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A concise tome on insect divisions and sections
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. A concise tome on insect divisions and sections
The study of the Greek word for "insects" is interesting because the second part of the word is used in several words in the GNT (Greek New Testament). There is one word that is used once in the GNT and almost nowhere else.

2. Philippians 3:2-3 Possible solecism
Verse routePhilippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [kjv]
Verse routeβλεπετε τους κυνας βλεπετε τους κακους εργατας βλεπετε την κατατομην [gnt]
Verse routevidete concisionem [v]
Verse route3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. [kjv]
Verse routeημεις γαρ εσμεν η περιτομη οι πνευματι θεου λατρευοντες και καυχωμενοι εν χριστω ιησου και ουκ εν σαρκι πεποιθοτες [gnt]

The KJV (King James Version) uses "beware" from "be aware" but the Greek word is "see" or "observe". The word "concision" is from the Latin.

3. Solecisms

The English word "solecism" is the use of improper grammar as in a grammatical error in syntax. The word comes from the Greek city "Σόλοι""Soli" in Cilicia near the city of Tarsus. Paul was from Tarsus.

Aristotle uses the word "solecism" in terms of deception but uses it for creating ambiguity in speech, often by way of pronoun case usage.

Over time, solecisms often became part of a spoken (and written) language.

Information sign More: Solecisms

4. Philippians 3:2 Solecism
Verse routePhilippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [kjv]
Verse routeβλεπετε τους κυνας βλεπετε τους κακους εργατας βλεπετε την κατατομην [gnt]

Think outside the boxPaul could be using a "solecism" here but that is not clear. To do so, one might change the words as follows.
This is pointed out for completeness. To get a better picture, we may need to think outside the box.

Information sign More: Philippians 3:2-3 Possible solecism

5. Intersection
The ancient Greek word "τομή""notch, cut, intersection".

Verse routeJob 15:32 It shall be accomplished before his time, and his branch shall not be green. [kjv]
Verse routeHis branch shall not be greene, but shall be cut off before his day. [gb]
Verse routeη τομη αυτου προ ωρας φθαρησεται και ο ραδαμνος αυτου ου μη πυκαση [lxx]
Verse routeHis harvest shall perish before the time, and his branch shall not flourish. [bs3]

One meaning of the Greek word is a cutting of the harvest tops as a "cut".

6. Job 15:32
   Job 15:32 
KJV: It shall be accomplished before his time, and his branch shall not be green.
Hebrew: בלא יומו תמלא וכפתו לא רעננה׃
Greek: η τομη αυτου προ ωρας φθαρησεται και ο ραδαμνος αυτου ου μη πυκαση
Brenton: His harvest shall perish before the time, and his branch shall not flourish.
Geneva: His branch shall not be greene, but shall be cut off before his day.

7. Cuts
The English word "cut" means to create an "incision", divide with a knife, scissors, etc. A simple idea can acquire many other meanings from the original meaning.

Abstract ideas using the word cut
cut one's losses clean cut cut class cut a deal cut and dry
cut through the clutter clear cut cut off cut it out cut out for
cut to the chase cut above price cut cut loose cut the action
cut to the quick cut down short cut cut corners time to cut
Paul uses the Greek word (used only once in the Bible) that could mean "incision" or "cut". It appears more likely that a non-cut and more abstract meaning was intended.

8. Successive verses
Verse routePhilippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [kjv]
Verse routeβλεπετε τους κυνας βλεπετε τους κακους εργατας βλεπετε την κατατομην [gnt]
Verse routevidete concisionem [v]
Verse route3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. [kjv]
Verse routeημεις γαρ εσμεν η περιτομη οι πνευματι θεου λατρευοντες και καυχωμενοι εν χριστω ιησου και ουκ εν σαρκι πεποιθοτες [gnt]
Verse routecircumcisio … [v]

Whatever the meaning translated as "concision" it appears that Paul intended to connect "concision" with "circumcision" in the next verse.

9. Atomic moment
Verse route1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. [kjv]
Verse routeεν ατομω εν ριπη οφθαλμου εν τη εσχατη σαλπιγγι σαλπισει γαρ και οι νεκροι εγερθησονται αφθαρτοι και ημεις αλλαγησομεθα [gnt]

Atomic orbitsThe ancient Greek word "ἄτομος""uncut, indivisible, individual". This word is used by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:52 in reference to time.
The modern Greek word "άτομο" (A-to-mo) ≈ "person, atom".

