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        •  "άββα" (AV-va) ≈ "father, abba" [BibleFather]
        •  "άβυσσος" (A-vees-sos) ≈ "abyss" [Tartarus]
        •  "άβυσσος" (A-vees-sos) ≈ "abyss" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "άβυσσος" (A-vees-sos) ≈ "abyss" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "τα αγγεία" (ta agh-EE-a) ≈ "the sacks" [WordSack]
        •  "αγγείο" (agh-EE-o) ≈ "vessel, pot, urn, vase" [CandlePower]
        •  "αγγειοπλαστική" (agh-ee-o-pla-stee-KEE) ≈ "pottery, ceramics, angioplasty" [CandlePower]
        •  "άγγελμα" (AGH-yl-ma) ≈ "message, announcement" [WordCalques]
        •  "άγγελμα" (AGH-yl-ma) ≈ "message, announcement" [Gospels]
        •  "άγγελμα" (AGH-yl-ma) ≈ "message, announcement" [Angels]
        •  "άγγελμα" (AGH-yl-ma) ≈ "message, announcement" [BibleAngelTouchB]
        •  "άγγελμα" (AGH-yl-ma) ≈ "message, announcement" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "άγγελμα" (AGH-yl-ma) ≈ "message, announcement" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "άγγελος" (AGH-y-los) ≈ "messenger, angel" [Angels]
        •  "άγγελος" (AGH-y-los) ≈ "messenger, angel" [BibleAngelTouchB]
        •  "άγγελος" (AGH-y-los) ≈ "messenger, angel" [BibleAngelTouchB]
        •  "αγγελούς" (agh-y-LUS) ≈ "than angels" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "άγιος" (A-y-os) ≈ "saint" [SantaClaus]
        •  "άγιος" (A-y-os) ≈ "saint" [BibleSaints]
        •  "αγκαλιάζω" (agh-ka-lee-A-zo) ≈ "hug" [HebrewVavHook]
        •  "άγκιστρον" (AGH-kee-stron) ≈ "hook" [HebrewVavHook]
        •  "αγνός" (a-GNOS) ≈ "pure, chaste, innocent" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "αγνός" (a-GNOS) ≈ "pure, chaste, innocent" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "αγνός" (a-GNOS) ≈ "pure, chaste, innocent" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "αγνός" (a-GNOS) ≈ "pure, chaste, innocent" [Philippians1A]
        •  "άγνωστος" (A-gno-stos) ≈ "unknown" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "άγνωστος" (A-gno-stos) ≈ "unknown" [GreekPrefixAlpha]
        •  "αγρός" (a-GROS) ≈ "field, countryside" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "αγρός" (a-GROS) ≈ "field, countryside" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "αγρός" (a-GROS) ≈ "field, countryside" [BibleFruit]
        •  "αγρός" (a-GROS) ≈ "field, countryside" [BibleCostPrePay]
        •  "αγώ" (a-GO) ≈ "I lead, bring" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "αγώ" (a-GO) ≈ "I lead, bring" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "αγώ" (a-GO) ≈ "I lead, bring" [BibleTakeSomeoneIn]
        •  "αδημονία" (a-thee-mo-NEE-a) ≈ "impatience, anxiety" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "αδημονία" (a-thee-mo-NEE-a) ≈ "impatience, anxiety" [Philippians4a]
        •  "αδημονία" (a-thee-mo-NEE-a) ≈ "impatience, anxiety" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "άδης" (A-thees) ≈ "hades" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "αδιάλειπτος" (a-thee-A-lee-ptos) ≈ "incessant, continuous" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "αδόκιμος" (a-THO-kee-mos) ≈ "unidiomatic, inappropriate" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "αείρω" (a-EE-ro) ≈ "lift, remove" [BibleReflexiveVerbs]
        •  "αέρας" (a-EH-ras) ≈ "air" [Tartarus]
        •  "αέρας" (a-EH-ras) ≈ "air" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "άεργος" (A-ehr-gos) ≈ "unemployed" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "αεροδρόμιο" (aeh-ro-THRO-mee-o) ≈ "airport" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "αερόλιθος" (a-eh-RO-lee-thos) ≈ "meteorite" [Meteorites]
        •  "αζωτικός" (a-zo-tee-KOS) ≈ "nitrogen" [BibleNitrogen]
        •  "αζωτό" (a-zo-TO) ≈ "nitrogen" [BibleNitrogen]
        •  "άθεος" (A-theh-os) ≈ "without God" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "άθεος" (A-theh-os) ≈ "without God" [GreekPrefixAlpha]
        •  "αθλητής" (a-thlee-TEES) ≈ "athlete" [Philippians1B]
        •  "άθλος" (A-thlos) ≈ "feat" [Philippians1B]
        •  "αίγα" (EH-ga) ≈ "goat" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "αίνιγμα" (EH-nee-gma) ≈ "enigma" [BibleWordPraise]
        •  "αίρω" (EH-ro) ≈ "lift, remove" [BibleReflexiveVerbs]
        •  "αίσθηση" (EH-sthee-see) ≈ "sense, sensation" [BibleTruthKnowledge]
        •  "αίσθηση" (EH-sthee-see) ≈ "sense, sensation" [Philippians1A]
        •  "αισχροκέρδη" (eh-skhro-KEHR-thee) ≈ "greedy" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "αίτιο και αιτιατό" (EH-tee-o keh eh-tee-a-TO) ≈ "cause and effect" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "αίτιο και αιτιατό" (EH-tee-o keh eh-tee-a-TO) ≈ "cause and effect" [BibleAnything]
        •  "άκακος" (A-ka-kos) ≈ "not bad, not evil" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "άκανθος" (A-kan-thos) ≈ "thorn" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "άκανθος" (A-kan-thos) ≈ "thorn" [BibleThorns]
        •  "ακατασκεύαστος" (a-ka-ta-SKEV-a-stos) ≈ "not properly prepared, unfinished" [BibleChaos]
        •  "ακαταστασία" (a-ka-ta-sta-SEE-a) ≈ "commotion, turmoil" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "ακαταστασία" (a-ka-ta-sta-SEE-a) ≈ "commotion, turmoil" [WordConfusion]
        •  "ακόη" (a-KO-ee) ≈ "hearing, news, tidings" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "ακόη" (a-KO-ee) ≈ "hearing, news, tidings" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "ακοήν" (a-ko-EEN) ≈ "audience" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "ακούω" (a-KU-o) ≈ "hear, listen" [BibleMatthew18]
        •  "ακριβώς" (a-kree-VOS) ≈ "precisely, exactly" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "ακροβάτης" (a-kro-VA-tees) ≈ "walking on tiptoe, climbing aloft" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "αλαζονεία" (a-la-zo-NEE-a) ≈ "arrogance, haughtiness, presumption" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "άλας" (A-las) ≈ "salt" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "αλέκτωρ" (a-LEH-ktor) ≈ "rooster" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "αλέκτωρ" (a-LEH-ktor) ≈ "rooster" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "αλέκω" (a-LEH-ko) ≈ "protect, defend" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "Αλέξανδρος" (A-LEH-ksan-thros) ≈ "Alexander" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "αλεπού" (a-leh-PU) ≈ "fox" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "αλεποφωλιά" (a-leh-po-fo-lee-A) ≈ "foxhole" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "αλήθεια" (a-LEE-thee-a) ≈ "truth" [TruthGreek]
        •  "αλήθεια" (a-LEE-thee-a) ≈ "truth" [Philippians1A]
        •  "αληθής" (a-lee-THEES) ≈ "truth" [BibleLies]
        •  "αληθής" (a-lee-THEES) ≈ "truth" [WordConfusion]
        •  "αλιεύω" (a-lee-EV-o) ≈ "fish" [LittleLess]
        •  "αλιεύω" (a-lee-EV-o) ≈ "fish" [WordFishIxthus]
        •  "αλληγορία" (al-lee-go-REE-a) ≈ "allegory" [GalationsTables]
        •  "άλογο" (A-lo-go) ≈ "horse" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "άλογο" (A-lo-go) ≈ "horse" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "άλογο" (A-lo-go) ≈ "horse" [BibleWordBeastBrute]
        •  "άλογο" (A-lo-go) ≈ "horse" [BibleWordBeastBrute]
        •  "άλογο" (A-lo-go) ≈ "horse" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "άλογο" (A-lo-go) ≈ "horse" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "άλογο ζώα" (A-lo-go ZO-a) ≈ "unspeaking/unthinking animal" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "άλογο ζώα" (A-lo-go ZO-a) ≈ "unspeaking/unthinking animal" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "άλογο ζώα" (A-lo-go ZO-a) ≈ "unspeaking/unthinking animal" [BibleWordBeastBrute]
        •  "άλογο ζώα" (A-lo-go ZO-a) ≈ "unspeaking/unthinking animal" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "αλυσίδα" (a-lee-SEE-tha) ≈ "chain" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "αλυσίς" (a-lee-SEES) ≈ "chain" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "άμαθος" (A-ma-thos) ≈ "sand, dust" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "άμαθος" (A-ma-thos) ≈ "sand, dust" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "αμαρτία" (a-mar-TEE-a) ≈ "sin" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "αμαρτία" (a-mar-TEE-a) ≈ "sin" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "άμεμπτος" (A-mehm-ptos) ≈ "spotless, unblemished" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "αμήν" (a-MEEN) ≈ "amen" [BibleWordAmen]
        •  "αμήν" (a-MEEN) ≈ "amen" [BibleWordAmen]
        •  "αμήν" (a-MEEN) ≈ "amen" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "αμίαντος" (a-MEE-an-tos) ≈ "asbestos" [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  "άμμος" (AM-mos) ≈ "sand, dust" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "άμμος" (AM-mos) ≈ "sand, dust" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "άμμος" (AM-mos) ≈ "sand, dust" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "αμνός" (a-MNOS) ≈ "lamb" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "αμφιβάλλω" (am-fee-VAL-lo) ≈ "doubt, have doubts" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "ανά" (a-NA) ≈ "up" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "αναβλέπω" (a-na-VLEH-po) ≈ "see again, look up" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "αναδρομή" (a-na-thro-MEE) ≈ "recursion, flashback" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "αναίδεια" (a-NEH-thee-a) ≈ "lack of modesty and respect" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "αναιδής" (a-neh-THEES) ≈ "impudent, brash, shameless" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ανάκρουσις" (a-NA-kru-sees) ≈ "pushing up" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "ανακρούω" (a-na-KRU-o) ≈ "I push up" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "αναλογία" (a-na-lo-Y-a) ≈ "ratio, proportion, analogy" [BibleAnalogy]
        •  "ανάστημα" (a-NA-stee-ma) ≈ "stature, height" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ανάστημα" (a-NA-stee-ma) ≈ "stature, height" [RedFlags]
        •  "ανατολή" (a-na-to-LEE) ≈ "east" [BibleEast]
        •  "Ανδρομέδα" (An-thro-MEH-tha) ≈ "ruler of men" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "ανδρός" (an-THROS) ≈ "man" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "ανεμοδείκτης" (a-neh-mo-THEE-ktees) ≈ "weather vane" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "ανεμοδείκτης" (a-neh-mo-THEE-ktees) ≈ "weather vane" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleWordWind]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "άνεμος" (A-neh-mos) ≈ "wind" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "άνευ" (A-nev) ≈ "without" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "άνθος" (AN-thos) ≈ "blossom, bloom" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "άνθος" (AN-thos) ≈ "blossom, bloom" [BibleThorns]
        •  "άνθρωπους" (AN-thro-pus) ≈ "man" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "ανοίγω" (a-NEE-go) ≈ "open" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "ανομία" (a-no-MEE-a) ≈ "lawlessness" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "ανορεξία" (a-no-reh-KSEE-a) ≈ "little or no appetite" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "ανορεξία" (a-no-reh-KSEE-a) ≈ "little or no appetite" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "ανταπόδοση" (an-ta-PO-tho-see) ≈ "repayment, return" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "αντί" (an-TEE) ≈ "in place of" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "αντί" (an-TEE) ≈ "in place of" [EyeForEye]
        •  "αντί" (an-TEE) ≈ "in place of" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "αντί" (an-TEE) ≈ "in place of" [BibleAntiChrist]
        •  "αντί" (an-TEE) ≈ "in place of" [BiblePrefixAnti]
        •  "αντιδικία" (an-tee-thee-KEE-a) ≈ "litigation" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "αντίδικος" (an-TEE-thee-kos) ≈ "legal opponents" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "αντικείμενο" (an-tee-KEE-meh-no) ≈ "object, subject" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "αντικείμενο" (an-tee-KEE-meh-no) ≈ "object, subject" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "αντικείμενο" (an-tee-KEE-meh-no) ≈ "object, subject" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "αντίφωνη" (an-TEE-fo-nee) ≈ "concordant" [SongOComeEmmanuel]
        •  "αντωνυμία" (an-to-nee-MEE-a) ≈ "pronoun" [PronounsAmbiguous]
        •  "αντωνυμία" (an-to-nee-MEE-a) ≈ "pronoun" [EyeForEye]
        •  "αντωνυμία" (an-to-nee-MEE-a) ≈ "pronoun" [BiblePrefixAnti]
        •  "αντωνυμία" (an-to-nee-MEE-a) ≈ "pronoun" [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  "άνωθεν" (A-no-thehn) ≈ "above, from on high" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "άνωθεν" (A-no-thehn) ≈ "from above" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "άνωθεν" (A-no-thehn) ≈ "from above" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "άξιο" (A-ksee-o) ≈ "worthy" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "άξιο" (A-ksee-o) ≈ "worthy" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "άξιο" (A-ksee-o) ≈ "worthy" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "αόρατος" (a-O-ra-tos) ≈ "not seen, invisible" [BibleChaos]
        •  "αόρατος" (a-O-ra-tos) ≈ "not seen, invisible" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "αόρατος" (a-O-ra-tos) ≈ "not seen, invisible" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "απ" (ap) ≈ "from" [BibleFruit]
        •  "απ" (ap) ≈ "from" [BibleFruitsFirst]
        •  "απαρχήν" (a-par-KHEEN) ≈ "from the beginning, origin" [BibleFruit]
        •  "απαρχήν" (a-par-KHEEN) ≈ "from the beginning, origin" [BibleFruitsFirst]
        •  "άπειρο" (A-pee-ro) ≈ "infinity" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "άπειρος" (A-pee-ros) ≈ "infinite" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "απλός" (a-PLOS) ≈ "plain, simple, uncomplicated" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "από" (a-PO) ≈ "away from" [CalqueScapegoat]
        •  "από" (a-PO) ≈ "away from" [BibleWordApostle]
        •  "απογραφή" (a-po-gra-FEE) ≈ "census" [BibleWordCensus]
        •  "απογραφή" (a-po-gra-FEE) ≈ "census" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "αποκαλυπτική" (a-po-ka-lee-ptee-KEE) ≈ "revelation, revealing" [MysteriesBabylon]
        •  "αποκαλυπτική" (a-po-ka-lee-ptee-KEE) ≈ "revelation, revealing" [TruthMystery]
        •  "αποπέμπω" (a-po-PEHM-po) ≈ "send away" [CalqueScapegoat]
        •  "απορία" (a-po-REE-a) ≈ "puzzlement, destitution" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "απορία" (a-po-REE-a) ≈ "puzzlement, destitution" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "αποστέλλω" (a-po-STEHL-lo) ≈ "send" [BibleWordApostle]
        •  "απόστολος" (a-PO-sto-los) ≈ "apostle" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "απουσία" (a-pu-SEE-a) ≈ "absence" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "απρόκοπος" (a-PRO-ko-pos) ≈ "unsuccessful, good-for-nothing" [Philippians1A]
        •  "απώλεια" (a-PO-lee-a) ≈ "loss" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "αργά ή γρήγορα" (ar-GA EE GHREE-go-ra) ≈ "sooner or later" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "αργός" (ar-GOS) ≈ "slow, idle, slack" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "αργός" (ar-GOS) ≈ "slow, idle, slack" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "αργός" (ar-GOS) ≈ "slow, idle, slack" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "αργότερα" (ar-GO-teh-ra) ≈ "later" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "άργυρος" (AR-y-ros) ≈ "silver" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "αρέσκω" (a-REH-sko) ≈ "please, satisfy" [BibleReflexiveVerbs]
        •  "αρετή" (a-reh-TEE) ≈ "goodness, excellence, virtue" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "αρετή" (a-reh-TEE) ≈ "goodness, excellence, virtue" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "αριστερός" (a-ree-steh-ROS) ≈ "left, ominous" [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  "αρκετός" (ar-keh-TOS) ≈ "enough, adequate, sufficient" [BibleWordArk]
        •  "αρκετός" (ar-keh-TOS) ≈ "enough, adequate, sufficient" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αρκετός" (ar-keh-TOS) ≈ "enough, adequate, sufficient" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αρκούδα" (ar-KU-tha) ≈ "bear" [Bears]
        •  "άρμα" (AR-ma) ≈ "military tank, carnival chariot" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "αρμονία" (ar-mo-NEE-a) ≈ "harmony" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "άρπα" (AR-pa) ≈ "harp" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "άρπα" (AR-pa) ≈ "harp" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "αρσέν" (ar-SEHN) ≈ "male" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "άρτος" (AR-tos) ≈ "bread" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "αρτύω" (ar-TEE-o) ≈ "arrange, devise, prepare, season" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "αρχή" (ar-KHEE) ≈ "beginning" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "αρχή" (ar-KHEE) ≈ "beginning" [BibleFruit]
