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        •  "adios""good-bye" [WordGoodBye]
        •  "altura""height" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "amén""amen" [BibleWordAmen]
        •  "ayer""yesterday" [Yesterday]
        •  "boca""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "camino""path, way, road" [RussionWordSputnik]
        •  "can""dog, hound" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "caño""tube" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "cañon""canyon" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "carga""burden" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "casa""house" [GreekHouse]
        •  "cinco""five" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "cinco""five" [Months]
        •  "cinco""five" [WordFive]
        •  "cinco""five" [Photos20240505]
        •  "culto""cult, worship" [BibleReligious]
        •  "Dios""God" [WordGoodBye]
        •  "domar""tame" [James3]
        •  "El Día De Los Muertos""Day of the dead" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "escuela""school" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "España""Spain" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "espinos""thorns" [BibleThorns]
        •  "este""east" [EasterNameEnglish]
        •  "este""east" [BibleEast]
        •  "favor""favor" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "Feliz Navidad""Merry Christmas" [XmasNativity]
        •  "fiebre""fever" [Months]
        •  "flor""flower" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "fonda""boarding house, inn" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "gracias""thank you" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "gracias""thank you" [Philippians1A]
        •  "guitarra""guitar" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "guitarra""guitar" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "hablar""speak" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "infanteria""infantry, foot soldiers" [BibleBaby]
        •  "el lagarto""lizard" [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  "el lagarto""lizard" [LittleLess]
        •  "el lagarto""lizard" [LittleLess]
        •  "el lagarto""lizard" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "el lagarto""lizard" [BibleReptiles]
        •  "lazo""snare, trap" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "lazo""snare, trap" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "limosna""alms" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "llamar""summon, call" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "llamar""summon, call" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "llamar""summon, call" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "llave""key" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "lobo""wolf" [GothicBible]
        •  "losángeles""angels" [Angels]
        •  "losángeles""angels" [BibleReligious]
        •  "molino""mill" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "montaña""mountain" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "montaña""mountain" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "montaña""mountain" [MovingMountains]
        •  "mosestes""trouble" [WordSpoils]
        •  "mundo""world, society" [BibleWordWorld]
        •  "nada""nothing" [BibleWordNothing]
        •  "la nariz""nose" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "Navidad""Christmas" [XmasNativity]
        •  "nombre""name" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "nuevo""new" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "oeste""west" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "oeste""west" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "el oso""bear" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "paciencia""patience" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "padre""father" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "padre""father" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "padre""father" [BibleFather]
        •  "padre""father" [BibleFather]
        •  "padre""father" [SportBaseball]
        •  "palabra""word" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "palabra""word" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "paloma""pigeon" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "paloma""pigeon, dove" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "pan""bread, loaf" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "pan""bread, loaf" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "pan""bread, loaf" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "pan""bread, loaf" [BibleWordLord]
        •  "perfectos""perfect" [BibleWordPerfect]
        •  "perro""dog, pooch" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "pie""foot" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "plaza""town-square, central place of gathering" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "por favor""please" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "procura con diligencia""procure with diligence" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "pronto""quickly" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "Prospero Ano""Happy New Year" [XmasNativity]
        •  "Prospero Ano""Happy New Year" [SongFelizNavidad]
        •  "puerta""door" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "puño""fist" [BibleWordKulak]
        •  "el rio""the river" [BibleFloodsAndRivers]
        •  "roano""roan" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "el saco""the sack" [WordSack]
        •  "santo""holy" [HappyHolidays]
        •  "sicario""salaried assassin" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "sicario""salaried assassin" [JosephusFlavious]
        •  "siete""seven" [NumberSeven]
        •  "sombra""shadow" [BibleValleyShadows]
        •  "sussurro""whisper" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "sussurro""whisper" [BibleUtterances]
        •  "tarde""late, afternoon" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "tilde""tilde" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "vino""wine, vine" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "vino""wine, vine" [BibleWordWine]

2. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640