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Philippians 2:12-13 working things out
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Philippians 2:12-13 working things out
Verse routePhilippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. [kjv]
Verse routeoboedistispraesentiaabsentiaoperamini [v]
Verse route2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. [kjv]

Paul is going to repeat some words or ideas that appear in the poem in verses 5-11 (or are related to those words or ideas).

2. Obey
Verse routePhilippians 2:12 … as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, … [kjv]
Verse routeoboedistispraesentiaabsentiaoperamini [v]

The "obeyed" was used a few verses earlier in reference to Jesus.
Verse route2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. [kjv]

ConfessThe ancient Greek word "ὁμολογέω""agree" and means, literally, "same reasoning" or "same explanation" and can be "same word" if "word" is taken as "reasoning".

Information sign More: Philippians 2:9-11 every knee shall bow
This brings to mind the hymn "Trust and obey".

3. Philippians 2:8
KJV: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Greek: και σχηματι ευρεθεις ως ανθρωπος εταπεινωσεν εταπεινωσεν εαυτον γενομενος υπηκοος μεχρι θανατου θανατου δε σταυρου

4. Song: Trust and obey
Verse routeIsaiah 50:10 Who is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his servant… let him trust in the name of the LORD… [kjv]

The hymn "Trust and obey" is based on the ideas of "trust" and "obey" from various parts of the Bible.

Presbyterian minister John Sammis (1846-1919) wrote the words to the hymn "Trust and Obey" (with Towner in 1887). Music: Trust and obey

Information sign More: Song: Trust and obey

5. Tune and title: Daniel Towner
The music to "Trust and obey" is by Daniel Towner (1850-1919) written the year before the words. He later wrote the following for how he got the title.

Mr. Moody [Dwight L.] was conducting a series of meetings in Brockton, Massachusetts [presumably in 1886] and I had the pleasure of singing for him there. One night a young man rose in a testimony meeting and said, "I am not quite sure-but I am going to trust, and I am going to obey." I just jotted that sentence down, and sent it with the little story to the Rev. John H. Sammis, a Presbyterian minister. He wrote the hymn, and the tune was born. -Ira D. Sankey, The Story of the Gospel Hymns, 1906 , from

Information sign More: Song: Trust and obey

6. Verse 1
When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

7. Strongs - absence

8. Presence and absence
Verse routePhilippians 2:12 … as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, … [kjv]
Verse routeoboedistispraesentiaabsentiaoperamini [v]

The words for "presence" and "absence" have as a root word a word Aristotle used often as a "substance" of reality.

Word usage per chapter Words: απουσια

This word for "absence" is used only once in the GNT (Greek New Testament), by Paul in Philippians 2:12.

9. Strongs - substance

10. Four causes
Table illusion 2

It appears that without using the technical philosophical term "ousia", one of Aristotle's four "causes", Paul wanted to use "ousia" twice in this verse, right after the poem that appears to allude to those causes, as the Greek words for "presence" and "absence".

Information sign More: John 1:1-5 Four causes in a design and implementation model
Information sign More: Philippians 2:5-8 form of God and Aristotelian causes

11. Prodigal son
The Greek word for "substance" or "ousia" is used only twice in the GNT - in successive verses in Luke.

Verse routeLuke 15:12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν ο νεωτερος αυτων τω πατρι πατερ δος μοι το επιβαλλον μερος της ουσιας ο δε διειλεν αυτοις τον βιον [gnt]
Verse route15:13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι μετ ου πολλας ημερας συναγαγων παντα ο νεωτερος υιος απεδημησεν εις χωραν μακραν και εκει διεσκορπισεν την ουσιαν αυτου ζων ασωτως [gnt]

12. Luke 15:12
   Luke 15:12 
KJV: And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.
Greek: και ειπεν ο νεωτερος αυτων τω πατρι πατερ δος μοι το επιβαλλον μερος της ουσιας και ο δε διειλεν αυτοις τον βιον

13. Luke 15:13
   Luke 15:13 
KJV: And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.
Greek: και μετ ου πολλας ημερας συναγαγων απαντα παντα ο νεωτερος υιος απεδημησεν εις χωραν μακραν και εκει διεσκορπισεν την ουσιαν αυτου ζων ασωτως

