "Σόλοι""Soli" [LogicSolecisms]
        •  "Σόλοι""Soli" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "σολοικισμός""solecism" [LogicSolecisms]
        •  "σόλοικος""speaking incorrectly" [LogicSolecisms]
        •  "σορός""vessel, urn, coffin" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "σορός""vessel, urn, coffin" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "σου""your" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "σου""of you" [Cloaks]
        •  "σου""you" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "σου""you" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "Σοφιστικοί έλεγχοι""Sophistic Refutations" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [JesusWordWise]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [James1]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [James1]
        •  "σοφός""clever, cunning" [James1]
        •  "σπάζω""break" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "σπαθι""loom blade, sword edge" [FollowTheLeader]
        •  "σπαρείς""having been sown" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "σπασμός""spasm, convulsion" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "σπάω""draw out a sword" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "σπάω""draw out a sword" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "σπερμόλογος""picking up seeds" [BibleBirds]
        •  "σπερμόλογος""picking up seeds" [SectsGreek]
        •  "σπεῦδε βραδέως""make haste slowly" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "σπεῦδε βραδέως""make haste slowly" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [2Timothy2]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "σπεύδω""urge, hasten, strive" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [Philippians3a]
        •  "σπεύδω""be keen, make haste" [BibleWordShow]
        •  "σπεύδω""urge, hasten, strive" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "σπλάγχνον""bowels, guts" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "σπλάγχνον""bowels, guts" [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  "σπλήν""spleen" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "σπλήν""spleen" [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  "σπυρίς""large basket" [BibleBaskets]
        •  "στάδιος""firm, fixed, upright" [Miles]
        •  "σταθμός""standing place" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "σταθμός""standing place, stall, pen, lodge" [RussionWordSputnik]
        •  "στάσις""standing, group, faction" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "στάσις""standing, group, faction" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "στατήρ""weight, standard, stater coin" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "στατήρ""weight, standard, stater coin" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "στατήρ""weight, standard, stater coin" [Numismatics]
        •  "στατήρ""weight, standard, stater coin" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "στατήρ""weight, standard, stater coin" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "σταυρός""cross" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "στέγη""roof, ceiling" [WordConfusion]
        •  "στέγη""roof, ceiling" [SongDeckTheHalls]
        •  "στέγη""roof, ceiling" [BibleCodesSteganography]
        •  "στέγη""roof, ceiling" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "στέγη""roof, ceiling" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "στέγη""roof, ceiling" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "στέγη""roof, ceiling" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "στέλλω""send" [BibleWordApostle]
        •  "στέλλω""send" [BibleWordApostle]
        •  "στενή""narrow" [BibleGatesNarrowWide]
        •  "στενός""narrow, tight" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "στενός""narrow, tight" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "στενός""narrow, tight" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "στενοχωρέω""confined, pressed closely" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "στερεός""firm, solid, rigid" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "στερέωμα""foundation, framework" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "στέφανος""that which encircles, surrounds, crown" [SongWenceslas]
        •  "στέφανος""that which encircles, surrounds, crown" [Philippians4a]
        •  "στέφανος""that which encircles, surrounds, crown" [Philippians4a]
        •  "στέφω""encircle, put around" [SongWenceslas]
        •  "στέφω""encircle, put around" [Philippians4a]
        •  "στέφω""encircle, put around" [Philippians4a]
        •  "στη""stand" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "στη""stand, continue" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "στη""stand, continue" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "στη""stand" [Cloaks]
        •  "στη""stand" [EyeForEye]
        •  "στήκω""stand" [Philippians4a]
        •  "στήναι""stand" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "στηρίζω""uphold, support, base" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "στήσῃς""place" [Cloaks]
        •  "στοά""colonnade, roofed porch" [SectsGreek]
        •  "στοά""colonnade, roofed porch" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "στοά""colonnade, roofed porch" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""element" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""element" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""element" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [ZeroPointEnergy]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""one of a row or series or sequence" [BibleConstant]
        •  "στοιχεῖον""element" [2Peter3LastDays]
        •  "στόμα""opening, mouth" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "στόμα""mouth" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "στόμα""mouth" [CorruptionAndDecay]
        •  "στόμα""mouth" [WordConfusion]
        •  "στόμα""mouth" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "στόμα""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "στόμα""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "στόμα""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "στόμα""mouth" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "στοργή""love, affection" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "στόρνυμι""smooth out, spread" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "στόρνυμι""smooth out, spread" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "στόχος""pillar of brick" [2Timothy2]
