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        •  "ab""from, away" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "abmulo""traverse, walk" [GalationsTables]
        •  "aboleo""retard, destroy" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "aboleo""retard, destroy" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "abs""away" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "abscondo""hide, conceal" [SongThisLittleLight]
        •  "absentia""absence" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [James1]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [BibleFruitOfTheSpirit]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [Abstraction]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [AbstractionChunking]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "abstractus""take away from" [AbstractionProgramming]
        •  "abstraho""draw away" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "abyssus""abyss" [WordAbyssLinen]
        •  "abyssus""abyss" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "acciderunt""to fall down, happen, take place" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "acciderunt""to fall down, happen, take place" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "accido""happen" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "accordo""be heart to heart with" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "accusativus""having been blamed" [Loans]
        •  "accuso""to blame" [Loans]
        •  "acidus""sour, sharp, tart" [Tartarus]
        •  "acolythus""acolyte" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "acolythus""acolyte" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "actualitas""anything happening now" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "acuo""make pointed, sharpen" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "acuo""make pointed, sharpen" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "ad""to, towards" [WordCalques]
        •  "ad""to" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "ad""to" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "ad""toward" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "ad""to, towards" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "ad Deum""to God" [WordGoodBye]
        •  "adauge""increase" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "administratio""administration, management, government" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "administro""aid, assist" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "adorent""speak to, address, honor" [SongWorshipTheKing]
        •  "adorno""get ready, decorate" [BibleThorns]
        •  "adulter""unfaithful, unchaste" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "adulteratus""of mixed descent, corrupted" [BibleWomanAdulteryTopDown]
        •  "adventum""advent, arrival" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "adventus""coming, arrival" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "adventus""coming, arrival" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "adventus""coming, arrival" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "adventus""advent" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "adversarius""opponent, adversary, enemy" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "adversarius""opponent, rival, adversary" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "adversus""set opposite, turned toward" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "adversus""opposite" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "advocare""to call for, advocate" [WordCalques]
        •  "advocare""to call for, advocate" [WordCalques]
        •  "advocare""to call for, advocate" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "advocare""to call for, advocate" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "aedificanti""build" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "aedifico""I build, erect" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "aedis""temple, shrine, room" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "aemulor""rival, emulate" [BibleSeekDamageJealousy]
        •  "aequitatibus""equity" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "aequivoco""call or name in the same way" [LogicFallacies]
        •  "aequivoco""call or name in the same way" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "aequivoco""call or name in the same way" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "aequivoco""call or name in the same way" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "aequivoco""call or name in the same way" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "aequus""equal" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "aer""air" [Tartarus]
        •  "aestimo""determine the value" [James1]
        •  "aetas""lifespan, age" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "aeternus""lasting forever, unending" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "aeternus""eternal" [BibleConceptEternity]
        •  "aevum""age" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "aevum""age" [BibleConceptEternity]
        •  "ager""land, field, acre" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "ager""land, field, acre" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "ager""land, field, acre" [BibleFruit]
        •  "ago""I drive, act, do" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "ago""I drive, act, do" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "agone""contest" [2Timothy2]
        •  "alchimista""alchemy" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "alchimista""alchemy" [BibleChemistry]
        •  "aliquid""somewhat, to some extent" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "alleluia""alleluia" [SongAlleluia]
        •  "altitudo""height" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "amanuensis""secretary, clerk" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "amare""bitterly" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "amarus""bitter, harsh" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "amen""amen" [BibleWordAmen]
        •  "amo""love, be fond of" [BibleWordBitter]
        •  "an""or" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "Andromeda""Andromeda" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "angarium""system of mounted couriers" [Miles]
        •  "angelus""angel" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "angelus""angel" [Angels]
        •  "angelus""angel" [Angels]
        •  "angelus""angel" [BibleReligious]
        •  "angulus""angle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "angulus""corner, angle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "angulus""angle" [WordAngle]
        •  "angulus""corner, angle" [WordAngle]
        •  "angustia""narrowness, difficulty" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "angustia""narrowness, difficulty" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [BibleWordWind]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [BibleWordParish]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "animus""mind, spirit, breath, etc." [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "Anno Domini""Year of the Lord" [BiblePrayerBeads]
        •  "Antilegomena""disputed books" [James1]
        •  "antiphona""musical response" [SongOComeEmmanuel]
        •  "apex""top" [BibleThorns]
        •  "aporia""impassible, difficult" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "aporia""impassible, difficult" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "apostasia""apostasy" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "appetitus""appetite" [BibleWordAppetite]
        •  "appetitus""appetite" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "aquia""eagle" [BibleEagles]
        •  "arbitratus""judged, observed" [Philippians3b]
        •  "arca""chest, box" [BibleWordArk]
        •  "arca""chest, box" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "arcanus""hidden, secret" [BibleWordArk]
        •  "arcanus""hidden, secret" [BibleWordArk]
        •  "arcanus""hidden, secret" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "arcanus""hidden, secret" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "arceo""defend, enclose" [BibleWordArk]
        •  "arceo""defend, enclose" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "arcum""bow" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "arcus""bow, arc, arch" [BibleWordArk]
        •  "arcus""arc" [BibleWordArk]
        •  "arcus""bow, arc, arch" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "arcus""arc" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "aream""area" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "aream""area" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "arena""sand, arena" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "arena""sand, arena" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "arena""sand, arena" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "arenam""sand, arena" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "argentum""silver" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "argentum""silver" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "argentum""silver" [GoldenCross]
        •  "argentum""silver" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "argentum""silver" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "argertum""silver" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "argumentum""argument, evidence, proof" [AllInspiredScripture]
        •  "argumentum""argument, evidence, proof" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "argumentum""argument, evidence, proof" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "argumentum""argument, evidence, proof" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "argumentum""argument, evidence, proof" [BibleWordMindPiece]
        •  "arguo""prove, demonstrate" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "arguo""clarify, show, reprove, blame" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "arma""arms, weapons" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "armatura""armor" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "armo""furnish with weapons" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "assarius""Roman coin" [Numismatics]
        •  "assarius""Roman coin" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "astutia""cunning, full of tricks" [WordCrafty]
        •  "atrium""atrium" [GothicBible]
        •  "audio""hear, listen" [Philippians1A]
        •  "augustus""majestic, venerable" [Philippians4c]
        •  "augustus""majestic, venerable" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "auribus""ear" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "aurum""gold" [GoldenCross]
        •  "aurum""gold" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "aut""or" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "aut""or" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "aut""or" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "authenticus""authentic, genuine" [BibleManInTheMiddle]
        •  "autumnus""autumn, fall" [BibleFruit]
        •  "avarus""greedy, covetous" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "avertaris""turn away, avert" [Loans]
        •  "averto""turn away, avert" [Loans]
        •  "balaena""whale" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "balaena""whale" [Whales]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [WordJoy]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [DisappearingBlood]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate" [James1]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "beati""happy, fortunate" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "bene""well" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "bene""well" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "benedico""speak well of" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "benedico""speak well of" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "benedixit""blessed" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "benedixit""good words" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "bestiam""beast" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "bestiarum""beasts" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "biceps""two heads, two sides" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "bis""double, two" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "bona""good" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "bonus""good" [LogicSyllogisms]
        •  "bos""cow" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "bos""cow" [BibleWordCowPaths]
        •  "bow""cow" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "bow""cow" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "bow""cow" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "bow""cow" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "bravium""prize" [Philippians3e]
        •  "breviatus""shortened" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "brutus""dull, stupid, insensible" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "brutus""dull, stupid" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "brutus""dull, stupid" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "bucca""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "bucina""curved bugle" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "bucina""curved bugle" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "bucina""curved bugle" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "bucina""curved bugle" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "cadaver""cadaver" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "cado""fall" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "cado""fall" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "caecus""blind" [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  "caecus""blind" [TruthMystery]
        •  "caedo""cut" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "caelis""heavens, skies" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "caelum""heaven" [EasterNameEnglish]
        •  "caelum""heaven, sky" [PersecutedForRighteousness1]
        •  "calefaciat""keep warm" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "calidum""warm" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "calidus""warm, hot" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "calix""cup, chalice" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "calix""cup, chalice" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "calix""cup" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "caminus""furnace, forge, hearth" [Tartarus]
        •  "campus""flat level ground" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "cancer""cancer" [2Timothy2]
        •  "candela""light, torch" [CandlePower]
        •  "candlelabrum""candlelabrum" [CandlePower]
        •  "canis""dog" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "canis""dog" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "canna""reed" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "canna""reed" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "cano""sing, play" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "cano""sing, play" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "cano""sing, play" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "cano""sing, play" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "canon""measuring line, precept, rule" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "capio""capture" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "capio""capture" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "cappa""cloak, cape" [Cloaks]