        •  "αρχή" (ar-KHEE) ≈ "beginning" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "αρχή" (ar-KHEE) ≈ "beginning" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "αρχή" (ar-KHEE) ≈ "beginning" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "αρχή" (ar-KHEE) ≈ "beginning" [Philippians1A]
        •  "αρχή" (ar-KHEE) ≈ "beginning" [BibleFruitsFirst]
        •  "αρχιτέκτων" (ar-khee-TEH-kton) ≈ "architect" [XmasJosephBuilder]
        •  "αρχιτέκτων" (ar-khee-TEH-kton) ≈ "architect" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "άρχω" (AR-kho) ≈ "rule" [BibleHeirarchy]
        •  "ασήμι" (a-SEE-mee) ≈ "silver" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ασθένεια" (a-STHEH-nee-a) ≈ "disease, illness" [BibleWeakAndVisited]
        •  "ασκώ" (a-SKO) ≈ "train, practice, exercise" [PhilosophyCinics]
        •  "ασκώ" (a-SKO) ≈ "train, practice, exercise" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "ασκώ" (a-SKO) ≈ "train, practice, exercise" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ασπαζέσθαι" (a-spa-ZEH-stheh) ≈ "you are welcome" [GothicBible]
        •  "άστεγη" (A-steh-gee) ≈ "homeless, poor" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "άστεγη" (A-steh-gee) ≈ "homeless, poor" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "αστέρι" (a-STEH-ree) ≈ "star" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "αστεροειδής" (a-steh-ro-ee-THEES) ≈ "asteroid" [Stars]
        •  "αστίο" (a-STEE-o) ≈ "goodbye" [WordGoodBye]
        •  "αστρό" (a-STRO) ≈ "star" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "αστρονομία" (a-stro-no-MEE-a) ≈ "astronomy" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "ασφαλής" (a-sfa-LEES) ≈ "safe, secure" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "ασφαλής" (a-sfa-LEES) ≈ "safe, secure" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "άσφαλτος" (A-sfal-tos) ≈ "asphalt" [BibleSandTowerBabel]
        •  "άτομο" (A-to-mo) ≈ "person, atom" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "άτομο" (A-to-mo) ≈ "person, atom" [RealityAndAtomicTheory]
        •  "ατύχημα" (a-TEE-khee-ma) ≈ "accident" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "Αύγουστος" (AEE-gu-stos) ≈ "Augustus" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "Αύγουστος" (AEE-gu-stos) ≈ "Augustus" [RomanEmperors]
        •  "αυθεντικός" (av-thehn-tee-KOS) ≈ "genuine" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "αυλή" (av-LEE) ≈ "courtyard, yard" [GothicBible]
        •  "αυλοί" (av-LEE) ≈ "pipes" [PipeDream]
        •  "αυλός" (av-LOS) ≈ "pipes" [PipeDream]
        •  "αυλός" (av-LOS) ≈ "pipe, flute" [PipeDream]
        •  "αυξάνω" (av-KSA-no) ≈ "increase" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "αύξηση" (AV-ksee-see) ≈ "increase" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "τα αυτά" (ta av-TA) ≈ "these" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "αυτάρκεια" (av-TAR-kee-a) ≈ "self-sufficient" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "αυτό" (av-TO) ≈ "this" [BibleThirdPersonReflexive]
        •  "το αυτό" (to av-TO) ≈ "the self" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "αυτόματη ταμειακή μηχανή" (av-TO-ma-tee ta-mee-a-KEE mee-kha-NEE) ≈ "automatic teller machine" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "αφηρημένος" (a-fee-ree-MEH-nos) ≈ "abstract" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "αφιλαρφύρον" (a-fee-lar-FEE-ron) ≈ "covetous" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "αφρόντιστα" (a-FRON-tee-sta) ≈ "carelessly, negligently" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "Βαβέλ" (Va-VEHL) ≈ "Babel" [BibleBabelTower]
        •  "βάθος" (VA-thos) ≈ "depth" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "βαίνω" (VEH-no) ≈ "walk, step" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "βαρύς" (va-REES) ≈ "heavy, deep" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "βασίλεια" (va-SEE-lee-a) ≈ "kingdom" [TailMindSky]
        •  "βασίλεια" (va-SEE-lee-a) ≈ "kingdom" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "βασίλεια" (va-SEE-lee-a) ≈ "kingdom" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "βδομάδα" (vtho-MA-tha) ≈ "week" [NumberSeven]
        •  "βέλος" (VEH-los) ≈ "arrow" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "βιάζεται" (vee-A-zeh-teh) ≈ "be in a hurry" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "βίβλος" (VEE-vlos) ≈ "book" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "βίντεο" (VEEN-teh-o) ≈ "video" [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  "βλαβερός" (vla-veh-ROS) ≈ "harmful" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "βλαβερός" (vla-veh-ROS) ≈ "harmful" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "βλαβερός" (vla-veh-ROS) ≈ "harmful" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "βλάβη" (VLA-vee) ≈ "hurt, harm, damage" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "βλασφημία" (vla-sfee-MEE-a) ≈ "seek ill of, defame" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "βλασφημία" (vla-sfee-MEE-a) ≈ "seek ill of, defame" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "βόας" (VO-as) ≈ "cattle, cows" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "βοήθεια" (vo-EE-thee-a) ≈ "help" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "βοήθεια" (vo-EE-thee-a) ≈ "help" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "Βουκεφάλας" (Vu-keh-FA-las) ≈ "Bucephalus" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "Βουκεφάλας" (Vu-keh-FA-las) ≈ "Bucephalus" [Mosaics]
        •  "βουλιμία" (vu-lee-MEE-a) ≈ "ravenous hunger" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "βουνό" (vu-NO) ≈ "mountain" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "βουνό" (vu-NO) ≈ "mountain" [MovingMountains]
        •  "βους" (vus) ≈ "cow, ox" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "βους" (vus) ≈ "cow, ox" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "βους" (vus) ≈ "cow, ox" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "βους" (vus) ≈ "cow, ox" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "βους" (vus) ≈ "cow, ox" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "βους" (vus) ≈ "cow, ox" [Mosaics]
        •  "βούτυρο" (VU-tee-ro) ≈ "butter" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "βραβείο" (vra-VEE-o) ≈ "prize" [Philippians3e]
        •  "βράδυ" (VRA-thee) ≈ "evening" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "βρέφος" (VREH-fos) ≈ "baby, infant" [BibleBaby]
        •  "βροντή" (vron-TEE) ≈ "thunder" [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  "βρύγμος" (VREE-gmos) ≈ "gnash" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "βρύγμος" (VREE-gmos) ≈ "gnash" [EyeForEye]
        •  "βρύγμος" (VREE-gmos) ≈ "gnash" [GhashingTeeth]
        •  "γάμος" (GHA-mos) ≈ "wedding" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "γέλως" (Y-los) ≈ "laughing" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "γέλως" (Y-los) ≈ "laughing" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "γέλως" (Y-los) ≈ "laughing" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "γέλως" (Y-los) ≈ "laughing" [SongTurnTurnTurn]
        •  "γέννηση" (YN-nee-see) ≈ "birth" [XmasNativity]
        •  "γερών" (y-RON) ≈ "old man" [BibleNicodemus]
        •  "γερών" (y-RON) ≈ "old man" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "γερών" (y-RON) ≈ "old man" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "γεύση" (EV-see) ≈ "taste" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "γεωμετρία" (y-o-meh-TREE-a) ≈ "geometry" [CodesGematria]
        •  "γη" (ghee) ≈ "earth, land" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "γη" (ghee) ≈ "earth, land" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "γη" (ghee) ≈ "earth, land" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "γη" (ghee) ≈ "earth" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "γη" (ghee) ≈ "earth, land" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "γίνεται" (Y-neh-teh) ≈ "become" [BiblePrivateInterpretations]
        •  "γλυκιά ενθύμηση" (ghlee-kee-A ehn-THEE-mee-see) ≈ "sweet memory" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "γλυκός" (ghlee-KOS) ≈ "sweet" [BibleWordSweet]
        •  "γλώσσα" (GHLOS-sa) ≈ "tongue, language" [WordConfusion]
        •  "γλώσσα" (GHLOS-sa) ≈ "tongue, language" [BibleBabelTower]
        •  "γνέθω" (GHNEH-tho) ≈ "spin" [BibleSeekYeFirst]
        •  "γνώσις" (GHNO-sees) ≈ "knowledge" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "γνώσις" (GHNO-sees) ≈ "knowledge" [GreekPrefixAlpha]
        •  "γόνατο" (GHO-na-to) ≈ "knee" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "γόνατο" (GHO-na-to) ≈ "knee" [WordAngle]
        •  "γόνατο" (GHO-na-to) ≈ "knee" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "γόνυ" (GHO-nee) ≈ "knee" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "γόνυ" (GHO-nee) ≈ "knee" [WordAngle]
        •  "γόνυ" (GHO-nee) ≈ "knee" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "γουρούνι" (ghu-RU-nee) ≈ "hog, pig" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "γουρούνι" (ghu-RU-nee) ≈ "hog, pig" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "γουρούνι" (ghu-RU-nee) ≈ "hog, pig" [Whales]
        •  "γουρούνι" (ghu-RU-nee) ≈ "hog, pig" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "γουρουνόψαρο" (ghu-ru-NO-psa-ro) ≈ "porpoise" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "γουρουνόψαρο" (ghu-ru-NO-psa-ro) ≈ "porpoise" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "γουρουνόψαρο" (ghu-ru-NO-psa-ro) ≈ "porpoise" [Whales]
        •  "γουρουνόψαρο" (ghu-ru-NO-psa-ro) ≈ "porpoise" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "γράφος" (GHRA-fos) ≈ "writing" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "γράφω" (GHRA-fo) ≈ "write" [LanguagesOnTheCross]
        •  "γρήγορα" (GHREE-go-ra) ≈ "quickly, rapidly" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "γρήγορα" (GHREE-go-ra) ≈ "quickly, rapidly" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "γρήγορα" (GHREE-go-ra) ≈ "quickly, rapidly" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "γρίφος" (GHREE-fos) ≈ "puzzle" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "γροσθισά" (ghro-sthee-SA) ≈ "fist" [BibleWordKulak]
        •  "γυμνός" (y-MNOS) ≈ "naked, unarmed, uncovered" [BibleWordClothes]
        •  "γυμνός" (y-MNOS) ≈ "naked, unarmed, uncovered" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "γωνία" (gho-NEE-a) ≈ "angle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "γωνία" (gho-NEE-a) ≈ "angle" [WordAngle]
        •  "γωνία" (gho-NEE-a) ≈ "angle" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "δαμάζω" (tha-MA-zo) ≈ "tame, subdue, control" [James3]
        •  "δαμάζω" (tha-MA-zo) ≈ "tame, subdue, control" [James3]
        •  "δε" (theh) ≈ "but" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "δεδομένα" (theh-tho-MEH-na) ≈ "data" [BibleWordInformation]
        •  "δεδομένου ότι" (theh-tho-MEH-nu O-tee) ≈ "given that" [BibleWordInformation]
        •  "δείγμα" (THEE-gma) ≈ "sample" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "δελφίνι" (thehl-FEE-nee) ≈ "dolphin" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "δελφίνι" (thehl-FEE-nee) ≈ "dolphin" [Whales]
        •  "δεν πειράζει" (thehn pee-RA-zee) ≈ "it does not matter" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "δεξιός" (theh-ksee-OS) ≈ "right, fortunate" [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  "δέρματος" (THEHR-ma-tos) ≈ "skin" [WordSack]
        •  "Δευτερονόμιο" (THev-teh-ro-NO-mee-o) ≈ "Deuteronomy" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "δηλητήριος" (thee-lee-TEE-ree-os) ≈ "poison" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "δηλητήριος" (thee-lee-TEE-ree-os) ≈ "poison" [BookApostolicFathers]
        •  "δηλητηριώδης" (thee-lee-tee-ree-O-thees) ≈ "poison" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "δήλωση" (THEE-lo-see) ≈ "declaration" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "δήμος" (THEE-mos) ≈ "municipality" [BibleWordDemocracy]
        •  "δήμος" (THEE-mos) ≈ "municipality" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "δηνάριον" (thee-NA-ree-on) ≈ "denarius" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "δηνάριον" (thee-NA-ree-on) ≈ "denarius" [Numismatics]
        •  "δηναρίον" (thee-na-REE-on) ≈ "denarius, penny" [BibleYesNoElse]
        •  "διά" (thee-A) ≈ "for" [Philippians1A]
        •  "διαθήκη" (thee-a-THEE-kee) ≈ "testament, covenant" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "διαίρεση" (thee-EH-reh-see) ≈ "division" [WordHeresy]
        •  "διάκονος" (thee-A-ko-nos) ≈ "deacon" [Philippians1A]
        •  "διακοπές" (thee-a-ko-PEHS) ≈ "vacation, holiday" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "διακοπές" (thee-a-ko-PEHS) ≈ "vacation, holiday" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "διακοπή" (thee-a-ko-PEE) ≈ "break, disruption, interruption" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "διακόπτω" (thee-a-KO-pto) ≈ "interrupt" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "διάκριση" (thee-A-kree-see) ≈ "distinction, discretion" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "διαλέγω" (thee-a-LEH-go) ≈ "choose, gather, select" [Acts17v1to4]
        •  "διαλεκτό" (thee-a-leh-KTO) ≈ "dialect" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "διαλεκτό" (thee-a-leh-KTO) ≈ "dialect" [BiblePrefixDia]
        •  "διαμέρισμα" (thee-a-MEH-ree-sma) ≈ "apartment" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "διαμέρισμα" (thee-a-MEH-ree-sma) ≈ "apartment" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "διαρπάζω" (thee-ar-PA-zo) ≈ "prey" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "διαφέρω" (thee-a-FEH-ro) ≈ "differ, be different" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "διαφέρω" (thee-a-FEH-ro) ≈ "differ, vary" [GalationsTables]
        •  "διαφήμιση" (thee-a-FEE-mee-see) ≈ "advertisement, publicity" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "διδάσκαλους" (thee-THA-ska-lus) ≈ "teachers" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "διδάσκοντες" (thee-THA-skon-tehs) ≈ "teach as in doctrine" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "διδάσκοντες" (thee-THA-skon-tehs) ≈ "teach as in doctrine" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "διδάσκοντες" (thee-THA-skon-tehs) ≈ "teach as in doctrine" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "διδάσκω" (thee-THA-sko) ≈ "teach" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "διδαχή" (thee-tha-KHEE) ≈ "teaching" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "διδαχή" (thee-tha-KHEE) ≈ "teaching" [BibleDidache]
        •  "Διεθνές Νομισματικό Ταμείο" (THee-eh-THNEHS No-mee-sma-tee-KO Ta-MEE-o) ≈ "International Monetary Fund" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "δίκαιος" (THEE-keh-os) ≈ "observant of custom, righteous, balanced" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "δίκαιος" (THEE-keh-os) ≈ "observant of custom, righteous, balanced" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "δίκαιος" (THEE-keh-os) ≈ "observant of custom, righteous, balanced" [ClementChurchFather]
        •  "δικαιοσύνη" (thee-keh-o-SEE-nee) ≈ "righteousness, justice" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "δίκη" (THEE-kee) ≈ "custom, right" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "διυλίζω" (thee-ee-LEE-zo) ≈ "refine, distill, filter, strain" [Quakers]
        •  "διυλίζω" (thee-ee-LEE-zo) ≈ "refine, distill, filter, strain" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "δόγμα" (THO-gma) ≈ "dogma, doctrine" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "δόκει" (THO-kee) ≈ "think, expect" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "δοκιμάζω" (tho-kee-MA-zo) ≈ "try out, test, taste, attempt" [James1]
        •  "δοκιμάζω" (tho-kee-MA-zo) ≈ "test" [Philippians1A]
        •  "δοκός" (tho-KOS) ≈ "beam" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δοκός" (tho-KOS) ≈ "beam" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "δομή" (tho-MEE) ≈ "structure" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "δόμηση" (THO-mee-see) ≈ "building, construction" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "δόντι" (THON-tee) ≈ "tooth" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "δόντι" (THON-tee) ≈ "tooth" [EyeForEye]
        •  "δόντι" (THON-tee) ≈ "tooth" [GhashingTeeth]
        •  "δόντι" (THON-tee) ≈ "tooth" [GhashingTeeth]
        •  "δόντι" (THON-tee) ≈ "tooth" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "δόντια" (THON-tee-a) ≈ "teeth" [GhashingTeeth]
        •  "δόντια" (THON-tee-a) ≈ "teeth" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "δόξα" (THO-ksa) ≈ "glory" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "δόξα" (THO-ksa) ≈ "glory" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δόξα" (THO-ksa) ≈ "glory" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δόξα" (THO-ksa) ≈ "glory" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "δοξολογία" (tho-kso-lo-Y-a) ≈ "laudatory" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "δοξολογία" (tho-kso-lo-Y-a) ≈ "laudatory" [SongDoxology]