        •  "στρατιώτης""soldier" [2Timothy2]
        •  "στρατιώτης""soldier" [VeteransDay]
        •  "στρατιώτης""soldier" [SongOnwardChristianSoldiers]
        •  "στρατιώτης""soldier" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "στρέφω""turn, direct, twist" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "στρέφω""turn, direct, twist" [Loans]
        •  "στρουθός""sparrow" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "στρουθός""sparrow" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "στρουθός""sparrow" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "στρουθός""sparrow" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "στρῶμα""layer, bed, bed covering" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "Στρῶματα""layers, coverings" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "στυγνάζω""look hostile, grim, gloomy" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "στυγνός""hatred, hostility, gloomy" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "στυγνός""hatred, hostility, gloomy" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "συγ""with" [2Timothy2]
        •  "συγ""with" [2Timothy2]
        •  "συηχυσις""confusion" [WordConfusion]
        •  "συηχυσις""confusion" [BibleBabelTower]
        •  "συηχυσις""confusion" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "συλαγωγων""spoil" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "συλάω""pillage, plunder" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "σύλη""pillage, plunder" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "συλλαβή""conception, pregnancy, hold together" [James1]
        •  "συλλαμβάνω""collect, gather, take hold of, seize, conceive a child" [James1]
        •  "συλλαμβάνω""collect, gather, take hold of, seize, conceive a child" [James1]
        •  "συλλογίζομαι""compute, calculate" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "συλλογίζομαι""compute, calculate" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "συλλογισμός""syllogism" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "συλλογισμός""syllogism" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "συλλογισμός""syllogism" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "συμ""with" [BringingTogether]
        •  "συμ""with" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "συμβαίνω""stand with or beside, agree with, come to pass, happen" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "συμβεβηκός""accident, happening" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "συμφέρω""bring together, work with, to be carried along with" [BringingTogether]
        •  "συμφέρω""bring together, work with, to be carried along with" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "συμφορά""bringing together" [BringingTogether]
        •  "συμφορά""bringing together" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "συμφωνία""agreement" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "συμφωνία""agreement" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "συμφωνία""agreement" [BibleWordSame]
        •  "συν""together" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "σύν""together" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "συν""with" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "συν""together" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συν""together" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συν""with" [BringingTogether]
        •  "συν""together" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "συν""with" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "συν""together, with" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "συν""together" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "σύν""together" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "σύν""together" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "συν""together" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "συναγωγή""gathering" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "συναγωγή""gathering" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "συναγωγή""gathering" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "συναγωγή""gathering" [BringingTogether]
        •  "συναρπάζω""enrapture" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "συνδρομή""concurrence of symptoms, concourse" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "συνέδριον""council" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "συνεργός""coworker" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "συνεχεεν""confound, confuse" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "συνεχυθη""confused, confounded" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "συνίημι""send together, understand" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "σύνοδος""assembly, meeting" [Philippians4a]
        •  "συνοχή""having together" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "συνοχή""having together" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "συνοχή""having together" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "συνοχή""distress" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "συνοχή""having together" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "σῦριγξ""pan pipes" [PipeDream]
        •  "σῦριγξ""pan pipes" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "συσ""together, with" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συσ""together, with" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συσ""together, with" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συστοιχία""listing, series" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συστοιχία""listing, series" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συστοιχία""listing, series" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συστοιχία""listing, series" [GalationsTables]
        •  "συστοιχία""listing, series" [GalationsTables]
        •  "σύστοιχος""in the same column or series" [GalationsTables]
        •  "σύστοιχος""in the same column or series" [GalationsTables]
        •  "σύστοιχος""in the same column or series" [GalationsTables]