        •  "cappella""little cloak" [Cloaks]
        •  "capro""goat" [CalqueScapegoat]
        •  "caput""head" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "carpe diem""seize the day" [BibleFruit]
        •  "carpo" (kar-po) ≈ "pluck" [BibleFruit]
        •  "cata""among" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "catena""chain" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "catena""chain" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "catinum""bowl" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "caveat emptor""let the buyer beware" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "caveat emptor""let the buyer beware" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "caveat emptor""let the buyer beware" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "cavus""hollow, concave" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "cavus""hollow, concave" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "census""census" [BibleWordCensus]
        •  "census""census" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "census""tribute, counting" [BibleYesNoElse]
        •  "centum""hundred" [HolidayThanksgiving]
        •  "cephas""stone, rock" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "cephas""stone, rock" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "cephas""stone, rock" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "ceps""headed" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "ceps""taking" [Philippians3a]
        •  "cernere""to separate" [Cloaks]
        •  "cernere""to separate" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "cernere""to separate" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "cernere""to separate" [BibleReflexivity]
        •  "cernere""to separate" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "cerno""separate, sift" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "cerno""separate" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "certamen""fight, struggle" [AthleticAgony]
        •  "certamen""fight, struggle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "certo""match, vie with, fight, wrestle" [2Timothy2]
        •  "certo""certainty, surely" [2Timothy2]
        •  "ceteros""other, remainder, rest" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "ceteros""other, remainder, rest" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ceteros""other, remainder, rest" [Philippians3a]
        •  "ceteros""other, remainder, rest" [Philippians3a]
        •  "chiasmus""chiasmus" [ChiasmusPatterns]
        •  "chirographum""manuscript, handwriting" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "choraula""flute player accompanying a chorus dance" [ChristmasCaroling]
        •  "chorus""chorus" [ChristmasCaroling]
        •  "chrysos""gold" [GoldenCross]
        •  "chrysos""gold" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "cibo""fodder, food" [GalationsTables]
        •  "cibus""food, fodder" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "cidium""killing" [BibleDoNotMurder]
        •  "cieo""move" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "cieo""move, stir, shake" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "cilicinus""cloth" [WordSack]
        •  "cilicio""sackcloth, cloth, shirt" [WordSack]
        •  "cilicio""sackcloth, cloth, shirt" [BibleCiciciaAndPirates]
        •  "cinera""ashes" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "cinere""ashes" [WordSack]
        •  "cinere""ashes" [BibleCiciciaAndPirates]
        •  "cinis""(cold) ashes" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "cinis""(cold) ashes" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "circulus""circle" [TruthParadoxCatch22]
        •  "circulus""circle" [BibleCatch22]
        •  "circulus vitiosus""viscous circle" [TruthParadoxCatch22]
        •  "circulus vitiosus""viscous circle" [BibleCatch22]
        •  "cithara""lyre, lute, guitar" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "cithara""stringed instrument" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "cithara""lyre, lute, guitar" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "cito""quickly, speedily" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "clamo""cry out, complain" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "clamo""cry out, complain" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "clamo""cry out, complain" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "clamor""shout, cry" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "clamor""shout, cry" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "clamor""shout, cry" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "clario""trumpet" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "clarus""clear" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "claustrum""place shut in, bar, bolt" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "claustrum""bar, bolt" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "clausum""enclosed space" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "clausus""closed, shut off" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "clausus""shut, closed" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "clavis""nail, pin" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "clericus""clergy" [BibleClergy]
        •  "cofinas""basket, hamper" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "cogitate""think" [Philippians4c]
        •  "Cogito ergo sum""I think therefore I am" [ReflexiveFixedPoints]
        •  "Cogito ergo sum""I think therefore I am" [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  "Cogito ergo sum""I think therefore I am" [DescartesRene]
        •  "cohortem""cohort" [GothicBible]
        •  "cohortis""cohort" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "colon""member of a verse or poem" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "columbam""pigeon, dove" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "com""with, along with, together" [RussionWordSputnik]
        •  "cometa""comet" [CometsCratersBowls]
        •  "compassus""to suffer together with" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "compatientes""suffering or enduring together, sympathizing" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "con""together" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "con""with" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "con""together, with" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "con""together" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "con""together" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "con""together" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "con""together" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "con""together" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "con""with, same" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "concisio""to cut, destroy, mutilate" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "concisio""to cut, destroy, mutilate" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "concisio""to cut, destroy, mutilate" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "concisus""cut up, broken up" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "condietur""seasoned" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "confessor""confessor, martyr" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "conforto""make stronger, strengthen, give courage" [2Timothy2]
        •  "conforto""to strengthen" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "conforto""make stronger, give courage" [Philippians4d]
        •  "confundo""pour, mingle, mix" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "confusio""mingling, confounding, trouble" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "confusio""mingling, mixing, confounding, trouble" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "congrego""herd into a flock" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "congrego""herd into a flock" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "congrego""herd into a flock" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "congrego""herd into a flock" [BibleTakeSomeoneIn]
        •  "coniunctus""united, connected" [GalationsTables]
        •  "coniungere""join" [SundaySchool20240707]
        •  "coniungere""join" [CommandmentBreaking]
        •  "coniungere""join" [LogicalConjunction]
        •  "coniungere""join" [LogicalConjunction]
        •  "coniungere""join" [LogicalOperators]
        •  "coniungere""join" [LogicalOperators]
        •  "conopeum""mosquito net, canopy" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "conopeum""seat with a canopy" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "conplaceo""please, take the fancy of" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "consentia""agree" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "consentia""agree" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "consentio""agree, harmonize, unite" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "constans""standing together" [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  "constans""standing together" [RomeUnderConstantine]
        •  "constans""standing together" [BibleConstant]
        •  "constare""to stand firm" [BibleChangeRepent]
        •  "constare""to stand firm" [RomeUnderConstantine]
        •  "constare""to stand firm" [BibleConstant]
        •  "constristatus""saddened, depressed" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "constristatus""saddened, depressed" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "constristatus""saddened, depressed" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "constristatus""saddened, depressed" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "constristatus""saddened, depressed" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "constristatus""saddened, depressed" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "contendo""hurry, stretch" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "contentus""contained, satisfied" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "contextus""joining together, weaving together" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "contextus""joining together, weaving together" [BibleNicodemus]
        •  "contextus""joining together, weaving together" [BibleContextVerse]
        •  "contextus""joining together, weaving together" [BibleChapterDivision]
        •  "contextus""joining together, weaving together" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "contextus""joining together, weaving together" [BibleDivisionMelchisedec]
        •  "contigo""contact by touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "contigo""contact by touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "contigo""contact by touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "contigo""contact by touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "continere""contain" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "contra""against, contrary" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "contra""against, contrary" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "contra""against, contrary" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "contra""against, contrary" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "contra""against, contrary" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "contra""against, contrary" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "contristo""sadden, afflict, darken" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "converso""turn around, turn over, inverted" [Philippians3b]
        •  "convivium""banquet, party, feast" [ParableLukeSupper]
        •  "cophinus""hamper, basket" [BibleBaskets]
        •  "copia""plenty, abundance" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "copia""copy, plentiful" [Philpiians2Rejoicing]
        •  "cor""heart" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "cor""heart" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "cornu""horn" [MosesHorned]
        •  "cornu""horn" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "cornu""horn" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "cornu""horn" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "cornu""horn" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "cornu""horn" [BibleGreeceHorns]
        •  "corona""garland, crown" [BibleWordHorn]
        •  "corona""crown" [SongWenceslas]
        •  "corona""crown" [Philippians4a]
        •  "corruptio""corruption, bribery" [CorruptionAndDecay]
        •  "corvus""raven" [BibleBirds]
        •  "crater""bowl-shaped mouth of a volcano" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "crater""bowl-shaped mouth of a volcano" [BibleWordWine]
        •  "crater""bowl-shaped mouth of a volcano" [CometsCratersBowls]
        •  "creatio ex nihilo""creation out of nothing" [BibleChaos]
        •  "credo""I believe, trust" [OathsInACreed]
        •  "credo""I believe, trust" [CreedSaintPauls]
        •  "crescere""increase" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "crocus""crocus" [BiblePlantCrocus]
        •  "crux""crucifixion cross" [ShapeOfTheCross]
        •  "cubiculum""small bedroom, bedchamber" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "culmus""stalk, straw" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "cultus""care, adoration, cult" [Cosmos]
        •  "culux""gnat, midge, mosquito" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "cum""with" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "cumulus""heap, pile" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "cunctor""delay, hold up, hesitate" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "cunctor""delay, hold up, hesitate" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "cunctor""delay, hold up, hesitate" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "cunctor""delay, hold up, hesitate" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "cunctor""delay, hold up, hesitate" [Philippians3a]
        •  "cupiditas""desire, passion" [BibleZealCovet]
        •  "cupiditas""desire, passion" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "cuprum""copper" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "cuprum""copper" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "cura""care, concern" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "curans""arrange, attend, heal, cure" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "curiosus""curious" [BibleWordCurious]
        •  "curro""run" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "cursus""act of running, race, course" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "custodio""monitor, supervise, guard" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "cutis""living skin, surface" [WordSpoils]
        •  "cuus""one's own" [BibleDoNotMurder]
        •  "da""give" [Loans]
        •  "daemon""demon" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "dare""to give, put" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "data""data" [BibleWordInformation]
        •  "datum""datum" [BibleWordInformation]
