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        •  Arendt, Hannah (Political philosopher) [BibleWordSchool]
        •  Arendt, Hannah (Political philosopher) [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  Arendt, Hannah (Political philosopher) [BibleLies]
        •  Arendt, Hannah (Political philosopher) [BibleLies]
        •  Arendt, Hannah (Political philosopher) [BibleHypocritesUnsaid]
        •  Arendt, Hannah (Political philosopher) [TheDeepState]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [BibleWordStrife]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [BibleWordSchool]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [BibleEnergy]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [BibleChildrenTeach]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [BibleChildrenTeach]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [Photos20240414]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [Philippians1B]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher) [MathRelationsRace]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [Bible2Peter2]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [Months]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [ProphetsMinor]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleDogsWolfSheep]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [TheoryTypes]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [AmosIntroduction]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BeliefIssues]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleWordFaith]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [Yesterday]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleWordModeration]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleWordModeration]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleWordOffend]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [NumberFishCaught]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleWordAppear]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleTruthHistory]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleCodesSteganography]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [RevelationProgressive]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [SportBaseball]
        •  Augustine, Saint (Early Christian father) [SportBaseball]
        •  Bayes, Thomas (minister, mathematician) [BayesRuleCancer]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [Bible2Peter2]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [ExistanceIsNotIs]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [OneCookieRule]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [Cosmos]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [TopDownIntro]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [SportBaseball]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  Berra, Yogi (American professional baseball player and manager) [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  Bettorton, Thomas (English actor and theater manager during Restoration England) [BibleWordMethod]
        •  Bettorton, Thomas (English actor and theater manager during Restoration England) [BibleMatthew7]
        •  Bettorton, Thomas (English actor and theater manager during Restoration England) [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  Bettorton, Thomas (English actor and theater manager during Restoration England) [TruthTypes]
        •  Bettorton, Thomas (English actor and theater manager during Restoration England) [ModelsAndReality]
        •  Bohr, Niels (Danish physicist and founder of atomic theory) [GreekWordParadox]
        •  Bonaparte, Napoleon (French Emperor and military leader) [BibleDanielBelBegin]
        •  Bonaparte, Napoleon (French Emperor and military leader) [BibleWordMyth]
        •  Bonaparte, Napoleon (French Emperor and military leader) [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Bonaparte, Napoleon (French Emperor and military leader) [BibleWordSnare]
        •  Bonaparte, Napoleon (French Emperor and military leader) [SuperBowl]
        •  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident) [Integrity]
        •  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident) [TruthParadoxLost]
        •  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident) [BibleReflexivity]
        •  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident) [BibleWordIdle]
        •  Burke, James (British historical scientist) [BiblePentecostSecurity]
        •  Burns, Robert (Author) [FogOfWar]
        •  Chaitin, Gregory (determining randomness) [LogicConsistentComplete]
        •  Chaitin, Gregory (determining randomness) [ComputabilityHistory]
        •  Chaitin, Gregory (determining randomness) [AlgorithmicInformationTheory]
        •  Churchill, Winston (British statesman) [PlausibleDeniability]
        •  Churchill, Winston (British statesman) [BibleLies]
        •  Churchill, Winston (British statesman) [BibleWordIdle]
        •  Churchill, Winston (British statesman) [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  Churchill, Winston (British statesman) [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  Churchill, Winston (British statesman) [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Clarke, Arthur C. (science fiction author) [LogicEquivocation]
        •  Clarke, Arthur C. (science fiction author) [ChatGPT]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [BibleWordStrife]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [VeteransDay]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [VeteransDay]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [VeteransDay]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [James4]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [SuperBowl]
        •  Clausewitz, Carl von (Prussian military theorist) [ZeroSumGames]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [ShockAndAwe]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [LogicFallacyYouToo]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [DivideAndConquer]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [BibleWordAppear]