14. Substance
Verse routePhilippians 2:12 … not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, … [kjv]
Verse routeωστε αγαπητοι μου καθως παντοτε υπηκουσατε μη ως εν τη παρουσια μου μονον αλλα νυν πολλω μαλλον εν τη απουσια μου μετα φοβου και τρομου την εαυτων σωτηριαν κατεργαζεσθε [gnt]
Verse routeoboedistispraesentiaabsentiaoperamini [v]

The words for "presence" and "absence" have as a root word a word Aristotle used often as a "substance" of reality. It appears that Paul wanted to use "ousia" twice in this verse, right after the poem that appears to allude to Aristotle's four causes and before using Aristotle's term for "actualization" twice.

15. Strongs - presence and absence

16. Usage - presence
Word usage per chapter Words: παρουσια=15 παρουσιαν=3 παρουσιας=6

Most of the usage of "presence" in the GNT is for the "coming" and "presence" of Jesus. Paul uses it once his coming (here), once for Satan, a few times for the coming of his helpers and another time for himself but worded somewhat strangely.

17. Presence and absence
From "substance" we get "presence" and "absence".

18. Substance of being
Paul used a word related to «ουσια» for "substance" in the first verse of Philippians as those whose "substance" or "being" are in Philippi where the "bishops" and "deacons" are targeted - or singled out.

Verse routePhilippians 1:1 … which are at Philippi, with the bishops … [kjv]
Verse routeπαυλος και τιμοθεος δουλοι χριστου ιησου πασιν τοις αγιοις εν χριστω ιησου τοις ουσιν εν φιλιπποις συν επισκοποις και διακονοις [gnt]

Note: Paul uses this same word in the first verse of some other letters, so this may be a "coincidence" with later content in the letter.

Bishop in scopeIn Philippians, Paul will use the Greek word for "target" which is part of the Greek word for "bishop" more than should happen by chance.

19. Philippians 1:1
KJV: Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons:
Hebrew: פולוס וטימותיוס עבדי המשיח ישוע אל כל הקדשים במשיח ישוע אשר הם בפילפי עם הפקידים והשמשים׃
Greek: παυλος και τιμοθεος δουλοι ιησου χριστου ιησου πασιν τοις αγιοις εν χριστω ιησου τοις ουσιν εν φιλιπποις συν επισκοποις και διακονοις

20. Work out
Verse routePhilippians 2:12 work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. [kjv]
Verse routeoboedistispraesentiaabsentiaoperamini [v]

No pain no gain The English word "workout" is associated with exercise. Many people cannot distinguish between "pain" and "fatigue".

Information sign More: Evil training is toilsome work: no pain no gain

Work out solution to problemAnother meaning of "work out" is to sit down and design some solution to a problem.

Neither of these is the "work out" used by Paul and as translated by the KJV (King James Version) but is related to another verse and how Aristotle defined that word.

21. Work
What does the word "work" mean? The original Greek word «έργο» began with a now missing digamma «ϝ » or «Ϝ » which had the sound of the English "v" or "w" that disappeared over time.

Information sign More: An opus on the workings of work

22. Negation of work
ArgonIn Greek, the prefix "a" or «α» negates what follows. So, interestingly, the negation of "work" as «έργο» is «αργός» and the source of the name for the chemical element argon.

23. Working things out
Verse routePhilippians 2:12 work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. [kjv]
Verse routeoboedistispraesentiaabsentiaoperamini [v]

The English meaning of "work out" is that of sitting down and making plans on how to design a solution to something. Engineers do this all the time. This is not the meaning of the Greek.

The Greek "work out" is, literally, that of "get down to work" with the idea of implementing a solution that God has already designed.

The ancient Greek word "κατεργάζομαι""effect by labor" as in "get down to work".
Verse route2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. [kjv]

Paul uses Aristotle's word for "actualization" twice in this verse.

24. Modern Greek
The modern Greek word "κατεργάζομαι" (ka-tehr-GA-zo-meh) ≈ "process, work, fashion" as in build or construct.

