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Hebrew alphabet
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Hebrew alphabet
The traditional Hebrew alphabet, with 22 letters. Hebrew lettersNote that Hebrew does not have vowels, just consonants. It is written from right to left. Some letters have different final forms, not shown here.

2. Hebrew letter: Bet as house
Hebrew letter
 ב = bet 
The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet "Bet", means house.

3. Hebrew letter: Lamed as rod and staff
Hebrew letter
The 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet "ל" (lamed) ≈ "lamed" and represents a "rod" or "staff" and appears to resemble such. A "rod" or "prod" is used to direct something in a certain direction.
The name of the letter lamed, the Hebrew word "לםד""learning, studies" is related to the "rod" and "staff" but has to do with learning (or teaching) or guiding.
*H3928 לִמּוּד לִמּוּד (lim-mood') : or limmud {lim-mood'}; from H3925; instructed: -accustomed, disciple, learned, taught, used.

4. Tanakh in Hebrew
The Hebrew Bible is called, in Hebrew, the The Hebrew word "תנייך" (Tanakh) ≈ "Tanakh" represents what is often called the OT (Old Testament). In Jewish tradition, the parts of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) are as follows. From the letter sounds "T", "n" and "kh" comes the word "Tanakh".

5. Hebrew Bible
תנייך - Tanakh

6. Parts of the Hebrew Bible
The Hebrew letters stand for the following.

7. Torah - instruction/law
The Torah, or instruction/law, are the books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. תורה - Torah

8. Nevi'im - writings
These writings are sometimes called the Hagiographa. נביאים - Nevi'im

9. Ketuvim - prophets
The Ketuvim contains the major and minor prophets. כתובים - Ketuvim
These books are generally arranged from the longest to the shortest and not in order of importance nor in chronological order.

10. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640