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        •  Mark 1:13 : And he was there in the wilderness forty ... [BibleWordBeast]
        •  Mark 1:16 : Now as he walked by the sea of ... [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  Mark 1:17 : And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after ... [WordFishIxthus]
        •  Mark 1:19 : And when he had gone a little further ... [James0]
        •  Mark 1:25 : And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, ... [NewWordsNotYetPlaced]
        •  Mark 1:33 : And all the city was gathered together at ... [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  Mark 1:34 : And he healed many that were sick of ... [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  Mark 1:40 : And there came a leper to him, beseeching ... [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  Mark 1:41 : And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his ... [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  Mark 1:42 : And as soon as he had spoken, immediately ... [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  Mark 1:43 : And he straitly charged him, and forthwith sent ... [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  Mark 1:44 : And saith unto him, See thou say nothing ... [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  Mark 1:45 : But he went out, and began to publish ... [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  Mark 1:45 : But he went out, and began to publish ... [BibleInfamousBadFame]

        •  Mark 2:4 : And when they could not come nigh unto ... [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  Mark 2:4 : And when they could not come nigh unto ... [BibleRoofs]
        •  Mark 2:9 : Whether is it easier to say to the ... [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  Mark 2:17 : When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, ... [BibleWordRepent]
        •  Mark 2:17 : When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, ... [BibleHealthySick]
        •  Mark 2:21 : No man also seweth a piece of new ... [BibleWineSkins]
        •  Mark 2:22 : And no man putteth new wine into old ... [BibleWineSkins]
        •  Mark 2:28 : Therefore the Son of man is Lord also ... [WorldIncrease]

        •  Mark 3:4 : And he saith unto them, Is it lawful ... [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  Mark 3:5 : And when he had looked round about on ... [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  Mark 3:16 : And Simon he surnamed Peter; [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  Mark 3:17 : And James the son of Zebedee, and John ... [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  Mark 3:17 : And James the son of Zebedee, and John ... [James0]
        •  Mark 3:22 : And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem ... [BibleVerbWentGo]
        •  Mark 3:25 : And if a house be divided against itself, ... [InhabitedWorld]
        •  Mark 3:27 : No man can enter into a strong man's ... [BibleGoodsSnatch]

        •  Mark 4:9 : And he said unto them, He that hath ... [HeThatHathEars]
        •  Mark 4:11 : And he said unto them, Unto you it ... [BibleEverything]
        •  Mark 4:19 : And the cares of this world, and the ... [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  Mark 4:21 : And he said unto them, Is a candle ... [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  Mark 4:21 : And he said unto them, Is a candle ... [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  Mark 4:22 : For there is nothing hid, which shall not ... [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  Mark 4:23 : If any man have ears to hear, let ... [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  Mark 4:23 : If any man have ears to hear, let ... [HeThatHathEars]
        •  Mark 4:28 : For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; ... [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  Mark 4:28 : For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; ... [KingdomParable1]
        •  Mark 4:28 : For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; ... [ChickenOrEgg]
        •  Mark 4:28 : For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; ... [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  Mark 4:29 : But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately ... [HolidayThanksgiving]
        •  Mark 4:31 : It is like a grain of mustard seed, ... [KingdomParable3]
        •  Mark 4:31 : It is like a grain of mustard seed, ... [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  Mark 4:32 : But when it is sown, it groweth up, ... [KingdomParable3]
        •  Mark 4:32 : But when it is sown, it groweth up, ... [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  Mark 4:33 : And with many such parables spake he the ... [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  Mark 4:39 : And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and ... [NewWordsNotYetPlaced]
        •  Mark 4:39 : And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and ... [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  Mark 4:39 : And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and ... [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  Mark 4:40 : And he said unto them, Why are ye ... [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  Mark 4:41 : And they feared exceedingly, and said one to ... [BibleRainRiversWindCode]

        •  Mark 5:4 : Because that he had been often bound with ... [James3]
        •  Mark 5:9 : And he asked him, What is thy name? ... [ElectionCallings]
        •  Mark 5:30 : And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue ... [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  Mark 5:35 : While he yet spake, there came from the ... [WordSpoils]
        •  Mark 5:36 : As soon as Jesus heard the word that ... [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  Mark 5:37 : And he suffered no man to follow him, ... [James0]
        •  Mark 5:40 : And they laughed him to scorn. But when ... [BibleLaughing]
        •  Mark 5:42 : And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for ... [GreekWordParadox]
        •  Mark 5:42 : And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for ... [WordEcstatic]

