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        •  "adieu""good-bye" [WordGoodBye]
        •  "adultere""conjugal faith violation" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "amuser""stare stupidly at, gaze, waste time" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "azote""nitrogen" [BibleNitrogen]
        •  "biais""sideways, against the grain" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "bon appétit""good appetite" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "bon appétit""good appetite" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "bouter""pull" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "calque""trace, imitation, close copy" [WordCalques]
        •  "calque""trace, imitation, close copy" [CalqueScapegoat]
        •  "calque""trace, imitation, close copy" [CalqueGoodNews]
        •  "calque""trace, imitation, close copy" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "calque""trace, imitation, close copy" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "canapé""sofa" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "canapé""sofa" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "canin""dog" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "cinq""five" [WordFive]
        •  "clef""key" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "colombe""pigeon, dove" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "contrefait""counterfeit" [BibleChristFalse]
        •  "déjà vu""already seen" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "déjà vu""already seen" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "déjà vu""already seen" [BerraYogi]
        •  "Dieu""God" [WordGoodBye]
        •  "diligence""stage-coach" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "école""school" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "esprit de corps""moral of a group" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "estraier""stray" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "fleurdelis""lily" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "gras""fat" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "hier""yesterday" [Yesterday]
        •  "infantrie""infantry, foot soldiers" [BibleBaby]
        •  "joli""pretty, nice." [YultideTidings]
        •  "le coq""the rooster" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "le nom""name" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "maquette""model, mock-up" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "Mardi""Tuesday" [Months]
        •  "Mardi""Tuesday" [VeteransDay]
        •  "Mardi""Tuesday" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "Mardi""Tuesday" [Photos20240303]
        •  "Mardi Gras""Mardi Gras" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "Mardi Gras""Mardi Gras" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "Mardi Gras""Mardi Gras" [Photos20240211]
        •  "merci""thank you" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "merci""thank you" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "naperon""small table cloth" [LittleLess]
        •  "naperon""small table cloth" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "nappe""cloth" [LittleLess]
        •  "nappe""cloth" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "nonper""umpire" [LittleLess]
        •  "nonper""umpire" [SportBaseball]
        •  "nonper""umpire" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "ostel""hotel" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "ouest""west" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "ouest""west" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "parfait""perfect" [BibleWordPerfect]
        •  "parler""to tell stories" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "parler""to tell stories" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "parlez""speak" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "parlez""speak" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "patience""patience" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "pause""" [BibleRestPause]
        •  "père""father" [BibleFather]
        •  "pomme d'orenge'""orange" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "pomme d'orenge'""orange" [SongJesusLovesTheLittleChildren]
        •  "raisin de Corinthe""grapes of Corinth" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "rouge""red, pink" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "sacqueboute""sackbut" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "sacquer""push" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "sept""seven" [NumberSeven]
        •  "soldat""soldier" [ElectionCallings]

2. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640