10. Democritus
Book: Zitros Democritus 1 Book: Zitros Democritus 2
The ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Democritus (c. 460 - c. 370 BC), with some others, proposed an idea that today would be called "atomic theory". None of his work survives but many written accounts by others fill in some details.

That theory of atoms and molecules was not established until about 1900. Einstein and his 1905 paper on Brownian motion helped finally establish the atomic theory as an accepted reality.

11. Planck length
Verse route1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. [kjv]
Verse routeεν ατομω εν ριπη οφθαλμου εν τη εσχατη σαλπιγγι σαλπισει γαρ και οι νεκροι εγερθησονται αφθαρτοι και ημεις αλλαγησομεθα [gnt]

Plank Deutsche MarkSome take this "moment", or "twinkling of an eye", as a Planck length, named after Max Planck (1858-1947). This length is the smallest measurable length of (quantized) time (or space) that has any meaning. This as about 1.6x1035 meters or about 1020 times the size of a proton.

Information sign More: Reality of what is seen made of what cannot be seen

12. 1 Corinthians 15:52

KJV: In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Hebrew: ברגע אחד כהרף עין כתקע השופר האחרון כי יתקע בשופר והמתים יחיו בלי כליון ואנחנו נתחלף׃
Greek: εν ατομω εν ριπη οφθαλμου εν τη εσχατη σαλπιγγι σαλπισει γαρ και οι νεκροι εγερθησονται αφθαρτοι και ημεις αλλαγησομεθα
Latin: in momento in ictu oculi in novissima tuba canet enim et mortui resurgent incorrupti et nos inmutabimur

13. Tome
The English word "tome" is "one in a series of volumes" as in a "large scholarly work" and not usually for casual reading. The word comes from the Latin word "tomus""section of a larger work" which comes from the ancient Greek word "τόμος""section, roll of papyrus" and which comes from "τέμνω""I cut, separate".

14. Tome
In Isaiah 8:1 there is mention of a "tome" as a "roll", "scroll", "book".

Verse routeIsaiah 8:1 Moreover the LORD said unto me, Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man's pen concerning Maher–shalal–hash–baz. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν κυριος προς με λαβε σεαυτω τομον καινου μεγαλου και γραψον εις αυτον γραφιδι ανθρωπου του οξεως προνομην ποιησαι σκυλων παρεστιν γαρ [lxx]
Verse routelibrum … [v]
Verse routeAnd the Lord said to me, Take to yourself a volume of a great new book, and write in it with a man's pen concerning the making a rapid plunder of spoils; for it is near at hand. [bs3]

The Latin word "librum""book" and is the source of the English word "library".

Information sign More: Scrolls and books

15. Isaiah 8:1

   Isaiah 8:1 
KJV: Moreover the LORD said unto me, Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man's pen concerning Maher–shalal–hash–baz.
Hebrew: ויאמר יהוה אלי קח לך גליון גדול וכתב עליו בחרט אנוש למהר שלל חש בז׃
Greek: και ειπεν κυριος προς με λαβε σεαυτω τομον καινου μεγαλου και γραψον εις αυτον γραφιδι ανθρωπου του οξεως προνομην ποιησαι σκυλων παρεστιν γαρ
Brenton: And the Lord said to me, Take to yourself a volume of a great new book, and write in it with a man's pen concerning the making a rapid plunder of spoils; for it is near at hand.
Latin: et dixit Dominus ad me sume tibi librum grandem et scribe in eo stilo hominis Velociter spolia detrahe Cito praedare

16. Aristotle and atoms
Aristotle refers to the atomic theory of Democritus.

Aristotle often uses the ancient Greek word "ατομος""indivisible" to discuss length and time.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

Information sign More: Aristotle
Information sign More: Reality of what is seen made of what cannot be seen

17. Thomas
The word "tome" is not related to the name "Thomas" as in "doubting Thomas" who, because of his nickname, appears to have been a "twin".