        •  "de""down from" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "de""of, from" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "de""of, from" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [Angels]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [SyntaxAndSemantics]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [FolkEtymology]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [Aristotle]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [Aristotle]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "decaloge""ten words" [TenCommandments]
        •  "decerno""decide, settle" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "decido""cut off, decide" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "decipio""catch, ensnare" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "decipio""catch, ensnare, entrap" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "decipio""catch, ensnare" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "decoro""decorate, adorn, embellish" [SongDeckTheHalls]
        •  "defendo""drive away, guard" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "deficio""move away, leave, fail" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "dein""thereafter" [Philippians3a]
        •  "deinceps""following, next" [Philippians3a]
        •  "delectabile""pleasurable" [Neophyte]
        •  "deleo""destroy, finish" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "deleo""destroy, finish" [BookApostolicFathers]
        •  "delicatus""alluring, charming" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "delicatus""alluring, charming" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "delicatus""alluring, charming" [Philippians3a]
        •  "delictus""failed" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "denarius""coin" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "denarius""coin" [Numismatics]
        •  "denarius""penny" [BibleYesNoElse]
        •  "deni""ten each" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "deni""ten each" [Numismatics]
        •  "denuo""anew, again" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "denuo""anew, again" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "denuo""anew, again" [BibleNicodemus]
        •  "deo""god" [Miles]
        •  "Deo""God" [WordGoodBye]
        •  "derigo""lay straight, direct, distribute" [WordOrthodox]
        •  "desiderat""desire" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "destinatio""destination" [Philippians3e]
        •  "destruere""destroy, demolish" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "destruere""destroy, demolish" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "destruo""destroy, demolish, ruin" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "detineo""hold off, detain, delay, hinder" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "detineo""hold off, detain, delay, hinder" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "detrimentum""harm, loss" [Philippians3b]
        •  "Deus""God" [WordGoodBye]
        •  "deversorium""inn, lodging house" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "deversorium""inn, lodging house" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "dexter""right" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "dextrea""right" [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  "diabolus""devil" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "dialectus""dialect" [BiblePentecostTongues]
        •  "dialectus""dialect" [BiblePrefixDia]
        •  "dico""speak" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "dico""say, affirm, tell" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "dico""speak" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "dico""say, utter, declare, state" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "die""day" [Yesterday]
        •  "dies Martis""day of Mars" [Months]
        •  "dies Martis""day of Mars" [VeteransDay]
        •  "dies Martis""day of Mars" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "dies Martis""day of Mars" [Photos20240303]
        •  "digitus""finger, toe" [BibleBirds]
        •  "dignus""fitting, worthy" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "dilectio""love" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "dilectio""love" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "dilectio""love" [Philippians3a]
        •  "diligens""diligent, careful, attentive" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "dimitto""send away, dismiss" [Cloaks]
        •  "dimitto""send away, dismiss" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "dimitto""send away, dismiss" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "dioecesis""district under a governor" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "diripioa""tear apart, lay waste" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "diripioa""tear apart, lay waste" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "dis""separation" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "dis""separation" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "dis""separate" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "discernere""separate, divide, distinguish, discern" [Cloaks]
        •  "discernere""separate, divide, distinguish, discern" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "discernere""separate, divide, distinguish, discern" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "discernere""separate, divide, distinguish, discern" [BibleReflexivity]
        •  "discernere""separate, divide, distinguish, discern" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "discernere""separate, discern" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "discernoe""discerne" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "discessio""withdrawal, dispersal, separation" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "discordias""discord" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "dispensator""steward, housekeeper" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "distinguo""distinguish" [BiblePassover]
        •  "distinguo""distinguish" [TimeHasNotYetCome]
        •  "diverto""turn away, turn aside" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "do""give" [Loans]
        •  "dolus""trickery, deceit" [WordCrafty]
        •  "dolus""trickery, deceit" [WordCrafty]
        •  "dolus""guile, deceit" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "Dominica""Sunday" [NumberSeven]
        •  "domo""tame, break in, subdue, conquer" [James3]
        •  "domus""house" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "donatio""present" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "dono""give" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "dormit""he sleeps" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "Dorothea""Dorothy" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "Dorothea""Dorothy" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "dosis""dose" [BibleWordGift]
        •  "doxologia""praise to God" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "doxologia""praise to God" [SongDoxology]
        •  "dubito""waver, doubt" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "dulcis""sweet" [BibleWordSweet]
        •  "dulco""sweet" [GoldenCross]
        •  "dulco""sweet" [PunChristUseful]
        •  "duodecim""twelve" [NumberTwelve]
        •  "durus""hard" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "dysenteria""dysentery" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "ebrius""drunk, intoxicated" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "ecclesiasticus""of the church" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "edico""declare, publish, announce" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "efficere""work out, accomplish" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "efficere""work out, accomplish" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "eiciam""eject" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "eicit""throw out, eject" [BibleBeamsMotesLogic]
        •  "eiusmodi""of this sort, kind, manner" [SubstanceAndQuality]
        •  "electi""elected" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "electio""choice, selection" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "electio""choice, selection" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "electri""amber" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "electri""amber" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "electrica""amber" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "electrica""amber" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "eleemosyna""alms" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "elementum""element, principle, rudiment" [GalationsTables]
        •  "emissario""sent out" [CalqueScapegoat]
        •  "emporium""trading station" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "emporium""trading station" [TakingCareOfBusiness]
        •  "ensis""of, from a place" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "ero cras""I will be (with you) tomorrow" [SongOComeEmmanuel]
        •  "evanesco""vanish, disappear, fade away, die out, lapse" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "evanuerit""tasteless" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "ex""out" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "ex""out of" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "ex""out of, from" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "ex""out of" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "ex cathedra""from out of the chair" [RighteousAnger]
        •  "ex cathedra""from out of the chair" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "ex his enim""for from these" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "ex nihilo nihil fit""nothing comes from nothing" [BibleChaos]
        •  "examen""swarm of bees" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "examinare""weigh, consider, examine" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "examino""weigh, consider, examine" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "examino""weigh or consider" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "examino""weight or consider" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "excido""fall out" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "excolere""tend, cultivate, improve, perfect" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "excolere""tend, cultivate, improve, perfect" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "exemplar""model, pattern, example" [DesignCandlesticks]
        •  "exicdo""fall out" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "exordium""beginning, introduction" [GalationsTables]
        •  "expectet""wait, hope" [BibleEverything]
        •  "expedio""bring forward, set right" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "expedire""bring forward, dispatch" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "expedite""be profitable, advantageous" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "expeditus""unimpeded, unfettered" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "expressio""pressing out" [WordCalques]
        •  "expressio""press out" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "extincti""extinct" [BiblePassover]
        •  "extincti""extinct" [TimeHasNotYetCome]
        •  "extinctus""extinguish" [BiblePassover]
        •  "extinctus""extinguish" [TimeHasNotYetCome]
        •  "extinctus""extinguish" [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  "extinguo""extinguish" [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  "extra""beyond" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "exultet""exalt" [Philippians3e]
        •  "fabula""story, myth" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "fabulor""speak, talk" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "fabulor""speak, talk" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "facere""to do, to make" [BibleWordPerfect]
        •  "facile""easy" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "facilis""can be done, can be made, easy" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "facilius""easier" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "facilius""easier" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "facillius""easier" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "facillius""easier" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "facio""do" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "facio""I do, make" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "facio""do, make" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "fallacio""deception, deceit" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "fallo""deceive, trick" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "fallo""deceive, trick" [BiblicalInerrancy]
        •  "fama""fame, renown" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "famam""fame, renown" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "fames""famine" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "farina""flour, meal" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "fascino""enchant, bewitch" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "Fata""fates" [BibleWordHarvest]
        •  "fateor""admit" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "fatuus""foolish, stupid" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "faveo""good will, favor" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "favor""good will, kindness" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "febris""fever" [Months]
        •  "febris""fever" [Photos20240204]
        •  "februum""purification" [Months]
        •  "februum""purification" [Months]
        •  "februum""purification" [Months]
        •  "februum""purification" [Photos20240204]
        •  "februum""purification" [Photos20240204]
        •  "feminam""female" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "fendo""hit, thrust" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "fendo""hit, thrust" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "fermentum""leaven" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "fero""bear, carry" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "fero""bear, carry" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "ferus""wild, savage" [Bears]
        •  "ferus""wild, savage" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "fervesco""grow hot, begin to boil" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "festina lente""make haste slowly" [JamesListenSpeakAnger]
        •  "festina lente""make haste slowly" [BibleLosingSavor]
        •  "feveo""hot" [Tartarus]
        •  "fideles""faithful" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "fidelis""faithful" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "fidelis""faithful or true" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "fingere""form, shape, invent" [BibleChristFalse]
        •  "finis""end" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "fistula""pipe, tube" [PipeDream]
        •  "fistula""pipe, tube, hollow reed" [BiblePlantCrocus]
        •  "fistula""pipe, tube" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "flagro""burn" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "flagro""burn" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "flos""flower" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "flos""flower, blossom" [BibleThorns]
        •  "flumen""river" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "fluo""river" [BibleFloodsAndRivers]
        •  "folium""leaf, petal" [BibleThorns]