        •  Mark 6:2 : And when the sabbath day was come, he ... [JesusWordWise]
        •  Mark 6:3 : Is not this the carpenter, the son of ... [James0]
        •  Mark 6:4 : But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is ... [James0]
        •  Mark 6:5 : And he could there do no mighty work, ... [James0]
        •  Mark 6:6 : And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And ... [GreekHouse]
        •  Mark 6:7 : And he called unto him the twelve, and ... [SuperBowl]
        •  Mark 6:8 : And commanded them that they should take nothing ... [PreciousMetals]
        •  Mark 6:10 : And he said unto them, In what place ... [SuperBowl]
        •  Mark 6:11 : And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear ... [SuperBowl]
        •  Mark 6:23 : And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ... [OathsAndVows]
        •  Mark 6:25 : And she came in straightway with haste unto ... [BibleStudyApproval]

        •  Mark 7:10 : For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy ... [LogicEquivocation]
        •  Mark 7:11 : But ye say, If a man shall say ... [LogicEquivocation]
        •  Mark 7:12 : And ye suffer him no more to do ... [LogicEquivocation]
        •  Mark 7:13 : Making the word of God of none effect ... [LogicEquivocation]
        •  Mark 7:16 : If any man have ears to hear, let ... [HeThatHathEars]
        •  Mark 7:18 : And he saith unto them, Are ye so ... [BibleLatrines]
        •  Mark 7:19 : Because it entereth not into his heart, but ... [BibleLatrines]
        •  Mark 7:24 : And from thence he arose, and went into ... [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  Mark 7:24 : And from thence he arose, and went into ... [BibleWordForget]
        •  Mark 7:34 : And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and ... [OffendedByJesus]

        •  Mark 8:7 : And they had a few small fishes: and ... [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  Mark 8:14 : Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, ... [BibleWordForget]
        •  Mark 8:15 : And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware ... [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  Mark 8:18 : Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, ... [HeThatHathEars]
        •  Mark 8:23 : And he took the blind man by the ... [GreekHouse]
        •  Mark 8:23 : And he took the blind man by the ... [BibleHealTwoSteps]
        •  Mark 8:24 : And he looked up, and said, I see ... [OffendedByJesus]
        •  Mark 8:24 : And he looked up, and said, I see ... [BibleHealTwoSteps]
        •  Mark 8:25 : After that he put his hands again upon ... [BibleHealTwoSteps]
        •  Mark 8:29 : And he saith unto them, But whom say ... [MosesHorned]

        •  Mark 9:1 : And he said unto them, Verily I say ... [MountNebo]
        •  Mark 9:2 : And after six days Jesus taketh with him ... [MountNebo]
        •  Mark 9:2 : And after six days Jesus taketh with him ... [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  Mark 9:3 : And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as ... [MountNebo]
        •  Mark 9:4 : And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: ... [MountNebo]
        •  Mark 9:7 : And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: ... [MountNebo]
        •  Mark 9:8 : And suddenly, when they had looked round about, ... [MountNebo]
        •  Mark 9:9 : And as they came down from the mountain, ... [MountNebo]
        •  Mark 9:12 : And he answered and told them, Elias verily ... [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  Mark 9:18 : And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: ... [GhashingTeeth]
        •  Mark 9:38 : And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw ... [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  Mark 9:39 : But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there ... [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  Mark 9:40 : For he that is not against us is ... [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  Mark 9:42 : And whosoever shall offend one of these little ... [BibleCounterFactual]
        •  Mark 9:43 : And if thy hand offend thee, cut it ... [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  Mark 9:44 : Where their worm dieth not, and the fire ... [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  Mark 9:48 : Where their worm dieth not, and the fire ... [FlamingSwords]
        •  Mark 9:49 : For every one shall be salted with fire, ... [FlamingSwords]
        •  Mark 9:49 : For every one shall be salted with fire, ... [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  Mark 9:50 : Salt is good: but if the salt have ... [FlamingSwords]
        •  Mark 9:50 : Salt is good: but if the salt have ... [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  Mark 9:50 : Salt is good: but if the salt have ... [BiblePeacemakers]