Verse routeJohn 20:24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. [kjv]
Verse routeθωμας δε εις εκ των δωδεκα ο λεγομενος διδυμος ουκ ην μετ αυτων οτε ηλθεν ιησους [gnt]
Verse routeThomasduodecim … [v]
Verse route20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. [kjv]
Verse routeλεγει αυτω ο ιησους οτι εωρακας με πεπιστευκας μακαριοι οι μη ιδοντες και πιστευσαντες [gnt]

18. Thomas
The English word "Thomas" is from the Latin word "Thomas""Thomas" which is from the ancient Greek word "Θωμᾶς""Thomas" which is a transliteration of the Hebrew word "תאמא""Thomas".

19. Twin
The English word "Gemini" as a constellation is from the Latin word "geminus""twin".

The idea of a twin is translated as the ancient Greek word "δίδυμος""double, twofold, twin"which is a reduplication of the ancient Greek word "δύο""two"
Verse routeGenesis 38:27 And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb. [kjv]
Verse routeεγενετο δε ηνικα ετικτεν και τηδε ην διδυμα εν τη γαστρι αυτης [lxx]
Verse routegemini … [v]
Verse routeתאומים … [he]

20. Genesis 38:27
KJV: And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb.
Hebrew: ויהי בעת לדתה והנה תאומים בבטנה׃
Greek: εγενετο δε ηνικα ετικτεν και τηδε ην διδυμα εν τη γαστρι αυτης
Latin: instante autem partu apparuerunt gemini in utero atque in ipsa effusione infantum unus protulit manum in qua obsetrix ligavit coccinum dicens

21. Strongs - twins

22. John 20:24
   John 20:24 
KJV: But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.
Greek: θωμας δε εις εκ των δωδεκα ο λεγομενος διδυμος ουκ ην μετ αυτων οτε ηλθεν ο ιησους
Latin: Thomas autem unus ex duodecim qui dicitur Didymus non erat cum eis quando venit Iesus

23. John 20:29
   John 20:29 
KJV: Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
Greek: λεγει αυτω ο ιησους οτι εωρακας με θωμα πεπιστευκας μακαριοι οι μη ιδοντες και πιστευσαντες

24. Context
The context of the ancient Greek word "κατάτομη""niche" (as in a building) which became translated as the Latin word "concisio""to cut, destroy, mutilate" is at the start of Philippians 3.

Information sign More: Philippians 3:1-4 shifting gears to work the others
Information sign More: Philippians 3:5-8 not by works

Greek letterPart of the context of the verse is that Paul starts all three categories with the Greek letter "K" or "Kappa". Sometimes to get a word pattern, one must invent or stretch words.

Paul invents many words, sometimes as a play-on-word or a pun, sometimes for other effects. Like Jesus, Paul uses a lot of double meanings that depend on the words used, the way the words are used, the context, etc.

25. Philippians 3:2 Roman k sound
Verse routePhilippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [kjv]
Verse routeβλεπετε τους κυνας βλεπετε τους κακους εργατας βλεπετε την κατατομην [gnt]
Verse routevidete canes videte malos operarios videte concisionem [v]

Greek letterThe three word groups all start with the Greek "K" or "Kappa" letter. The "beware" means "see" or "observe".
In Roman times, the letter "k" was considered sinister and, in most cases, the Roman "c", with the same "k" sound, was used. Thus, "Caesar" was pronounced as "Kaiser". Carthage: Latin "Karthago" as "new Tyre", "Punic" as "Phoenician".

Later, the hard Latin "c" as "k" changed to the softer "c" as "s" or "ch" as in "church". The German word "die Kirche""church".

Information sign More: Philippians 3:1-4 shifting gears to work the others

26. Circumcision
The ancient Greek word "περιτομή""circular incision, circumcision" and comes from "περιτέμνω""to cut around, to circumcision"and comes from two Greek words.
Verse route1 Corinthians 7:19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. [kjv]
Verse routeη περιτομη ουδεν εστιν και η ακροβυστια ουδεν εστιν αλλα τηρησις εντολων θεου [gnt]

27. Acrobats
The English word "acrobat" comes, through French, from the ancient Greek word "ἀκροβάτης""acrobat". The words comes from two Greek words meaning "walking point to point".
The "point" at the end of a ridge such as the "Acropolis" tended to be "high" and at the "top" so the meaning gradually moved from "point" at the end of the ridge to point at the "top" with an assumption of "high".