        •  "σφάλλω""topple, be foiled" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "σφάλλω""topple, be foiled" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "σφάλμα""fall, be cast down" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "σφάλμα""fall, be cast down" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "σφάλμα""fall, be cast down" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "σχήμα""figure, shape" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "σχῆμα""form, shape, appearance" [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  "σχίζα""splinter, shaft, dart" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "σχίζω""split, cleave, divide" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "σχίσις""division, fork in a road" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "σχίσμα""rent, tear" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "σχίσμα""division, split" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "σχίσμα""division, rent, split" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "σχίσμα""division, rent, split" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "σχίσμα""division, split" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "σχολή""leisure, free time, rest" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "σχολή""leisure, free time, rest" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "σχολή""leisure, free time, rest" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "σχολή""leisure, free time, rest" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "σχολή""leisure, free time" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "σωρός""heap, pile, mound, quantity" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "σωρός""heap, pile, mound, quantity" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "σωρός""heap, pile, mound, quantity" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "σωρός""heap, pile, mound, quantity" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "Σωσαννα""Susanna" [DisappearingBlood]
        •  "Σωσαννα""Susanna" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "Σωσαννα""Susanna" [BiblePentecostSecurity]
        •  "Σωσαννα""Susanna" [BiblePentecostSecurity]
        •  "Σωσαννα""Susanna" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "Σωσαννα""Susanna" [BibleDanielSuzanne]
        •  "σωφρονισμός""teaching of morality or moderation" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "σωφρονισμός""teaching of morality or moderation" [BibleWordModeration]
        •  "σῠν""with, together" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ταις""the" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "ταμεῖον""storehouse, storeroom" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "ταμεῖον""storehouse, storeroom" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "ταμιεῖον""storehouse, storeroom" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "ταμιεύω""run a household, look after stores" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "τάξις""arrangement, ordering" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ταπεινός""low-lying, humbled, downcast" [James1]
        •  "ταπεινός""low-lying, humbled, downcast" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "Τάρταρος""Tartarus" [Tartarus]
        •  "τάσσω""arrange, put in order" [BibleVitaminsPaul]
        •  "ταῦρος""bull" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "ταὐτολογῐ́ᾱ""tautology" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ταχύς""quick" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ταχύς""quick" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [James1]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "τεῖχος""mound, earth works, wall" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "τεῖχος""mound, earth works, wall" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "τέκνον""child" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "τέκνον""child" [XmasMagiChildHouse]
        •  "τέκνον""child" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "τέλειος""purposed, complete, perfected" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "τέλειος""complete, end, purpose" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "τέλειος""purposed, complete, perfected" [NinthHour]
        •  "τέλειος""purposed, complete, perfected" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "τέλειος""purposed, complete, perfected" [James1]
        •  "τέλειος""complete" [BibleWordPerfect]
        •  "τελεος""complete" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "τέλος""end" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose, complete" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose, complete" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose, complete" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose, complete" [James1]
        •  "τέλος""end, purpose" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "τέμνω""I cut, separate" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "τέμνω""I cut, separate" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "τετέλεσται""completed, paid in full" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "τεύχω""make, do, perform, cause, prepare" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "τέφρα""ashes" [Months]
        •  "την""the" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "την""the" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "τηρέω""watch over, look after, take care of" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "τηρέω""watch over, look after, take care of" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "τήρησις""custody, confinement, safeguarding" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "τήρησις""custody, confinement, safeguarding" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "τι""what" [BibleAnything]
        •  "τίθημι""put, place, set" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "τιμά""honor, value, price" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, worth" [PaulRapture]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, worth" [BibleWordRebuke]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, price" [WordHeresy]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, price" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, worth" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, price" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, worth" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, worth" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "τιμή""honor, value, price" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "τιμωρία""punishment" [WordHeresy]
        •  "τιμωρία""punishment" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "τιμωρία""punishment" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "τιμωρία""punishment" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "τις""something" [James1]