        •  "Δούρειος ίππος" (THU-ree-os EEP-pos) ≈ "Trojan horse" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "Δούρειος ίππος" (THU-ree-os EEP-pos) ≈ "Trojan horse" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "δοχείο" (tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "container, receptacle" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "δοχείο" (tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "container" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "δράχμα" (THRAKH-ma) ≈ "drachma" [Numismatics]
        •  "δρεπάνι" (threh-PA-nee) ≈ "sickle" [BibleFruit]
        •  "δρόμος" (THRO-mos) ≈ "road, run" [Philpiians2Rejoicing]
        •  "δύναμη" (THEE-na-mee) ≈ "power" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "δύναμιν" (THEE-na-meen) ≈ "power" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "δύο" (THEE-o) ≈ "two" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "δύση" (THEE-see) ≈ "west, sunset, decline" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "δύση" (THEE-see) ≈ "west, sunset, decline" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "δύση" (THEE-see) ≈ "west, sunset, decline" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "δύσκολος" (THEE-sko-los) ≈ "difficult" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "δύσκολος" (THEE-sko-los) ≈ "difficult" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "δώδεκα" (THO-theh-ka) ≈ "twelve" [NumberTwelve]
        •  "δωρεά" (tho-reh-A) ≈ "donation, gift" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "δωρεά" (tho-reh-A) ≈ "donation, gift" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "εβδομάδα" (eh-vtho-MA-tha) ≈ "week" [NumberSeven]
        •  "εβδομάδα" (eh-vtho-MA-tha) ≈ "week" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "εβδομήκοντα" (eh-vtho-MEE-kon-ta) ≈ "seventy" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "εβδομήντα" (eh-vtho-MEEN-ta) ≈ "seventy" [BibleForgiveSeventySeven]
        •  "εβδομήντα" (eh-vtho-MEEN-ta) ≈ "seventy" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "εβραϊκό Πάσχα" (eh-vra-ee-KO PA-skha) ≈ "passover" [BiblePassover]
        •  "εγγύς" (ehgh-YS) ≈ "near" [BibleAnxiety]
        •  "εγκαινιασμός" (ehgh-keh-nee-a-SMOS) ≈ "inauguration, dedication" [XmasHanukkah]
        •  "εγκώμιο" (ehgh-KO-mee-o) ≈ "eulogy" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "έθνος" (EHTH-nos) ≈ "nation" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ειδή" (ee-THEE) ≈ "see" [LetterDigamma]
        •  "είδος" (EE-thos) ≈ "kind, variety" [Stars]
        •  "εικόνες" (ee-KO-nehs) ≈ "pictures" [BibleJesusCodes]
        •  "εικών" (ee-KON) ≈ "image" [BibleYesNoElse]
        •  "ειλικρινής" (ee-lee-kree-NEES) ≈ "sincere, frank" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ειρήνη" (ee-REE-nee) ≈ "peace" [BibleTruthKnowledge]
        •  "ειρήνη" (ee-REE-nee) ≈ "peace, tranquility, harmony" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "ειρήνη" (ee-REE-nee) ≈ "peace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "ειρηνοποιοί" (ee-ree-no-pee-EE) ≈ "peacemaker" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "εκκλησία" (ehk-klee-SEE-a) ≈ "those called out, church" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "εκκλησία" (ehk-klee-SEE-a) ≈ "those called out, church" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "εκκλησία" (ehk-klee-SEE-a) ≈ "those called out, church" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "εκκλησία" (ehk-klee-SEE-a) ≈ "those called out, church" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "εκκλησία" (ehk-klee-SEE-a) ≈ "those called out, church" [BibleTakeSomeoneIn]
        •  "εκκλησία" (ehk-klee-SEE-a) ≈ "those called out, church" [GothicBible]
        •  "εκλέκτοι" (eh-KLEH-ktee) ≈ "elect" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "εκλέκτον" (eh-KLEH-kton) ≈ "elect, chosen" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "εκλέκτον" (eh-KLEH-kton) ≈ "elect, chosen" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "εκλέκτον" (eh-KLEH-kton) ≈ "elect, chosen" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "εκπίπτω" (ehk-PEE-pto) ≈ "discount, lose, fall out" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "ελαιά" (eh-leh-A) ≈ "olive" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "ελαιάς" (eh-leh-AS) ≈ "olive" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "έλαιον" (EH-leh-on) ≈ "olive oil" [CandlePower]
        •  "ελαφρός" (eh-la-FROS) ≈ "light" [BibleLeastOfThese]
        •  "ελαχύς" (eh-la-KHEES) ≈ "small, short" [BibleLeastOfThese]
        •  "έλεγχος" (EH-lehgh-khos) ≈ "control, check, audit" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "έλεγχος αποσκευών" (EH-lehgh-khos a-po-skev-ON) ≈ "luggage control" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "έλεος" (EH-leh-os) ≈ "mercy, pity" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "έλεος" (EH-leh-os) ≈ "mercy, pity" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "ελεός" (eh-leh-OS) ≈ "owl" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "ελέφαντας" (eh-LEH-fan-tas) ≈ "elephant" [GhashingTeeth]
        •  "ελέφαντας" (eh-LEH-fan-tas) ≈ "elephant" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ελεφαντόδοντο" (eh-leh-fan-TO-thon-to) ≈ "ivory" [GhashingTeeth]
        •  "ελεφαντόδοντο" (eh-leh-fan-TO-tho-do) ≈ "ivory" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ελικοειδή" (eh-lee-ko-ee-THEE) ≈ "helical" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "έλιξ" (EH-leeks) ≈ "helix, spiral" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "έλιξ" (EH-leeks) ≈ "helix, spiral" [BibleChaos]
        •  "έλκος" (EHL-kos) ≈ "ulcer" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "έλκω" (EHL-ko) ≈ "draw, pull" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "ελπίζω" (ehl-PEE-zo) ≈ "hope" [BibleWordFaith]
        •  "ελπίζω" (ehl-PEE-zo) ≈ "hope" [BibleEverything]
        •  "Εμμανουήλ" (EHm-ma-nu-EEL) ≈ "Emmanuel" [XmasEmmanuel]
        •  "εμπειρία" (ehm-pee-REE-a) ≈ "experience" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "εμπορεύσονται" (ehm-po-REV-son-teh) ≈ "merchandise" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "εμπορικό κέντρο" (ehm-po-ree-KO KEHN-tro) ≈ "shopping center" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "εμπορικό κέντρο" (ehm-po-ree-KO KEHN-tro) ≈ "shopping center" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "εμπορικό κέντρο" (ehm-po-ree-KO KEHN-tro) ≈ "shopping center" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "έναρξη" (EH-nar-ksee) ≈ "begin, start" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "έναρξη" (EH-nar-ksee) ≈ "begin, start" [Philippians1A]
        •  "έναρξη" (EH-nar-ksee) ≈ "begin, start" [Philippians1A]
        •  "έναρξη" (EH-nar-ksee) ≈ "begin, start" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ενεργεί" (eh-nehr-EE) ≈ "energy" [Entropy]
        •  "ενέργεια" (eh-NEHR-ee-a) ≈ "energy, action" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ενεργώ" (eh-nehr-GO) ≈ "carry out an action, act" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ενθύμηση" (ehn-THEE-mee-see) ≈ "memory" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ένοχος" (EH-no-khos) ≈ "guilty" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ένοχος" (EH-no-khos) ≈ "guilty" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "εντολή" (ehn-to-LEE) ≈ "order, command, mandate" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "εντολή" (ehn-to-LEE) ≈ "order, command" [TenCommandments]
        •  "εντολή" (ehn-to-LEE) ≈ "order, command" [SantaClaus]
        •  "εντραπήσονται" (ehn-tra-PEE-son-teh) ≈ "ashamed" [BibleEntropy]
        •  "εντροπή" (ehn-tro-PEE) ≈ "entropy" [BibleEntropy]
        •  "εντύπωση" (ehn-TEE-po-see) ≈ "impression" [TheoryTypes]
        •  "ενύπνιον" (eh-NEE-pnee-on) ≈ "dream" [MysteriesBabylon]
        •  "ενύπνιον" (eh-NEE-pnee-on) ≈ "dream" [TruthMystery]
        •  "εξ" (ehks) ≈ "six" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "εξ" (ehks) ≈ "out of, away from" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "εξελκομένος" (eh-ksehl-ko-MEH-nos) ≈ "drawn away" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "εξήγηση" (eh-KSEE-gee-see) ≈ "explanation" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "έξοδος" (EH-kso-thos) ≈ "way out" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "εξοχή" (eh-kso-KHEE) ≈ "protrusion" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "έπαινος" (EH-peh-nos) ≈ "praise" [BibleWordPraise]
        •  "επεσκέψασθε" (eh-peh-SKEH-psa-stheh) ≈ "visited" [BibleWeakAndVisited]
        •  "επί" (eh-PEE) ≈ "on, upon" [BibleWordApostle]
        •  "επί" (eh-PEE) ≈ "on, upon" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "επί" (eh-PEE) ≈ "on, upon" [BibleWordBishop]
        •  "επίγνωσις" (eh-PEE-gno-sees) ≈ "knowledge, awareness" [BibleTruthKnowledge]
        •  "επίγνωσις" (eh-PEE-gno-sees) ≈ "knowledge, awareness" [Philippians1A]
        •  "επιδοκιμάζω" (eh-pee-tho-kee-MA-zo) ≈ "approve" [Philippians1A]
        •  "επιθυμεί" (eh-pee-thee-MEE) ≈ "desire" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "επιθυμεί" (eh-pee-thee-MEE) ≈ "desire" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "επιλυσέως" (eh-pee-lee-SEH-os) ≈ "solution" [BiblePrivateInterpretations]
        •  "επιμέλεια" (eh-pee-MEH-lee-a) ≈ "diligence, care" [BibleWordShow]
        •  "επίσκεψη" (eh-PEE-skeh-psee) ≈ "visit" [Philippians1A]
        •  "επίσκεψη" (eh-PEE-skeh-psee) ≈ "visit" [BibleWeakAndVisited]
        •  "επισκοπής" (eh-pee-sko-PEES) ≈ "bishop" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "επισκοπής" (eh-pee-sko-PEES) ≈ "bishop" [BibleWordBishop]
        •  "επίσκοπος" (eh-PEE-sko-pos) ≈ "bishop" [Philippians1A]
        •  "επισωρεύσουσιν" (eh-pee-so-REV-su-seen) ≈ "heap" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "επισωρεύσουσιν" (eh-pee-so-REV-su-seen) ≈ "heap" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "επιφανής" (eh-pee-fa-NEES) ≈ "illustrious, prominent" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "επιφανής" (eh-pee-fa-NEES) ≈ "illustrious, prominent" [BiblePunEpiphanies]
        •  "επτά" (eh-PTA) ≈ "seven" [NumberSeven]
        •  "επτά" (eh-PTA) ≈ "seven" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "ερατός" (eh-ra-TOS) ≈ "lovely" [BibleWeakAndVisited]
        •  "Ερατοσθένης" (EH-ra-to-STHEH-nees) ≈ "Eratosthenes" [BibleWeakAndVisited]
        •  "έργο" (EHR-go) ≈ "work" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "έργο" (EHR-go) ≈ "work" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "έργο" (EHR-go) ≈ "work" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "έρημος" (EH-ree-mos) ≈ "desert" [BibleTruthKnowledge]
        •  "εριστικός" (eh-ree-stee-KOS) ≈ "grumpy, quarrelsome" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "εριφίον" (eh-ree-FEE-on) ≈ "young goat, kid goat" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "ερμηνεία" (ehr-mee-NEE-a) ≈ "interpretation" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "Ερμής" (EHr-MEES) ≈ "Hermes, Mercury" [Angels]
        •  "Ερμής" (EHr-MEES) ≈ "Hermes, Mercury" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "Ερμής" (EHr-MEES) ≈ "Hermes, Mercury" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "Ερμής" (EHr-MEES) ≈ "Hermes, Mercury" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ερπετών" (ehr-peh-TON) ≈ "reptiles" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "ερπετών" (ehr-peh-TON) ≈ "reptiles" [James3]
        •  "ερυθροκυανό" (eh-ree-thro-kee-a-NO) ≈ "red cyan, purple" [Lydia]
        •  "ερυθρός" (eh-ree-THROS) ≈ "red" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "εσπέρα" (eh-SPEH-ra) ≈ "evening" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "εσπέρα" (eh-SPEH-ra) ≈ "evening" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "εταιρεία" (eh-teh-REE-a) ≈ "association, society, company" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "εταιρεία" (eh-teh-REE-a) ≈ "association, society, company" [RevelationWords310]
        •  "εταιρεία περιορισμένης ευθύνης" (eh-teh-REE-a peh-ree-o-ree-SMEH-nees ev-THEE-nees) ≈ "limited liability company" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "ετυμολογία" (eh-tee-mo-lo-Y-a) ≈ "etymology" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "ετυμολογία" (eh-tee-mo-lo-Y-a) ≈ "etymology" [TruthGreek]
        •  "ευ" (ev) ≈ "good" [WordCalques]
        •  "ευ" (ev) ≈ "good" [Gospels]
        •  "ευ" (ev) ≈ "good" [Angels]
        •  "ευ" (ev) ≈ "good" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "ευ" (ev) ≈ "good" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "ευ" (ev) ≈ "good" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ευ" (ev) ≈ "good" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "ευ" (ev) ≈ "good" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "ευαγγέλιον" (ev-agh-Y-lee-on) ≈ "good news" [WordCalques]
        •  "ευαγγέλιον" (ev-agh-Y-lee-on) ≈ "good news" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ευαγγέλιον" (ev-agh-Y-lee-on) ≈ "good news" [Gospels]
        •  "ευαγγέλιον" (ev-agh-Y-lee-on) ≈ "good news" [Angels]
        •  "ευαγγέλιον" (ev-agh-Y-lee-on) ≈ "good news" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "ευθύνη" (ev-THEE-nee) ≈ "liability, responsibility" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "εύκολος" (EV-ko-los) ≈ "easy" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "εύκολος" (EV-ko-los) ≈ "easy" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "ευκολότερος" (ev-ko-LO-teh-ros) ≈ "easier" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "ευκοπώτερος" (ev-ko-PO-teh-ros) ≈ "easier" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "ευλογία" (ev-lo-Y-a) ≈ "good words, blessing, praise" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "ευλογία" (ev-lo-Y-a) ≈ "good words, blessing, praise" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "ευλογία" (ev-lo-Y-a) ≈ "good words, blessing, praise" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "ευρίσκω" (ev-REE-sko) ≈ "find" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "ευσπλαχνία" (ev-splakh-NEE-a) ≈ "compassion" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "εύφημα" (EV-fee-ma) ≈ "good report" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "εύφημα" (EV-fee-ma) ≈ "good report" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ευφημισμός" (ev-fee-mee-SMOS) ≈ "euphemism" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "ευφημισμός" (ev-fee-mee-SMOS) ≈ "euphemism" [Philippians4c]
        •  "ευχαριστώ" (ev-kha-ree-STO) ≈ "thank you" [IgnatiusChurchViews]
        •  "ευχαριστώ" (ev-kha-ree-STO) ≈ "thank you" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "ευχαριστώ" (ev-kha-ree-STO) ≈ "thank you" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "ευχαριστώ" (ev-kha-ree-STO) ≈ "thank you" [Philippians1A]
        •  "ευχή" (ev-KHEE) ≈ "religious blessing, wish" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "ευχή" (ev-KHEE) ≈ "religious blessing, wish" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "ευχή" (ev-KHEE) ≈ "religious blessing, wish" [Aristotle]
        •  "ευχή" (ev-KHEE) ≈ "religious blessing, wish" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "εφημερίδα" (eh-fee-meh-REE-tha) ≈ "newspaper" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "εχθές" (eh-KHTHEHS) ≈ "yesterday" [Yesterday]
        •  "εχθές" (eh-KHTHEHS) ≈ "yesterday" [BibleCatch22]
        •  "ζεστός" (zeh-STOS) ≈ "hot" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "ζεύγος" (ZEV-gos) ≈ "pair" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "ζεύγος" (ZEV-gos) ≈ "pair" [BibleWordYoke]
        •  "ζυγίζω" (zee-Y-zo) ≈ "weigh" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "ζυγίζω" (zee-Y-zo) ≈ "weigh" [BibleWordYoke]
        •  "ζυγός" (zee-GOS) ≈ "yoke" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "ζυγός" (zee-GOS) ≈ "yoke" [BibleWordYoke]
        •  "ζύμη" (ZEE-mee) ≈ "yeast, dough" [BibleGuestChamber]
        •  "ζύμη" (ZEE-mee) ≈ "yeast, dough" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "ζύμη" (ZEE-mee) ≈ "yeast, dough" [KingdomParable4]
        •  "ζύμη" (ZEE-mee) ≈ "yeast, dough" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "ζωή" (zo-EE) ≈ "life" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "ζώντας" (ZON-tas) ≈ "living" [BibleSaints]
        •  "η" (ee) ≈ "the - feminine" [PronounsAmbiguous]
        •  "η" (ee) ≈ "the - feminine" [LittleLess]
        •  "η" (ee) ≈ "the - feminine" [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  "η Ημέρα των Φώτων" (ee EE-MEH-ra ton FO-ton) ≈ "The Day of Light" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "ηγεμόνας" (ee-y-MO-nas) ≈ "leader, ruler" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "ηλεκτρισμός" (ee-leh-ktree-SMOS) ≈ "electricity" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "ηλεκτρισμός" (ee-leh-ktree-SMOS) ≈ "electricity" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ηλεκτρόνιο" (ee-leh-KTRO-nee-o) ≈ "electron" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "ηλεκτρόνιο" (ee-leh-KTRO-nee-o) ≈ "electron" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ήλεκτρου" (EE-leh-ktru) ≈ "amber" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "ήλεκτρου" (EE-leh-ktru) ≈ "amber" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ηλικία" (ee-lee-KEE-a) ≈ "age, maturity" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ηλικία" (ee-lee-KEE-a) ≈ "age, maturity" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "ηλικία" (ee-lee-KEE-a) ≈ "age, maturity" [RedFlags]