The ancient Greek word "ἀκροβυστία""foreskin, uncircumcision". The etymology of the second part is not clear. The first part is from the ancient Greek word "ἄκρος""point, top".

28. Acropolis and temple

Like many cities, Colossae had an acropolis - a (high) point at the end of a mountain ridge.

Colossae had a theater, temple, etc.

Information sign More: City: Colossae

29. Cornerstone and acropolis
Verse routeEphesians 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; [kjv]
Verse routeεποικοδομηθεντες επι τω θεμελιω των αποστολων και προφητων οντος ακρογωνιαιου αυτου χριστου ιησου [gnt]

Paul makes the connection with Jesus explicit in Ephesians 2:10, though Paul uses a more explicit and literal word for "corner stone" that would be recognized by his Greek audience - using the prefix of "acro" as in "acropolis".

Information sign More: Matthew 21:42 Rock hard evidence of the key stone of the rejected cornerstone

30. Ephesians 2:20

KJV: And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
Greek: εποικοδομηθεντες επι τω θεμελιω των αποστολων και προφητων οντος ακρογωνιαιου αυτου ιησου χριστου ιησου
Latin: superaedificati super fundamentum apostolorum et prophetarum ipso summo angulari lapide Christo Iesu
Wycliffe: aboue bildid on the foundement of apostlis and of profetis, vpon that hiyeste corner stoon, Crist Jhesu;
Luther: erbauet auf den Grund der Apostel und Propheten, da Jesus Christus der Eckstein ist
Spanish: edificados sobre el fundamento de los apóstoles y profetas, siendo la principal piedra delángulo Jesucristo mismo,

31. Acumen
The Latin word "acuo""make pointed, sharpen" as in the English word "acumen" and is related to the (first part of the) words for "acropolis" and "acrobat" (from Greek). It is also the source of the English word "acid".

Information sign More: John 2:1 Wedding your appetite on an observant Tuesday from a blah Monday

32. 1 Corinthians 7:19
KJV: Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.
Greek: η περιτομη ουδεν εστιν και η ακροβυστια ουδεν εστιν αλλα τηρησις εντολων θεου

33. Strongs - circumcision

34. Usage - circumcision
Word usage per chapter Words: περιτομη=14 περιτομην=7 περιτομης=15

35. Strongs - uncircumcision

36. Usage - uncircumcision
Word usage per chapter Words: ακροβυστια=15 ακροβυστιαν=3 ακροβυστιας=2

37. Unique word
Both the words for "circumcision" and "uncircumcision" in the GNT (and elsewhere) are well established. Here we are interested in a word used one time by Paul. The KJV uses the word "beware" from "be aware" but the Greek word is that of "see" or "observe".

Verse routePhilippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [kjv]
Verse routeβλεπετε τους κυνας βλεπετε τους κακους εργατας βλεπετε την κατατομην [gnt]
Verse routevidete concisionem [v]

Paul appears to be pointing out extra and unneeded work that is being done and distracting from the true message of Christ. In that respect, it appears to be a problem important enough within the group, and not obvious to many, such that Paul needs to point it out. What might that be?

38. Philippians 3:2
KJV: Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
Greek: βλεπετε τους κυνας βλεπετε τους κακους εργατας βλεπετε την κατατομην
Latin: videte canes videte malos operarios videte concisionem

39. Philippians 3:3
KJV: For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
Greek: ημεις γαρ εσμεν η περιτομη οι πνευματι θεω θεου λατρευοντες και καυχωμενοι εν χριστω ιησου και ουκ εν σαρκι πεποιθοτες
Latin: nos enim sumus circumcisio qui spiritu Deo servimus et gloriamur in Christo Iesu et non in carne fiduciam habentes

40. Latin
Verse routePhilippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [kjv]
Verse routevidete concisionem [v]

The Latin uses the Latin word "videte""see" and the Latin word "concisio""to cut, destroy, mutilate". Some say that the "concision" represents a group that believed in self-mutilation of the body.

The Latin word "concisus""cut up, broken up" and is the source of the English word "concise".

