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by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Talks
Here are some past and present research ideas that were part of previous presentations or might be part of future presentations.

2. About the presenter
About the presenter: The presenter grew up on a working chicken farm in Elizabethtown, PA. His interest in history and science led him to pursue a B.S. in physics (West Point). His interest in information and computation led him to pursue a Ph.D. in computer science (Penn State). He taught many years as a professor in computer science and business schools. He has worked for years doing remote telecommuting research and development work in cutting edge technologies. He has had a life-long interest in the Bible, history, languages and music.

If you have a group in the south-east area of Pennsylvania, and would like such a presentation, please contact him at the email address above.

3. Previous topics/talks
Each of these is on a separate page.

4. Optical illusions and the Bible: the art and science of deception

5. Getting started with creation science models using spreadsheet software

6. Technological statements in the Bible

7. Fractals as finite representations of realistic and apparently infinite objects to make the case for a created universe

8. Previous talk on fractals
Here is an abstract from a previous talk on this subject.

9. Weaving programming language theory, fixed point computations, fractals and quantum mechanics into a case for a created universe

10. The power of two, as in the powers of two, implies a creator outside of space and time

11. How Computer Science Implies a Creator Outside of Space and Time

12. Simplifying information theory into a classical statistical argument for a created universe

13. Future topics/talks
The following are future talk ideas based on existing content.

14. Top down thinking as used in computer science and in the Bible

15. It is Greek to me!

16. Are there really secret codes in the Bible?

17. Is it the chicken or the egg? Programs whose seed is in itself

18. Similarities and differences between traditional scientific and information reasoning

19. Can you tell the difference between logical and illogical reasoning?

20. Some discussion
For example, Paul's reference in Titus 1:12 to the Epimenides paradox (i.e., all Cretan's are liars, and he is a Cretan) is often avoided by Bible believers and touted by Bible detractors as showing that Paul does not know of what he speaks. But the Bible detractor argument uses an illogical reasoning process.

It can be just as important to be able to explain why a reasoning process is illogical than to just recognize that it is illogical. And this starts with an understanding of true logical reasoning processes and false logical reasoning processes.

And this starts understanding the similarities and differences in what the Bible and Jesus define as truth and what the world and math defines as truth.

Note: This talk is loosely based and motivated on the very good Creation-based book "The fallacy detective", but since I have been working in logic for 40+ years, including graduate math and computer science work in logic, I have my own examples and ideas on logical reasoning fallacies. I used some of their names for some illogical reasoning methods.

21. The origin and spread of spoken and written languages from a Biblical and secular perspective

22. Other ideas
The following ideas are being developed for future talks. (more to be added)

23. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640