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        •  Linguistic diagram of patience [BibleFruitPatience]
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        •  Linguistic diagram of reed [BibleWordCanon]
        •  Linguistic diagram of roof [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  Linguistic diagram of roof [BibleRoofs]
        •  Linguistic diagram of separate [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  Linguistic diagram of seven [NumberSeven]
        •  Linguistic diagram of similar [BibleWordSame]
        •  Linguistic diagram of smoke [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  Linguistic diagram of split, tear, crack [BibleFruit]
        •  Linguistic diagram of suffer [BibleFruitPatience]
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        •  Linguistic diagram of virtue [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  Linguistic diagram of virus [BibleWordVirus]
        •  Linguistic diagram of week [NumberSeven]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wind [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wind [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wind [BibleWordWind]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wind [BibleWordParish]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wind [BibleBigBreath]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wind [BibleBigBreath]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wind [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wind [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wine [BibleTimStomach]
        •  Linguistic diagram of wine [BibleWordWine]
        •  Linguistic diagram of work [BibleWordWork]
        •  Linguistic diagram of yeast [BibleWordLeaven]

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