        •  "ηλικία" (ee-lee-KEE-a) ≈ "age, maturity" [BibleLeastOfThese]
        •  "ήλιος" (EE-lee-os) ≈ "sun" [Tartarus]
        •  "ημέρα" (ee-MEH-ra) ≈ "day" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "Ήρα" (EE-ra) ≈ "Hera" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "ησυχία" (ee-see-KHEE-a) ≈ "calm, peace" [BibleVitaminsPaul]
        •  "ήχος" (EE-khos) ≈ "sound, echo, voice" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "θάλαμος" (THA-la-mos) ≈ "chamber" [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  "θάλπη" (THAL-pee) ≈ "heat" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "θάλπο" (THAL-po) ≈ "warm, glowing" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "θαλυκρός" (tha-lee-KROS) ≈ "hot, glowing" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "θάλψις" (THAL-psees) ≈ "warm up, heat" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "θεός" (theh-OS) ≈ "god" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "θεός" (theh-OS) ≈ "god" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "θεός" (theh-OS) ≈ "god" [GreekPrefixAlpha]
        •  "θεός" (theh-OS) ≈ "god" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "θεού" (theh-U) ≈ "of God" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "θεοφάνια" (theh-o-FA-nee-a) ≈ "Theophany" [WrestleDarkPowers]
        •  "θεοφάνια" (theh-o-FA-nee-a) ≈ "Theophany" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "θερίζω" (theh-REE-zo) ≈ "reap, cut, decimate" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "θερίζω" (theh-REE-zo) ≈ "reap, cut, decimate" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "θερισμός" (theh-ree-SMOS) ≈ "harvest" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "θερμή" (thehr-MEE) ≈ "heat" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "θέρος" (THEH-ros) ≈ "harvest" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "θέση" (THEH-see) ≈ "place" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "Θεσσαλονίκη" (THehs-sa-lo-NEE-kee) ≈ "Thessalonica" [CityThessolanica]
        •  "θεωρώ" (theh-o-RO) ≈ "regard, see, consider" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "θήλυ" (THEE-lee) ≈ "female" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "θήρα" (THEE-ra) ≈ "hunt, hunted" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θήρα" (THEE-ra) ≈ "hunt, hunted" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θηρίο" (thee-REE-o) ≈ "wild animal, beast" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θηρίο" (thee-REE-o) ≈ "wild animal, beast" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θηρίον" (thee-REE-on) ≈ "animal, beast" [Bears]
        •  "θηρίον" (thee-REE-on) ≈ "animal, beast" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "θησαυρός" (thee-sav-ROS) ≈ "treasure, thesaurus, hoard" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "θησαυρός" (thee-sav-ROS) ≈ "treasure, thesaurus, hoard" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "θρησκεία" (three-SKEE-a) ≈ "religion" [BibleReligious]
        •  "θρυλικός" (three-lee-KOS) ≈ "legendary" [BibleWordThrills]
        •  "θρύλος" (THREE-los) ≈ "legend" [BibleWordThrills]
        •  "θυμός" (thee-MOS) ≈ "temper, passion" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "θυμός" (thee-MOS) ≈ "temper, passion" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "θύρα" (THEE-ra) ≈ "door, gate" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "θύρα" (THEE-ra) ≈ "door, gate" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "θώρακας" (THO-ra-kas) ≈ "chest, thorax" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "θώρακας" (THO-ra-kas) ≈ "chest, thorax" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "Ιάσων" (EE-A-son) ≈ "Jason" [Acts17v5to19]
        •  "ιατρός" (ee-a-TROS) ≈ "physician" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "ιδίασ" (ee-THEE-as) ≈ "their" [BiblePrivateInterpretations]
        •  "ιεραρχία" (eeeh-rar-KHEE-a) ≈ "rule of a high priest" [BibleHeirarchy]
        •  "ιεραρχία" (ee-eh-rar-KHEE-a) ≈ "rule of a high priest" [BibleHeirarchy]
        •  "ιερό" (ee-eh-RO) ≈ "hallowed" [BibleSaints]
        •  "ιερός" (ee-eh-ROS) ≈ "holy" [BibleHeirarchy]
        •  "ιός" (ee-OS) ≈ "venom" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "ιός" (ee-OS) ≈ "venom" [BibleWordVirus]
        •  "ίππος" (EEP-pos) ≈ "horse" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "ίππος" (EEP-pos) ≈ "horse" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "ίσος" (EE-sos) ≈ "equal" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "ίστημι" (EE-stee-mee) ≈ "to stand up" [BibleConstant]
        •  "ιστορία" (ee-sto-REE-a) ≈ "story, history" [GalationsTables]
        •  "ιστορία" (ees-to-REE-a) ≈ "story, history" [GalationsTables]
        •  "ιστορία" (ees-to-REE-a) ≈ "story, history" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "ιστορία" (ee-sto-REE-a) ≈ "story, history" [James0]
        •  "ιστορία" (ees-to-REE-a) ≈ "story, history" [James0]
        •  "ιστορία" (ees-to-REE-a) ≈ "story, history" [Herodotus]
        •  "ιστορία" (ee-sto-REE-a) ≈ "story, history" [Herodotus]
        •  "ιστορία" (ees-to-REE-a) ≈ "story, history" [Herodotus]
        •  "ισχύει" (ee-SKHEE-ee) ≈ "strength" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ισχύω" (ee-SKHEE-o) ≈ "valid, in effect" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "ιχθύς" (ee-KHTHEES) ≈ "fish" [LittleLess]
        •  "ιχθύς" (ee-KHTHEES) ≈ "fish" [WordFishIxthus]
        •  "καθαρά" (ka-tha-RA) ≈ "clearly" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "καθαρά" (ka-tha-RA) ≈ "clearly" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "και" (keh) ≈ "and" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "και ούτω καθεξής" (keh U-to ka-theh-KSEES) ≈ "and so forth" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "και ούτω καθεξής" (keh U-to ka-theh-KSEES) ≈ "and so forth" [Philippians3a]
        •  "και τα λοιπά" (keh ta lee-PA) ≈ "and the remainder" [Philippians3a]
        •  "καινός" (keh-NOS) ≈ "new" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "καινός" (keh-NOS) ≈ "new" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "καιρός" (keh-ROS) ≈ "weather, time, events" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "καιρός" (keh-ROS) ≈ "weather, time, events" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "Καίσαρας" (KEH-sa-ras) ≈ "Caesar" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "Καίσαρας" (KEH-sa-ras) ≈ "Caesar" [RomanEmperors]
        •  "κακή ιδέα" (ka-KEE ee-THEH-a) ≈ "bad idea" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "κακός" (ka-KOS) ≈ "bad, evil, wicked" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "κακός" (ka-KOS) ≈ "bad, evil, wicked" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "καλά" (ka-LA) ≈ "well" [TranslationErrors]
        •  "καλή" (ka-LEE) ≈ "good" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "καλή" (ka-LEE) ≈ "good" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "καλή όρεξη" (ka-LEE O-reh-ksee) ≈ "good appetite" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "καλή όρεξη" (ka-LEE O-reh-ksee) ≈ "good appetite" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "καλησπέρα" (ka-lee-SPEH-ra) ≈ "good evening" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "καλησπέρα" (ka-lee-SPEH-ra) ≈ "good evening" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "καμινάδα" (ka-mee-NA-tha) ≈ "chimney" [Tartarus]
        •  "κάμινος" (KA-mee-nos) ≈ "furnace" [Tartarus]
        •  "κάμπτω" (KAM-pto) ≈ "bend, curve, yield" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "καναπές" (ka-na-PEHS) ≈ "sofa" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "καρκινικός" (kar-kee-nee-KOS) ≈ "palindrome" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "καρκίνος" (kar-KEE-nos) ≈ "cancer" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "καρποί" (kar-PEE) ≈ "fruits" [BibleFruit]
        •  "καρπός" (kar-POS) ≈ "fruit" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "καρπός" (kar-POS) ≈ "fruit" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "καρπός" (kar-POS) ≈ "fruit" [BibleFruit]
        •  "καρπός" (kar-POS) ≈ "fruit" [Philippians1B]
        •  "καρφί" (kar-FEE) ≈ "nail" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "καρφί" (kar-FEE) ≈ "nail" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "καρφός" (kar-FOS) ≈ "mote" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "κασσίτερος" (kas-SEE-teh-ros) ≈ "tin" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "κατάλυμα" (ka-TA-lee-ma) ≈ "accommodation" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "καταλύματα" (ka-ta-LEE-ma-ta) ≈ "accommodations" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "κατανομή" (ka-ta-no-MEE) ≈ "distribution" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "καταπατώ" (ka-ta-pa-TO) ≈ "encroach" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "καταπατώ" (ka-ta-pa-TO) ≈ "encroach" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "κατάσταση" (ka-TA-sta-see) ≈ "condition, situation" [WordConfusion]
        •  "κατεργάζομαι" (ka-tehr-GA-zo-meh) ≈ "process, work, fashion" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "κατσίκα" (ka-TSEE-ka) ≈ "goat, nanny goat" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "κείμενο" (KEE-meh-no) ≈ "text" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "κείμενο" (KEE-meh-no) ≈ "text" [LightOfTheWorld]
        •  "κέντρο" (KEHN-tro) ≈ "center" [MadeSinForUsThread]
        •  "κεραία" (keh-REH-a) ≈ "antenna" [MosesHorned]
        •  "κεραία" (keh-REH-a) ≈ "antenna" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "κεραία" (keh-REH-a) ≈ "antenna" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "κεραία" (keh-REH-a) ≈ "antenna" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "κεραία" (keh-REH-a) ≈ "antenna" [BibleThorns]
        •  "κεραία" (keh-REH-a) ≈ "antenna" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "κεραμικός" (keh-ra-mee-KOS) ≈ "ceramic" [BibleSandTowerBabel]
        •  "κεραμικός" (keh-ra-mee-KOS) ≈ "ceramic" [BibleCostPrePay]
        •  "κέρας" (KEH-ras) ≈ "horn" [MosesHorned]
        •  "κέρας" (KEH-ras) ≈ "horn" [MosesHorned]
        •  "κέρας" (KEH-ras) ≈ "horn" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "κέρας" (KEH-ras) ≈ "horn" [BibleThorns]
        •  "κέρας" (KEH-ras) ≈ "horn" [BibleGreeceHorns]
        •  "κέρδος" (KEHR-thos) ≈ "profit" [Numismatics]
        •  "κερί" (keh-REE) ≈ "wax, candle" [CandlePower]
        •  "κέρμα" (KEHR-ma) ≈ "coin" [Numismatics]
        •  "κέρματα" (KEHR-ma-ta) ≈ "coins" [Numismatics]
        •  "κεφαλή" (keh-fa-LEE) ≈ "head" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "κεφαλή" (keh-fa-LEE) ≈ "head" [Mosaics]
        •  "κηρός" (kee-ROS) ≈ "wax" [CandlePower]
        •  "κήτος" (KEE-tos) ≈ "whale, sea monster" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "κήτος" (KEE-tos) ≈ "whale, sea monster" [Whales]
        •  "κήφας" (KEE-fas) ≈ "stone, rock" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "κήφας" (KEE-fas) ≈ "stone, rock" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "κήφας" (KEE-fas) ≈ "stone, rock" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "κιθάρα" (kee-THA-ra) ≈ "guitar" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "κιθάρα" (kee-THA-ra) ≈ "guitar" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "κιθάρα" (kee-THA-ra) ≈ "guitar" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "κιθάρα" (kee-THA-ra) ≈ "guitar" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "κινέω" (kee-NEH-o) ≈ "move, set in motion" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "κίνηση" (KEE-nee-see) ≈ "move, movement" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "κίνηση" (KEE-nee-see) ≈ "move, movement" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "κλειδί" (klee-THEE) ≈ "key" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "κλειδί" (klee-THEE) ≈ "key" [WordsDimutives]
        •  "κλείνω" (KLEE-no) ≈ "to close, to shut" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "κλειστός" (klee-STOS) ≈ "closed" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "κλεοπάτρα" (kleh-o-PA-tra) ≈ "Cleopatra" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "κλεόπατρας" (kleh-O-pa-tras) ≈ "Cleopatros" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "κλέος" (KLEH-os) ≈ "glory" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "κλέος" (KLEH-os) ≈ "glory" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "κληρικός" (klee-ree-KOS) ≈ "of the clergy" [BibleClergy]
        •  "κλήρον" (KLEE-ron) ≈ "lot, inheritance, clergy" [GothicBible]
        •  "κληρονόμος" (klee-ro-NO-mos) ≈ "heir" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "κλήρος" (KLEE-ros) ≈ "lot, inheritance, clergy" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "κλήρος" (KLEE-ros) ≈ "lot, inheritance, clergy" [BibleClergy]
        •  "κλήρος" (KLEE-ros) ≈ "lot, inheritance, clergy" [GothicBible]
        •  "κλήτοι" (KLEE-tee) ≈ "called" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "κλήτοι" (KLEE-tee) ≈ "called" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "κλίβανος" (KLEE-va-nos) ≈ "oven" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κλίβανος" (KLEE-va-nos) ≈ "oven" [BibleWordLord]
        •  "κλίνη" (KLEE-nee) ≈ "bed" [BibleCatch22]
        •  "κνηθομένοι" (knee-tho-MEH-nee) ≈ "moving" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "κοιλιά" (kee-lee-A) ≈ "belly, stomach" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "κοιμητήρια" (kee-mee-TEE-ree-a) ≈ "cemetery" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "κοιμητήρια" (kee-mee-TEE-ree-a) ≈ "cemetery" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "κοινός" (kee-NOS) ≈ "new" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "κοινωνοί" (kee-no-NEE) ≈ "social" [JesusLanguageSpoken]
        •  "κοινωνοί" (kee-no-NEE) ≈ "social" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "κοινωνοί" (kee-no-NEE) ≈ "social" [CorruptionAndDecay]
        •  "κοινωνοί" (kee-no-NEE) ≈ "social" [BibleConceptEternity]
        •  "κολάζω" (ko-LA-zo) ≈ "chasten, mince" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κολοκυθιά" (ko-lo-kee-thee-A) ≈ "squash, pumpkin" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "κολοκυθιά" (ko-lo-kee-thee-A) ≈ "squash, pumpkin" [HistoryHalloween]
        •  "κόμη" (KO-mee) ≈ "hair" [CometsCratersBowls]
        •  "κομήτης" (ko-MEE-tees) ≈ "comet" [CometsCratersBowls]
        •  "κοντά" (kon-TA) ≈ "near/about" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "κοπή" (ko-PEE) ≈ "cutting" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "κόπος" (KO-pos) ≈ "toil" [Philpiians2Rejoicing]
        •  "κόπος" (KO-pos) ≈ "toil" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "κόρακας" (KO-ra-kas) ≈ "raven" [BibleBirds]
        •  "κορώνα" (ko-RO-na) ≈ "crown" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "κοσμητικός" (ko-smee-tee-KOS) ≈ "cosmetic, ornamental" [Cosmos]
        •  "κόσμος" (KO-smos) ≈ "world, people, universe" [Cosmos]
        •  "κόσμος" (KO-smos) ≈ "world, people, universe" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "κουνούπι" (ku-NU-pee) ≈ "mosquito" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "κουφός" (ku-FOS) ≈ "deaf" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "κουφός" (ku-FOS) ≈ "deaf" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "κόφινος" (KO-fee-nos) ≈ "basket" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "κρασί" (kra-SEE) ≈ "wine" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "κρασί" (kra-SEE) ≈ "wine" [BibleWordWine]
        •  "κρασί" (kra-SEE) ≈ "wine" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "κρατήρας" (kra-TEE-ras) ≈ "crater" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "κρατήρας" (kra-TEE-ras) ≈ "crater" [BibleWordWine]
        •  "κρατήρας" (kra-TEE-ras) ≈ "crater" [CometsCratersBowls]
        •  "κράτος" (KRA-tos) ≈ "state" [BibleWordDemocracy]
        •  "κράτος" (KRA-tos) ≈ "state" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "κρίνω" (KREE-no) ≈ "judge" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "κροκόδειλος" (kro-KO-thee-los) ≈ "crocodile" [BiblePlantCrocus]
        •  "κροκόδειλος" (kro-KO-thee-los) ≈ "crocodile" [BibleReptiles]
        •  "κρόκος" (KRO-kos) ≈ "crocus" [BiblePlantCrocus]
        •  "κρούω" (KRU-o) ≈ "I strike" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "κύμα" (KEE-ma) ≈ "wave" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κυνήγι" (kee-NEE-y) ≈ "hunt" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "Κύπρος" (KEE-pros) ≈ "Cyprus" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "Κυριακή" (Kee-ree-a-KEE) ≈ "Sunday" [NumberSeven]
        •  "κύριος" (KEE-ree-os) ≈ "lord or master" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "κυρτός" (keer-TOS) ≈ "convex, curved, bent" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "κύων" (KEE-on) ≈ "dog, hound" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "κώμη" (KO-mee) ≈ "village" [GreekHouse]
        •  "κώμη" (KO-mee) ≈ "village" [GreekHouse]