        •  "foramine""hole, aperture" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "forme""form, shape, appearance" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "forme""form, shape, appearance" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "forme""form, shape, appearance" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "forme""form, shape, appearance" [Philippians2FormOfGod]
        •  "forme""form, shape, appearance" [OopIntro]
        •  "fortis""strong" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "forum""public place" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "foveo""keep warm, nurture, cherish" [BibleEnthalpy]
        •  "fractus""break" [BibleWordSwine]
        •  "fractus""break" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "frango""break, shatter" [BibleWordSwine]
        •  "frango""break, shatter" [BibleWineSkins]
        •  "frater""brother" [BibleLeastOfThese]
        •  "fridigus""cold" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "fructus""enjoyment, proceeds, profits" [BibleFruit]
        •  "frux""crop, produce, fruit" [BibleFruit]
        •  "fumus""smoke, steam, fume" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "gallus""cock or rooster" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "gallus""rooster" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "gaster""belly" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "gaudere""rejoice" [YultideTidings]
        •  "gaudete""rejoice" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [WordJoy]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [WordJoy]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [WordJoy]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [WordJoy]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [CreedSaintPauls]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [KingdomParable5]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [James1]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [SongAmazingGrace]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Philippians1A]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Philippians1aReview]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Philippians1aReview]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Philiipians1Syllogism]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Philippians1Review]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Philippians1Review]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Philippians2aReview]
        •  "gaudia""joy" [Philippians2aReview]
        •  "gauta""jaw" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "geminus""twin" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "gens""clan, tribe, nation" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "genu""knee" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "genu""knee" [WordAngle]
        •  "germen""branch, bud" [Neophyte]
        •  "ginta""times ten" [NumberSeven]
        •  "ginta""times ten" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "gladium""sword" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "gladium""sword" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "gladium""sword" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "gladium""sword" [BibleDivideConquer]
        •  "gladium""sword" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "gloria""fame, renown" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "gloria""fame, renown" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "gloria""glory, fame" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "gloria""glory" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "Gloria in excelsis Deo""Glory to God in the highest" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "Gloria Patri""Glory to the Father" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "gradi""walk, go" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "gradi""walk, go" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "granarium""granary" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "granum""grain, kernel, seed" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "granum""grain" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "granum""grain, kernel, seed" [BibleFruit]
        •  "gratia""grace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "gratia""grace, favor" [Philippians1A]
        •  "gratias""thanks" [BibleWordThank]
        •  "gratias""thanks" [Philippians1A]
        •  "gratiis""without recompense" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "gratiis""without recompense" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "gratiis""without recompense" [PosessingAcquiredPurchases]
        •  "grex""herd" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "gubernator""governor" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "gusto""taste" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "gustus""taste" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "gustus""tasting" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "habeo""own, possess, have" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "habitacio""house" [GreekHouse]
        •  "haesito""remain fixed in place, hesitate, be uncertain" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "haesito""remain fixed in place, hesitate, be uncertain" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "haesito""remain fixed in place, hesitate, be uncertain" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "haesito""remain fixed in place, hesitate, be uncertain" [James1]
        •  "haesito""remain fixed in place, hesitate, be uncertain" [James1]
        •  "haesito""remain fixed in place, hesitate, be uncertain" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "halitus""breath, exaltation" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "halitus""breath, exaltation" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "harenam""sand, arena" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "hebdomada""week" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "hebdomas""seven days, week, seventh day" [NumberSeven]
        •  "hedera""ivy" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "hedera""ivy" [HistoryHalloween]
        •  "helix""spiral" [WordWaltzChain]
        •  "helix""spiral" [BibleChaos]
        •  "herba""grass, herb" [BibleNitrogen]
        •  "hereditatem""inheritance" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "heri""yesterday" [Yesterday]
        •  "heri""here" [BibleCatch22]
        •  "hesternus""of yesterday" [Yesterday]
        •  "hiems""winter" [XmasHanukkah]
        •  "hiems""winter" [RedSkyAtNight]
        •  "Hispaniam""Spain" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "hoc""this" [Yesterday]
        •  "hodie""today" [Yesterday]
        •  "homicidium""murder" [BibleDoNotMurder]
        •  "horizon""horizon" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "horizon""horizon" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "hortos""grass" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "hortus""garden" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "hospitem""host" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "hostis""enemy" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "hostis""enemy" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "hostis""enemy" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "hostis""enemy" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "hostis""enemy" [Miles]
        •  "hostis""enemy" [Miles]
        •  "hostis""enemy" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "humilabitur""humbled" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "humilis""humble" [James1]
        •  "humilis""humble" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "humilitas""lowliness, humiliation" [James1]
        •  "humus""ground, soil" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "hydragrum""mercury" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "hydragrum""mercury" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "hydragrum""mercury" [BibleSaints]
        •  "Iacobus""Jacob" [James0]
        •  "Iacomus""James, Jacob" [James0]
        •  "ianitor""porter, doorman" [Months]
        •  "ianitor""porter, doorman" [SongAudeLangSyne]
        •  "ianitor""porter, doorman" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "ianua""door" [Months]
        •  "ianua""door" [Months]
        •  "ianua""door" [SongAudeLangSyne]
        •  "ianua""door" [SongAudeLangSyne]
        •  "ianua""door" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "ianua""door" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "Ianuarius""January" [Months]
        •  "Ianuarius""January" [SongAudeLangSyne]
        •  "Ianuarius""January" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "Iared""Jared" [BeforeTheFlood]
        •  "Iared""Jared" [AdamToNoahDetails]
        •  "idoti""idiot" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "idoti""idiot" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "idus""divide" [Months]
        •  "idus""divide" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "idus""divide" [PatrickSaint]
        •  "Idus Martiae""Ides of March" [Months]
        •  "Idus Martiae""Ides of March" [BibleEyesGouge]
        •  "Idus Martiae""Ides of March" [PatrickSaint]
        •  "idyllium""idyl" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "ignis""fire" [BibleWordAsbestes]
        •  "ignoramus""ignorant" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "ignorantes""ignorant, unknown" [TruthAgnostics]
        •  "illo""it, that" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "illo""it, that" [Cloaks]
        •  "illo""it, that" [Miles]
        •  "illustrao""illuminate, brighten, light up" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "imitator""imitator, mimic" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "immunditia""dirt, untidiness, foulness, wantonness" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "impius""disloyal, godless, impious" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "implecto""interweave" [2Timothy2]
        •  "implicat""implicate" [2Timothy2]
        •  "importunitas""incivility" [LukeFriendAtMidnight]
        •  "improvisus""unforeseen, unexpected, sudden" [WordJazz]
        •  "in""not" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "inconstans""changeable, inconstant, inconsistent" [James1]
        •  "induro""to make hard" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "inebrians""intoxicating" [BibleCupRunnethOver]
        •  "infamis""infamous" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "infans""baby, infant" [BibleBaby]
        •  "infans""infant" [XmasMagiChildHouse]
        •  "infans""infant" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "infantem""infants" [BibleBaby]
        •  "inferus""low, souls of the dead, netherworld, underworld, Hell" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "infinitus""boundless, infinite" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "infirmus""week, feeble, unhealthy" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "iniquitas""inequality" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "iniquitas""inequality" [Photos20240414]
        •  "iniquus""unequal" [AgainstTheLaw]
        •  "iniquus""unequal" [Photos20240414]
        •  "initia""beginning" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "initia""beginning" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "inlectus""enticed, seduced" [James1]
        •  "inlustro""illuminate brighten, light up" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "insaniam""mad, insane" [XmasHanukkah]
        •  "inseco""cut up, incise" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "insectum""with a notched body" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "insectum""with a notched body" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "insectum""with a notched body" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "instet""stand upon, set foot on, nearby, close to, be imminent" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "intercessio""intervention, intercession" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "interficio""kill, destroy, slay" [AThessalonians28]
        •  "intermissum""ceased" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "intermissum""ceased" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "interpello""interrupt by speaking, obstruct, impede" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "interpretatione""interpretation" [BiblePrivateInterpretations]
        •  "interrogate""ask" [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  "invicem""each other" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "invisibilia""invisible" [MoneyElectrum]
        •  "invisibilia""invisible" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "ipse""self" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "iris""rainbow" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "iris""rainbow" [LetterDigamma]
        •  "ironia""irony" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "iudico""judge, decide, condemn" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "Iunius""Junius" [Months]
        •  "Iunius""Junius" [Photos20240623]
        •  "Iunius""Junius" [Photos20240616]
        •  "Iuno""Juno" [Months]
        •  "Iuno""Juno" [Photos20240623]
        •  "Iuno""Juno" [Photos20240616]
        •  "iuramentum""oath" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "justificatio sola fide""justification by faith alone" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "laboro""toil, labor, work" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "lampas""torch, lamp, light" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "lampas""torch, lamp, light" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "languere""be faint, unwell" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "languor""faintness, feebleness, apathy" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "laqueus""noose, snare, trap" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "laqueus""noose, snare, trap" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "lateo""hidden, concealed, escape notice" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "lateo""hidden, concealed, escape notice" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "latrinas""latrine" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "lectus""couch, bed" [TruthParadoxCatch22]
        •  "leopardus""leopard" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "levandura""leaven" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "levis""light" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "levis""light" [BibleLeastOfThese]
        •  "levo""raise" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "lex parsimoniae""law of parsimony" [OckhamWilliamOf]
        •  "liber""free, independent" [TruthWheatHarvest]
        •  "liber""book" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "liber""book" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "libra""balance scale, weight" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "librum""book" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "librum""book" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "librum""book" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "librum""book" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "litera""letter" [BibleWordLiteral]
        •  "litterae""letter" [LanguagesOnTheCross]
