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Ignorance of agnostic lack of belief
1. Ignorance of agnostic lack of belief
2. Distributed knowledge
The following is part of reasoning about
distributed knowledge systems.
It is not enough to "know" something, like when the light turns red, stop! (Or, three more cars can go through).
One must "know" that "everyone knows". This is not enough.
One must "know" that "everyone knows" that "everyone knows", ..., for the number of people involved in the "knows".
One can argue that "
common sense" among a group of people is the fixed point of the "
knows" relation applied to that group of people.
3. Ignorance of agnostic lack of belief
Ignorance has to do with not knowing something with an emphasis on "
not knowing that one does not know".
As soon as you can say "
I do not know X" then "
you know that you do not know X".
For computer scientists and others dealing with and reasoning about knowledge, an important concept is "
knowing that you know" something. John understands this.
1 John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. [kjv]
και εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εγνωκαμεν αυτον εαν τας εντολας αυτου τηρωμεν [gnt]
4. 1 John 2:3
KJV: And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
Greek: και εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εγνωκαμεν αυτον εαν τας εντολας αυτου τηρωμεν
5. Grid
There are four possibilities for the grid of possibilities. Here are some shorter descriptions.
I know that I do not know: apathy
I do not know that I do not know: ignorance
I know that I know: awareness of existence ("I think therefore I am")
I do not know that I know: instinct, "you did not teach me anything", "I had to learn it all myself"
6. Skeptic
To be a "
skeptic", by definition, one must "
think" about what it is of which one is "
skeptical". This comes from the original meaning of the Greek word.
Details are left as a future topic.
7. Ignorance
Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn. Benjamin Franklin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman)
8. Ignorance
True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it. Karl Popper (Austrian-British science philosopher)
9. Stupidity
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. Benjamin Franklin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman)
10. Opinion
You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant. Harlan Ellison.
11. Statistics
The field of statistics is based on making a decision based on what is known and without knowing other things.
One does not know the entire population whose properties are being estimated.
One knows that one does not know certain things. This might be a systematic error.
One does not know about what one does not know This can be important.
A census can try to measure the entire population or it may just sample that population in order to estimate the desired characteristics.
12. I know nothing
Sometimes, one knows something.
Sometimes, one knows nothing - except that one knows nothing (a paradox of sorts).
Sometimes, one knows things that are not really so.
13. I know nothing
Sometimes one does not know. Socrates has a famous quote
Greek: εν οίδα ότι ουδέν οίδα
English: The only thing I know is that I know nothing.
This is a self-referential statement. How can one "
know" that one knows "
nothing"? Or is this a figurative and not a literal or logical saying. The healed blind man in John uses a somewhat similar wording.
14. I know nothing
In the 1960's, the saying, "
I know nothing!", drawn out with a German accent, was made famous on a TV show called Hogan's Heros by Sergeant Schultz, played by John Banner.
15. Ignorance
The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so. Ronald Reagan (40th President of the United States)
16. Knowing that something is unknown
Sometimes, one does "knows that one does not know".
17. Ignorance and the unknown
In Acts, Paul encounters a situation where the people appear to know that they might not know something.
Acts 17:23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. [kjv]
The Latin word is the source of the English word
"ignorance" and the Greek word is the source of the English word
"agnostic". Both have the idea of "
unknown" or "
not knowing".
18. Acts 17:23
KJV: For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
Greek: διερχομενος γαρ και αναθεωρων τα σεβασματα υμων ευρον και βωμον εν ω επεγεγραπτο αγνωστω θεω ον ο ουν αγνοουντες ευσεβειτε τουτον τουτο εγω καταγγελλω υμιν
Latin: praeteriens enim et videns simulacra vestra inveni et aram in qua scriptum erat ignoto deo quod ergo ignorantes colitis hoc ego adnuntio vobis
Wycliffe: For Y passide, and siy youre maumetis, and foond an auter, in which was writun, To the vnknowun God. Therfor which thing ye vnknowynge worschipen, this thing Y schew to you.