        •  "λάθος" (LA-thos) ≈ "error, mistake" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "λάθος" (LA-thos) ≈ "error, mistake" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "λάκκος" (LAK-kos) ≈ "pit" [Tartarus]
        •  "λάκκος" (LAK-kos) ≈ "pit" [OathsAndVows]
        •  "λάμπα" (LAM-pa) ≈ "lamp" [CandlePower]
        •  "λαμπτήρ" (lam-PTEER) ≈ "torch" [CandlePower]
        •  "λανθάνω" (lan-THA-no) ≈ "be latent, dormant" [BibleWordForget]
        •  "λαός" (la-OS) ≈ "people" [SantaClaus]
        •  "λέγιον" (LEH-y-on) ≈ "legion" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "λέγω" (LEH-go) ≈ "gather, say" [SectsGreek]
        •  "λέγω" (LEH-go) ≈ "gather, say" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "λέγω" (LEH-go) ≈ "gather, say" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "λεηλατώ" (leh-ee-la-TO) ≈ "plunder" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "λειτουργία" (lee-tur-Y-a) ≈ "operation, service" [Philpiians2Rejoicing]
        •  "λέξη" (LEH-ksee) ≈ "word" [GothicBible]
        •  "λήθη" (LEE-thee) ≈ "oblivion" [TruthGreek]
        •  "λήθη" (LEE-thee) ≈ "oblivion" [Philippians1A]
        •  "λίγος" (LEE-gos) ≈ "little, few" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "λίγος" (LEE-gos) ≈ "little, few" [LittleLess]
        •  "λίθος" (LEE-thos) ≈ "stone, rock" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "λίθος" (LEE-thos) ≈ "stone, rock" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "λίθος" (LEE-thos) ≈ "stone, rock" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "λίθος" (LEE-thos) ≈ "stone, rock" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "λιμός" (lee-MOS) ≈ "famine, hunger" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "λίχνος" (LEEKH-nos) ≈ "lamp, small lamp" [CandlePower]
        •  "λόγος" (LO-gos) ≈ "word" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "λόγος" (LO-gos) ≈ "word" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "λόγος" (LO-gos) ≈ "word" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "λόγος" (LO-gos) ≈ "word" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "λόγος" (LO-gos) ≈ "word" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "λόγος" (LO-gos) ≈ "word" [BibleWordSay]
        •  "λόγος" (LO-gos) ≈ "reason, speech" [GothicBible]
        •  "λοιπόν" (lee-PON) ≈ "so, therefore, right, well, then" [PaulRapture]
        •  "λοιπόν" (lee-PON) ≈ "remaining" [Philippians3a]
        •  "λόφος" (LO-fos) ≈ "hill" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "λόφος" (LO-fos) ≈ "hill" [MovingMountains]
        •  "λύκος" (LEE-kos) ≈ "wolf" [BibleDogsWolfSheep]
        •  "λύκος" (LEE-kos) ≈ "wolf" [GothicBible]
        •  "λύπη" (LEE-pee) ≈ "sorrow, sadness, suffering" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "λύπη" (LEE-pee) ≈ "sorrow, sadness, suffering" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "λύπη" (LEE-pee) ≈ "sorrow, sadness, suffering" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "λύρα" (LEE-ra) ≈ "lyre" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "λύρα" (LEE-ra) ≈ "lyre" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "λύση" (LEE-see) ≈ "solution" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "λυχνία" (leekh-NEE-a) ≈ "lamp, valve" [CandlePower]
        •  "μάγων" (MA-gon) ≈ "magi, wise men" [MysteriesBabylon]
        •  "μάγων" (MA-gon) ≈ "magi, wise men" [TruthMystery]
        •  "μαθηματικά" (ma-thee-ma-tee-KA) ≈ "mathematics" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "μαθήται" (ma-THEE-teh) ≈ "learner, follower" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "μαθητεύσατε" (ma-thee-TEV-sa-teh) ≈ "disciple as in teach" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "μαθητεύσατε" (ma-thee-TEV-sa-teh) ≈ "disciple as in teach" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "μαθητεύσατε" (ma-thee-TEV-sa-teh) ≈ "disciple as in teach" [BibleTeachLearn]
        •  "μακάριος" (ma-KA-ree-os) ≈ "happy, content" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "μακριά" (ma-kree-A) ≈ "distant, far, afar" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "μακροθυμία" (ma-kro-thee-MEE-a) ≈ "longsuffering, patience" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "μακρός" (ma-KROS) ≈ "long, far, distant" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "μακρός" (ma-KROS) ≈ "long, far, distant" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "μακρός" (ma-KROS) ≈ "long, far, distant" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "μαλάνι" (ma-LA-nee) ≈ "ink" [WordSack]
        •  "μάλλον" (MAL-lon) ≈ "rather, more precisely" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "μάλλον" (MAL-lon) ≈ "rather, more precisely" [PaulRapture]
        •  "μάλλον" (MAL-lon) ≈ "rather, more precisely" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "μάλλον" (MAL-lon) ≈ "rather, more precisely" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "μανία" (ma-NEE-a) ≈ "mania" [WordConfusion]
        •  "μανία" (ma-NEE-a) ≈ "mania" [BiblePunEpiphanies]
        •  "μάρσιπο" (MAR-see-po) ≈ "pocket, marsupial" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "μάρσιπος" (MAR-see-pos) ≈ "bag, pouch" [WordSack]
        •  "μαρσιποφόρο" (mar-see-po-FO-ro) ≈ "marsupial" [WordSack]
        •  "μαρσιποφόρος" (mar-see-po-FO-ros) ≈ "marsupial" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "μαρτύρας" (mar-TEE-ras) ≈ "witness" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μαρτύρας" (mar-TEE-ras) ≈ "witness" [TenCommandments]
        •  "μαρτύρας" (mar-TEE-ras) ≈ "witness" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "μαρτυρία" (mar-tee-REE-a) ≈ "testimony" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "μαρτυρία" (mar-tee-REE-a) ≈ "testimony" [TenCommandments]
        •  "μαρτυρία" (mar-tee-REE-a) ≈ "testimony" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "μάτι" (MA-tee) ≈ "eye" [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  "μαχαίρι" (ma-KHEH-ree) ≈ "knife" [BibleArmageddon]
        •  "μάχη" (MA-khee) ≈ "battle" [BibleArmageddon]
        •  "Μεγάλη Άρκτος" (Meh-GA-lee AR-ktos) ≈ "Big Bear" [Bears]
        •  "μέθοδος" (MEH-tho-thos) ≈ "method" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "μελανός" (meh-la-NOS) ≈ "black, dark" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "μελάς" (meh-LAS) ≈ "black" [WordSack]
        •  "μένω" (MEH-no) ≈ "stay, remain, reside, live" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "μένω" (MEH-no) ≈ "stay, remain, reside, live" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "μένω" (MEH-no) ≈ "stay, remain, reside, live" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "μέριμνα" (MEH-ree-mna) ≈ "care, pursuit" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "μέριμνα" (MEH-ree-mna) ≈ "care, pursuit" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "μέριμνα" (MEH-ree-mna) ≈ "care, pursuit" [BibleThorns]
        •  "μέριμνα" (MEH-ree-mna) ≈ "care, pursuit" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "μέρος" (MEH-ros) ≈ "part" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "μέρος" (MEH-ros) ≈ "part" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "μετά" (meh-TA) ≈ "after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά" (meh-TA) ≈ "after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά" (meh-TA) ≈ "after" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετά" (meh-TA) ≈ "after" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "μετά" (meh-TA) ≈ "after" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "μετά ταύτα" (meh-TA TAV-ta) ≈ "after these things" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "μετάλλευμα" (meh-TAL-lev-ma) ≈ "ore" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "μετάλλιον" (meh-TAL-lee-on) ≈ "metal, ore" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "μεταμόρφωσης" (meh-ta-MOR-fo-sees) ≈ "metamorphosis" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "μετάνοια" (meh-TA-nee-a) ≈ "repentance" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μετάνοια" (meh-TA-nee-a) ≈ "repentance" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "μετάνοια" (meh-TA-nee-a) ≈ "repentance" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "μετάνοια" (meh-TA-nee-a) ≈ "repentance" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "μετάνοια" (meh-TA-nee-a) ≈ "repentance" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "μετάνοια" (meh-TA-nee-a) ≈ "repentance" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "μετανοώ" (meh-ta-no-O) ≈ "repent" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "μεταφυσική" (meh-ta-fee-see-KEE) ≈ "metaphysics" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "μετεωρόλιθος" (meh-teh-o-RO-lee-thos) ≈ "meteorite" [Meteorites]
        •  "μετεωρολογία" (meh-teh-o-ro-lo-Y-a) ≈ "meteorology" [Meteorites]
        •  "μετρά" (meh-TRA) ≈ "measure" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "μετρήσει" (meh-TREE-see) ≈ "measure" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "μετωρίτης" (meh-to-REE-tees) ≈ "meteorite" [Meteorites]
        •  "μηδέν" (mee-THEHN) ≈ "zero, nothing" [BibleAnxiety]
        •  "μηδέν" (mee-THEHN) ≈ "zero, nothing" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "μηδέν" (mee-THEHN) ≈ "zero, nothing" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "μηδέν" (mee-THEHN) ≈ "zero, nothing" [BibleWordNothing]
        •  "μήκος" (MEE-kos) ≈ "length" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "μηνάς" (mee-NAS) ≈ "month" [Months]
        •  "μήποτε" (MEE-po-teh) ≈ "perhaps" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "μήποτε" (MEE-po-teh) ≈ "perhaps" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μήποτε" (MEE-po-teh) ≈ "perhaps" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "μητέρα" (mee-TEH-ra) ≈ "mother" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "μικρός" (mee-KROS) ≈ "little, small" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "μικρός" (mee-KROS) ≈ "little, small" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "μικρός" (mee-KROS) ≈ "little, small" [RedFlags]
        •  "μικρόσωμος" (mee-KRO-so-mos) ≈ "small body" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "μικρόσωμος" (mee-KRO-so-mos) ≈ "small body" [RedFlags]
        •  "μιμείται" (mee-MEE-teh) ≈ "imitates, mimic" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "μίμος" (MEE-mos) ≈ "mime" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "μοιχεία" (mee-KHEE-a) ≈ "adultery" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "μόλυβδος" (MO-lee-vthos) ≈ "lead" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "μολύβι" (mo-LEE-vee) ≈ "pencil" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "μονάδα" (mo-NA-tha) ≈ "unit, monad" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "μονή" (mo-NEE) ≈ "remain" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "μορφή" (mor-FEE) ≈ "form" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "μου αρέσει" (mu a-REH-see) ≈ "I like it" [BibleReflexiveVerbs]
        •  "μουρμούρισμα" (mur-MU-ree-sma) ≈ "murmur" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "μουρμούρισμα" (mur-MU-ree-sma) ≈ "murmur" [BibleUtterances]
        •  "μουσείο" (mu-SEE-o) ≈ "museum" [Mosaics]
        •  "μουσική" (mu-see-KEE) ≈ "music" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "μύθος" (MEE-thos) ≈ "myth, fable" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "μύθος" (MEE-thos) ≈ "myth, fable" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "μύλος" (MEE-los) ≈ "mill" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "μυριάδα" (mee-ree-A-tha) ≈ "myriad" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "μυς" (mees) ≈ "muscle, mouse" [TruthMystery]
        •  "μύτη" (MEE-tee) ≈ "nose" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "μύω" (MEE-o) ≈ "to close or shut" [TruthMystery]
        •  "μυωπία" (mee-o-PEE-a) ≈ "myopia" [TruthMystery]
        •  "μύωψ" (MEE-ops) ≈ "shortsighted" [TruthMystery]
        •  "μωβ" (mov) ≈ "purple" [Lydia]
        •  "μωράνθη" (mo-RAN-thee) ≈ "dull bloom, foolish" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "μωράνθη" (mo-RAN-thee) ≈ "dull bloom, foolish" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "μωράνθη" (mo-RAN-thee) ≈ "dull bloom, foolish" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "μωρό" (mo-RO) ≈ "baby, infant" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "μωρό" (mo-RO) ≈ "baby, infant" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "μωρό" (mo-RO) ≈ "baby, infant" [BibleBaby]
        •  "μωρό" (mo-RO) ≈ "baby, infant" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "μωρό" (mo-RO) ≈ "baby, infant" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "μωρός" (mo-ROS) ≈ "dull, stupid, foolish" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "μωρός" (mo-ROS) ≈ "dull, stupid, foolish" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "μωρός" (mo-ROS) ≈ "dull, stupid, foolish" [BibleBaby]
        •  "μωρός" (mo-ROS) ≈ "dull, stupid, foolish" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "μωρός" (mo-ROS) ≈ "dull, stupid, foolish" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "μωρός" (mo-ROS) ≈ "dull, stupid, foolish" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "ναύτης" (NAV-tees) ≈ "sailor" [Stars]
        •  "νέμω" (NEH-mo) ≈ "distribute" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νέος" (NEH-os) ≈ "new" [Neophyte]
        •  "νέος" (NEH-os) ≈ "new" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "νέος" (NEH-os) ≈ "new" [BibleChaos]
        •  "νέος" (NEH-os) ≈ "new" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "νέος" (NEH-os) ≈ "new" [BiblePlasma]
        •  "νεόφυτος" (neh-O-fee-tos) ≈ "neophyte" [Neophyte]
        •  "νηστεία" (nee-STEE-a) ≈ "fasting" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "νίκη" (NEE-kee) ≈ "victory" [SantaClaus]
        •  "νίκη" (NEE-kee) ≈ "victory" [MadeSinForUsThread]
        •  "νίκη" (NEE-kee) ≈ "victory" [BibleVictory]
        •  "νίτρον" (NEE-tron) ≈ "lye, sodium carbonate" [BibleNitrogen]
        •  "νόμισμα" (NO-mee-sma) ≈ "currency, coin" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόμισμα" (NO-mee-sma) ≈ "currency, coin" [BibleYesNoElse]
        •  "νομισματολογία" (no-mee-sma-to-lo-Y-a) ≈ "numismatics" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόμος" (NO-mos) ≈ "law" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόμος" (NO-mos) ≈ "law" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόμος" (NO-mos) ≈ "law" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόμος" (NO-mos) ≈ "law" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόμος" (NO-mos) ≈ "law" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "νόσος" (NO-sos) ≈ "disease" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "νόσος" (NO-sos) ≈ "disease" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "νουθετώ" (nu-theh-TO) ≈ "admonish, preach, sermonize" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "νους" (nus) ≈ "mind" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "νους" (nus) ≈ "mind" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "νους" (nus) ≈ "mind" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "νους" (nus) ≈ "mind" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "ντροπή" (dro-PEE) ≈ "shame, disgrace" [BibleEntropy]
        •  "νύχτα" (NEEKH-ta) ≈ "night" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "ξανά" (ksa-NA) ≈ "again" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "ξενοδοχείο" (kseh-no-tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "hotel" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "ξενοδοχείο" (kseh-no-tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "hotel" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "ξενοδοχείο" (kseh-no-tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "hotel" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "ξενοδοχείο" (kseh-no-tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "hotel" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "ξένος" (KSEH-nos) ≈ "stranger, guest" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "ξένος" (KSEH-nos) ≈ "stranger, guest" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "ξενοφοβία" (kseh-no-fo-VEE-a) ≈ "xenophobia" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "ξηρός" (ksee-ROS) ≈ "dry" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "ξίδι" (KSEE-thee) ≈ "vinegar" [Tartarus]
        •  "ξύλο" (KSEE-lo) ≈ "wood" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "ξυλόφωνο" (ksee-LO-fo-no) ≈ "xylophone" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "ξύστρα" (KSEE-stra) ≈ "scraper, sharpener" [WordCalques]
        •  "ξύστρα" (KSEE-stra) ≈ "scraper, sharpener" [TailMindSky]
        •  "ο" (o) ≈ "the - masculine" [PronounsAmbiguous]
        •  "ο" (o) ≈ "the - masculine" [LittleLess]
        •  "ο" (oh) ≈ "the" [LittleLess]
        •  "ο" (o) ≈ "omicron" [BibleWordsOmegaOmicron]
        •  "ο" (oh) ≈ "the" [WordFishIxthus]
        •  "ο" (o) ≈ "the - masculine" [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  "ο τι αν" (o tee an) ≈ "what if" [BibleAnything]
        •  "οβελίσκος" (o-veh-LEE-skos) ≈ "obelisk" [Tartarus]
        •  "οβελίσκος" (o-veh-LEE-skos) ≈ "obelisk" [Numismatics]