41. Strongs - concision

42. Usage - concision
Strongs gives the definition of "concision" as "false circumcision". It is not clear how this is determined. There is another Greek word for "cutting off".

Word usage per chapter Words: απεκοψαν απεκοψεν=2 αποκοψον=2 αποκοψονται κατατομην

43. University of Chicago
The University of Chicago Ancient Greek search web page is at There appear to be only a few matches. One meaning is as "part of a theater". The only match with link to the source was the following result.

Greek: δεῖ τὸν μισθὸν πράττεσθαι. καὶ καθήμενος κάτω ὑπὸ τῇ κατατομῇ, οὗπερ εἴωθε καθῆσθαι, ἐκέλευε Μνησίθεον τὸν χορ Hyperides Against Demosthenes 1.1.

English: but to find out from how large a sum he was to collect his commission. Sitting below in his usual place in the niche, he told Mnesitheus the dancer Perseus at Tufts

The footnote at the web site says: It is not known what niche is meant. It may have been a cutting in the side of the Pnyx. The word κατατομή is cited by Harpocration as occurring in this speech.

44. English
In English, the words "notch", "niche" and "nest" are related.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

45. Sites


(as of 2023-01-16)

46. Temple
The English word "temple" comes from the Latin word "templum""shrine, temple" which originally meant an "open space", much as a "niche" in English. Over time, the meaning narrowed from "open space" to a space used for worship purposes.

The "Knights Templar" were established by the Catholic church during the time of the Crusades. A few centuries later, however, many were arrested, tortured and executed.

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47. Septuagint
This Latin word "concision" is used in Joel in the LXX (Septuagint).

Verse routeJoel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. [kjv]
Verse routeηχοι εξηχησαν εν τη κοιλαδι της δικης οτι εγγυς ημερα κυριου εν τη κοιλαδι της δικης [lxx]
Verse routeconcisionisconcisionis [v]

The Hebrew word appears to be that of "decision" so it is not clear why the Latin uses the word "concisio""to cut, destroy, mutilate". The English word "decide" comes, through French, from the Latin word "decido""cut off, decide".

48. Joel 3:14
   Joel 3:14 
KJV: Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
Hebrew: המונים המונים בעמק החרוץ כי קרוב יום יהוה בעמק החרוץ׃
Greek: ηχοι εξηχησαν εν τη κοιλαδι της δικης οτι εγγυς ημερα κυριου εν τη κοιλαδι της δικης
Latin: populi populi in valle concisionis quia iuxta est dies Domini in valle concisionis

49. A concise tome on insect divisions and sections
The study of "insects" is called "entomology".
The ancient Greek word "έντομα""insects" and which is short for the ancient Greek word "ἔντομα ζῷα""insect animals" or "insect life".

Aristotle coined the word "insect" from the idea that their bodies were "in sections".

The calque of the Greek word is the Latin word "insectum""with a notched body" as, from the Greek, "in sections", and is the source, through French, of the English word "insect".

50. Latin
The Latin word "inseco""cut up, incise".

51. Aristotle
Aristotle coined the word "insect" from the idea that their bodies were "in sections".
Greek: Καλῶ δ’ ἔντομα ὅσα ἔχει κατὰ τὸ σῶμα ἐντομάς Aristotle, History of Animals 1.487a.33.
English: I call "notched" all those that have "notched" bodies.
English: I call "in sections" all those that have "in sectioned" bodies.

Information sign More: Aristotle

52. Sections
The ancient Greek word "έντομον""insect", coined by Aristotle, is from the ancient Greek word "ἔντομος""cut into pieces" and is from two Greek words
The calque of the Greek word is the Latin word "insectum""with a notched body" as, from the Greek, "in sections", and is the source, through French, of the English word "insect".

