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by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Deceptions
There are many logical fallacies that can be used to deceive. Here are some. ... more to be added ...

2. Red herring: look at me distraction deception
Red herring distraction
In logic, a "red herring" is a distractor used to divert attention from otherwise important points. The name comes (in part) from using a strong-smelling fish drug across a path to distract hunting dogs away from their intended prey.

The "red herring" is plausible and believable, not subject to fact checking, but distracts and is often not relevant to the argument being made.

In multiple choice (and other) exams, "distractor" answers are often included in the possible answers.

In sermons, "idle words" are often used as "red herrings" to avoid or ignore certain parts of the Bible.
Information sign More: Matthew 12: Pardon the idle word counting
Information sign More: Red herring: look at me distraction deception

3. Equivocation deception between names and meanings
Verse routePhilippians 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: [kjv]
Verse routeος εν μορφη θεου υπαρχων ουχ αρπαγμον ηγησατο το ειναι ισα θεω [gnt]
Verse routecumformarapinamaequalem … [v]
Verse route2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: [kjv]
Verse routeδιο και ο θεος αυτον υπερυψωσεν και εχαρισατο αυτω το ονομα το υπερ παν ονομα [gnt]

An "equivocation" is done when two "names" are made to be "equal" whereas the corresponding "things" or "meanings" are not "equal". The English word "equivocate" is from the late Latin word "aequivoco""call or name in the same way".

In Greek, if the context does not make it clear that two things are "equal" using "is", then the explicit Greek word "ισα""equal" is needed, as in the above verse.
Information sign More: Aristotle
Information sign More: Equivocation deception between names and meanings

4. False dilemma
 1 False dilemma 1 
 2 False dilemma 2 
 3 False dilemma 3 
 4 False dilemma 4 

A "false dilemma" is a logical fallacy whereby only a few of all possible choices are presented as being "collectively exhaustive". In some cases, the choices presented are not "mutually exclusive".
Information sign More: Sets: Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive
Information sign More: False dilemma

5. Strawman fallacy
StrawmanStrawman arguments are often used to "prove" a point - by politicians and many others. Briefly, the reasoning of a strawman argument goes as follows.
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6. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640