        •  "τόδε""hither, therefore" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "τοιόσδε""of this sort or kind" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "τοις""the" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "τόλμα""courage, recklessness" [Philippians1A]
        •  "τολμάω""dare" [Philippians1A]
        •  "τολμάω""dare" [Philippians1B]
        •  "τομή""notch, cut, intersection" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "τόμος""slice" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "τόμος""section, roll of papyrus" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "τόμος""slice" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "τόμος""slice" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "τόμος""slice" [WordOrthodox]
        •  "τόμος""section, roll of papyrus" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "τόμος""slice" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "τον""the" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "τοξικός""of the bow, archers, bowmen" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "τόξον""bow, rainbow, arc" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "Τοπικά""Topica" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "τόπος""place" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "τόπος""place" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "Τοῦρκος""Turkey" [HolidayThanksgiving]
        •  "τοῦτο""this" [OtherSimilarDifferences]
        •  "τοῦτο""this" [LogicSolecisms]
        •  "τοῦτο""this" [Philippians3e]
        •  "τρεῖς""three" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "τρεῖς""three" [WordAngle]
        •  "τρέπω""turn, change, rotate" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "τρέπω""turn, divert" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "τρέπω""turn, divert, mind change" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "τρέπω""turn, divert, mind change" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "τρέχω""run" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "τρέχω""run" [Philippians3e]
        •  "τρέχω""run" [BibleGardenTouch]
        •  "τρέχω""run" [Philpiians2Rejoicing]
        •  "τρία""three" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "τρία""three" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "τρία""three" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "τρία""three" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "τρία""three" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "τρία""three" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "τρία""three" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "τρία""three" [BibleWordCowPaths]
        •  "τρίβολος""prickly plant" [BibleThorns]
        •  "τρίβους""path" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "τριβούς""path" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "τριβούς""path" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "τριβούς""path" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "τριβούς""path" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "τριβούς""path" [BibleWordCowPaths]
        •  "τρίγωνον""triangle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "τρίγωνον""triangle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "τρίγωνον""triangle" [WordAngle]
        •  "τρίγωνον""triangle" [WordAngle]
        •  "τρίτος""third" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "τρυγών""turtle dove" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "τρυφαώ""coddled, pampered, indulged" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "τρυφαώ""coddled, pampered, indulged" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "τρυφαώ""coddled, pampered, indulged" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "τρυφαώ""coddled, pampered, indulged" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "τρυφαώ""coddled, pampered, indulged" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "τυγχαίνω""happen to be" [2Timothy2]
        •  "τυγχάνω""happen, succeed" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "τύμβος""funeral, mound, tomb" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "τύμβος""funeral, mound, tomb" [MovingMountains]
        •  "τύμπανον""drum" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "τύμπανον""drum" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "τύμπανον""drum" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "τυπικός""impressionable" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "τύπος""blow, pressing, mark, figure" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "τύπος""blow, pressing, mark, figure" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "τύπος""impression, mark" [TheoryTypes]
        •  "τύπος""impression, mark" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "τύπος""blow, pressing, mark, figure" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "τύπος""impression, mark" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "τύπος""impression, mark" [ParadigmShifts]
        •  "τύπτω""beat, strike" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "τύπτω""beat, strike" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "τύπτω""beat, strike" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "τυραννία""tyranny, torment" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "τύραννος""absolute ruler, tyrant, dictator" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "τυφλός""blind" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "τυφλός""blind, dark, unseen" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "τυφλός""blind, dark, unseen" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "τυφλός""blind, dark, unseen" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "τῦφος""delusion" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "τυφόω""delude, puff up with pride" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "τῦφω""give off smoke" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "τῦφως""hurricane, whirlwind" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "τυχος""mason's hammer" [2Timothy2]
        •  "των""of" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ὕβρις""pride, insolence" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "ὕβρις""pride, insolence" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ὑγίής""sound, healthy" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ὑγιής""sound, healthy, strong" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "ὑδράργυρος""mercury" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ὑδράργυρος""mercury" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ὑδράργυρος""mercury" [BibleSaints]
