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The one Antichrist and many antichrists
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. The one Antichrist and many antichrists

2. The one Antichrist and many antichrists
The "antichrist" in the Bible is both a general term for those who put themselves "in place of Christ" and the "Antichrist" or "beast" (or many other names in the Bible) as a unique being in the end times of the Bible.

3. General and specific terms
A distinction is often made between a general term and some specific instances. There are many such examples in the Bible and Biblical history.

4. Discussion
What then is the difference between an imitator and a follower? Does it matter?

The "anti-Christ" is said to "imitate" Christ as one "in place of" Christ. What difference might there be and is it important?

Information sign More: Imitator or impersonator of Christ
The exact word "anti-Christ" is only used in the letters of John, but let us look at some verses having to do with "imitators" of Christ who are usually categorized as "ant-Christ".

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

5. The prefix anti in place of against
Verse routeMatthew 5:38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: [kjv]
Verse routeηκουσατε οτι ερρεθη οφθαλμον αντι οφθαλμου και οδοντα αντι οδοντος [gnt]

Which is it? No left turnThe English word and prefix "anti", from the Latin, means "against" or "opposite".
The ancient Greek word "ἀντί""in place of" and, if context permits, can mean "against" or "opposite". The same holds for the modern Greek word "αντί" (an-TEE) ≈ "in place of". Thus, the "anti-Christ" will set himself up "in place of" Christ, as in "impersonator" of Christ rather than just "imitator" of Christ.

Information sign More: Imitator or impersonator of Christ
Information sign More: The prefix anti in place of against

by RS : 1024 x 640