        •  "locum""place, locus" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "locum""place, locus" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "locus""place" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "longanimis""patient, forbearing" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "longus""long, extended, distant" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "lubricus""slippery, slimy" [WordConfusion]
        •  "lubricus""slippery, slimy" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "luceo""shine" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "luceo""shine" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "luceo""shine" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "luceo""shine" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "luceo""shine" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "luceo""shine" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "lucerna""lamp" [LampOfTheBody]
        •  "lucernam""lights" [CandlePower]
        •  "lucernam""lights" [BibleLucifer]
        •  "lucifer""bearer of light, lucifer" [HeThatHathEars]
        •  "lucifer""bearer of light, lucifer" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "lucifer""bearer of light, lucifer" [BibleImitatorOfChrist]
        •  "lucifer""day star" [BibleTruthHistory]
        •  "lucifer""bearer of light, lucifer" [BibleLucifer]
        •  "lucis""light" [BibleFruitOfTheSpirit]
        •  "lucrum""profit, advantage" [Philippians3b]
        •  "ludo""play, amuse" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "lugeo""mourn, lament" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "lugeo""mourn, lament" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "lumen""light, opening" [CandlePower]
        •  "lupus""wolf" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "lupus""wolf" [GothicBible]
        •  "lutum""soil, dirt, mud" [BibleSandTowerBabel]
        •  "lux""light" [ChristmasEpiphany]
        •  "lux""light" [YesAndNo]
        •  "lux""light" [BibleWordAppear]
        •  "macer""meager, poor" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "macula""spot, stain" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "maereo""mournful, sad" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "magestros""master, chief, teacher, master" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "magi""magi" [MysteriesBabylon]
        •  "magi""magi" [TruthMystery]
        •  "magis""much, greatly" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "magis""more" [Philippians3a]
        •  "magister""teacher" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "magister""teacher, master" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "magistrate""magistrate" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "magnus""big, great" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "male""badly, wrongly" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "male""badly, wrongly" [DayValentines]
        •  "malum""evil" [GothicBible]
        •  "malus""unpleasant, evil" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "malus""unpleasant, evil" [WordSlides]
        •  "malus""unpleasant, evil" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "malus""unpleasant, evil" [WordSlideCollection]
        •  "mandani""commanded" [AdulteratedGifts]
        •  "mandani""commanded" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "mandani""commanded" [FriendshipEvangelism]
        •  "mandani""commanded" [FollowTheLeader]
        •  "mandare""commit to one's charge, order, command" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "mandare""commit to one's charge, order, command" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "mandatum""commandment" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "mandatum""commandment" [BibleWordDogma]
        •  "manere""stay" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "mansio""dwelling or stopping place" [BibleSeekKnow]
        •  "mansio""dwelling or stopping place" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "mansio""dwelling or stopping place" [BibleNoRoomAtTheInn]
        •  "manu""hand" [TruthMystery]
        •  "manus""hand" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "manus""hand" [BibleMaundyThursday]
        •  "mappa""napkin" [LittleLess]
        •  "mappa""napkin" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "margarita""pearl" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "margarita""pearl" [KingdomParable6]
        •  "martyr""martyr" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "masculum""masculine" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "maxilla""jaw, jawbone, lower part of the face" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "medico""physician" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "medico""physician" [DayValentines]
        •  "medius""middle, mid" [BibleFalseMedia]
        •  "melior""better" [Philippians3a]
        •  "memor""mindful" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "memor""mindful" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "memor""mindful" [BibleThorns]
        •  "memor""mindful" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "mensis""month" [Months]
        •  "mente""mind" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "mentum""instrument, result of" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "messis""harvest, crop" [BibleFruit]
        •  "metallum""mine, quarry" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "metricus""measure" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "metricus""measure" [GalationsTables]
        •  "metricus""measure" [GalationsTables]
        •  "metricus""measure" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "metricus""measure" [2Peter3LastDays]
        •  "miles""soldier" [2Timothy2]
        •  "milites""soldier" [GothicBible]
        •  "mille""mile" [Miles]
        •  "mille""mile" [Miles]
        •  "minister""attendant, servant" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "minister""attendant" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "ministro""attend, wait upon" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "minor""less" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "minui""decrease" [WorldIncrease]
        •  "minumum""minumum" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "minus""less" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "minus est tamen totum dicere, quam omnia""it is less to say the whole, than all the parts" [BibleEverything]
        •  "miser""misery" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "miser""misery" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "miseria""misery" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "misericordiae""mercy" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "misericors""merciful, compassionate" [BibleMercyMercyMe]
        •  "missa""dismissal, sending out" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "missus""sent from" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "missus""sent from" [SundaySchool2022]
        •  "missus""sent from" [SundaySchool2022]
        •  "missus""sent from" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "missus""sent from" [BibleMerryXMas]
        •  "mitis""mild, mellow, soft" [BibleBeatitudesMeekEarth]
        •  "modestia""moderation" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "modestia""moderation" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "modestia""moderation" [Philippians4a]
        •  "modius""unit of dry measure" [CandleUnderTheFootstool]
        •  "modius""unit of dry measure" [ThisLittleLightOfMine]
        •  "molestus""troublesome, annoying" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "molestus""troublesome, annoying" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "molestus""troublesome, annoying" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "molo""grind, mill" [BibleStoneGroundPowder]
        •  "montanus""mountain" [MountainDefinition]
        •  "montanus""mountain" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "montanus""mountain" [MovingMountains]
        •  "mortuos""dead" [BibleSaints]
        •  "muliercula""little woman, common working girl" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "mundus""the world" [BibleWordWorld]
        •  "murmur""humming, grumbling" [Philippians2Murrurings]
        •  "musa""snout" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "museum""museum" [Mosaics]
        •  "musica""music" [Mosaics]
        •  "musica""music" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "mutuari""borrow" [Loans]
        •  "mutuor""borrow" [Loans]
        •  "naris""nostril" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "nasus""nose" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "nativitas""birth, nativity" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "nativitas""birth, nativity" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "nativitas""birth, nativity" [XmasNativity]
        •  "nativitas""birth, nativity" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "nativus""born" [XmasNativity]
        •  "nauta""sailor" [Stars]
        •  "naviculam""boat" [Stars]
        •  "ne""not" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "necessarium""unavoidable, inevitable, required" [BibleCampOutside]
        •  "necessarium""unavoidable, inevitable, required" [Philippians3a]
        •  "neophytum""novice, newly planted" [Neophyte]
        •  "nequam""good-for-nothing, worthless, wretched" [EasterTenebrae]
        •  "neuter""neither, neuter" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "niger""black" [WordSack]
        •  "nihili""nothing" [BibleWordNothing]
        •  "Nobiscum Deus""God with us" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "Nobiscum Deus""God with us" [GottMitUns]
        •  "Nobiscum Deus""God with us" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "noctis""night" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "nomas""wandering shepherd" [BibleWordLaw]
        •  "nomen""name, noun" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "nomen""name, noun" [Philippians2EveryKneeShawBow]
        •  "non""not" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "non""not" [BiblePrivateInterpretations]
        •  "non causa pro causa""false cause" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "non sequitur""does not follow" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "non sequitur""does not follow" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "nonum horam""ninth hour" [NinthHour]
        •  "novacula Occami""Occam's razor" [OckhamWilliamOf]
        •  "novum""new" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "nox""night" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "nudus""unclothed, naked, nude" [BibleWordClothes]
        •  "num""now" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "num""now" [JohnFromAboveAfter]
        •  "num""whether, if" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "numquid""is it possible, surely not" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "nuptie""wedding" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "offenso""strike, hit" [WordSlides]
        •  "offenso""strike, hit" [BibleWordOffend]
        •  "offenso""strike, hit" [WordSlideCollection]
        •  "oleum""olive oil" [NewWordsNotYetPlaced]
        •  "oleum""olive oil" [CandlePower]
        •  "omne verbum""every word" [ChristianHedonismFallacy]
        •  "omne verbum""every word" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "omne verbum""every word" [BibleConflictResolution]
        •  "omne verbum""every word" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "omnia""all things, everything" [Philippians4d]
        •  "omnis""every, all" [BibleEverything]
        •  "onus""burden" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "operatio""operation, activity, effect, result" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "operatio""operation, activity, effect, result" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "opinio""rumor, opinion" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "opus""work" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "opus""work" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "orans""speaking, orating, begging, praying" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "oratio""speech, discourse" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "oratus""spoken, orated, begged, prayed" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "oratus""spoken, orated, begged, prayed" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "orbis""world" [BibleWordWorld]
        •  "organicus""instrumental, organic" [BibleWordWork]
        •  "orientem""east" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "orientem""east" [BibleInfiniteExperience]
        •  "orientem""east" [EasterNameEnglish]
        •  "orientem""east" [SongInChristThereIsNoEastOrWest]
        •  "orientem""East" [BibleEast]
        •  "orientis""east" [EasterNameEnglish]
        •  "ornatum""ornaments" [Cosmos]
        •  "orno""furnish, embellish" [BibleThorns]
        •  "oro""orate, plead, pray" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "oro""beg" [SongWorshipTheKing]
        •  "os""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "os""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "os""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "os""mouth" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "ostium""door" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "ostium""door" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "ostium""door" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "ostium""door" [PeaceMouthSword]
        •  "ostium""door" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "otis""aversion, hate, dislike" [TruthParadoxLost]
        •  "pacifico""peacemaker" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "pacis""of peace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "paciscere""to agree" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "pactum""something agreed on" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "Palestinia""Palestine" [HebrewWordFish]
        •  "Palestinia""Palestine" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "pane""bread" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "pane""bread" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "pane""bread" [BibleWordLeaven]
        •  "pane""bread" [BibleWordLord]
        •  "panem""bread" [RussionWordSputnik]
        •  "panis""bread" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "panis""bread" [BibleChurchGathering]
        •  "panis""bread" [BibleWordLord]
        •  "panthere""panther" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "panthere""panther" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "panthere""panther" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "parabola""story" [BibleWordMyth]
        •  "parabola""story" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "parapsis""serving dish" [BibleCleanCup]
        •  "pardalis""leopard" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "pardus""pard" [BibleWordPanther]
        •  "paro""prepare" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "parochia""" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "pars""part, piece, share" [WordAmbiguity]
        •  "parvulus""little, tiny, young" [GalationsTables]