        •  "ὕδωρ""water" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ὕλη""wood, brush, subject, matter" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ὕλη""wood, stuff, matter" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ὕλη""wood, brush, subject, matter" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ὕλη""wood, brush, subject, matter" [Quakers]
        •  "ὕλη""wood, stuff, matter" [Quakers]
        •  "ὕλη""wood, brush, subject, matter" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ὕλη""wood, brush, subject, matter" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "ὑλικός""of matter, material" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "ὑλικός""of matter, material" [Quakers]
        •  "ὑμῖν""to you" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "ὕμνος""song, hymn, ode" [ChristmasCaroling]
        •  "ὑπάγω""bring under, go slowly away" [Miles]
        •  "ὑπάγω""bring under, go slowly away" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ὑπάρχω""to begin, to exist" [ExistanceIsNotIs]
        •  "ὑπέρ""above, over" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "ὑπέρ""over" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ὑπέρ""above, over" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "ὑπέρ""above, over" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "ὑπερ""above, more" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ὑπέρ""above, over" [SuperBowl]
        •  "ὑπερ""above, more" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "ὑπερ""above, more, over" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ὑπερέχω""be better" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ὑπερέχω""be better" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "ὑπερήφανος""overbearing, insolent, arrogant" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ὑπερήφανος""appearing over" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ὑπερνικάω""conqueror" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "ὑπερνικάω""conqueror" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "ὑπεροχή""having over" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ὑπεροχή""having over" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "ὑπηρέτης""rower, assistant performing manual work for another" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ὑπηρέτης""rower, assistant performing manual for another" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ὑπηρέτης""rower, assistant performing manual for another" [BibleJesusReadsInLuke]
        •  "ὕπνος""sleep" [BibleDanielDream]
        •  "ὕπο""under" [Miles]
        •  "υπό""under" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "υπό""under" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "ὕπο""under" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "ὑπό""under" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "υπό""under" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "υπό""under" [BibleJesusReadsInLuke]
        •  "υπό νόμον""under (the) law" [DiagramCollection]
        •  "υπό νόμον""under (the) law" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "υπό νόμον""under (the) law" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "υπό νόμον""under (the) law" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "υπό νόμον""under (the) law" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "υπό νόμον""under (the) law" [PipeDream]
        •  "υπό νόμον""under (the) law" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "ὑπόδημα""sandal, shoe" [NoSwordNoService]
        •  "ὑπομονή""enduring, waiting" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "ὑπόνομον""underground passage, mine, water-pipe, conduit, sewer, vein of minerals" [DiagramCollection]
        •  "ὑπόνομον""underground passage, mine, water-pipe, conduit, sewer, vein of minerals" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "ὑπόνομον""underground passage, mine, water-pipe, conduit, sewer, vein of minerals" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "ὑπόνομον""underground passage, mine, water-pipe, conduit, sewer, vein of minerals" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "ὑπόνομον""underground passage, mine, water-pipe, conduit, sewer, vein of minerals" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "ὑπόνομον""underground passage, mine, water-pipe, conduit, sewer, vein of minerals" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὑπόνομον""underground passage, mine, water-pipe, conduit, sewer, vein of minerals" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "ὑπόνομος""underground passage, mine, water-pipe, conduit, sewer, vein of minerals" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "υποπιαζη""bruised eye" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ὑποπόδιον""footstool" [PipeDream]
        •  "ὑποτάσσω""place under" [BibleVitaminsPaul]
        •  "ὑστέρημα""shortcoming, deficiency" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "ὑστέρημα""shortcoming, deficiency" [ClementChurchFather]
        •  "ὑστέρημα""shortcoming, deficiency" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "ὑστέρημα""shortcoming, deficiency" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "ὔστερος""after, later" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ὕστερος""latter, afterwards" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "υστερούντα""lag behind, be late" [PlausibleDeniability]
        •  "υστερούντα""lag behind, be late" [GoodPeople]
        •  "υστερούντα""lag behind, be late" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "φαίνεσθε""appear" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φαίνεσθε""appear" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φαινόμενον""appear" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "φαινόμενον""appear" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φαινόμενον""appear" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φαίνω""make known, reveal" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "φαίνω""appear" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φαίνω""make known, reveal" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "φανερός""visible, manifest" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "φανος""appearance" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "φᾱνός""appearing, shining" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "φάραγξ""ravine, gully, abyss" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "φαρμακεία""use of drugs or medicines, sorcery, witchcraft" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "φάρμακον""drug, potion" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "φάρυγξ""throat, windpipe" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "φαῦλος""trivial, petty, careless" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "φέρω""bring, carry" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "φέρω""bring, carry, bear" [BringingTogether]