53. Lice
The "lice" in the plagues of Moses in Egypt are a form of "bug".

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54. Exodus 8:16
   Exodus 8:16 
KJV: And the LORD said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt.
Hebrew: ויאמר יהוה אל משה אמר אל אהרן נטה את מטך והך את עפר הארץ והיה לכנם בכל ארץ מצרים׃
Greek: ειπεν δε κυριος προς μωυσην ειπον ααρων εκτεινον τη χειρι την ραβδον σου και παταξον το χωμα της γης και εσονται σκνιφες εν τε τοις ανθρωποις και εν τοις τετραποσιν και εν παση γη αιγυπτου
Brenton: And the Lord said to Moses, Say to Aaron, Stretch forth your rod with your hand and strike the dust of the earth; and there shall be lice both upon man, and upon quadrupeds, and in all the land of Egypt.
Latin: dixitque Dominus ad Mosen loquere ad Aaron extende virgam tuam et percute pulverem terrae et sint scinifes in universa terra Aegypti
Wycliffe: And the Lord seide to Moises, Spek thou to Aaron, Holde forth thi yerde, and smyte the dust of erthe, and litle flies, ether gnattis, be in al the lond of Egipt.
Luther: Und der Herr sprach zu Mose: Sage Aaron: Recke deinen Stab aus und schlag in den Staub auf Erden, daß Läuse werden in ganz Ägyptenland.

55. Strongs - lice

56. Leviticus
Leviticus covers some other insects.

57. Leviticus 11:22 Clean bugs
Verse routeLeviticus 11:22 Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ταυτα φαγεσθε απ αυτων τον βρουχον και τα ομοια αυτω και τον αττακην και τα ομοια αυτω και την ακριδα και τα ομοια αυτη και τον οφιομαχην και τα ομοια αυτω [lxx]

58. Leviticus 11:22

KJV: Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind.
Hebrew: את אלה מהם תאכלו את הארבה למינו ואת הסלעם למינהו ואת החרגל למינהו ואת החגב למינהו׃
Greek: και ταυτα φαγεσθε απ αυτων τον βρουχον και τα ομοια αυτω και τον αττακην και τα ομοια αυτω και την ακριδα και τα ομοια αυτη και τον οφιομαχην και τα ομοια αυτω
Brenton: And these of them you° shall eat: the caterpillar and his like, and the attacus and his like, and the cantharus and his like, and the locust and his like.
Latin: comedere debetis ut est brucus in genere suo et attacus atque ophiomachus ac lucusta singula iuxta genus suum

59. Leviticus 11:22-24 Unclean bugs
Verse routeLeviticus 11:22 Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ταυτα φαγεσθε απ αυτων τον βρουχον και τα ομοια αυτω και τον αττακην και τα ομοια αυτω και την ακριδα και τα ομοια αυτη και τον οφιομαχην και τα ομοια αυτω [lxx]
Verse route11:23 But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you. [kjv]
Verse routeπαν ερπετον απο των πετεινων οις εστιν τεσσαρες ποδες βδελυγμα εστιν υμιν [lxx]
Verse route11:24 And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean until the even. [kjv]

GnatInsects such as mosquitoes and gnats, that could fly and had four feet, were unclean.

60. Leviticus 11:23

KJV: But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you.
Hebrew: וכל שרץ העוף אשר לו ארבע רגלים שקץ הוא לכם׃
Greek: παν ερπετον απο των πετεινων οις εστιν τεσσαρες ποδες βδελυγμα εστιν υμιν
Brenton: Every creeping thing from amongst the birds, which has four feet, is an abomination to you.

61. Leviticus 11:24
KJV: And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean until the even.
Hebrew: ולאלה תטמאו כל הנגע בנבלתם יטמא עד הערב׃
Greek: και εν τουτοις μιανθησεσθε πας ο απτομενος των θνησιμαιων αυτων ακαθαρτος εσται εως εσπερας

62. LXX
A variation of the Greek word coined by Aristotle for "insect" appears three times in the LXX. All appear to have to do with making cuttings in the flesh.

Verse routeLeviticus 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι εντομιδας επι ψυχη ου ποιησετε εν τω σωματι υμων και γραμματα στικτα ου ποιησετε εν υμιν εγω ειμι κυριος ο θεος υμων [lxx]

The general category of such offenses appears to be that one is "rebelling" against the way that God has created that person.