        •  "pascha""Easter, passover" [BiblePassover]
        •  "pasco""feed, nourish" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "pasco""feed, nourish" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "pasion""passion" [PaulRapture]
        •  "passus""step, pace" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "pastor""shepherd" [ChristmasTalkShort]
        •  "pastor""shepherd" [InterestingChristmasVerses]
        •  "pastor""shepherd" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "pastor""shepherd" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "pastor""shepherd" [BibleWordDeacon]
        •  "pastor""shepherd" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "pastor""shepherd" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "pater""father" [LanguageAramaic]
        •  "pater""father" [GodsJupiter]
        •  "pater""father" [GodsJupiter]
        •  "pater""father" [BibleFather]
        •  "pater""father" [SportBaseball]
        •  "patientia""patience" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "patientur""patient" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "patior""suffer, endure, allow, permit" [ActionsPassiveActions]
        •  "pauci""few" [LittleLess]
        •  "pauperem""poor" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "pausa""pause, halt, stop" [BibleRestPause]
        •  "pax""peace" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "pax""peace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "pax""peace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "pax""peace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "pax""peace" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "pax""peace" [Philippians1A]
        •  "Pecunia non ole""money does not stink" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "Pecunia non ole""money does not stink" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "pelles""pelt, badgers" [WordSack]
        •  "pello""push, move" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "pello""push, move" [BibleLies]
        •  "pello""push, move" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "penetro""enter, penetrate" [2Timothy2]
        •  "penetro""enter, penetrate" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "penitire""to regret" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "penitire""to regret" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "penitire""to regret" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "penitire""to regret" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "penna""feather" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "per""through" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "per""through" [BibleWordPerfect]
        •  "percussit""smote" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "percussit""smote" [HistoryHalloween]
        •  "perditio""ruin, destruction" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "peregre""abroad" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "peregre""abroad" [SongWhenWeAllGetToHeaven]
        •  "peregre""abroad" [BiblePentecost]
        •  "peregrinus""foreigner" [BibleWordParish]
        •  "peregrinus""foreigner" [SongWhenWeAllGetToHeaven]
        •  "peregrinus""foreigner" [BiblePentecost]
        •  "perfectus""perfect, without blemish" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "perficere""to finish" [BibleWordPerfect]
        •  "periculosus""dangerous, perilous" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "perimetros""perimeter" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "perniciosus""destructive" [Bible2Peter2]
        •  "perplexus""entangled, confused" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "persuadere""to bring over by talking" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "perversus""subverted, corrupted" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "pes""foot" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "pes""foot" [BibleWordSnare]
        •  "petite""ask" [Loans]
        •  "petite""ask" [GivieNotHolyToDogs]
        •  "peto""ask, beg, request" [Loans]
        •  "peto""ask, beg, request" [Loans]
        •  "peto""attack, request" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "pigeo""annoyance, reluctance" [Philippians3a]
        •  "piger""backward, slow, unwilling, reluctant" [Philippians3a]
        •  "pingo""paint, color" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "pipio""chirping bird" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "pipio""chirping bird" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "pirata""pirate" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "pisces""fish" [NumberOfTheFish]
        •  "pisces""fish" [BibleBeatitudesHappy]
        •  "piscis""fish" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "piscis""fish" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "piscis""fish" [Whales]
        •  "piscis""fish" [WordFishIxthus]
        •  "piscis""fish" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "placebo""I will please" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "placebo""I will please" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "placebo""I will please" [BibleReflexiveVerbs]
        •  "placeo""please" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "placeo""be pleasing" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "placeo""please" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "placeo""please" [BibleReflexiveVerbs]
        •  "placitus""opinion" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "placitus""pleasing, agreeable, acceptable" [BibleReflexiveVerbs]
        •  "placo""appease, placate" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "placo""appease, placate" [BibleReflexiveVerbs]
        •  "plan""flat, plane" [James1]
        •  "planus""flat, even, level" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "plasma""mold" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "plasma""mold" [BibleChaos]
        •  "plasma""mold" [BiblePlasma]
        •  "platea""broad way, street, open space" [BibleWordMethod]
        •  "plecto""plait, weave, braid" [2Timothy2]
        •  "plectos""plait, weave" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "pluit""rainy, bringing rain" [BibleFloodsAndRivers]
        •  "pluo""rains, raining" [BibleFloodsAndRivers]
        •  "plus""more, additionally" [BibleWordDifferent]
        •  "poenitire""make sorry" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "poenitire""make sorry" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "poenitire""make sorry" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "poenitire""make sorry" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "polymitam""many threaded" [Cloaks]
        •  "polymitam""many threaded" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "Populusque""people and" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "porcus""pig" [Psalms1TolerationSin]
        •  "porcus""pig" [BibleSeaCreatures]
        •  "porcus""pig" [Whales]
        •  "porcus""pig" [BibleSwineHerd]
        •  "porta""gate" [BibleGatesNarrowWide]
        •  "porta""gate, door" [BibleWordDoorl]
        •  "porticus""portico" [SectsGreek]
        •  "porticus""portico" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "porticus""portico" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "porticus""portico" [WesleyJohn]
        •  "possideo""possess" [PaulRapture]
        •  "possum""able to, can, may" [Philippians4d]
        •  "post hoc ergo propter hoc""after which hence by which" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "postulatio""petition, request, complaint" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "potentia""power" [2Timothy2]
        •  "potentia""power" [EphesiansWrestling]
        •  "potentia""power" [BibleArmorOfGod]
        •  "potis""able" [PaulRapture]
        •  "prae""before" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "prae""in front of" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "prae""in front of" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "praecipio""take, seize, anticipate, order, command, teach, instruct" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "praesepio""manger, stall" [BibleBaby]
        •  "praesepio""manger, stall" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "praeteribit""disappear" [CalqueScapegoat]
        •  "praevaleo""able, superior, prevail" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "praeveniens""coming before, preceding" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "praeveniens""coming before, preceding" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "praeveniens""coming before, preceding" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "praeveniens""coming before, preceding" [WesleyJohn]
        •  "praevenio""come before" [PaulRapture]
        •  "praevenio""anticipate, precede" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "praevenio""anticipate, precede" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "praevenio""anticipate, precede" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "praevenio""anticipate, precede" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "preesentia""presence" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "presso""press" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "pressura""pressing, pressure, crowd" [PerplexedImpossibleSolution]
        •  "primum""beginning, starting" [Neophyte]
        •  "pro""for, on behalf of, in front of" [RomansBattleCry2]
        •  "pro""for, on behalf of, in front of" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "pro""for, on behalf of, in front of" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "pro""for, on behalf of, in front of" [RomansBattleCry]
        •  "pro""for, on behalf of, in front of" [BibleTakingCareOfSparrows]
        •  "pro""for, on behalf of, in front of" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "pro""forward, in front, prominence" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "pro""for" [BiblePrefixAnti]
        •  "pro""forward, before" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "probo""approve, test, inspect, examine, demonstrate, prove" [James1]
        •  "prode""proud" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "progressus""advance" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "propago""propagate, extend, enlarge" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "propago""propagate, extend, enlarge" [BibleLies]
        •  "propago""propagate, extend, enlarge" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "prope""near, close" [Philippians4a]
        •  "propello""forward" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "propello""forward" [BibleLies]
        •  "propello""forward" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "propria""own" [BiblePrivateInterpretations]
        •  "providens""foresight" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "provideo""foresee, act with foresight" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "provisus""foreseen, provided for" [WordJazz]
        •  "prudens""prudent" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "prudens""" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "prudentiam""prudent" [GloryLatinGreek]
        •  "prudentibus""prudent" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "prudentibus""prudent" [JesusWordWise]
        •  "pruriens""desire, itching" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "psalmus""psalm" [BibleWordMusicAmusing]
        •  "publicare""seize, make public" [WordHoldingBack]
        •  "publicare""seize, make public" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "publicare""seize, make public" [BibleWordDemocracy]
        •  "publicare""seize, make public" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "puer""child" [XmasMagiChildHouse]
        •  "puer""child" [ChristmasMatthew]
        •  "pugnus""fist" [BibleWordKulak]
        •  "pulmonem""lung" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "pulvis""dust" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "pusillus""very small, tiny" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "pusillus""very small, tiny" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "pusillus""very small, tiny" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "pusillus""very small, tiny" [RefrigeratorMagnetSermons]
        •  "pusillus""very small, tiny" [Cubit]
        •  "puteus""pit" [Tartarus]
        •  "pyra""funeral pyre" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "quaccola""quail" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "quadragesima""fortieth" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "quadrans""fourth part" [AdversarialAgreement]
        •  "quam""than" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "quam""than" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "quasi""as if" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "quatntus""how much, how many, how big, as much as" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "querella""complaint, lament" [Philippians3b]
        •  "qui""who, that, which, what" [Loans]
        •  "quicumque""whoever, whosoever, whatever" [Miles]
        •  "quid""something" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "quid""what, how" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "quinque""five" [WordFive]
        •  "radicalis""pertaining to the root, having roots" [RootsSquare]
        •  "radicalis""pertaining to the root, having roots" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "radicalis""pertaining to the root, having roots" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "radix""root" [RootsSquare]
        •  "radix""root" [RootsSquare]
        •  "radix""root" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "radix""root" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "radix""root" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "ramus""branch" [RootsSquare]
        •  "ramus""branch" [BibleDimensionsLove]
        •  "rapere""seize, plunder, abduct" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "rapere""seize, plunder, abduct" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "rapidus""rapid, quick, swift" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "rapidus""rapid, quick, swift" [TurningTheOtherCheek]
        •  "rapina""plundering, loot" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "rapina""plundering, loot" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "rapio""snatch, carry off, rape" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "rapio""grab, seize" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "rapio""grab, seize" [BibleGoodsSnatch]
        •  "raptor""thief" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "raptor""thief" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "raptura""rapture" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "rasa""scraped" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "raubo""rob, steal, plunder" [WordSpoils]
        •  "re""about, regarding" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "re""back again" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "re""again" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "re""again" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "re""again" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "recens""recent, fresh" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "recens""recent" [BibleNewBeginning]