        •  "φέρω""bear, carry" [HeThatHathEars]
        •  "φέρω""bear, carry" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "φέρω""bring, carry, bear" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "φέρω""bear, carry" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φέρω""carry, bear" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "φέρω""bear, carry" [BibleLucifer]
        •  "φεύγω""flee, avoid, get away from" [James4]
        •  "φημη""rumor, reputation" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "φθάνω""overtake, catch up with, come before" [PaulRapture]
        •  "φθάνω""overtake, catch up with, come before" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "φθάνω""overtake, catch up with, come before" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "φθάνω""overtake, catch up with, come before" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "φθάνω""overtake, catch up with, come before" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "φθάνω""overtake, catch up with, come before" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "φθόγγος""sound, utterance" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "φθόγγος""sound, utterance" [BibleWordUtterance]
        •  "φιλαργυρια""love of silver" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "φιλαργυρια""love of silver" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "φιλαργυρια""love of silver" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "φιλαργυρια""love of silver" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "φιλαυτοι""lovers of oneself" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "φίλος""that which is loved or important, friend" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "φίλος""that which is loved or important, friend" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "φίλος""that which is loved or important, friend" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "φίλος""that which is loved or important, friend" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "φίλος""that which is loved or important, friend" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "φιλουσιν""love" [BibleHypocritesUnsaid]
        •  "φιμωθη""muzzle" [NewWordsNotYetPlaced]
        •  "φλέγω""set on fire, kindle" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "φλέγω""set on fire, kindle" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "φλόξ""flame, blaze" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "φλόξ""flame, blaze" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "φονεύω""murder, kill, slay" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "φονεύω""murder, kill, slay" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "φορέω""bear habitually" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "φόρος""tribute, tax" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "φόρος""tribute, tax" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "φόρος""tribute, tax" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "φόρος""tribute, tax" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "φόρος""tribute, tax" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "φορτίον""load, cargo" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "φορτίον""load, cargo" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "φορτίον""load, cargo" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "φορτίον""load, cargo" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "φόρτος""load, cargo" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "φόρτος""load, cargo" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "φόρτος""load, cargo" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "φόρτος""load, cargo" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "φραγμός""restraint, barrier" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "φράσσω""to fence, hedge, secure" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "φρήν""midriff, stomach" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "φρήν""midriff, stomach" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "φρήν""midriff, stomach" [James1]
        •  "φρήω""mind" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "φρονέω""be mindful of" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "φρόνιμα""prudent" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "φρόνιμα""prudent" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [James1]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [James1]
        •  "φρόνιμος""sensible, mindful" [James1]
        •  "φυλακή""watch, prison" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "φυλακή""watch, prison" [BibleEverything]
        •  "φύλλον""leaf, foliage" [BibleThorns]
        •  "φύση""nature" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "φύση""nature" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "φύση""nature" [BibleJesusBornWhy]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [Philippians3b]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [Philippians3b]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [Aristotle]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [Aristotle]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [Philippians4c]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [Philippians4c]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "φύση""nature, reality" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "φύση""nature" [BibleCrossAt]
        •  "φύση""nature" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "φωλεός""den, lair, nest" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "φωνέω""speak, make a sound" [PipeDream]
        •  "φωνή""voice, sound" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "φωνὴ""voice, sound" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "φωνή""voice, sound" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "φωνή""voice" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "φωνή""voice" [HeThatHathEars]