        •  "οδός" (o-THOS) ≈ "path, way, road" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "όδος" (O-thos) ≈ "way, road" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "οδός" (o-THOS) ≈ "path, way, road" [RussionWordSputnik]
        •  "οι Δέκα Εντολές" (ee THEH-ka EHn-to-LEHS) ≈ "the Ten Commandments" [TenCommandments]
        •  "οι Δέκα Εντολές" (ee THEH-ka EHn-to-LEHS) ≈ "the Ten Commandments" [SantaClaus]
        •  "οικοδομήσω" (ee-ko-tho-MEE-so) ≈ "build" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "οικοδόμυσεν" (ee-ko-THO-mee-sehn) ≈ "build" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "οικονομία" (ee-ko-no-MEE-a) ≈ "economy" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "οικονόμος" (ee-ko-NO-mos) ≈ "housekeeper" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "οίκος" (EE-kos) ≈ "house" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "οίκος" (EE-kos) ≈ "house" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "οίκος" (EE-kos) ≈ "house" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "οίκος" (EE-kos) ≈ "house" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "οίκος" (EE-kos) ≈ "house" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "οίκος" (EE-kos) ≈ "house" [GreekHouse]
        •  "οίκος" (EE-kos) ≈ "house" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "οίκος" (EE-kos) ≈ "house" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "οικουμένη" (ee-ku-MEH-nee) ≈ "inhabited world" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "οικουμένη" (ee-ku-MEH-nee) ≈ "inhabited world" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "οικουμένη" (ee-ku-MEH-nee) ≈ "inhabited world" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "οικουμένην" (ee-ku-MEH-neen) ≈ "inhabited world" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "οικουμένην" (ee-ku-MEH-neen) ≈ "inhabited world" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "οικουμένην" (ee-ku-MEH-neen) ≈ "inhabited world" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "οίνος" (EE-nos) ≈ "wine" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "οίνος" (EE-nos) ≈ "wine" [BibleWordWine]
        •  "οκνηρός" (o-knee-ROS) ≈ "lazy" [Philippians3a]
        •  "όλη" (O-lee) ≈ "all" [BibleEverything]
        •  "ολιγαρχία" (o-lee-gar-KHEE-a) ≈ "oligarchy" [JosephusFlavious]
        •  "ολιγαρχία" (o-lee-gar-KHEE-a) ≈ "oligarchy" [LittleLess]
        •  "ολίγος" (o-LEE-gos) ≈ "few" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "ολίγος" (o-LEE-gos) ≈ "few" [LittleLess]
        •  "ολολύζω" (o-lo-LEE-zo) ≈ "cry in jubilation or lamentation" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "ομάδα" (o-MA-tha) ≈ "group" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "ομιλία" (o-mee-LEE-a) ≈ "talk, speech" [Miles]
        •  "όμοιος" (O-mee-os) ≈ "similar, like, resembling" [BibleWordSame]
        •  "ομολογώ" (o-mo-lo-GO) ≈ "confess" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "ομός" (o-MOS) ≈ "same" [BibleWordSame]
        •  "ομός" (o-MOS) ≈ "same, common" [BibleWordSame]
        •  "όνομα" (O-no-ma) ≈ "name, reputation, noun" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "όνομα" (O-no-ma) ≈ "name, reputation, noun" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "όνομα" (O-no-ma) ≈ "name, reputation, noun" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "όξος" (O-ksos) ≈ "vinegar" [Tartarus]
        •  "οξύ" (o-KSEE) ≈ "acid" [Tartarus]
        •  "οξύμωρος" (o-KSEE-mo-ros) ≈ "pointedly foolish" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "οξύμωρος" (o-KSEE-mo-ros) ≈ "pointedly foolish" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "οξύς" (o-KSEES) ≈ "acute, sharp, pointed" [Tartarus]
        •  "οξύς" (o-KSEES) ≈ "acute, sharp, pointed" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "οξύς" (o-KSEES) ≈ "acute, sharp, pointed" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "οπή" (o-PEE) ≈ "hole, aperture" [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  "οπίσω" (o-PEE-so) ≈ "after" [BibleFruit]
        •  "οπώρο" (o-PO-ro) ≈ "fruit" [BibleFruit]
        •  "όραση" (O-ra-see) ≈ "vision, sight" [MysteriesBabylon]
        •  "όραση" (O-ra-see) ≈ "vision, sight" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "όραση" (O-ra-see) ≈ "vision, sight" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "όραση" (O-ra-see) ≈ "vision, sight" [TruthMystery]
        •  "όραση" (O-ra-see) ≈ "vision, sight" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "όραση" (O-ra-see) ≈ "vision, sight" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "όργανο" (OR-ga-no) ≈ "instrument" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "οργή" (or-GEE) ≈ "rage, anger wrath" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "ορέγεται" (o-REH-y-teh) ≈ "desire" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "ορέγεται" (o-REH-y-teh) ≈ "desire" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "ορέγεται" (o-REH-y-teh) ≈ "desire" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "ορέγω" (o-REH-go) ≈ "reach out" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "ορέγω" (o-REH-go) ≈ "reach out" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "όρεξη" (O-reh-ksee) ≈ "appetite" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "όρεξη" (O-reh-ksee) ≈ "appetite" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "όρεξη" (O-reh-ksee) ≈ "appetite" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "όρεξη" (O-reh-ksee) ≈ "appetite" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "όρκος" (OR-kos) ≈ "oath, vow" [OathsAndVows]
        •  "όρνιο" (OR-nee-o) ≈ "vulture, bird of prey" [BibleBirds]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [GreekBreathMarkings]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [MysteriesBabylon]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [MovingMountains]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [MovingMountains]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [TruthMystery]
        •  "όρος" (O-ros) ≈ "mountain, definition, boundary" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "όρους" (O-rus) ≈ "mountain" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "όρους" (O-rus) ≈ "mountain" [MovingMountains]
        •  "ορυκτό" (o-ree-KTO) ≈ "mineral, ore" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ου" (u) ≈ "not" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "ου" (u) ≈ "not" [BiblePrivateInterpretations]
        •  "ουαί" (u-EH) ≈ "woe" [BibleEagles]
        •  "ουδέ" (u-THEH) ≈ "not at all, not even" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "ουράνιο τόξο" (u-RA-nee-o TO-kso) ≈ "rainbow" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "ουρανό" (u-ra-NO) ≈ "sky, heaven" [WordCalques]
        •  "ουρανό" (u-ra-NO) ≈ "sky, heaven" [TailMindSky]
        •  "ουρανοξύστης" (u-ra-no-KSEE-stees) ≈ "skyscraper" [WordCalques]
        •  "ουρανοξύστης" (u-ra-no-KSEE-stees) ≈ "skyscraper" [TailMindSky]
        •  "ουρανός" (u-ra-NOS) ≈ "sky, heaven" [TailMindSky]
        •  "ουρανός" (u-ra-NOS) ≈ "sky, heaven" [KingdomOfHeaven]
        •  "ουρανός" (u-ra-NOS) ≈ "sky, heaven" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "ουσία" (u-SEE-a) ≈ "substance" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "ουσία" (u-SEE-a) ≈ "substance" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "ουσία" (u-SEE-a) ≈ "substance" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "ούχι" (U-khee) ≈ "no" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "οφθαλμός" (o-fthal-MOS) ≈ "eye" [AppleOfTheEye]
        •  "όφιν" (O-feen) ≈ "snake" [LittleLess]
        •  "όφιν" (O-feen) ≈ "snake" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "οψ" (ops) ≈ "voice" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "οψάρι" (o-PSA-ree) ≈ "fish" [LittleLess]
        •  "οψάρι" (o-PSA-ree) ≈ "fish" [WordFishIxthus]
        •  "όψεται" (O-pseh-teh) ≈ "see" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "όψις" (O-psees) ≈ "view" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "όψις" (O-psees) ≈ "view" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "οψόνται" (o-PSON-teh) ≈ "see" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "παγίδα" (pa-Y-tha) ≈ "trap" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "πάθος" (PA-thos) ≈ "pain, suffering, misfortune" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "πάθος" (PA-thos) ≈ "pain, suffering, misfortune" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παιδαγωγία" (peh-tha-go-Y-a) ≈ "pedagogy" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "παιδιά" (peh-thee-A) ≈ "children" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "παίζω" (PEH-zo) ≈ "play" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "παλαιός" (pa-leh-OS) ≈ "old" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "παλάτι" (pa-LA-tee) ≈ "palace" [Philippians1A]
        •  "πάλιν" (PA-leen) ≈ "again" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "πάλιν" (PA-leen) ≈ "again" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "παν" (pan) ≈ "everything" [Cosmos]
        •  "πανδοχείο" (pan-tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "inn, guest-house" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "πανδοχείο" (pan-tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "inn, guest-house" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "πανδοχείο" (pan-tho-KHEE-o) ≈ "inn, guest-house" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "πανδοχείον" (pan-tho-KHEE-on) ≈ "hotel" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "τα πάντα" (ta PAN-ta) ≈ "the everything" [BibleEverything]
        •  "πάντα" (PA-da) ≈ "always, everything, all" [BibleEverything]
        •  "πάντες" (PAN-tehs) ≈ "all" [BibleCatch22]
        •  "πάνω" (PA-no) ≈ "above, on" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "παραβολή" (pa-ra-vo-LEE) ≈ "parable" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "παραβολή" (pa-ra-vo-LEE) ≈ "parable" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "παραβολή" (pa-ra-vo-LEE) ≈ "parable" [BibleJesusCodes]
        •  "παραβολή" (pa-ra-vo-LEE) ≈ "parable" [BibleJesusCodes]
        •  "παραβολή" (pa-ra-vo-LEE) ≈ "parable" [BibleJesusCodes]
        •  "παράδειγμα" (pa-RA-thee-gma) ≈ "pattern, paradigm" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "παράδειγμα" (pa-RA-thee-gma) ≈ "pattern, paradigm" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "παράδειγμα" (pa-RA-thee-gma) ≈ "pattern, paradigm" [ParadigmShifts]
        •  "παράδοξα" (pa-RA-tho-ksa) ≈ "strange, paradox" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παράδοξα" (pa-RA-tho-ksa) ≈ "strange, paradox" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παράδοσει" (pa-RA-tho-see) ≈ "tradition" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "παρακαλώ" (pa-ra-ka-LO) ≈ "please, you're welcome, it's nothing, can I help you?" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παράκλητος" (pa-RA-klee-tos) ≈ "comforter" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "παράκλητος" (pa-RA-klee-tos) ≈ "comforter" [PaulRapture]
        •  "παράκλητος" (pa-RA-klee-tos) ≈ "comforter" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παράκλητος" (pa-RA-klee-tos) ≈ "comforter" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "παραμύθι" (pa-ra-MEE-thee) ≈ "folk tale" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "παραμύθι" (pa-ra-MEE-thee) ≈ "folk tale" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "παράξενος" (pa-RA-kseh-nos) ≈ "paradoxical, strange" [GreekWordParadox]
        •  "παράξενος" (pa-RA-kseh-nos) ≈ "paradoxical, strange" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "παράπονο" (pa-RA-po-no) ≈ "complaint, grievance" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "παράπονο" (pa-RA-po-no) ≈ "complaint, grievance" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "παράπονο" (pa-RA-po-no) ≈ "complaint, grievance" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "παράπονο" (pa-RA-po-no) ≈ "whine, complaint" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "παράπονο" (pa-RA-po-no) ≈ "complaint, grievance" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "παράπονο" (pa-RA-po-no) ≈ "complaint, grievance" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "Παρασκευή" (Pa-ra-skev-EE) ≈ "Friday" [HighSabbaths]
        •  "Παρασκευή" (Pa-ra-skev-EE) ≈ "Friday" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "παράσταση" (pa-RA-sta-see) ≈ "performance, presentation, representation" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "παρέδωκατε" (pa-REH-tho-ka-teh) ≈ "delivered" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "παροιμία" (pa-ree-MEE-a) ≈ "proverb" [BibleJesusCodes]
        •  "παροιμία" (pa-ree-MEE-a) ≈ "proverb" [BibleJesusCodes]
        •  "παρόμοια" (pa-RO-mee-a) ≈ "such like" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "παρουσία" (pa-ru-SEE-a) ≈ "presence" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "παρουσία" (pa-ru-SEE-a) ≈ "presence" [Philippians1B]
        •  "παρουσία" (pa-ru-SEE-a) ≈ "presence" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "παρρησία" (par-ree-SEE-a) ≈ "boldness, outspokenness" [Philippians1B]
        •  "Πάσχα" (PA-skha) ≈ "Passover, Easter" [BiblePassover]
        •  "Πάσχα" (PA-skha) ≈ "Passover, Easter" [BiblePassover]
        •  "Πάσχα των ιουδαίων" (PA-skha ton ee-u-THEH-on) ≈ "passover" [BiblePassover]
        •  "πατέρα" (pa-TEH-ra) ≈ "father" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "πατέρα" (pa-TEH-ra) ≈ "father" [BibleFather]
        •  "πατήρ" (pa-TEER) ≈ "father" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "Παύλος" (PAV-los) ≈ "Paul" [BibleRestPause]
        •  "παύση" (PAV-see) ≈ "pause, stop" [BibleWordCease]
        •  "παύση" (PAV-see) ≈ "pause, stop" [BibleRestPause]
        •  "παύω" (PAV-o) ≈ "cease, step" [BibleRestPause]
        •  "πείθω" (PEE-tho) ≈ "persuade" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "πείραμα" (PEE-ra-ma) ≈ "experiment" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "πειρατής" (pee-ra-TEES) ≈ "pirate" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "πέλαγος" (PEH-la-gos) ≈ "sea" [BibleGulagArchipelago]
        •  "πέμπω" (PEHM-po) ≈ "send" [CalqueScapegoat]
        •  "πένθος" (PEHN-thos) ≈ "grief, sorrow, mourning, misery" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "πενιχρός" (peh-nee-KHROS) ≈ "poor, destitute" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "πέντε" (PEHN-teh) ≈ "five" [WordFive]
        •  "περί" (peh-REE) ≈ "about, around" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "περί" (peh-REE) ≈ "around, about" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "περίεργα" (peh-REE-ehr-ga) ≈ "curious" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "περίεργα" (peh-REE-ehr-ga) ≈ "curious" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "περιέργεια" (peh-ree-EHR-ee-a) ≈ "curiosity" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "περιέργος" (peh-ree-EHR-gos) ≈ "curious" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "περιποίηση" (peh-ree-PEE-ee-see) ≈ "looking after, care, attention" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "περιστέρα" (peh-ree-STEH-ra) ≈ "pigeon" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "περιστέρι" (peh-ree-STEH-ree) ≈ "pigeon, dove" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "περιστέρι" (peh-ree-STEH-ree) ≈ "pigeon, dove" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "περιστέρων" (peh-ree-STEH-ron) ≈ "pigeon" [BibleTurtleSounds]
        •  "πετεινός" (peh-tee-NOS) ≈ "rooster" [BibleBirds]
        •  "πέτρα" (PEH-tra) ≈ "stone, rock" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "πέτρα" (PEH-tra) ≈ "stone, rock" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "πηγάδι" (pee-GA-thee) ≈ "well" [TranslationErrors]
        •  "πήχης" (PEE-khees) ≈ "forearm, cubit" [Cubit]
        •  "πιθανός" (pee-tha-NOS) ≈ "likely, possible" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "πίθηκος" (PEE-thee-kos) ≈ "ape" [GhashingTeeth]
        •  "πίθηκος" (PEE-thee-kos) ≈ "ape" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "πικρός" (pee-KROS) ≈ "bitter" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "πικρός" (pee-KROS) ≈ "bitter" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "πικρός" (pee-KROS) ≈ "bitter" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "πικρός" (pee-KROS) ≈ "bitter" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "πινακίδα" (pee-na-KEE-tha) ≈ "plate, sign" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "πίστοι" (PEE-stee) ≈ "faithful" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "πιστός" (pee-STOS) ≈ "faith" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "πιστός" (pee-STOS) ≈ "faith" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "πιστός" (pee-STOS) ≈ "faith" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "πλάνη" (PLA-nee) ≈ "fallacy" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "πλανήτης" (pla-NEE-tees) ≈ "planet" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "πλανήτης" (pla-NEE-tees) ≈ "planet" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "πλανήτης" (pla-NEE-tees) ≈ "planet" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "πλανήτης" (pla-NEE-tees) ≈ "planet" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "πλανήτης" (pla-NEE-tees) ≈ "planet" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "πλανήτης" (pla-NEE-tees) ≈ "planet" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "πλανήτης" (pla-NEE-tees) ≈ "planet" [PhariseesGroupthink]