        •  "recurso""running back again, return" [RunningWithThePigs]
        •  "regem""king" [BibleWordDemocracy]
        •  "regem""king" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "regula""rule, bar" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "regulam""rule" [BibleWordCanon]
        •  "religio""scrupulousness, pious misgivings" [BibleReligious]
        •  "relinque""relinquish" [Cloaks]
        •  "relinque""relinquish" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "relinque""relinquish" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "remitto""send back, remit, forgive, give up" [Cloaks]
        •  "remitto""send back, remit, forgive, give up" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "remitto""send back, remit, forgive, give up" [ForgiveBaitAndSwitch]
        •  "repeto""attack, resume, recount" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "replete""fill" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "reprobatus""disapproved, rejected, condemned" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "reprobo""disapprove, reject, condemn" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "reprobus""false, spurious, rejected" [BibleSillyWomen]
        •  "reptilis""creeping" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "reptilis""creeping" [James3]
        •  "res""thing, matter, topic" [BibleWordReproof]
        •  "rete""net" [NumberFishCaught]
        •  "revelatio""disclosure" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "reveletur""revealed" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "revelo""disclose" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "revelo""disclose" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "rhinoceros""rhinoceros" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "rhinoceros""rhinoceros" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "rinoceros""rhinoceros" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "rius""river" [BibleFloodsAndRivers]
        •  "Romanus""Rome" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "rubeus""red" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "rubeus""red" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "rubigo""rust" [BibleWordVirus]
        •  "rudis""rough, raw, wild" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "rufus""red" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "Rufus""Rufus" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "russus""red" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "sacculis""sack" [WordSack]
        •  "sacramentum""sacraments" [TruthMystery]
        •  "sacramentum""sacraments" [BibleMysteryPaul]
        •  "saecularis""pertaining to a centurion, worldly, temporal" [2Timothy2]
        •  "safranum""saffron" [BiblePlantCrocus]
        •  "saggita""arrow, shaft, bolt, arrowhead" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "saggita""arrow, shaft, bolt, arrowhead" [Stars]
        •  "saggitarius""archer" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "saggitarius""archer" [Stars]
        •  "sagio""perceive quickly or keenly" [Philippians2Strife]
        •  "sal""salt" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "sal""salt" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "salarium""salary" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "salata""salted" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "salsicus""seasoned with salt" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "salsus""salted" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "salsus""salted" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "salutare""greet, pay respects" [GothicBible]
        •  "salvos""save" [BibleReflexivity]
        •  "sanctus""holy" [HappyHolidays]
        •  "sano""heal, cure, restore" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "sanus""sound, healthy, whole" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "sapiens""discerning, wise, prudent" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "sapiens""discerning, wise, prudent" [JesusWordWise]
        •  "sapiens""discerning, wise, prudent" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "sapiens""discerning, wise, prudent" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "sapio""taste of, smack of" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "sapio""taste of, smack of" [JesusWordWise]
        •  "sapio""taste of, smack of" [BibleWordIdiot]
        •  "sapio""taste of, smack of" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "sapo""soap" [BibleNitrogen]
        •  "saturo""fill, sate, satisfy" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "schola""break from work, leisure for learning" [BibleWordSchool]
        •  "scriba""secretary" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "scriba""secretary" [BibleCodesTreasure]
        •  "scribere""write" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "scrupulus""small sharp/pointed stone" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "scrutor""search, examine thoroughly" [BibleSearchSeek]
        •  "se""apart" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "sedeo""sit" [PaulRapture]
        •  "seditiones""riots" [WordConfusion]
        •  "seduco""lead astray" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "seduco""lead astray" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "seduco""lead astray" [DeceptionDetectionConcealment]
        •  "segregar""segregate, secrete" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "semi""half" [BiblePuns]
        •  "semi""half" [SectsGreek]
        •  "semi""half" [WordPrattle]
        •  "semi""half, partial" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "semi""half" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "seminiverbius""babbler" [BiblePuns]
        •  "seminiverbius""babbler" [SectsGreek]
        •  "seminiverbius""babbler" [WordPrattle]
        •  "seminiverbius""babbler" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "semper""always" [CretanParadox]
        •  "Senatus""Senate" [KingdomParable1]
        •  "senex""old man" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "senex""old man" [BibleWordOld]
        •  "seniores""seniors, elders" [XmasShepherds]
        •  "sentio""sense, perceive, feel" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "separo""separate" [BibleSheepAndGoats]
        •  "septem""seven" [NumberSeven]
        •  "septimana""week" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "septimus""seventh" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "septuaginta""seventy" [NumberSeven]
        •  "septuaginta""seventy" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "septum""seven" [NumberSeven]
        •  "septum""seven" [BibleNumberSeventy]
        •  "sequitur""followeth" [LogicNonSequitur]
        •  "sermo""discussion, speech" [GalationsTables]
        •  "sermo""saying" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "sermo""word, speech" [GothicBible]
        •  "sermonum""sermons" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "sermonum""sermons" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "serpens""serpent, snake" [BibleAngelsLower]
        •  "serpens""serpent, snake" [James3]
        •  "serpentem""snake" [LittleLess]
        •  "serpentem""snake" [LettersAddDrop]
        •  "serpo""creep, craw" [2Timothy2]
        •  "sexta hora""sixth hour" [SundaySchool20240428]
        •  "sexta hora""sixth hour" [Months]
        •  "sexta hora""sixth hour" [NinthHour]
        •  "sexta hora""sixth hour" [Photos20240505]
        •  "sicarius""dagger-wielder" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "sicarius""dagger-wielder" [JosephusFlavious]
        •  "silentio""silence" [BibleVitaminsPaul]
        •  "silex""flint, silica" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "silva""wood" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "silva""wood" [Quakers]
        •  "silva""wood" [Quakers]
        •  "silva""wood" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "similis""similar, like" [BibleWordSame]
        •  "simplex""single, simple, pure" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "simplex""single, simple, pure" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "simplices""simple, pure" [HarmlessPigeons]
        •  "simplices""simple, pure" [BiblePrundentWiseFools]
        •  "sinapi""mustard" [KingdomParable3]
        •  "sinistra""left" [BibleMotherKnowsBest]
        •  "smaragdinus""emerald" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "sol""sun" [Tartarus]
        •  "sola Christus""by Christ alone" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "sola Deo gloria""glory to God alone" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "sola gratia""by grace alone" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "sola scriptura""by scripture alone" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "sola scriptura""by scripture alone" [WesleyanQuadrilateral]
        •  "sola scripture""by scripture alone" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "solido""solid" [GalationsTables]
        •  "sollicite""thoroughly moved, agitated or disturbed" [2Timothy2]
        •  "sollicite""thoroughly moved, agitated or disturbed" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "sollicite""thoroughly moved, agitated or disturbed" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "sollus""whole, entire" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "solo""alone" [BibleBeatitudesPoorSpirit]
        •  "solus""alone" [BeliefIssues]
        •  "solvere""melt, loosen, resolve, release" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "solvere""loosen, release, solve, explain, dissolve, relax, cancel, destroy" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "solvo""loosen, solve, dissolve, break up, relax" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "somno""sleep" [BibleLaughing]
        •  "somno""sleep" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "soror""sister" [BibleLeastOfThese]
        •  "sortem""lot" [GothicBible]
        •  "spargo""to scatter, spread" [AshWednesdayLent]
        •  "speculum""looking-glass, mirror" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "speculum""looking-glass, mirror" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "spero""hope, expect" [Philippians2LikeMinded]
        •  "spinas""thorns, backbone" [BibleThorns]
        •  "spiritali""spiritual, spirit" [WordPlumbLine]
        •  "spiritali""spiritual, spirit" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "spiritali""spiritual, spirit" [BibleHouseSandMore]
        •  "spiritali""spiritual, spirit" [SongRockOfAges]
        •  "spiritali""spiritual, spirit" [BiblePeterRock]
        •  "spiritus""spirit" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "spiritus""spirit" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "spiritus""spirit" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "spiritus""spirit" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "spiritus""spirit" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "spiritus""spirit" [BibleFulfillNotDestroy]
        •  "spiritus""breath, spirit" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "spiritus""spirit" [BibleTrinityAndModalism]
        •  "spiritus""spirit" [Philippians2Consolation]
        •  "spiritus Dei""spirit of God" [SongBreatheOnMe]
        •  "spiro""I breathe, blow, exhale" [BibleBigBreath]
        •  "sporta""basket, hamper" [BibleBeatitudesFilled]
        •  "squama""scale, flake" [FaultToleranceDeception]
        •  "squama""scale, flake" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "stabulum""dwelling, stable" [BibleGuestStranger]
        •  "stadium""measure of length, race course" [Miles]
        •  "stannum""tin" [PreciousMetals]
        •  "statua""statue" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "statuo""set up or erect" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "statura""height, size, age" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "statura""height, size, age" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "statura""height, size, age" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "statura""height, size, age" [WordSlides]
        •  "statura""height, size, age" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "statura""height, size, age" [RefrigeratorMagnetSermons]
        •  "statura""height, size, age" [Cubit]
        •  "statura""height, size, age" [WordSlideCollection]
        •  "stella""star" [Stars]
        •  "stercus""dung" [WordAnnoyed]
        •  "stercus""dung" [Philippians3b]
        •  "strepo""make a loud noise" [EasterTenebrae]
        •  "strepo""make a loud noise" [EasterTenebrae]
        •  "strepo""make a loud noise" [NinthHour]
        •  "stringo""draw tight together, tie" [BeginningFourCauses]
        •  "stringo""draw tight together, tie" [BibleWordGnat]
        •  "stringo""compress, tighten" [BibleGatesNarrowWide]
        •  "studere""study" [PhilosophyCinics]
        •  "studere""study" [BibleStudyApproval]
        •  "studere""study" [Philippians3a]
        •  "stulta""stupid, foolish" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "stulta""stupid, foolish" [BibleDanielKnowledge]
        •  "stulta""stupid, foolish" [HumanBehavior]
        •  "stulti""stupid" [BibleBeatitudesAudience]
        •  "stulti""stupid" [SaltOfTheEarth]
        •  "stultus""foolish, stupid" [PurdentWiseFools]
        •  "stultus""foolish, stupid" [BibleDanielKnowledge]
        •  "stultus""foolish, stupid" [BibleWordMock]
        •  "stultus""foolish, stupid" [HumanBehavior]
        •  "stupeo""stunned, dazed" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "stupeo""stunned, dazed" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "stupeo""stunned, dazed" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "stupidus""struck senseless, amazed" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "stupidus""struck senseless, amazed" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "stupidus""struck senseless, amazed" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "suadeo""persuade, recommend" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "suave""sweet, pleasant" [BibleRestPause]
        •  "suavis""sweet, pleasant, delicious" [BiblePuns]
        •  "suavis""sweet, pleasant, delicious" [BibleHardSoft]
        •  "suavis""sweet, pleasant, delicious" [BibleWordYoke]
        •  "sub""under, behind" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "sublime""high, lofty, elevated" [Meteorites]
        •  "substantia""substance" [Philippians2WorkingThingsOut]
        •  "subtilitate""subtle" [PhilosophyAvoid]
        •  "subtilitate""subtle" [CarnivalMirrorSermon]
        •  "suffero""offer, bear, endure" [BibleFruitPatience]
        •  "sufficiens""imbuing" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "sufficio""supply, provide" [BibleWordSufficient]
        •  "suggillo""bruise" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "super""above, on top of, beyond" [Photos20240211]
        •  "super""above, on top of, beyond" [SuperBowl]
        •  "super""above, on top of, beyond" [SuperBowl]
        •  "superbia""pride, conceit, rudeness" [HaughtyFraudster]
        •  "superbia""pride, conceit, rudeness" [WordTranslationConflicts]
        •  "susurri""whisper" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "tabula""tablet" [BibleWordTreasure]