        •  "φωνή""voice, sound" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "φωνή""voice" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "φωνή""voice" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "φωνή""voice" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "φωνή""voice" [PipeDream]
        •  "φωνή""voice" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "φωνή""voice" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "φως""light" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "φως""light" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "φως""light" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "φως""light" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "φως""light" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "φως""light" [HeThatHathEars]
        •  "φως""light" [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  "φως""light" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "φως""light" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "φως""light" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "φως""light" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "φως""light" [PipeDream]
        •  "φως""light" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "φως""light" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φως""light" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "φως""light" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "Φωσφόρος""Phosphorus" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "φωσφόρος""bearer of light" [HeThatHathEars]
        •  "φωσφόρος""bearer of light" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "φωσφόρος""bearer of light" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φωσφόρος""bearer of light" [BibleLucifer]
        •  "χαίρω""to be happy" [Philippians1A]
        •  "χαίρω ""to be happy" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "Χάλεβ""Caleb" [AnimalDogCaleb]
        •  "Χάλεβ""Caleb" [PhilosophyCinics]
        •  "Χάλεβ""Caleb" [Philippians3a]
        •  "χαλεπός""difficult, painful, cruel" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "χαλεπός""difficult, painful, cruel" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [WordJoy]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [WordJoy]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [WordJoy]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [CreedSaintPauls]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [XmasLambOfGod]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [James1]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [SongAmazingGrace]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [Philippians1A]
        •  "χαρά""exultation" [Philippians1A]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [Philippians1aReview]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [Philippians1aReview]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [Philippians1Review]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [Philippians1Review]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [Philippians2aReview]
        •  "χαρά""favor, grace" [Philippians2aReview]
        •  "χάρη""favor, grace" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "χάρη""favor, grace" [WordJoy]
        •  "χάρη""favor, grace" [WordJoy]
        •  "χάρη""favor, grace" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "χάρη""favor, grace" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "χάρη""favor, grace" [SongJoyToTheWorld]
        •  "χαρίζομαι""grant a favor" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "χάριν""favor, purpose, joy" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "χάριν""favor, purpose, joy" [James4]
        •  "χάρις""favor, grace" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "χάρις""favor, grace" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "χάρις""favor, grace" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "χάρις""favor, grace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "χάρις""favor, grace" [Philippians1A]
        •  "χάρῐν""for the sake of" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "χάρῐς""favor, grace" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "χάρῐς""favor, grace" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "χειμών""winter, cold chill, winter storm" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "χειμών""winter, cold chill, winter storm" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "χειρόγραφον""handwriting" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "χείρον""worse in quality, inferior" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "χείρον""worse in quality, inferior" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "χείρον""worse in quality, inferior" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "χείρον""worse in quality, inferior" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "χειρός""hand" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "χειρός""hand" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "χειρός""hand" [JesusTriumphalEntry]
        •  "χειρός""hand" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "χειρός""hand" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "χειρός""hand" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "χείρων""of the hands" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "χθών""ground, soil, earth" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "χιάζω""mark with a chi, shape like a chi" [ChiasmusPatterns]
        •  "χιασμός""crossing" [ChiasmusPatterns]
        •  "χιτών""man's tunic" [Cloaks]
        •  "χιτών""tunic" [Cloaks]
        •  "χιτών""man's tunic" [Cloaks]
        •  "χιτών""man's tunic" [Cloaks]
        •  "χιτών""man's tunic" [Cloaks]
        •  "χιτών""tunic" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "χοῖρον""young pig, swine" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "χοῖρον""young pig, swine" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "χοῖρον""young pig, swine" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "χοῖρον""young pig, swine" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "χοραυλής""flute player accompanying a chorus dance" [ChristmasCaroling]
        •  "χορός""dance" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "χορός""dance" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "χορός""company of dancers or singers" [ChristmasCaroling]
        •  "χορός""dance" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "χους""dust" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "χους""dust" [BibleChaos]
        •  "χοῦς""capacity, soil, dust" [AdamToNoahDetails]