Tyndale: For as I passed by and behelde the maner how ye worship youre goddes I founde an aultre wher in was written: vnto ye vnknowen god. Whom ye then ignoratly worship him shewe I vnto you.
Luther: Ich bin herdurchgegangen und habe gesehen eure Gottesdienste und fand einen Altar, darauf war geschrieben: Dem unbekannten Gott. Nun verkündige ich euch denselbigen, dem ihr unwissend Gottesdienst tut.
Spanish: porque pasando y mirando vuestros santuarios, también hallé un altar en el cual estaba esta inscripción: AL DIOS NO CONOCIDO. Aquél, pues, que vosotros adoráis sin conocerle, aÉste yo os anuncio.
Portuguese: Percorrendo a vossa cidade e examinando os vossos monumentos sagrados, até encontrei um altar com esta inscrição: 'Ao Deus desconhecido. 'Pois bem! Aquele que venerais sem o conhecer é esse que eu vos anuncio.
19. Knowing that something is unknown
It is important to know that something is unknown. There is a fine line between the following.
I know what I do not know. Really?
I know that I do not know that.
This is especially important in a field such as software engineering.
20. Knowledge
It is essential not to profess to know, or to seem to know, or to accept that someone else knows, that which is unknown. James McCarthy (Microsoft software developer and manager)
McCarthy, J. (1995).
Dynamics of Software Development. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press., p. 99.
21. Ignorance
It is acceptable - even mandatory - to articulate your ignorance, so that no one misjudges the state of things, how much is still unknown. If you don't cultivate and disseminate a "lucid ignorance", disaster will surely befall you. James McCarthy (Microsoft software developer and manager)
McCarthy, J. (1995).
Dynamics of Software Development. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press., p. 99.
22. Unknowns
...when something is unknown, the best policy is to state that simple fact, even if the unknown is not knowing when the software will ship. Don't worry about it. No one can be hired to take your place who will be able to know the unknown. James McCarthy (Microsoft software developer and manager)
McCarthy, J. (1995).
Dynamics of Software Development. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press., p. 100.
23. Unknown become known
At some point, an unknown may become known.
Paul speaks of this in 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter.
1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. [kjv]
βλεπομεν γαρ αρτι δι εσοπτρου εν αινιγματι τοτε δε προσωπον προς προσωπον αρτι γινωσκω εκ μερους τοτε δε επιγνωσομαι καθως και επεγνωσθην [gnt]
24. 1 Corinthians 13:12
KJV: For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Greek: βλεπομεν γαρ αρτι δι εσοπτρου εν αινιγματι τοτε δε προσωπον προς προσωπον αρτι γινωσκω εκ μερους τοτε δε επιγνωσομαι καθως και επεγνωσθην
25. Greek
26. A dark and enigmatic praise
1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. [kjv]
βλεπομεν γαρ αρτι δι εσοπτρου εν αινιγματι τοτε δε προσωπον προς προσωπον αρτι γινωσκω εκ μερους τοτε δε επιγνωσομαι καθως και επεγνωσθην [gnt]
… speculum … enigmate … [v]
The ancient Greek word
"αινείτε" ≈ "praise" is related to the ancient Greek word
"αἴνιγμα" ≈ "riddle, taunt, dark saying" and is the source of the English word "
The word the
KJV often translates as "
darkly" has the idea of an "
enigma" which is the original Greek word.
27. A prefix alpha to negate
The Greek prefix "
α" (alpha) negates the word for which it is a prefix. This has come through to English in many pairs of words.
theist and atheist
typical and atypical
periodic and aperiodic
synchronous and asynchronous
The same idea comes through in many English words taken from the Greek.
28. Atheist
29. Atheist hot-line

At one time, there was a joke that someone called the "
Atheist Anonymous" hot-line. No one answered! Today, there may actually be such a phone line.