        •  Mark 10:6 : But from the beginning of the creation God ... [CreeatedCreatures]
        •  Mark 10:6 : But from the beginning of the creation God ... [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  Mark 10:14 : But when Jesus saw it, he was much ... [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  Mark 10:16 : And he took them up in his arms, ... [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Mark 10:16 : And he took them up in his arms, ... [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  Mark 10:17 : And when he was gone forth into the ... [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  Mark 10:17 : And when he was gone forth into the ... [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  Mark 10:18 : And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou ... [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  Mark 10:18 : And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou ... [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  Mark 10:21 : Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said ... [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  Mark 10:22 : And he was sad at that saying, and ... [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  Mark 10:22 : And he was sad at that saying, and ... [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  Mark 10:22 : And he was sad at that saying, and ... [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  Mark 10:22 : And he was sad at that saying, and ... [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  Mark 10:23 : And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto ... [WordAnnoyed]
        •  Mark 10:23 : And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto ... [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  Mark 10:23 : And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto ... [Numismatics]
        •  Mark 10:23 : And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto ... [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  Mark 10:24 : And the disciples were astonished at his words. ... [WordAnnoyed]
        •  Mark 10:24 : And the disciples were astonished at his words. ... [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  Mark 10:24 : And the disciples were astonished at his words. ... [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  Mark 10:24 : And the disciples were astonished at his words. ... [GothsAndRiches]
        •  Mark 10:24 : And the disciples were astonished at his words. ... [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  Mark 10:25 : It is easier for a camel to go ... [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  Mark 10:26 : And they were astonished out of measure, saying ... [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  Mark 10:27 : And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men ... [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  Mark 10:32 : And they were in the way going up ... [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  Mark 10:35 : And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, ... [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  Mark 10:36 : And he said unto them, What would ye ... [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  Mark 10:37 : They said unto him, Grant unto us that ... [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  Mark 10:37 : They said unto him, Grant unto us that ... [SongAreYeAble]
        •  Mark 10:38 : But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not ... [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  Mark 10:39 : And they said unto him, We can. And ... [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  Mark 10:40 : But to sit on my right hand and ... [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  Mark 10:41 : And when the ten heard it, they began ... [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  Mark 10:45 : For even the Son of man came not ... [BiblePrefixAnti]
        •  Mark 10:51 : And Jesus answered and said unto him, What ... [BibleChildrenTeach]

        •  Mark 11:2 : And saith unto them, Go your way into ... [PronounsAmbiguous]
        •  Mark 11:2 : And saith unto them, Go your way into ... [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  Mark 11:3 : And if any man say unto you, Why ... [PronounsAmbiguous]
        •  Mark 11:3 : And if any man say unto you, Why ... [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  Mark 11:4 : And they went their way, and found the ... [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  Mark 11:8 : And many spread their garments in the way: ... [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  Mark 11:15 : And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went ... [JesusTriumphalEntry]
        •  Mark 11:15 : And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went ... [Numismatics]
        •  Mark 11:16 : And would not suffer that any man should ... [JesusTriumphalEntry]
        •  Mark 11:17 : And he taught, saying unto them, Is it ... [JesusTriumphalEntry]
        •  Mark 11:23 : For verily I say unto you, That whosoever ... [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  Mark 11:24 : Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ... [LordsPrayer]
        •  Mark 11:25 : And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye ... [LordsPrayer]
        •  Mark 11:25 : And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye ... [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  Mark 11:26 : But if ye do not forgive, neither will ... [LordsPrayer]
        •  Mark 11:26 : But if ye do not forgive, neither will ... [LukeBreadAtNight]

        •  Mark 12:10 : And have ye not read this scripture; The ... [BibleStoneRejected]
        •  Mark 12:14 : And when they were come, they say unto ... [TributeToCaesar]
        •  Mark 12:15 : Shall we give, or shall we not give? ... [TributeToCaesar]
        •  Mark 12:16 : And they brought it. And he saith unto ... [TributeToCaesar]
        •  Mark 12:17 : And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to ... [TributeToCaesar]
        •  Mark 12:24 : And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye ... [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  Mark 12:30 : And thou shalt love the Lord thy God ... [Integrity]
        •  Mark 12:30 : And thou shalt love the Lord thy God ... [HeartAndSoul]
        •  Mark 12:31 : And the second is like, namely this, Thou ... [Integrity]
        •  Mark 12:31 : And the second is like, namely this, Thou ... [Integrity]
        •  Mark 12:31 : And the second is like, namely this, Thou ... [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  Mark 12:33 : And to love him with all the heart, ... [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  Mark 12:33 : And to love him with all the heart, ... [HeartAndSoul]
        •  Mark 12:35 : And Jesus answered and said, while he taught ... [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  Mark 12:36 : For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, ... [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  Mark 12:37 : David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence ... [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  Mark 12:42 : And there came a certain poor widow, and ... [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  Mark 12:42 : And there came a certain poor widow, and ... [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  Mark 12:42 : And there came a certain poor widow, and ... [OffendedByJesus]

