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The deep state is everywhere
1. The deep state is everywhere
The deep state happens in any group of people whereby the individuals of the deep state group put their own interests ahead of the entire group of people. The deep state is everywhere where there are groups of people.
The deep state group uses any means at their disposal to get rid of any individual who threatens the group. The this individual who threatens the group is intelligent, hard-working, ethical, and puts the interests of all the group members ahead of the members of the deep state group.
2. Loyalty
Totalitarian movements are mass organizations of atomized, isolated individuals. Compared with all other parties and movements, their most conspicuous external characteristic is their demand for total, unrestricted, unconditional, and unalterable loyalty of the individual member. Hanna Arendt (Political philosopher)
Arendt, H. (1951).
The origins of totalitarianism. 1968 printing. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., p. 21.
3. The deep state
The deep state happens in the following.
Countries, states, counties, townships, etc.
Companies, industries, political parties, etc.
Education: high schools, colleges, universities, etc.
Church: Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, etc.
4. Examples
Those elite intellectuals who support the deep state are often referred to as false prophets. In the Old Testament, many Kings of Israel had there group of false prophets.
There are numerous examples of the deep state and individuals who threaten the deep state. To keep out of current politics, only historical examples are listed here.
5. Power
Would the deep state every try to take over the government, or assassinate the head of state?
6. Power
I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds."
John F. Kennedy
Is this quote true? Was it actually said by Kennedy? There are debates to this day about that quote which first appeared in 1966 (Kennedy was assassinated in 1963).
7. Galileo
Galileo (1564-1642) studied science and the heavens and threatened the Catholic Church when he reported observations that contradicted Catholic doctrine (which, by the way, in respect to what Galileo published, was erroneous).
8. Martin Luther
Martin Luther (1483-1546) studied the Bible and threatened the Catholic Church (as had other individuals who had been executed for their behavior).
The Reformation was started by the remarks made by Martin Luther (1517).
9. Constantine and the deep state
Constantine (275-337) was so disgusted by the politics and deep state in Rome in the 4th Century, that he ordered (commanded) that the capitol of
Rome be
moved to a new city, soon named
Rome was an empire.
An empire is represented as a mountain.
That mountain was moved.
How much "faith" was required?
Was moving the mountain good or bad?
What is represented by a "seed" of "mustard plant"?
Within a short time, a new deep state (tree with birds nesting) was established in Constantinople.
10. Jesus
Jesus presented the Scriptures and the Gospel as intended by God, pointing out errors of interpretation of the Old Testament scriptures by the ruling Jewish elite. He was crucified for this behavior.
11. Common characteristics
What are some common characteristics of people who are inside or outside of the "deep state" in a country, organization, etc.?
12. End of page