30. Agnostic
31. Thomas Huxley
The term "
agnostic" was coined by Thomas Huxley (1825-1895) in 1870. He was known as "
Darwin's bulldog" for his dogmatic support of the ideas of the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin.
32. Agnostic
An "agnostic" is someone who does not believe in God, but prefers to claim to not have enough "knowledge" to know that God exists.
An "agnostic" is a functional atheist in the same manner that a "Deist" is a functional atheist. That is, from a functional point of view, how would their behavior, thoughts, etc., differ from being, say, an "agnostic" and being an "atheist".
If there is no discernible difference, from a functional point of view they are the same.
This is the principle of "referential transparency".
33. Referential transparency
Mathematical functions can be considered black boxes that, given an
input, provide an
output. This is much like a computer program. In a
black box function, you cannot see inside. You should not "
judge" or "
separate" based on the internal workings of the box - which you cannot see nor fully understand. Instead, you should "
judge" or "
separate" based on the external behavior of the box.
The principle of
referential transparency can be stated as follows.
If f(x) is equal to g(x) for all x in the domain of concern, then function f is equal to function g.
That is, if
f and
g are provided input
x and both produce output
y, for the domain of concern they can be considered the same.
The Greek word for "
judge" or "
separate" is related to the Greek word for "
34. Ignoramus
The Latin word for "
agnostic" would be
"ignoramus" ≈ "ignorant" and, literally, "
we do not know". Today, this word has a negative connotation which was not necessarily the original meaning.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. [kjv]
ut non circumveniamur a Satana non enim ignoramus cogitationes eius [v]
The "
devices" is, in the Greek, things of the mind. That is, "
mind tricks".
35. 2 Corinthians 2:11
KJV: Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Greek: ινα μη πλεονεκτηθωμεν υπο του σατανα ου γαρ αυτου τα νοηματα αγνοουμεν
Latin: ut non circumveniamur a Satana non enim ignoramus cogitationes eius
Wycliffe: that we be not disseyued of Sathanas; for we knowen hise thouytis.
Gothic: ei ni gaaiginondau fram satanin; unte ni sijum unwitandans munins is.
Luther: auf daß wir nicht übervorteilt werden vom Satan; denn uns ist nicht unbewußt, was er im Sinn hat.
Spanish: para que no nos gane Satanás; pues no ignoramos sus maquinaciones.
Portuguese: para que não sejamos enganados por Satanás, já que não ignoramos as suas maquinações.
36. Ignorance
Sign: "The ignorant are ignorant of their ignorance.".
That is, "They do not know what they do not know.".
To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant. Amos Bronson Alcott.
37. Marketing

Part of the purpose of marketing is to make people aware of things of which they are not aware.
That is, to move them from "
I do not know that I want that" to "
I know that I want that". Sometimes the marketing slogans are repeated without end.
38. Open my eyes
39. Psalms 119:18
KJV: Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
Hebrew: גל עיני ואביטה נפלאות מתורתך׃
Greek: αποκαλυψον τους οφθαλμους μου και κατανοησω τα θαυμασια σου εκ του νομου σου
Latin: revela oculos meos et videbo mirabilia in lege tua
Luther: Öffne mir die Augen, daß ich sehe die Wunder an deinem Gesetze.
Spanish: Abre mis ojos, y miraré las maravillas de tu ley.
40. Matthew 6:22
KJV: The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Greek: ο λυχνος του σωματος εστιν ο οφθαλμος εαν ουν η ο οφθαλμος σου απλους η ολον το σωμα σου φωτεινον εσται
Latin: lucerna corporis est oculus si fuerit oculus tuus simplex totum corpus tuum lucidum erit
41. Market research
However, one cannot ask customers about things of which the do not know or of which they have no idea or concept of what it is.
42. Marketing research
... this fundamental precept - that marketing research done for a product that does not yet exist is useless.
Hammer, M., & Champy, J. (1993).