        •  Descartes, René (French philosopher, mathematician and statistician) [BibleDivideConquer]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [BibleErrorsChanges]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [WordAmbiguity]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [CsErrorsChanges]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [DunbarNumber]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [Fortran]
        •  Dijkstra, Edsger (computer scientist) [Fortran]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [BibleWordStrife]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [BibleWordSchool]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [BibleWordSchool]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [BibleConceptEternity]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [RevelationProgressive]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [SuperBowl]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [ModelsAndReality]
        •  Einstein, Albert (Physicist) [Entropy]
        •  Escher, M.C. (graphic artist) [Tartarus]
        •  Escher, M.C. (graphic artist) [BeliefIssues]
        •  Escher, M.C. (graphic artist) [TruthParadoxCatch22]
        •  Escher, M.C. (graphic artist) [IdeaCollection]
        •  Escher, M.C. (graphic artist) [PenroseSteps]
        •  Euclid (Greek mathematician) [GeometryDimensions]
        •  Feynman, Richard (American theoretical physicist) [GreekWordParadox]
        •  Feynman, Richard (American theoretical physicist) [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  Feynman, Richard (American theoretical physicist) [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Feynman, Richard (American theoretical physicist) [BibleTrinityAndModalism]
        •  Feynman, Richard (American theoretical physicist) [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  Feynman, Richard (American theoretical physicist) [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  Feynman, Richard (American theoretical physicist) [ModelBoxBlack]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleWordWind]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleSeasons]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [Riches]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleWordIdle]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleWordIdle]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleWordCensus]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [SongWenceslas]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [James4]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [EasterEggs]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleWordDogma]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  Franklin, Benjamin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  Freud, Sigmund (Austrian neurologist and psychologist) [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  Freud, Sigmund (Austrian neurologist and psychologist) [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  Freud, Sigmund (Austrian neurologist and psychologist) [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  GandhiMahatma (Indian lawyer and political activist) [July4BackInTime]
        •  GandhiMahatma (Indian lawyer and political activist) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  GandhiMahatma (Indian lawyer and political activist) [LogicFallacyYouToo]
        •  GandhiMahatma (Indian lawyer and political activist) [HonorTheKing]
        •  GandhiMahatma (Indian lawyer and political activist) [HonorTheKingMain]
        •  Gleick, James (American author and historical scientist) [Approximations]
        •  Gleick, James (American author and historical scientist) [BibleChaos]
        •  Gramam, Billy (American evangelist) [WordJoy]
        •  Gramam, Billy (American evangelist) [Riches]
        •  Gramam, Billy (American evangelist) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Gramam, Billy (American evangelist) [Lesson20220222Begin]
        •  Gramam, Billy (American evangelist) [Lesson20220222Begin]
        •  Gries, David (Computer scientist) [BibleWordIdle]
        •  Gries, David (Computer scientist) [BibleChristFalse]
        •  Gries, David (Computer scientist) [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  Ham, Ken (Australian Christian fundamentalist) [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  Hammer, Michael (co-founder of business process reengineering) [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  Harrison, George (British singer-songwriter and performer) [JohnPurposeOfLife]
        •  Harrison, George (British singer-songwriter and performer) [ChurchMusicIssues]
        •  Heraclitus (Ancient Greek philosopher) [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  Heraclitus (Ancient Greek philosopher) [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  Heraclitus (Ancient Greek philosopher) [BornAgainVariations]
        •  Heraclitus (Ancient Greek philosopher) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Heraclitus (Ancient Greek philosopher) [SportBaseball]
        •  Heraclitus (Ancient Greek philosopher) [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  Herodotus (Greek historian and geographer) [WorldWar2Talk]
        •  Herodotus (Greek historian and geographer) [VeteransDay]
        •  Hilbert, David (German mathematician) [LogicConsistentComplete]
        •  Hilbert, David (German mathematician) [ComputabilityHistory]
        •  Hitler, Adolf (German dictator) [BibleLies]
        •  Hitler, Adolf (German dictator) [BibleLies]
        •  Hitler, Adolf (German dictator) [BibleWordParadise]
        •  Hoare, Tony (British computer scientist) [BibleErrorsChanges]
        •  Hoare, Tony (British computer scientist) [CsErrorsChanges]
        •  Hoare, Tony (British computer scientist) [DivideAndConquer]
        •  Hoare, Tony (British computer scientist) [TopDownIntro]
        •  Hoare, Tony (British computer scientist) [BibleDivideConquer]
        •  Hoare, Tony (British computer scientist) [Abstraction]
        •  Hopper, Grace (first computer bug) [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  Hopper, Grace (first computer bug) [BibleConstant]