63. Leviticus 19:28
KJV: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Hebrew: ושרט לנפש לא תתנו בבשרכם וכתבת קעקע לא תתנו בכם אני יהוה׃
Greek: και εντομιδας επι ψυχη ου ποιησετε εν τω σωματι υμων και γραμματα στικτα ου ποιησετε εν υμιν εγω ειμι κυριος ο θεος υμων

64. Baldness
Verse routeLeviticus 21:5 They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι φαλακρωμα ου ξυρηθησεσθε την κεφαλην επι νεκρω και την οψιν του πωγωνος ου ξυρησονται και επι τας σαρκας αυτων ου κατατεμουσιν εντομιδας [lxx]
Verse routeAnd you° shall not shave your head for the dead with a baldness on the top; and they shall not shave their beard, neither shall they make gashes on their flesh. [bs3]

65. Leviticus 21:5
KJV: They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
Hebrew: לא יקרחה קרחה בראשם ופאת זקנם לא יגלחו ובבשרם לא ישרטו שרטת׃
Greek: και φαλακρωμα ου ξυρηθησεσθε την κεφαλην επι νεκρω και την οψιν του πωγωνος ου ξυρησονται και επι τας σαρκας αυτων ου κατατεμουσιν εντομιδας
Brenton: And you° shall not shave your head for the dead with a baldness on the top; and they shall not shave their beard, neither shall they make gashes on their flesh.

66. Jeremiah
Verse routeJeremiah 16:6 Both the great and the small shall die in this land: they shall not be buried, neither shall men lament for them, nor cut themselves, nor make themselves bald for them: [kjv]
Verse routeου μη κοψωνται αυτους ουδε εντομιδας ου μη ποιησωσιν και ου ξυρησονται [lxx]
Verse routeThey shall not bewail them, nor make cuttings for them, and they shall not shave themselves for them: [bs3]

67. Jeremiah 16:6
KJV: Both the great and the small shall die in this land: they shall not be buried, neither shall men lament for them, nor cut themselves, nor make themselves bald for them:
Hebrew: ומתו גדלים וקטנים בארץ הזאת לא יקברו ולא יספדו להם ולא יתגדד ולא יקרח להם׃
Greek: ου μη κοψωνται αυτους ουδε εντομιδας ου μη ποιησωσιν και ου ξυρησονται
Brenton: They shall not bewail them, nor make cuttings for them, and they shall not shave themselves for them:

68. Other insects
Some other specific insects and insect parts are now covered.

A general term for many insects is a "bug".

69. Grace Hopper: First computer bug
In the early days of computers, the first documented computer bug was a "moth" that had short-circuited a switch in a computer circuit.

The first bug was documented by Grace Hopper (first computer bug) , though the term bug goes back further than computers.

Information sign More: Grace Hopper

70. Horned antenna
*G2762 *2 κεραία (ker-ah'-yah) : feminine of a presumed derivative of the base of G2768; something horn-like, i.e. (specially) the apex of a Hebrew letter (figuratively, the least particle):--tittle.
Word usage per chapter Words: κεραια=1 κεραιαν

antennaThe modern Greek word "κεραία" (keh-REH-a) ≈ "antenna"is from the ancient Greek word "κεραία""little horn, antennae of an insect" and anything projecting as a (small) horn. This word is found 2 times in the GNT and both times translated as "tittle".

Horizontal hornsThese words derive from the ancient Greek word "κέρας""horn" which is related to the English word "cornet".
[Boy Scout after repairing the car horn]

Information sign More: Horns and trumpets and tubas
Information sign More: Matthew 13:7,22 A pointed discussion of thorny riches
Information sign More: Matthew 10:16 An unworldly thorny issue that is for the pigeon birds

71. So far as the net gain of a gnat into a canopy
Gnat Camel
Some Greek words went to other languages, such as Latin, and eventually made their way back to Greek meaning something different.
Verse routeMatthew 23:24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. [kjv]
Verse routeοδηγοι τυφλοι διυλιζοντες τον κωνωπα την δε καμηλον καταπινοντες [gnt]

This happened to the ancient Greek word for "mosquito". That word appears once in the GNT and not in the LXX.

Rather than a translation by Matthew from the Aramaic, Jesus appears to be using some play on some Greek words that have Semitic origins.

Information sign More: So far as the net gain of a gnat into a canopy

72. Proverbs 30:27 Locusts and commands
Proverbs talks of a delocalized group of "insects" that are coordinated in their efforts via an otherwise unspecified "command".