25. Strongs - work out

26. Usage - work out
Word usage per chapter Words: κατειργασατο κατειργασθαι κατειργασθη κατεργαζεσθαι κατεργαζεσθε κατεργαζεται=6 κατεργαζομαι=3 κατεργαζομενη κατεργαζομενοι κατεργαζομενου κατεργασαμενοι κατεργασαμενον κατεργασαμενος κατηργασατο=2

27. Looking ahead
To see this, the next verse will use the Greek which means, literally, "in working" but that had a specific philosophical meaning due to Aristotle.

It appears that since the Greek is "in working" the translation of, literally, "get down to work", was changed to "out working" or "work out" to fit the perceived pattern that ignores the technical meaning of the word from Aristotle (and that some in that Greek audience would recognize).

Information sign More: The actual potency and inner workings of energy

28. Energy of the mind
The energy of the mind is the essence of life. Aristotle (Greek scientist and philosopher)

The quote means "The actuality/thinking of the mind is the essence/potentiality of life".
Aristotle first coined the ancient Greek word "ενεργεί""actuality" (in his usage) and that means, literally, "inner work" or "in working". That is, "thinking" in contrast to a "potential".

This might be compared and/or contrasted with "I think, therefore I am" from Descartes.

Information sign More: René Descartes

29. Philippians 2:12
KJV: Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Greek: ωστε αγαπητοι μου καθως παντοτε υπηκουσατε μη ως εν τη παρουσια μου μονον αλλα νυν πολλω μαλλον εν τη απουσια μου μετα φοβου και τρομου την εαυτων σωτηριαν κατεργαζεσθε
Latin: itaque carissimi mei sicut semper oboedistis non ut in praesentia mei tantum sed multo magis nunc in absentia mea cum metu et tremore vestram salutem operamini
Luther: Also, meine Liebsten, wie ihr allezeit seid gehorsam gewesen, nicht allein in meiner Gegenwart, sondern auch nun viel mehr in meiner Abwesenheit: Schaffet, daß ihr selig werdet, mit Furcht und Zittern!

30. Whisper game
Whisper chain
What is the "whisper game", sometimes called the "telephone game"? Each culture appears to have their own name for this game.

Information sign More: Whisper game
What does it mean to "work out your own salvation"?

In the same way that the whisper game works, translations can slide the meaning of phrases over time. In logic terms (or logical fallacy terms) this is called an equivocation. Aristotle defined and named the fallacy of equivocation.

Information sign More: Equivocation deception between names and meanings

31. Faith and works
Verse routeJames 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? [kjv]

32. James 2:20
   James 2:20 
KJV: But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
Greek: θελεις δε γνωναι ω ανθρωπε κενε οτι η πιστις χωρις των εργων νεκρα αργη εστιν

33. Clarifying the previous verse
Verse routePhilippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. [kjv]

Using the terminology of Aristotle, the "worketh" and "to do" is that of "thinking" more than "doing".

The Greek for "good pleasure" is that of "good opinion". From God, such a "good opinion" is important. We are to do the "good opinion" of God and not teach the "good opinion" of ourselves - which Paul brought out in Philippians 1:12.
Verse route1:15 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: [kjv]

34. Philippians 2:13
KJV: For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Greek: ο θεος γαρ εστιν ο ενεργων εν υμιν και το θελειν και το ενεργειν υπερ της ευδοκιας

35. Philippians 2:3
KJV: Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Greek: μηδεν κατα κατ εριθειαν η μηδε κατα κενοδοξιαν αλλα τη ταπεινοφροσυνη αλληλους ηγουμενοι υπερεχοντας εαυτων

36. Good opinion
Paul continued the idea of "good opinion" in Philippians 2:3 where "vainglory" is "empty opinion".
Verse routePhilippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. [kjv]

37. Philippians 1:15
KJV: Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:
Greek: τινες μεν και δια φθονον και εριν τινες δε και δι ευδοκιαν τον χριστον κηρυσσουσιν

38. Review
Verse routePhilippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. [kjv]
Verse routeoboedistispraesentiaabsentiaoperamini [v]
Verse route2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. [kjv]

The "work out" is "get down to work". Using the terminology of Aristotle, the "worketh" and "to do" is that of "thinking" more than "doing".

Paul appears to be saying that instead of "head knowledge" and "mind games" one should "get down to work" by "doing something" for Christ.

39. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640