        •  "taceo""keep silent, still" [DoubtfulDiscerning]
        •  "tangens""touching" [BibleGardenTouch]
        •  "tangere""touch" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "tango""touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "tango""touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "tango""touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "tango""touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "tango""touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "tango""touch" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "tango""touch, grasp" [BibleGardenTouch]
        •  "tautologia""tautology" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "tautologia""tautology" [MetaAsAPrefix]
        •  "taxare""to touch sharply" [BibleFalseTeachingTaste]
        •  "taxo""feel, charge, judge" [BibleCaesarTax]
        •  "taxo""feel, charge, judge" [BibleWordCensus]
        •  "taxo""feel, charge, judge" [ChirstmasLuke]
        •  "tectum""roof, ceiling" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "tectum""roof, ceiling" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "tego""cover, clothe, protect" [SongDeckTheHalls]
        •  "tego""cover, clothe, protect" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "tego""cover, clothe, protect" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "templum""shrine, temple" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "templum""temple" [BibleHouseBuilding]
        •  "temptans""test" [TruthMystery]
        •  "temptare""try" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "tempto""test, try" [MatthewTemptationLead]
        •  "tendo""stretch, extend" [BibleWordStrife]
        •  "tenebrae""darkness, shadow of death, prison" [EasterTenebrae]
        •  "tenebrae""darkness, shadow of death, prison" [NinthHour]
        •  "tenebrae""darkness, shadow of death, prison" [NinthHour]
        •  "teneo""hold, have, grasp, posses" [EndTimesDeceptions]
        •  "tentare""try" [BiblePirateTemptations]
        •  "tepidus""lukewarm, tepid" [BibleWordZesty]
        •  "ter""three times" [WordsRepeatedThrice]
        •  "tergo""rub, wipe-off, clean" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "terra""earth" [EasterNameEnglish]
        •  "tersorium""wiping thing" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "tersus""clean, neat, wiped off" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "tersus""clean, neat, wiped off" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "tertius""third" [WeddingThirdDay]
        •  "testimonium""witness" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "testis""witness" [BibleTranslationIssues]
        •  "texere""to weave, to make" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "texere""to weave, to make" [BibleNicodemus]
        •  "texere""to weave, to make" [BibleContextVerse]
        •  "texere""to weave, to make" [BibleChapterDivision]
        •  "texere""to weave, to make" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "texere""to weave, to make" [BibleDivisionMelchisedec]
        •  "textura""weaving, web, texture" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "textura""weaving, web, texture" [BibleNicodemus]
        •  "textura""weaving, web, texture" [BibleContextVerse]
        •  "textura""weaving, web, texture" [BibleChapterDivision]
        •  "textura""weaving, web, texture" [BibleWordCastOut]
        •  "textura""weaving, web, texture" [BibleDivisionMelchisedec]
        •  "Thomas""Thomas" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "tignum""beam" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "tignum""beam" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "timeo""fear, apprehend, by apprehensive of" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "timidus""fearful, timid" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "timidus""fearful, timid" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "tinctura""act of dying or tingeing" [BiblePassover]
        •  "tinctura""act of dying or tingeing" [TimeHasNotYetCome]
        •  "tinctus""dye" [BiblePassover]
        •  "tinctus""dye" [TimeHasNotYetCome]
        •  "tingo""wet, moisten, dip, dye" [BiblePassover]
        •  "tingo""wet, moisten, dip, dye" [DisappearingBlood]
        •  "tingo""wet, moisten, dip, dye" [BibleTruthHistory]
        •  "tinnio""ring, jingle" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "tinnio""ring, jingle" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "tinnitus""jingling, ringing" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "tinnitus""jingling, ringing" [BibleItchingEars]
        •  "titulus""title" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "titulus""title" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "toga""toga" [SongDeckTheHalls]
        •  "toga""toga" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "toga""toga" [BibleTranslationBiff]
        •  "toga""toga" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "toga""toga" [BibleRoofs]
        •  "tomus""section of a larger work" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "tomus""section of a larger work" [BibleScrollsAndBooks]
        •  "totius terrae""total world" [TruthParadoxCatch22]
        •  "totius terrae""total earth" [InhabitedWorld]
        •  "totus""whole, entire" [BibleEverything]
        •  "toxicum""poison" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "toxikos""arrows or archery" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "trahere""pull" [GothicBible]
        •  "traho""pull, draw" [BibleAbstractions]
        •  "trans""across" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "trans""across" [LukeBreadAtNight]
        •  "tres""three" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "tres""three" [WordAngle]
        •  "triangulum""triangle" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "triangulum""triangle" [WordAngle]
        •  "tribulos""thistle" [BibleThorns]
        •  "trigonometria""trigonometry" [BibleAgonyAngle]
        •  "trigonometria""trigonometry" [WordAngle]
        •  "tristis""sad, sorrowful" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "tristitia""sadness, sorrow, melancholy, sloth" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "tristitia""sadness, sorrow, melancholy, sloth" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "tristitia""sadness, sorrow, melancholy, sloth" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "tristitia""sadness, sorrow, melancholy, sloth" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "tristitia""sadness, sorrow, melancholy, sloth" [HairSplittingAnnoyance]
        •  "tuba""tube, trumpet" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "tuba""war trumpet" [CommandFollowCrosswalk]
        •  "tuba""war trumpet" [OffendedByJesus]
        •  "tuba""long trumpet" [ChristmasCaroling]
        •  "tumba""tomb" [BibleLatrines]
        •  "tunica""tunic" [Cloaks]
        •  "tunica""tunic" [Cloaks]
        •  "tunica""tunic" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "turba""turmoil, mob, multitude" [BibleWordStature]
        •  "turba""turmoil, mob, multitude" [BibleTruthIntro]
        •  "turba""turmoil, mob, multitude" [RefrigeratorMagnetSermons]
        •  "turba""turmoil, mob, multitude" [Cubit]
        •  "turtla""male turtle dove" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "turtla""male turtle dove" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "turtla""male turtle dove" [BibleTurtleSounds]
        •  "turtle""female turtle dove" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "turtle""female turtle dove" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "turtle""female turtle dove" [BibleTurtleSounds]
        •  "turturum""turtle doves" [Onomatopoeic]
        •  "turturum""turtle doves" [BirdsPigeonDove]
        •  "turturum""turtle doves" [BibleTurtleSounds]
        •  "tympanum""drum" [MusicAnacrusis]
        •  "tympanum""drum" [SpumOrganHistory]
        •  "tympanum""drum" [BibleMusicMain]
        •  "ulcus""sore, ulcer,wound" [BibleNoPainNoGain]
        •  "ultio""vengeance, revenge" [BibleBeatitudesMournComfort]
        •  "ulula""owl, cry in jubilation or lamentation" [BibleSoundOwls]
        •  "uncia""one twelfth" [JerusalemAndTrees]
        •  "unicornis""unicorn" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "unus""one" [BibleUnicorns]
        •  "ursa""bear" [Bears]
        •  "ursi""bear" [BibleWordBeast]
        •  "ursus""bear" [Bears]
        •  "uter""either, which of two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "uter""either" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "uter""whether" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "uter""either, which of two" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "uterus""womb, uterus, fetus, belly" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "utrum""whether" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "vacuus""empty, vacant" [BibleChaos]
        •  "vae""woe, alas" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "vae""woe, alas" [Onomatopoeia]
        •  "vagari""wander, stray" [BibleWordPlanet]
        •  "valent""strong" [BibleColorRedOrange]
        •  "valentibus""strong" [BibleWordRepent]
        •  "valentibus""strong" [DayValentines]
        •  "valentibus""strong" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "valentibus""strong" [Photos20240218]
        •  "valentibus""strong" [Photos20240211]
        •  "valentibus""strong" [BibleHealthySick]
        •  "valeo""able, powerful" [PrevailingGates]
        •  "vallis""valley" [BibleValleyShadows]
        •  "varius""diverse" [PaintCoatPictures]
        •  "vectis""strong pole or bar" [BibleHeavenKeys]
        •  "vel""or" [BinaryOperations]
        •  "vel""or, rather, either" [WhetherThisOrThat]
        •  "vel""or" [BibleWorthyAxioms]
        •  "vel""or" [MathReflexiveProperty]
        •  "vel""or" [BibleReflexivity]
        •  "vel""or" [MathDefineReflexive]
        •  "vel""or" [EquivalenceRelations]
        •  "vel""or" [SymbolsPeano]
        •  "vel""or" [MathUniversalQuantification]
        •  "velo""cover" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "velo""cover" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "velocitas""speed, swiftness" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "velox""swift" [BibleWordRapture]
        •  "velox""swift, quick" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "velox""swift" [BibleWordQuickly]
        •  "velum""cloth, covering, sail" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "velum""cloth, covering, veil, sail" [RevelationProgressive]
        •  "venenum""venom, poison" [BibleWordVirus]
        •  "veni""I come" [SongOComeEmmanuel]
        •  "venio""come" [WesleyFrontPorchAnalogy]
        •  "venio""come, approach" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "venio""come" [ChristmasAdvent]
        •  "venio""come" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "venter""belly, womb" [BibleWordBellyWomb]
        •  "venturus""about to come, about to approach" [ActionsAccidentalIntentional]
        •  "Verba volant, scripta manent""spoken words fly, written words remain" [LatinSayings]
        •  "Verba volant, scripta manent""spoken words fly, written words remain" [BibleWordIdle]
        •  "Verba volant, scripta manent""spoken words fly, written words remain" [JotsAndTittles]
        •  "verbum""word" [BiblePuns]
        •  "verbum""word" [SectsGreek]
        •  "verbum""word, saying, verb" [ConversationalPrayer]
        •  "verbum""word" [WordPrattle]
        •  "verbum""word" [BibleWordDoxology]
        •  "verbum""word" [BibleWordDemocracy]
        •  "verbum""word" [BibleRepetitionVain]
        •  "verbum""word, saying, verb" [BiblePrayerBeads]
        •  "verbum""word" [DemocracyForwardInTime]
        •  "verbum pro verbo""word for word" [WordCalques]
        •  "vereor""respect, revere, afraid of, fear" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "vereor""fear" [WordHeresy]
        •  "vereor""fear" [BibleWordBarleyJudge]
        •  "vereor""have respect for" [BibleEntropy]
        •  "vereor""fear" [BibleTimothyEphasus]
        •  "vereor""fear" [BibleNameTimothy]
        •  "versus""turned" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "versus""turned" [NumberSeven]
        •  "verum""true" [BibleWordAmen]
        •  "verum""true" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "verum""true" [DesireToBeBishop]
        •  "vesica""bladder" [NumberOfTheFish]
        •  "vesper""evening" [WordSecretChamber]
        •  "vesper""evening" [FlamingSwords]
        •  "vesper""evening" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "vesper""evening" [WordVespersEvening]
        •  "vesper""evening" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "vesper""evening" [EveningAndMorning]
        •  "vesper""evening" [EasterNameEnglish]
        •  "vexari""trouble, vex" [WordSpoils]
        •  "via dolorosa""sorrowful way" [RussionWordSputnik]
        •  "via lucis""the way of light" [StarsMoravian]
        •  "viam""road" [RussionWordSputnik]
        •  "vicis""change, alteration, turn" [BibleWordOpposite]
        •  "vicis""change, alteration, turn" [NumberSeven]
        •  "victum""victum" [GreekHouse]
        •  "videbunt""see" [BlessedPureInHeart]
        •  "video""I see" [BibleHouseSand]
        •  "video""I see" [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  "video""I see" [Philippians3a]
        •  "videre""to see" [BibleOneKnownThing]
        •  "videre""to see" [Philippians3a]
        •  "videte""see" [ConciseTomeInsects]
        •  "vieo""weave" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "vieo""weave" [LetterDigamma]
        •  "vigilia""wait, watch" [BibleEverything]
        •  "vinco""conquer" [GreekHouse]
        •  "vindico""avenge, vindicate, claim, punish" [PaulRapture]
        •  "vindico""avenge, vindicate, claim, punish" [ParableUnjustJudge]
        •  "vinea""vine" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "vinea""vine" [BibleWordWine]
        •  "vinum""wine" [BibleTimStomach]
        •  "vinum""wine" [BibleWordWine]
        •  "vir""man" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "virtus""manliness, bravery" [BibleWordVirtue]
        •  "virus""poison, slime, venom" [DrugsAncientModern]
        •  "virus""poison, slime, venom" [BibleWordVirus]
        •  "vis viva""life force" [BibleEnergy]
        •  "vita""life" [BibleVitaminsPaul]
        •  "vitiosus""viscous" [TruthParadoxCatch22]
        •  "vitiosus""viscous" [BibleCatch22]
        •  "vivo""live" [GreekHouse]
        •  "vocati""called" [ElectionCallings]
        •  "voce""voice" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "voco""call, summon" [WordCalques]
        •  "voco""call or name" [LogicEquivocation]
        •  "voco""call, summon, name, designate" [BiblePeacemakers]
        •  "voco""call, summon" [CalqueAdvocate]
        •  "volens""wishing, willing" [Loans]
        •  "volenti""wishing, willing" [Loans]
        •  "volo""fly" [BibleRainbows]
        •  "volpes""fox" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "voluntas""free will, choice" [BibleGoodOpinions]
        •  "vox""voice" [BibleInfamousBadFame]
        •  "vulpes""fox" [BibleFoxesAndBirds]
        •  "zelus""zeal, emulation" [BibleSeekDamageJealousy]
        •  "zizanium""darnel, tare, cockle" [BibleParableWheatTares]
        •  "zmaragdinus""emerald" [BibleRainbows]

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