Verse routeProverbs 30:27 The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands; [kjv]
Verse routeαβασιλευτον εστιν η ακρις και εκστρατευει αφ ενος κελευσματος ευτακτως [lxx]
Verse routeThe locusts have no king, and yet march orderly at one command. [bs3]
Verse routelocustno kynggoith out … [wy]

The opposite of the Greek word for "command" is that of "follow". Jesus says to "follow" him, not be a "leader" and "command" in the human organizational (house of sand) sense.

Information sign More: Words: Follow as not commanding

73. Breastplates and thoraxes
Verse routeRevelation 9:9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειχαν θωρακας ως θωρακας σιδηρους και η φωνη των πτερυγων αυτων ως φωνη αρματων ιππων πολλων τρεχοντων εις πολεμον [gnt]
Verse routePanzerPanzer… [lu]

That "panzer" armor was originally a "breastplate". The Greek term was used by Paul in Ephesians. In English, the "thorax" is the middle part of an insect or the chest cavity of a human or animal.

Information sign More: Ephesians 6: Defending the full armor of God

74. A scatter-brained approach to the sting of a scorpion
Verse routeMatthew 12:30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. [kjv]
Verse routeο μη ων μετ εμου κατ εμου εστιν και ο μη συναγων μετ εμου σκορπιζει [gnt]

In Greek, the words for "scorpion" and "scatter" are related. It is unclear as to which word came from which, but both are used in the LXX and GNT. Certainly scorpions would cause a group to scatter or move away from them.

The word for "gather" is that of a "gathering" or "synagogue" which is a Greek word and not a Hebrew word.

The ancient Greek word "συναγωγή""gathering".

Information sign More: A scatter-brained approach to the sting of a scorpion

75. Ant
Verse routeProverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: [kjv]
Verse routeιθι προς τον μυρμηκα ω οκνηρε και ζηλωσον ιδων τας οδους αυτου και γενου εκεινου σοφωτερος [lxx]
Verse routeformicampigersapientiam [v]
Verse route6:7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, [kjv]
Verse routeεκεινω γαρ γεωργιου μη υπαρχοντος μηδε τον αναγκαζοντα εχων μηδε υπο δεσποτην ων [lxx]
Verse routeducempraeceptoremprincipem [v]
Verse route6:8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. [kjv]
Verse routeετοιμαζεται θερους την τροφην πολλην τε εν τω αμητω ποιειται την παραθεσιν η πορευθητι προς την μελισσαν και μαθε ως εργατις εστιν την τε εργασιαν ως σεμνην ποιειται ης τους πονους βασιλεις και ιδιωται προς υγιειαν προσφερονται ποθεινη δε εστιν πασιν και επιδοξος καιπερ ουσα τη ρωμη ασθενης την σοφιαν τιμησασα προηχθη [lxx]

The LXX includes a detailed discussion of the "bee" that is not in the KJV (based on the Hebrew).

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

76. Proverbs 6:6
   Proverbs 6:6 
KJV: Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
Hebrew: לך אל נמלה עצל ראה דרכיה וחכם׃
Greek: ιθι προς τον μυρμηκα ω οκνηρε και ζηλωσον ιδων τας οδους αυτου και γενου εκεινου σοφωτερος
Latin: vade ad formicam o piger et considera vias eius et disce sapientiam

77. Proverbs 6:7
   Proverbs 6:7 
KJV: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
Hebrew: אשר אין לה קצין שטר ומשל׃
Greek: εκεινω γαρ γεωργιου μη υπαρχοντος μηδε τον αναγκαζοντα εχων μηδε υπο δεσποτην ων
Latin: quae cum non habeat ducem nec praeceptorem nec principem

78. Proverbs 6:8
   Proverbs 6:8 
KJV: Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
Hebrew: תכין בקיץ לחמה אגרה בקציר מאכלה׃
Greek: ετοιμαζεται θερους την τροφην πολλην τε εν τω αμητω ποιειται την παραθεσιν η πορευθητι προς την μελισσαν και μαθε ως εργατις εστιν την τε εργασιαν ως σεμνην ποιειται ης τους πονους βασιλεις και ιδιωται προς υγιειαν προσφερονται ποθεινη δε εστιν πασιν και επιδοξος καιπερ ουσα τη ρωμη ασθενης την σοφιαν τιμησασα προηχθη

79. End of page

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