        •  Mark 13:4 : Tell us, when shall these things be? and ... [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  Mark 13:5 : And Jesus answering them began to say, Take ... [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Mark 13:5 : And Jesus answering them began to say, Take ... [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  Mark 13:6 : For many shall come in my name, saying, ... [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Mark 13:14 : But when ye shall see the abomination of ... [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  Mark 13:14 : But when ye shall see the abomination of ... [XmasHanukkah]
        •  Mark 13:19 : For in those days shall be affliction, such ... [CreeatedCreatures]
        •  Mark 13:20 : And except that the Lord had shortened those ... [WordAnnoyed]
        •  Mark 13:20 : And except that the Lord had shortened those ... [WeaponsAndFire]
        •  Mark 13:24 : But in those days, after that tribulation, the ... [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  Mark 13:24 : But in those days, after that tribulation, the ... [BibleCampOutside]
        •  Mark 13:25 : And the stars of heaven shall fall, and ... [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  Mark 13:26 : And then shall they see the Son of ... [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  Mark 13:32 : But of that day and that hour knoweth ... [BibleEnergy]

        •  Mark 14:7 : For ye have the poor with you always, ... [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  Mark 14:14 : And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye ... [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  Mark 14:14 : And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye ... [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  Mark 14:15 : And he will shew you a large upper ... [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  Mark 14:24 : And he said unto them, This is my ... [LogicEquivocation]
        •  Mark 14:24 : And he said unto them, This is my ... [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  Mark 14:33 : And he taketh with him Peter and James ... [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  Mark 14:36 : And he said, Abba, Father, all things are ... [BibleFather]
        •  Mark 14:36 : And he said, Abba, Father, all things are ... [BibleFather]
        •  Mark 14:51 : And there followed him a certain young man, ... [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  Mark 14:52 : And he left the linen cloth, and fled ... [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  Mark 14:65 : And some began to spit on him, and ... [TurningTheOtherCheek]

        •  Mark 15:10 : For he knew that the chief priests had ... [BibleWordStrifes]
        •  Mark 15:16 : And the soldiers led him away into the ... [GothicBible]
        •  Mark 15:17 : And they clothed him with purple, and platted ... [BibleRainbows]
        •  Mark 15:18 : And began to salute him, Hail, King of ... [HappyHolidays]
        •  Mark 15:18 : And began to salute him, Hail, King of ... [GothicBible]
        •  Mark 15:20 : And when they had mocked him, they took ... [BibleRainbows]
        •  Mark 15:21 : And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who ... [Miles]
        •  Mark 15:21 : And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who ... [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  Mark 15:23 : And they gave him to drink wine mingled ... [BibleTimStomach]
        •  Mark 15:23 : And they gave him to drink wine mingled ... [BibleWordWine]
        •  Mark 15:23 : And they gave him to drink wine mingled ... [BibleWordBitter]
        •  Mark 15:24 : And when they had crucified him, they parted ... [FlamingSwords]
        •  Mark 15:24 : And when they had crucified him, they parted ... [GothicBible]
        •  Mark 15:28 : And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And ... [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  Mark 15:33 : And when the sixth hour was come, there ... [NinthHour]
        •  Mark 15:38 : And the veil of the temple was rent ... [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  Mark 15:38 : And the veil of the temple was rent ... [LxxGntSearchAbove]
        •  Mark 15:38 : And the veil of the temple was rent ... [RevelationProgressive]
        •  Mark 15:45 : And when he knew it of the centurion, ... [Philippians2LikeMinded]

        •  Mark 16:2 : And very early in the morning the first ... [BibleWordSabbaths]
        •  Mark 16:2 : And very early in the morning the first ... [SongMorningHasBroken]
        •  Mark 16:6 : And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: ... [SongChristArose]
        •  Mark 16:15 : And he said unto them, Go ye into ... [CreeatedCreatures]
        •  Mark 16:15 : And he said unto them, Go ye into ... [PickUpSerpents]
        •  Mark 16:15 : And he said unto them, Go ye into ... [BibleAngelTouchA]
        •  Mark 16:15 : And he said unto them, Go ye into ... [Cosmos]
        •  Mark 16:16 : He that believeth and is baptized shall be ... [PickUpSerpents]
        •  Mark 16:16 : He that believeth and is baptized shall be ... [BibleAngelTouchA]
        •  Mark 16:17 : And these signs shall follow them that believe; ... [PickUpSerpents]
        •  Mark 16:17 : And these signs shall follow them that believe; ... [BibleAngelTouchA]
        •  Mark 16:18 : They shall take up serpents; and if they ... [PickUpSerpents]
        •  Mark 16:18 : They shall take up serpents; and if they ... [BibleAngelTouchA]
        •  Mark 16:19 : So then after the Lord had spoken unto ... [PickUpSerpents]
        •  Mark 16:19 : So then after the Lord had spoken unto ... [BibleAngelTouchA]
        •  Mark 16:20 : And they went forth, and preached every where, ... [PickUpSerpents]

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