Reengineering the corporation. New York: HarperBusiness., p. 93.
One example is the introduction of Sony Walkman. Another example is the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
43. Ideas

Sometimes, the act of announcing that something is "
prohibited" gives people the idea that they might want to do that.
Sign: "No fishing from bridge".
Can we do that? Thanks for giving me the idea.
Are there any parts of the Bible that by prohibiting certain behavior may give some people the idea to do such things?
44. Dilbert and ignorance

Scott Adams, creator of the cartoon series (and books) Dilbert (and related characters), uses ignorance as one (among many) themes in his humor. One book (of cartoons) is entitled "
When did ignorance become a point of view?".
A related fallacy is the "
appeal to ignorance " fallacy.
A proposition not yet proven false is true.
A proposition not yet proven true is false.
45. Outsourcing
Example: When management announces that they are going to outsource everything the company is not good at, the engineers cheer. Then, with horror, they realize that they do not know what they are not good at. What they are not good at is management.
Alice: "
They're not good at knowing what they're not good at.".
Reference: (as of 2022-05-07).
46. UML
UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a notation and system for designing solutions.
While teaching a software engineering graduate course in software project management, a student asked why one never sees jobs whose primary requirement is UML.
I thought quickly and realized the following. Most jobs are for worker bee's to complete the desired work. (Alan Kay has a comment to this effect as bricklayers for the pyramids). Places have already decided on the solution and do not want help with that part.
47. Ignorance
Ignorance must account for the fact that what appears impossible now may become possible in the future.
A general term for this phenomena is the "
black swan" effect.
48. White swans
The "
black swan" was a common expression in London in the 1500's and referred to something impossible. Until that time, all known swans were white.
49. Black swans
In 1697 Dutch explorers discovered black swans in Western Australia. The meaning of "
black swan" changed from something impossible to something that was assumed to be impossible but might, at some point in time, become possible (or happen).
50. Books

In his book,
Fooled by randomness (2001), Taleb introduces the "
black swan" idea to refer to business (and other world) events and was then developed into the book
The black swan (2007).
Today, the term "
black swan" is sometimes used in business to refer to a problem one never thought would happen and then, suddenly, it appears, like the black swan.
51. Northwest passage
It as hard to show non-existence of a solution.
A historical example: The northwest passage (above North America). The entire region had to be explored to determine that such a passage (for ships) did not exist (at that time) due to ice.
One may be "
ignorant" of a solution, but one "
knows" that one "
does not know".
52. Latin
The Latin word
"ignorantes" ≈ "ignorant, unknown" is the source of the English word "
Apparently Huxley (and others) would rather be known as an "
agnostic" (Greek term) rather than an "
ignoramus" (Latin term).
Is that something we should "
53. 1 Corinthians 14:38 Ignorance
1 Corinthians 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. [kjv]
ει δε τις αγνοει αγνοειται [gnt]
… ignorat ignorabitur [v]
The Greek word for "
ignorance" appears many times in the
LXX (Septuagint) and
GNT (Greek New Testament).
54. 1 Corinthians 14:38
KJV: But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
Greek: ει δε τις αγνοει αγνοειτω αγνοειται
Latin: si quis autem ignorat ignorabitur
Wycliffe: And if ony man vnknowith, he schal be vnknowun.
Luther: Ist aber jemand unwissend, der sei, unwissend.
Slavonic: Аще ли кто не разумеет, да не разумевает.
Russian: А кто не разумеет, пусть не разумеет.
Spanish: Mas si alguno es ignorante, sea ignorante.
Portuguese: Mas se alguém não o reconhecer, também não será reconhecido.
55. 2 Corinthians 6:6 Ignorant pureness
2 Corinthians 6:6 By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, [kjv]
εν αγνοτητι εν γνωσει εν μακροθυμια εν χρηστοτητι εν πνευματι αγιω εν αγαπη ανυποκριτω [gnt]
In this verse, the
KJV translates what would appear to be
"ignorant" but, instead, is
"pureness". The Greek word means chaste and comes from another Greek word for "
holy" or "
The ancient Greek word "ἁγνός" ≈ "chaste, pure".