        •  "χρεία""need, want" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "χρεία""need, want" [PaulRapture]
        •  "χρεία""need, want" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "χρεία""need, purpose, use" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "χρεώ""want, need" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "χρεώ""want, need" [PaulRapture]
        •  "χρεώ""want, need" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "χρή""have to, ought, should" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "χρῆμα""need, goods, affair" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "χρήματα""money" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [BiblePuns]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [AmosYokeOfCompulsion]
        •  "χρηστός""useful" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρηστός""useful" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [EpistleBarnabas]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [PipeDream]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [PipeDream]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "χρηστός""useful" [BibleCrossAt]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "χρηστός""good, useful" [Acts17v10to14]
        •  "χρηστός""useful, good" [BibleWordYoke]
        •  "Χριστός""Christ" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [BiblePuns]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [AmosYokeOfCompulsion]
        •  "χριστός""Christ" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "Χριστός""Christ" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χριστός""Christ" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [EpistleBarnabas]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "Χριστός""Christ" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [PipeDream]
        •  "Χριστός""Christ" [MovingMountains]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "Χριστός""Christ" [RomeUnderConstantine]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "χριστός""Christ" [BibleCrossAt]
        •  "Χριστός""Christ" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one" [Acts17v10to14]
        •  "χριστός""anointed one, Christ" [BibleWordYoke]
        •  "χρόνος""time" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "χρόνος""time" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "χρυσός""gold" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "χρυσός""gold" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρυσός""gold" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρυσός""gold" [BibleCrossAt]
        •  "χωλός""lame, limping" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "χῶρος""space" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "χᾰ́ρῐς""grace, favor, goodwill" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "ψαλμός""twang sound from plucked strings" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "ψευδής""lying, false, untrue" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ψευδής""lying, false, untrue" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ψευδής""lying, false, untrue" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "ψευδής""lying, false, untrue" [BibleLies]
        •  "ψευδής""lying, false, untrue" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "ψύλον""wood" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "ψυχή""spirit, life" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "ψυχή""spirit, life" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "ψῦχος""cold" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "ψυχρός""cold, frigid, cold-hearted, lifeless, ineffectual" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "ψυχρός""cold, frigid, cold-hearted, lifeless, ineffectual" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "ψυχρός""cold, frigid, cold-hearted, lifeless, ineffectual" [YesAndNo]
        •  "ψυχρός""cold, frigid, cold-hearted, lifeless, ineffectual" [BibleHeirarchy]
        •  "ψυχρός""cold, frigid, cold-hearted, lifeless, ineffectual" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ψύχω""breathe, blow, chill, make cold, dry" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "ᾠδή""song, ode" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "ᾠκοδόμησεν""build" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "ὠμός""rude, raw, savage" [YesAndNo]
        •  "ὠμός""raw, crude" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "ὠμός""rude, raw, savage" [OathsAndVows]
        •  "ὤν""to be, actual, real" [BiblePrefixAnti]
        •  "ώστε""insomuch that" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ώστε""insomuch that" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ὦτα""ears" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ὤψ""eye, face" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ὤψ""eye, face" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "Ϝεἴκω" (wee-ko) ≈ "yield, turn" [LetterDigamma]
        •  "Ϝέργον""work" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "Ϝἰσός""poison, venom" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "Ϝἰσός""poison, venom" [BibleWordVirus]
        •  "Ϝοῖνος""wine" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "Ϝοῖνος""wine" [BibleWordWine]
        •  "ϝίσϝος""equal" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "ᾍδης""Hades" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ᾍδης""Hades" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ᾍδης""Hades" [Philippians4a]
        •  "ᾍδης""Hades" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "ᾍδης""Hades" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ᾰ̓́ξῐος""weighing as much as, worthy" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "ᾰ̓πο""away" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ᾰ̓πο""away" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "ᾰ̓ρετή""virtue" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "ῐ̔́στημῐ""stand" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "ῠ̔πο""under" [ExistanceIsNotIs]
        •  "ῠ̔πο""under" [BibleVitaminsPaul]
        •  "ῠ̔πό""from underneath" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "‎ἡμέρᾱ""day, time" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "‎ἡμέρᾱ""day, time" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "‎ἡμέρᾱ""day" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "‎ὄλλῡμῐ""destroy" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "‎ὄλλῡμῐ""destroy" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "‎ᾰ̓́ρχω""to begin" [ExistanceIsNotIs]

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