        •  "πλάσμα" (PLA-sma) ≈ "something formed, figure" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "πλάσμα" (PLA-sma) ≈ "something formed, figure" [BibleChaos]
        •  "πλάσμα" (PLA-sma) ≈ "something formed, figure" [BiblePlasma]
        •  "πλάσσω" (PLAS-so) ≈ "to form mold" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "πλάσσω" (PLAS-so) ≈ "to form mold" [BibleChaos]
        •  "πλάσσω" (PLAS-so) ≈ "to form mold" [BiblePlasma]
        •  "πλαστικός" (pla-stee-KOS) ≈ "plastic" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "πλαστικός" (pla-stee-KOS) ≈ "plastic" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "πλαστοίς" (pla-STEES) ≈ "plastic" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "πλάτος" (PLA-tos) ≈ "width" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "πλατύς" (pla-TEES) ≈ "wide, broad, flat" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "πλέω" (PLEH-o) ≈ "sail, float" [BibleFloodsAndRivers]
        •  "πληγή" (plee-GEE) ≈ "plague" [BibleSelfReferenceOrElse]
        •  "πληροφορία" (plee-ro-fo-REE-a) ≈ "information" [BibleWordInformation]
        •  "πληροφορία" (plee-ro-fo-REE-a) ≈ "information" [SongBlessedAssurance]
        •  "πληροφορίες" (plee-ro-fo-REE-ehs) ≈ "information" [BibleWordInformation]
        •  "πληροφορίες" (plee-ro-fo-REE-ehs) ≈ "information" [SongBlessedAssurance]
        •  "πληρώσατε" (plee-RO-sa-teh) ≈ "fill" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "πλίνθος" (PLEEN-thos) ≈ "brick" [BibleSandTowerBabel]
        •  "πλυνόντες τας στολάς αυτών" (plee-NON-tehs tas sto-LAS av-TON) ≈ "wash their robes" [TenCommandments]
        •  "πλυνόντες τας στολάς αυτών" (plee-NON-tehs tas sto-LAS av-TON) ≈ "wash their robes" [SantaClaus]
        •  "πνεύμα" (PNEV-ma) ≈ "spirit" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "πνεύμα" (PNEV-ma) ≈ "spirit" [BibleFruitOfTheSpirit]
        •  "πνεύμονος" (PNEV-mo-nos) ≈ "lung" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "πνοή" (pno-EE) ≈ "breath" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "πόδι" (PO-thee) ≈ "foot" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "ποιέω" (pee-EH-o) ≈ "make" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "ποιέω" (pee-EH-o) ≈ "make" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "ποιμένα" (pee-MEH-na) ≈ "shepherd, herdsman" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "ποιμήν" (pee-MEEN) ≈ "shepherd, herdsman" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "ποιμήν" (pee-MEEN) ≈ "shepherd, herdsman" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "ποιμήν" (pee-MEEN) ≈ "shepherd, herdsman" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "ποιμήν" (pee-MEEN) ≈ "shepherd, herdsman" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "ποιμήν" (pee-MEEN) ≈ "shepherd, herdsman" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "ποιοί" (pee-EE) ≈ "make" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "ποιούντες τας εντολάς αυτού" (pee-UN-tehs tas ehn-to-LAS av-TU) ≈ "do his commandments" [TenCommandments]
        •  "ποιούντες τας εντολάς αυτού" (pee-UN-tehs tas ehn-to-LAS av-TU) ≈ "do his commandments" [SantaClaus]
        •  "πόλη" (PO-lee) ≈ "city" [BibleHeirarchy]
        •  "πόλη" (PO-lee) ≈ "city" [GreekHouse]
        •  "πολιτεύεσθαι" (po-lee-TEV-eh-stheh) ≈ "politics" [Philippians1B]
        •  "πολίτης" (po-LEE-tees) ≈ "citizen" [Philippians1B]
        •  "πολύς" (po-LEES) ≈ "much, many, a lot" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "πολύς" (po-LEES) ≈ "much, many, a lot" [BibleFruit]
        •  "πονηρός" (po-nee-ROS) ≈ "tricky, cunning" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πονηρός" (po-nee-ROS) ≈ "tricky, cunning" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "πονηρός" (po-nee-ROS) ≈ "tricky, cunning" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "πονηρός" (po-nee-ROS) ≈ "tricky, cunning" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πονηρός" (po-nee-ROS) ≈ "tricky, cunning" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "πόνος" (PO-nos) ≈ "pain ache" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "πόνος" (PO-nos) ≈ "pain ache" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "πόνος" (PO-nos) ≈ "pain ache" [BibleWordEvil]
        •  "πόνος" (PO-nos) ≈ "pain, ache" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πόνος" (PO-nos) ≈ "pain ache" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "πόνος" (PO-nos) ≈ "pain ache" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "πόρος" (PO-ros) ≈ "passage" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "πορφυρό" (por-fee-RO) ≈ "purple" [Lydia]
        •  "πορφυρόπωλις" (por-fee-RO-po-lees) ≈ "purple" [Lydia]
        •  "ποτάμι" (po-TA-mee) ≈ "river" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "ποτάμι" (po-TA-mee) ≈ "river" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "ποταμοί" (po-ta-MEE) ≈ "rivers" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "ποταμός" (po-ta-MOS) ≈ "river" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "πράγμα" (PRA-gma) ≈ "thing, entity, object" [PaulRapture]
        •  "πράγμα" (PRA-gma) ≈ "thing, entity, object" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "πράγμα" (PRA-gma) ≈ "thing, entity, object" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "πράγμα" (PRA-gma) ≈ "thing, entity, object" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "πράγμα" (PRA-gma) ≈ "thing, entity, object" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "πράγμα" (PRA-gma) ≈ "thing, entity, object" [BibleMatthew18]
        •  "πραιτόριο" (preh-TO-ree-o) ≈ "praetorium" [Philippians1A]
        •  "πράος" (PRA-os) ≈ "meek, gentle, mild" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "πρέσβυς" (PREH-svees) ≈ "aged, elder" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "πρεσβύτερη" (preh-SVEE-teh-ree) ≈ "elder, senior" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "πρεσβύτερη" (preh-SVEE-teh-ree) ≈ "elder, senior" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "προ" (pro) ≈ "going before" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "πρόβατα" (PRO-va-ta) ≈ "sheep" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "πρόβατα" (PRO-va-ta) ≈ "sheep" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "προηγούμενος" (pro-ee-GU-meh-nos) ≈ "preceding, previous one" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "πρόθυμος" (PRO-thee-mos) ≈ "willing, ready" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "πρόσθεση" (PRO-stheh-see) ≈ "addition" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "προσθετός" (pro-stheh-TOS) ≈ "increase, add" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "προσφέρω" (pro-SFEH-ro) ≈ "offer" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "πρωτεύουσα" (pro-TEV-u-sa) ≈ "capital" [Philippians1B]
        •  "πταίω" (PTEH-o) ≈ "to blame" [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  "πυξ" (peeks) ≈ "box" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "πυρ" (peer) ≈ "fire" [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  "πυρ" (peer) ≈ "fire" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "πυρ" (peer) ≈ "fire" [BibleChaos]
        •  "πυρ" (peer) ≈ "fire" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "πυρ" (peer) ≈ "fire" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "πυρ" (peer) ≈ "fire" [SongMightyFortress]
        •  "πύργος" (PEER-gos) ≈ "tower, fortress" [SongMightyFortress]
        •  "ρηγνύω" (ree-GNEE-o) ≈ "break" [BibleWordSwine]
        •  "ρηγνύω" (ree-GNEE-o) ≈ "break" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "ρήμα" (REE-ma) ≈ "verb" [BibleWordLiteral]
        •  "ρήμα" (REE-ma) ≈ "verb" [BibleWordSay]
        •  "ρήτωρ" (REE-tor) ≈ "speaker" [BibleWordLiteral]
        •  "ρίζα" (REE-za) ≈ "root" [RootsSquare]
        •  "ρίζα" (REE-za) ≈ "root" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "Ρωσία" (Ro-SEE-a) ≈ "Russia" [VeteransDay]
        •  "σάκος" (SA-kos) ≈ "sack" [WordSack]
        •  "Σαρακοστή" (Sa-ra-ko-STEE) ≈ "Lent" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "σαύρα" (SAV-ra) ≈ "lizard" [ThunderAndLightning]
        •  "σβήνω" (SVEE-no) ≈ "extinguish" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "σβήνω" (SVEE-no) ≈ "extinguish" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "σβήνω" (SVEE-no) ≈ "extinguish" [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  "σεβαστή" (seh-vas-TEE) ≈ "respected" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "σεβαστή" (seh-vas-TEE) ≈ "respected" [RomanEmperors]
        •  "σημαία" (see-MEH-a) ≈ "flag" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "σθένος" (STHEH-nos) ≈ "strength" [BibleWeakAndVisited]
        •  "σθένος" (STHEH-nos) ≈ "strength" [BibleWeakAndVisited]
        •  "σίδερο" (SEE-theh-ro) ≈ "iron" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "σιωπά" (see-o-PA) ≈ "be quiet" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "σκάνδαλο" (SKAN-tha-lo) ≈ "scandal" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "σκεύος" (SKEV-os) ≈ "device" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "Σκέψη αργή και γρήγορη" (SKEH-psee ar-GEE keh GHREE-go-ree) ≈ "Thinking slow and fast" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "Σκέψη αργή και γρήγορη" (SKEH-psee ar-GEE keh GHREE-go-ree) ≈ "Thinking slow and fast" [KahnemanDaniel]
        •  "σκηνώματα" (skee-NO-ma-ta) ≈ "sketch" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "σκηνώματι" (skee-NO-ma-tee) ≈ "body as in live-in tent" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "σκολιός" (sko-lee-OS) ≈ "crooked" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "σκολιός" (sko-lee-OS) ≈ "crooked" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "σκολιός" (sko-lee-OS) ≈ "crooked" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "σκόνη" (SKO-nee) ≈ "dust" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "σκόνη" (SKO-nee) ≈ "dust" [Philippians1A]
        •  "σκοπός" (sko-POS) ≈ "purpose, objective, aim, scope" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "σκοπός" (sko-POS) ≈ "purpose, objective, aim, scope" [Philippians3e]
        •  "σκοπός" (sko-POS) ≈ "purpose, objective, aim, scope" [Stars]
        •  "σκοπός" (sko-POS) ≈ "purpose, objective, aim, scope" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "σκοπός" (sko-POS) ≈ "purpose, objective, aim, scope" [BibleWordBishop]
        •  "σκυλάκι" (skee-LA-kee) ≈ "puppy" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "σκύλος" (SKEE-los) ≈ "dog" [WordSpoils]
        •  "σκύλος" (SKEE-los) ≈ "dog" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "σοφός" (so-FOS) ≈ "wise" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "σοφός" (so-FOS) ≈ "wise" [JesusWordWise]
        •  "σοφός" (so-FOS) ≈ "wise" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "σοφός" (so-FOS) ≈ "wise" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "σοφός" (so-FOS) ≈ "wise" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "σοφός" (so-FOS) ≈ "wise" [BibleBaby]
        •  "σοφός" (so-FOS) ≈ "wise" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "σοφός" (so-FOS) ≈ "wise" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "σπαργάω" (spar-GA-o) ≈ "to swell" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "σπέρμα" (SPEHR-ma) ≈ "seed" [SectsGreek]
        •  "σπερμολόγος" (spehr-mo-LO-gos) ≈ "gossip, news-monger" [SectsGreek]
        •  "σπιτάκι" (spee-TA-kee) ≈ "little house" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "σπιτάκι" (spee-TA-kee) ≈ "little house" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "σπιτάκι" (spee-TA-kee) ≈ "little house" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "σπίτι" (SPEE-tee) ≈ "house" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "σπίτι" (SPEE-tee) ≈ "house" [LordsPrayer]
        •  "σπίτι" (SPEE-tee) ≈ "house" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "σπίτι" (SPEE-tee) ≈ "house" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "σπίτι" (SPEE-tee) ≈ "house" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "σπίτι" (SPEE-tee) ≈ "house" [GreekHouse]
        •  "σπίτι" (SPEE-tee) ≈ "house" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "σπίτι" (SPEE-tee) ≈ "house" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "σπλάγχνο" (SPLAGHKH-no) ≈ "bowels, guts" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "σπλάγχνο" (SPLAGHKH-no) ≈ "bowels, guts" [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  "σπουδαιότερος" (spu-theh-O-teh-ros) ≈ "more important" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "σπουδή" (spu-THEE) ≈ "study" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "σταθμά" (sta-THMA) ≈ "weights" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "σταθμός" (stath-MOS) ≈ "station" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "σταθμός" (sta-THMOS) ≈ "station, terminal" [RussionWordSputnik]
        •  "στακτή" (sta-KTEE) ≈ "ash" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "στέγη" (STEH-gee) ≈ "roof, cover" [WordConfusion]
        •  "στέγη" (STEH-gee) ≈ "roof, cover" [BibleCodesSteganography]
        •  "στέγη" (STEH-gee) ≈ "roof, cover" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "στέγη" (STEH-gee) ≈ "roof, cover" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "στενή" (steh-NEE) ≈ "narrow" [BibleGatesNarrowWide]
        •  "στο άπειρο και πάρα πέρα" (sto A-pee-ro keh PA-ra PEH-ra) ≈ "to infinity and beyond" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "στο άπειρο και πάρα πέρα" (sto A-pee-ro keh PA-ra PEH-ra) ≈ "to infinity and beyond" [BibleEverything]
        •  "στο άπειρο και πέραν αυτού" (sto A-pee-ro keh PEH-ran av-TU) ≈ "to infinity and beyond" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "στο άπειρο και πέραν αυτού" (sto A-pee-ro keh PEH-ran av-TU) ≈ "to infinity and beyond" [BibleEverything]
        •  "στοιχεία" (stee-KHEE-a) ≈ "elements" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στοιχεία" (stee-KHEE-a) ≈ "elements" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "στοιχεία" (stee-KHEE-a) ≈ "elements" [ZeroPointEnergy]
        •  "στοιχεία" (stee-KHEE-a) ≈ "elements" [BibleConstant]
        •  "στοιχείο" (stee-KHEE-o) ≈ "unit, element, cell" [GalationsTables]
        •  "στολή" (sto-LEE) ≈ "costume" [TenCommandments]
        •  "στολή" (sto-LEE) ≈ "costume" [SantaClaus]
        •  "στόμα" (STO-ma) ≈ "mouth, person" [GoldenCross]
        •  "στόμα" (STO-ma) ≈ "mouth, person" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "στόμα" (STO-ma) ≈ "mouth, person" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "στομάτι" (sto-MA-tee) ≈ "mouth" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "στόχος" (STO-khos) ≈ "target" [2Timothy2]
        •  "στρατιώτης" (stra-tee-O-tees) ≈ "soldier" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "στρατιώτης" (stra-tee-O-tees) ≈ "soldier" [GothicBible]
        •  "στρέφω" (STREH-fo) ≈ "turn, direct" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "στρέφω" (STREH-fo) ≈ "turn, direct" [Loans]
        •  "σύγχυση" (SEEGH-khee-see) ≈ "confusion" [BibleBabelTower]
        •  "συγχωρήσω" (seegh-kho-REE-so) ≈ "forgive" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "σύζυγος" (SEE-zee-gos) ≈ "spouse" [BibleWeightsMeasures]
        •  "συλλογισμός" (seel-lo-y-SMOS) ≈ "syllogism" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "συμ" (seem) ≈ "together, with" [Cosmos]
        •  "συμ" (seem) ≈ "together, with" [BibleConstant]
        •  "συμπάθεια" (seem-PA-thee-a) ≈ "sympathy" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "σύμπαν" (SEEM-pan) ≈ "cosmos, universe" [Cosmos]
        •  "συμφωνούσιν" (seem-fo-NU-seen) ≈ "agree" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "συμφωνούσιν" (seem-fo-NU-seen) ≈ "agree" [BibleWordSame]
        •  "συν" (seen) ≈ "together, with" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "συν" (seen) ≈ "together, with" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "συν" (seen) ≈ "together, with" [BibleConstant]
        •  "συν" (seen) ≈ "together, with" [BibleTakeSomeoneIn]
        •  "συνάγω" (see-NA-go) ≈ "I gather together" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "συνάγω" (see-NA-go) ≈ "I gather together" [BibleTakeSomeoneIn]
        •  "συναγωγή" (see-na-go-GEE) ≈ "assembly, gathering" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "συναγωγή" (see-na-go-GEE) ≈ "assembly, gathering" [BibleTakeSomeoneIn]
        •  "συναρπάζω" (see-nar-PA-zo) ≈ "enrapture, fascinate" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "συνεργός" (see-nehr-GOS) ≈ "coworker, working together" [SolecismConcision]
        •  "συνεστήκεν" (see-neh-STEE-kehn) ≈ "consist" [BibleConstant]
        •  "συνηγαγόμεν" (see-nee-ga-GO-mehn) ≈ "take in" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "συνηγαγόμεν" (see-nee-ga-GO-mehn) ≈ "take in" [BibleTakeSomeoneIn]