The ancient Greek word "ἄγνωστος" ≈ "unknown, ignorant".
Could this meaning have anything to do with "
ignorant" as in "
not knowing" as in a "
blind faith"?
56. Possible pun
negation of the word for "
knowledge" just happens to be similar to the word for
"chaste". The distinction between hard and soft breathing at the start of a word disappeared in the first century BC.
The ancient Greek word "ἁγνός" ≈ "chaste, pure".
The modern Greek word "αγνός" (a-GNOS) ≈ "pure, chaste, innocent".
The ancient Greek word "ἄγνωστος" ≈ "unknown, ignorant".
In modern Greek, the omicron (short, small) and omega (long, big) sound the same. In ancient Greek, they would have somewhat similar but yet different sounds. It makes one wonder about puns in the ancient Greek language involving these two words.
Candidates for such puns would be words used only once by Paul that could have a double meaning.
57. 2 Corinthians 6:6
KJV: By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned,
Greek: εν αγνοτητι εν γνωσει εν μακροθυμια εν χρηστοτητι εν πνευματι αγιω εν αγαπη ανυποκριτω
Latin: in castitate in scientia in longanimitate in suavitate in Spiritu Sancto in caritate non ficta
Wycliffe: in chastite, in kunnyng, in long abiding, in swetnesse, in the Hooli Goost,
Gothic: in swiknithai, in kunthja, in laggamodein, in selein, in ahmin weihamma, in frijathwai unhindarweisai,
Luther: in Keuschheit, in Erkenntnis, in Langmut, in Freundlichkeit, in dem Heiligen Geist, in ungefärbter Liebe,
58. Strongs - pureness
- *G54 *1 ἁγνότης (hag-not'-ace) : from G53; cleanness (the state), i.e. (figuratively) blamelessness:--pureness.
- αγνοτητι
- 2 Corinthians 6:6 By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, ...
59. Usage - pureness
*G54 *1 ἁγνότης (hag-not'-ace) : from G53; cleanness (the state), i.e. (figuratively) blamelessness:--pureness.
Words: αγνοτητι
60. Psalms 19:9
Psalms 19:9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. [kjv]
Let us return to some verses that use the Greek word for "
61. Psalms 19:9
KJV: The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
Hebrew: יראת יהוה טהורה עומדת לעד משפטי יהוה אמת צדקו יחדו׃
Greek: ο φοβος κυριου αγνος διαμενων εις αιωνα αιωνος τα κριματα κυριου αληθινα δεδικαιωμενα επι το αυτο
62. 2 Peter 2:12 Brute beasts
2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; [kjv]
ουτοι δε ως αλογα ζωα γεγεννημενα φυσικα εις αλωσιν και φθοραν εν οις αγνοουσιν βλασφημουντες εν τη φθορα αυτων και φθαρησονται [gnt]
63. 2 Peter 2:12
KJV: But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
Greek: ουτοι δε ως αλογα ζωα γεγεννημενα φυσικα γεγενημενα εις αλωσιν και φθοραν εν οις αγνοουσιν βλασφημουντες εν τη φθορα αυτων καταφθαρησονται και φθαρησονται
Latin: hii vero velut inrationabilia pecora naturaliter in captionem et in perniciem in his quae ignorant blasphemantes in corruptione sua et peribunt
64. Genesis 43:12
Genesis 43:12 And take double money in your hand; and the money that was brought again in the mouth of your sacks, carry it again in your hand; peradventure it was an oversight: [kjv]
και το αργυριον δισσον λαβετε εν ταις χερσιν υμων το αργυριον το αποστραφεν εν τοις μαρσιπποις υμων αποστρεψατε μεθ υμων μηποτε αγνοημα εστιν [lxx]
65. Genesis 43:12
KJV: And take double money in your hand; and the money that was brought again in the mouth of your sacks, carry it again in your hand; peradventure it was an oversight:
Hebrew: וכסף משנה קחו בידכם ואת הכסף המושב בפי אמתחתיכם תשיבו בידכם אולי משגה הוא׃
Greek: και το αργυριον δισσον λαβετε εν ταις χερσιν υμων το αργυριον το αποστραφεν εν τοις μαρσιπποις υμων αποστρεψατε μεθ υμων μηποτε αγνοημα εστιν
Brenton: And take double money in your hands, and the money that was returned in your sacks, carry back with you, lest perhaps it is a mistake.