        •  Hoyle, Fred (Astronomer and atheist) [LogicFallacyYouToo]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [PlausibleDeniability]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [July4BackInTime]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [NoExcuseReasons]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [Riches]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [BibleWordIdle]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Jefferson, Thomas (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Kahn, Genghis (Emperor of the Mongol Empire and China) [WordPlumbLine]
        •  Kahn, Genghis (Emperor of the Mongol Empire and China) [BibleChinaReferences]
        •  Kahn, Genghis (Emperor of the Mongol Empire and China) [GreatWallOfChina]
        •  Kahn, Genghis (Emperor of the Mongol Empire and China) [GreatWallOfChina]
        •  Kahneman, Daniel (Economist) [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  Kay, Alan (teaching children to program computers) [AlanKaySmalltalk]
        •  Kelvin, Lord (Scientist) [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  Kelvin, Lord (Scientist) [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  Kennedy, John F. (35 President of the United States) [RootsSquare]
        •  Kennedy, John F. (35 President of the United States) [VeteransDay]
        •  Kennedy, John F. (35 President of the United States) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [BibleWordSchool]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [BibleEnergy]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [BibleEnergy]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [StatementsAmbiguous]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [BibleErrorsChanges]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [BibleDuality]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [CsErrorsChanges]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [OopIntro]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [OopIntro]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [ModelsAndReality]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [AlanKaySmalltalk]
        •  Key, Alan (American computer scientist) [AlanKaySmalltalk]
        •  Kirkpatrick, William (American hymn writer of Irish birth) [BibleWordOffend]
        •  Kirkpatrick, William (American hymn writer of Irish birth) [SongTisSoSweetToTrust]
        •  Kolmogorov (Soviet mathematician) [AlgorithmicInformationTheory]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [PaulRapture]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [LogicConsistentComplete]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [ComputabilityHistory]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher) [BibleMatthew18]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleLies]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleLies]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleChildrenTeach]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleWordEvil]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleReflexivity]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleWordOffend]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleWordOffend]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  Lenin, Vladimir (Russian revolutionary and politician) [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [BibleWordStature]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [RomansBattleCry]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [RomansBattleCry]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [FaultToleranceConcepts]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [VeteransDay]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [VeteransDay]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [BibleHouseSand]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [GottMitUns]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [GottMitUns]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [BibleDivideConquer]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [InhabitedWorld]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [BibleJesusNeighbor]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [SongStandUpForJesus]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  Lincoln, Abraham (16th U.S. President) [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  Linnaeus, Carolus (founder of science of taxonomy) [BiologyInterbreeding]
        •  Lorenz, Konrad (Austrian zoologist) [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  Lorenz, Konrad (Austrian zoologist) [FoundationalAssumptions]
        •  Lorenz, Konrad (Austrian zoologist) [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  Lorenz, Konrad (Austrian zoologist) [BibleAnythingMore]
        •  Lorenz, Konrad (Austrian zoologist) [LogicConsistentComplete]
        •  Lyell, Charles (Scottish geologist) [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [WorldWar2Talk]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [VeteransDay]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [Riches]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [WordHeresy]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [BibleHezekiahBabylon]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [BibleGulagArchipelago]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [SongJesusLovesMe]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [SongJesusLovesMe]
        •  MacArthur, Douglas (American military leader) [SuperBowl]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [OathsInACreed]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [OathsInACreed]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [GreekWordParadox]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [BibleWordSwine]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [BibleEverything]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [BibleTranslationUnknowns]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [BibleTranslationUnknowns]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [BibleTranslationUnknowns]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [BibleTranslationUnknowns]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  McCarthy, James (Microsoft software developer and manager) [VerificationValidation]