        •  "σύντομα" (SEEN-to-ma) ≈ "soon" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "σύντομα" (SEEN-to-ma) ≈ "soon" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "σύντομα" (SEEN-to-ma) ≈ "soon" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "σύστημα" (SEE-stee-ma) ≈ "organized whole of parts" [BibleConstant]
        •  "σφάλμα" (SFAL-ma) ≈ "error, fault" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "σφυρί" (sfee-REE) ≈ "hammer" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "σφυρί" (sfee-REE) ≈ "hammer" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "σφυροκόπος" (sfee-ro-KO-pos) ≈ "hammerhead" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "σφυροκόπος" (sfee-ro-KO-pos) ≈ "hammerhead" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "σχήμα" (SKHEE-ma) ≈ "figure, shape" [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  "σχίσμα" (SKHEE-sma) ≈ "schism, split, rift, division" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "σχολείο" (skho-LEE-o) ≈ "school" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "σχολή" (skho-LEE) ≈ "faculty" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "τα μυαλά που κουβαλάς" (ta mee-a-LA pu ku-va-LAS) ≈ "the minds you carry" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "τα μυαλά που κουβαλάς" (ta mee-a-LA pu ku-va-LAS) ≈ "the minds you carry" [NumberSeven]
        •  "ταμείο" (ta-MEE-o) ≈ "cash desk, checkout desk, ticket office" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "τάξει" (TA-ksee) ≈ "order" [NumberSeven]
        •  "τάξη" (TA-ksee) ≈ "class, order" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ταξίδι" (ta-KSEE-thee) ≈ "trip, journey" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "ταπεινός" (ta-pee-NOS) ≈ "low-lying place, humble person, downcast, dejected of spirits" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "ταύτα" (TAV-ta) ≈ "these things" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "ταυτολογία" (tav-to-lo-Y-a) ≈ "tautology" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "ταυτολογία" (tav-to-lo-Y-a) ≈ "tautology" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "τάχει" (TA-khee) ≈ "quickly, soon?" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ταχέως" (ta-KHEH-os) ≈ "quickly, rapidly" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ταχέως" (ta-KHEH-os) ≈ "quickly, rapidly" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "ταχέως" (ta-KHEH-os) ≈ "quickly, rapidly" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "τέκνον" (TEH-knon) ≈ "child" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "τέκνων" (TEH-knon) ≈ "young" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "τελεία" (teh-LEE-a) ≈ "end" [BibleWordPerfect]
        •  "τέλειος" (TEH-lee-os) ≈ "perfect, complete" [BibleWordPerfect]
        •  "τέσσερα" (TEHS-seh-ra) ≈ "four" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "τετρακτύς" (teh-tra-KTEES) ≈ "tetractys" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "τεχνίτης" (tehkh-NEE-tees) ≈ "craftsman" [XmasJosephBuilder]
        •  "τεχνίτης" (teh-KHNEE-tees) ≈ "artificer" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "Την Καινή Διαθήκη" (Teen Keh-NEE THee-a-THEE-kee) ≈ "the New Testament" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "Την Παλαιά Διαθήκη" (Teen Pa-leh-A THee-a-THEE-kee) ≈ "the Old Testament" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "τίκτω" (TEE-kto) ≈ "bear" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "τιμή" (tee-MEE) ≈ "honor" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "τιμή" (tee-MEE) ≈ "honor" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "τιμωρία" (tee-mo-REE-a) ≈ "punishment" [WordHeresy]
        •  "τιμωρία" (tee-mo-REE-a) ≈ "punishment" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "τιμωρία" (tee-mo-REE-a) ≈ "punishment" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "τιμωρία" (tee-mo-REE-a) ≈ "punishment" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "τις πταίει" (tees PTEH-ee) ≈ "who's to blame" [JamesMaleSpecificWords]
        •  "το" (to) ≈ "the - neuter" [PronounsAmbiguous]
        •  "το" (to) ≈ "the - neuter" [LittleLess]
        •  "το" (to) ≈ "the - neuter" [BibleRainRiversWindCode]
        •  "τολμάω" (tol-MA-o) ≈ "dare" [Philippians1A]
        •  "τολμάω" (tol-MA-o) ≈ "dare" [Philippians1B]
        •  "τοξικός" (to-ksee-KOS) ≈ "toxic" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "τόξο" (TO-kso) ≈ "bow" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "τόπος" (TO-pos) ≈ "locus, place" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "του" (tu) ≈ "of" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "τράγος" (TRA-gos) ≈ "goat, billy goat" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "τράγος" (TRA-gos) ≈ "goat, billy goat" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "τραγούδι" (tra-GU-thee) ≈ "song" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "τραγούδι" (tra-GU-thee) ≈ "song" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "τραγουδώ" (tra-gu-THO) ≈ "sing" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "τρέχω" (TREH-kho) ≈ "run" [Philippians3e]
        •  "τρέχω" (TREH-kho) ≈ "run" [BibleGardenTouch]
        •  "τρία" (TREE-a) ≈ "three" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "τρία" (TREE-a) ≈ "three" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "τρία" (TREE-a) ≈ "three" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "τρία" (TREE-a) ≈ "three" [BibleWordCowPaths]
        •  "τρίγωνο" (TREE-go-no) ≈ "triangle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "τρίγωνο" (TREE-go-no) ≈ "triangle" [WordAngle]
        •  "τρίτος" (TREE-tos) ≈ "third" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "τρύγονων" (TREE-go-non) ≈ "turtle doves" [BibleTurtleSounds]
        •  "τυραννεί" (tee-ran-NEE) ≈ "wicked, tyrannical" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "τυρί" (tee-REE) ≈ "cheese" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "τυφλός" (tee-FLOS) ≈ "blind" [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  "ύβρις" (EE-vrees) ≈ "hubris, insolence" [CandlePower]
        •  "υγιής" (ee-y-EES) ≈ "healthy, sane, sound" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "υγρά" (ee-GRA) ≈ "water" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "ύδωρ" (EE-thor) ≈ "water" [PipeDream]
        •  "υίοι θεού" (ee-EE-ee theh-U) ≈ "sons of God, children of God" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "υιός" (ee-ee-OS) ≈ "son, child" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "υλικός" (ee-lee-KOS) ≈ "material, physical" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "υλικός" (ee-lee-KOS) ≈ "material, physical" [Quakers]
        •  "ύμνος" (EE-mnos) ≈ "hymn" [ChristmasCaroling]
        •  "υπερήφανος" (ee-peh-REE-fa-nos) ≈ "arrogant, proud" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "υπεροχή" (ee-peh-ro-KHEE) ≈ "advantage, superiority" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "υπέροχος" (ee-PEH-ro-khos) ≈ "excellent" [Philippians3b]
        •  "υπέροχος" (ee-PEH-ro-khos) ≈ "excellent" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "ύπνος" (EE-pnos) ≈ "sleep" [MysteriesBabylon]
        •  "ύπνος" (EE-pnos) ≈ "sleep" [TruthMystery]
        •  "ύπνος" (EE-pnos) ≈ "sleep" [BibleDanielDream]
        •  "υπό" (ee-PO) ≈ "under" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "υπό τον νόμο" (ee-PO ton NO-mo) ≈ "under the law" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "υποζύγιο" (ee-po-ZEE-y-o) ≈ "beast of burden, pack animal" [BibleBalaam]
        •  "υπόμενος" (ee-PO-meh-nos) ≈ "endure" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "υπομονή" (ee-po-mo-NEE) ≈ "patience, enduring" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "ύστερα" (EE-steh-ra) ≈ "later" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "φάλαινα" (FA-leh-na) ≈ "whale" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "φάλαινα" (FA-leh-na) ≈ "whale" [Whales]
        •  "φανός" (fa-NOS) ≈ "lamp, light, lantern" [CandlePower]
        •  "φαράγγι" (fa-RAGH-y) ≈ "canyon" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "φαρμακεία" (far-ma-KEE-a) ≈ "pharmacies" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "φάρμακο" (FAR-ma-ko) ≈ "drug, medicine" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "φέρω" (FEH-ro) ≈ "carry, bear" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "φήμη" (FEE-mee) ≈ "rumor, reputation" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "φήμη" (FEE-mee) ≈ "rumor, reputation" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "φήμη" (FEE-mee) ≈ "rumor, reputation" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "φήμη" (FEE-mee) ≈ "rumor, reputation" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "φήμη" (FEE-mee) ≈ "rumor, reputation" [Philippians4c]
        •  "φθινόπωρο" (fthee-NO-po-ro) ≈ "autumn, fall" [BibleFruit]
        •  "φθίνω" (FTHEE-no) ≈ "wither, decrease" [BibleFruit]
        •  "φθοράς" (ftho-RAS) ≈ "wear" [CorruptionAndDecay]
        •  "φίδι" (FEE-thee) ≈ "snake" [LittleLess]
        •  "φίδι" (FEE-thee) ≈ "snake" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "φιλάργυρος" (fee-LAR-y-ros) ≈ "stingy, miserly" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "Φίλιππος" (FEE-leep-pos) ≈ "Philip" [BibleWordBeastBrute]
        •  "Φίλιππος" (FEE-leep-pos) ≈ "Philip" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "φίλος" (FEE-los) ≈ "friend, affection, love" [BibleWordBeastBrute]
        •  "φίλος" (FEE-los) ≈ "friend, affection, love" [BibleNamePhillip]
        •  "φίλος" (FEE-los) ≈ "friend, companion" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "φλόγα" (FLO-ga) ≈ "flame" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "φλόγα" (FLO-ga) ≈ "flame" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "φοβία" (fo-VEE-a) ≈ "fear, phobia" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "φόβος" (FO-vos) ≈ "fear" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "φονεύω" (fo-NEV-o) ≈ "murder, kill" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "φονεύω" (fo-NEV-o) ≈ "murder, kill" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "φρέαρ" (FREH-ar) ≈ "pit, well" [Tartarus]
        •  "φρέαρ" (FREH-ar) ≈ "pit, well" [Tartarus]
        •  "φρέαρ" (FREH-ar) ≈ "pit, well" [OathsAndVows]
        •  "φρόνιμος" (FRO-nee-mos) ≈ "sensible, prudent" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "φρόνιμος" (FRO-nee-mos) ≈ "sensible, prudent" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "φροντίδα" (fron-TEE-tha) ≈ "attention, care" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "φτάσαμε" (FTA-sa-meh) ≈ "we arrived" [PaulRapture]
        •  "φτάσαμε" (FTA-sa-meh) ≈ "Are we there?" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "φυλακή" (fee-la-KEE) ≈ "watch, prison" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "φυλακή" (fee-la-KEE) ≈ "watch, prison" [BibleEverything]
        •  "φύσεως" (FEE-seh-os) ≈ "physics" [CorruptionAndDecay]
        •  "φύση" (FEE-see) ≈ "nature" [Aristotle]
        •  "φύση" (FEE-see) ≈ "nature" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "φυσική" (fee-see-KEE) ≈ "physics" [Aristotle]
        •  "φυσική" (fee-see-KEE) ≈ "physics" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "φυτό" (fee-TO) ≈ "plant" [Neophyte]
        •  "φωλιά" (fo-lee-A) ≈ "nest, lair, den" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "φωνή" (fo-NEE) ≈ "sound, voice, articulate speech" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "φωνή" (fo-NEE) ≈ "sound, voice, articulate speech" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "φως" (fos) ≈ "light" [HeThatHathEars]
        •  "φως" (fos) ≈ "light" [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  "φως" (fos) ≈ "light" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "φως" (fos) ≈ "light" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "φως" (fos) ≈ "light" [BibleLucifer]
        •  "φωτιά" (fo-tee-A) ≈ "fire" [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  "φωτιά" (fo-tee-A) ≈ "fire" [MathTriangularNumbers]
        •  "φωτός" (fo-TOS) ≈ "light" [BibleFruitOfTheSpirit]
        •  "χαίρετε" (HEH-reh-teh) ≈ "hello, greetings, rejoice" [Philpiians2Rejoicing]
        •  "χαίρετε" (HEH-reh-teh) ≈ "hello, greetings, rejoice" [GothicBible]
        •  "χαλκός" (hal-KOS) ≈ "copper" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "χαλκός" (hal-KOS) ≈ "copper" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "χάος" (HA-os) ≈ "chaos, disorder" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "χάος" (HA-os) ≈ "chaos, disorder" [BibleChaos]
        •  "χάος" (HA-os) ≈ "chaos, disorder" [BibleChaos]
        •  "χάραγμα" (HA-ra-gma) ≈ "mark, inscribe" [WordCharacter]
        •  "χάραγμα" (HA-ra-gma) ≈ "mark, inscribe" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "χάρη" (HA-ree) ≈ "favor, grace" [WordJoy]
        •  "χάρη" (HA-ree) ≈ "favor, grace" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "χάρη" (HA-ree) ≈ "favor, grace" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "χάρη" (HA-ree) ≈ "favor, grace" [Philippians1A]
        •  "χάσκω" (HA-sko) ≈ "yawn, gape" [BibleChaos]
        •  "χάσμα" (HA-sma) ≈ "chasm, gulf" [BibleChaos]
        •  "χείλη" (HEE-lee) ≈ "lips" [BibleBabelTower]
        •  "χειμώνας" (hee-MO-nas) ≈ "winter" [XmasHanukkah]
        •  "χειμώνας" (hee-MO-nas) ≈ "winter" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "χειρόγραφο" (hee-RO-gra-fo) ≈ "manuscript" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "χειρός" (hee-ROS) ≈ "hand" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "χέω" (HEH-o) ≈ "pour" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "χέω" (HEH-o) ≈ "pour" [BibleChemistry]
        •  "χθες" (hthehs) ≈ "yesterday" [Yesterday]
        •  "χθες" (hthehs) ≈ "yesterday" [BibleCatch22]
        •  "χορτάσθη" (hor-TA-sthee) ≈ "satisfied, filled" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "χόρτος" (HOR-tos) ≈ "grass, vegetation" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "χόρτος" (HOR-tos) ≈ "grass, vegetation" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "χρειά" (hree-A) ≈ "need" [Philippians2SendingHelper]
        •  "χρήμα" (HREE-ma) ≈ "money" [Numismatics]
        •  "χρήματα" (HREE-ma-ta) ≈ "money" [Numismatics]
        •  "χρήματα" (HREE-ma-ta) ≈ "money" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "χρηστολογίας" (hree-sto-lo-Y-as) ≈ "good words, useful words" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "χρηστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "useful" [Acts17v10to14]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [Philiipians3f]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "χριστός" (hree-STOS) ≈ "Christ, anointed one" [Acts17v10to14]
        •  "χρόνος" (HRO-nos) ≈ "time" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "χρόνος" (HRO-nos) ≈ "time" [Stars]
        •  "χρυσός" (hree-SOS) ≈ "gold" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρυσός" (hree-SOS) ≈ "gold" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρυσός" (hree-SOS) ≈ "gold" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "χρυσός" (hree-SOS) ≈ "gold" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "χρυσόστομος" (hree-SO-sto-mos) ≈ "golden-mouthed" [GoldenCross]
        •  "χρυσόστομος" (hree-SO-sto-mos) ≈ "golden-mouthed" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "χύμα" (HEE-ma) ≈ "fluid" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "χύμα" (HEE-ma) ≈ "fluid" [BibleChemistry]
        •  "χυμεία" (hee-MEE-a) ≈ "art of alloying metals" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "χυμεία" (hee-MEE-a) ≈ "art of alloying metals" [BibleChemistry]
        •  "χυμός" (hee-MOS) ≈ "juice" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "χυμός" (hee-MOS) ≈ "juice" [BibleChemistry]
        •  "ψάρι" (PSA-ree) ≈ "fish" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "ψάρι" (PSA-ree) ≈ "fish" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "ψάρι" (PSA-ree) ≈ "fish" [LittleLess]
        •  "ψάρι" (PSA-ree) ≈ "fish" [Whales]
        •  "ψάρι" (PSA-ree) ≈ "fish" [WordFishIxthus]
        •  "ψάρι" (PSA-ree) ≈ "fish" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "ψευδής" (psev-THEES) ≈ "false" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "ψευδής" (psev-THEES) ≈ "false" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "ψευδής" (psev-THEES) ≈ "false" [BibleLies]
        •  "ψευδής" (psev-THEES) ≈ "false" [WordConfusion]
        •  "ψίθυρος" (PSEE-thee-ros) ≈ "whisper" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "ψίθυρος" (PSEE-thee-ros) ≈ "whisper" [BibleUtterances]
        •  "ψυχό" (psee-KHO) ≈ "psychic" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "ω" (o) ≈ "omega" [BibleWordsOmegaOmicron]
        •  "ωκοδομήσεν" (o-ko-tho-MEE-sehn) ≈ "built" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "ωκοδόμυσεν" (o-ko-THO-mee-sehn) ≈ "build" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "ώμος" (O-mos) ≈ "shoulder" [OathsAndVows]
        •  "ώρα" (O-ra) ≈ "hour" [BibleFruit]
        •  "ωψ" (ops) ≈ "view" [TruthMystery]
        •  "Ϝαλύτις" (va-lee'-tis) ≈ "chain" [LetterDigamma]

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