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The Roman Empire under Constantine
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. The Roman Empire under Constantine
In 325 Constantine became emperor. He recognized and officially tolerated Christianity, which soon became the official religion of Rome.
The relatively flat structure of the church (mustard seeds and plants) soon grew into a large tree structure. Birds came to make homes and reside in that tree.

Under Constantine, Rome extended from England in the north-east to Spain in the south-east across north Africa to Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula in the south-west up through Palestine and Syria and Turkey (Asia), and across Europe to France, essentially south of the Danube, Alps, and west of the Rhine river.

Information sign More: Matthew 13:31-32 KP3 Parable of the mustard seed

2. Constantine and the deep state
Tree with twigs - no fruit

Emperor Constantine (275-337) was so disgusted by the politics and deep state in Rome in the 4th Century, that he ordered (commanded) that the capitol of Rome be moved to a new city, soon named Constantinople. Within a short time, a new deep state (tree with birds nesting) was established in Constantinople.

Information sign More: The deep state is everywhere

3. Constantinople
Κωνσταντινούπολη or "Constantinople" is, literally, the "City of Constantine".

The Turkish word is "Istanbul" where the "bul" at the end is from "pol" and the "Istan" is how they appeared to have heard the first part "Constantin" (omitting the first part).

4. Helena
Helena, the mother of Roman Emperor Constantine, and sister Anastasia (meaning resurrection) of Constantine provided a Christian influence on Constantine. He did not become Christian without any prior knowledge, though many speculate that his actions were a mixture of this influence and political and military expediency.

Information sign More: Timothy in the New Testament

5. Helena and Rome under Constantine
The mother of Constantine, Helena, toured the Roman Empire looking for historical sites of the Bible. Wherever these sites were declared, religious sites, churches, monasteries, etc., sprang up.

It was convenient that two important sites were found by Helena within the bounds of the Roman Empire at that time, despite Biblical indications that the site was elsewhere.

6. Mount Sinai
Both Exodus and Galatians tell us that Mount Sinai is not in what is called the "Sinai Peninsula". It is in Midian which is an Arabia.
See, for example, The Exodus Case by Lennart Moller. You will have to sort out what is more valid and what is less valid, but it is a good starting point.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

7. Christianity under Constantine
With the toleration of Christianity and, soon, the making of Christianity the official religion of Rome, pagan and Christian traditions were merged together.

Christian teacher who were teaching the Jesus would come back to harshly deal with the evil rulers of the world.

There Christian teachers were now employed and paid by those evil rulers.

8. Chi Rho
Chess pieces Chi Rho

 χ + ρ = ☧ = Χ + Ρ 
Greek gematria
The "chi rho" symbol became established under Constantine as a combination of two Greek letters, "chi" and "rho", the first two letters of "Χριστός""Christ".

Might there by any interesting gematria meanings from the two letters?

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

The Unicode for "Chi Rho" in the miscellaneous symbols block is "U+2627" or ☧.

9. Matthew 13:31-32 KP3 Parable of the mustard seed
Verse routeMatthew 13:31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: [kjv]
Verse route13:32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. [kjv]

Tree with twigs - no fruit
The "mustard seed" :
The "birds" do not (usually) nest in small bushes. Are the "birds" good? What is a "mustard seed"? What does a "tree" represent?

The KJV (King James Version) translates as "least" the Greek word that means "smallest". There is another Greek word for "least".

Information sign More: Matthew 13:31-32 KP3 Parable of the mustard seed

10. Acts 23:11 Constant
Verse routeActs 23:11 And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome. [kjv]

Verse routeτη δε επιουση νυκτι επιστας αυτω ο κυριος ειπεν θαρσει ως γαρ διεμαρτυρω τα περι εμου εις ιερουσαλημ ουτως σε δει και εις ρωμην μαρτυρησαι [gnt]
Verse routeconstans … [v]

The word constant comes from the Latin word "constans""standing together" also "standing still" or "unchanging", and is from the Latin word "constare""to stand firm".

The name "Constantine" or "Constance" comes from this Latin word, as in the Roman Emperor Constantine who, in the fourth century A.D., moved the capital of Rome to a new city that was soon called Constantinople, or the "City of Constantine".

Information sign More: Standing together for systemic constancy

11. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640