        •  Miles, C. Austin (American gospel songwriter) [SongComeToTheGarden]
        •  Miller, George Armitage (American Psychologist) [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  Monroe, James (5th American President) [July4BackInTime]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [WordAnnoyed]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [ShockAndAwe]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BibleLies]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BibleLies]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [Psalms2SelfReference]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [VeteransDay]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [Riches]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BiasConfirmation]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BibleWordAppear]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BibleWordAppear]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BibleConstant]
        •  Muggeridge, Malcolm (British broadcaster) [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  Niemöller, Martin (German theologian and Lutheran pastor who opposed the Nazi rule) [BibleWordIdle]
        •  Pascal, Blaise (French mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher and theologian) [WordAnnoyed]
        •  Pascal, Blaise (French mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher and theologian) [PascalsWager]
        •  Pearl, Judea (Israeli-American computer scientist and philosopher) [BibleCounterFactual]
        •  Penrose, Roger (mathematical physicist) [PenroseSteps]
        •  Popper, Karl (Austrian-British science philosopher) [BibleWordParadise]
        •  Popper, Karl (Austrian-British science philosopher) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Popper, Karl (Austrian-British science philosopher) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Reagan, Ronald (40th President of the United States) [TenCommandments]
        •  Reagan, Ronald (40th President of the United States) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Roosevelt, Theodore (26th President of the United States) [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  Roosevelt, Theodore (26th President of the United States) [MethodistWords]
        •  Roosevelt, Theodore (26th President of the United States) [BibleChildrenTeach]
        •  Roosevelt, Theodore (26th President of the United States) [BibleWordIdle]
        •  Roosevelt, Theodore (26th President of the United States) [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  Roosevelt, Theodore (26th President of the United States) [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  Roosevelt, Theodore (26th President of the United States) [SelfBlindLeadingBlind]
        •  Russell, Bertrand (British philosopher, logician and social critic) [BibleWordSchool]
        •  Russell, Bertrand (British philosopher, logician and social critic) [VeteransDay]
        •  Russell, Bertrand (British philosopher, logician and social critic) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [EyeForEye]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [LampOfTheBody]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [HeThatHathEars]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [KingdomParable1]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [OffendedByJesus]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [PipeDream]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [TruthAgnostics]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [SongOpenMyEyes]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  Scott, Clara (American composer) [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  Shannon, Claude (Information scientist) [BinaryOperations]
        •  Shannon, Claude (Information scientist) [EntropyFunction]
        •  Smullyan, Raymond (American mathematician, magician and logician) [BibleWordMock]
        •  Stead, Louisa (American hymn writer) [BibleWordOffend]
        •  Stead, Louisa (American hymn writer) [SongTisSoSweetToTrust]
        •  Tolkien, J. R. (English author and philologist) [FallacyConverse]
        •  Tolkien, J. R. (English author and philologist) [FallacyConverse]
        •  Tolkien, J. R. (English author and philologist) [LetLightOfJesusShine]
        •  Truman, Harry (33rd President of the United States) [BibleDanielDream]
        •  Tukey, John (American mathematician and statistician) [ComputingQuantum]
        •  Tukey, John (American mathematician and statistician) [StemAndLeaf]
        •  Tukey, John (American mathematician and statistician) [CountingIntroduction]
        •  TwainMark (Author and Humorist, alias Samuel Clemens) [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  TwainMark (Author and Humorist, alias Samuel Clemens) [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  TwainMark (Author and Humorist, alias Samuel Clemens) [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  TwainMark (Author and Humorist, alias Samuel Clemens) [BibleWordCensus]
        •  TwainMark (Author and Humorist, alias Samuel Clemens) [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  Von Neumann, John (mathematician, computer scientist, etc.) [CoinFlipSampleSpace]
        •  Wesley, John (English theologian and evangelist) [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  Wheeler, John (American theoretical physicist) [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  Wheeler, John (American theoretical physicist) [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Austrian-British philosopher) [PronounsAmbiguous]
        •  Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Austrian-British philosopher) [SantaClaus]
        •  Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Austrian-British philosopher) [BiblePentecostSecurity]
        •  Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Austrian-British philosopher) [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  Zodhiates, Spiros (Greek-American Bible scholar, author and ministry innovator) [WordJazz]

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