66. Hosea 4:15
Hosea 4:15 Though thou, Israel, play the harlot, yet let not Judah offend; and come not ye unto Gilgal, neither go ye up to Beth-aven, nor swear, The LORD liveth. [kjv]
συ δε ισραηλ μη αγνοει και ιουδα μη εισπορευεσθε εις γαλγαλα και μη αναβαινετε εις τον οικον ων και μη ομνυετε ζωντα κυριον [lxx]
67. Hosea 4:15
KJV: Though thou, Israel, play the harlot, yet let not Judah offend; and come not ye unto Gilgal, neither go ye up to Beth-aven, nor swear, The LORD liveth.
Hebrew: אם זנה אתה ישראל אל יאשם יהודה ואל תבאו הגלגל ואל תעלו בית און ואל תשבעו חי יהוה׃
Greek: συ δε ισραηλ μη αγνοει και ιουδα μη εισπορευεσθε εις γαλγαλα και μη αναβαινετε εις τον οικον ων και μη ομνυετε ζωντα κυριον
Brenton: But you, O Israel, be not ignorant, and go you° not, men of Juda, to Galgala; and go not up to the house of On, and swear not by the living Lord.
Latin: si fornicaris tu Israhel non delinquat saltim Iuda et nolite ingredi in Galgala et ne ascenderitis in Bethaven neque iuraveritis vivit Dominus
68. 2 Peter 3:8 Days
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. [kjv]
εν δε τουτο μη λανθανετω υμας αγαπητοι οτι μια ημερα παρα κυριω ως χιλια ετη και χιλια ετη ως ημερα μια [gnt]
In 2 Peter, the
KJV translates a word as "
ignorant" but it means something closer to "
deceived" or "
misled" or "
hidden from".
Details are left as a future topic.
69. 2 Peter 3:8
KJV: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Greek: εν δε τουτο μη λανθανετω υμας αγαπητοι οτι μια ημερα παρα κυριω ως χιλια ετη και χιλια ετη ως ημερα μια
Latin: unum vero hoc non lateat vos carissimi quia unus dies apud Dominum sicut mille anni et mille anni sicut dies unus
Luther: Eines aber sei euch unverhalten, ihr Lieben, daß ein Tag vor dem Herrn ist wie tausend Jahre und tausend Jahre wie ein Tag.
Spanish: Mas, amados, no ignoréis esto: Que un día delante del Señor es como mil años, y mil años como un día.
70. Strongs - hidden
- *G2990 *6 λανθάνω (lan-than'-o) : a prolonged form of a primary verb, which is used only as an alternate in certain tenses; to lie hid (literally or figuratively); often used adverbially, unwittingly:--be hid, be ignorant of, unawares.
- λαθειν
- Mark 7:24 ... it: but he could not be hid.
- ελαθεν
- Luke 8:47 ... saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, ...
- λανθανειν
- Acts 26:26 ... I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him; for this thing ...
- ελαθον
- Hebrews 13:2 ... some have entertained angels unawares.
- λανθανει
- 2 Peter 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God ...
- λανθανετω
- 2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, ...
71. Usage - hidden
*G2990 *6 λανθάνω (lan-than'-o) : a prolonged form of a primary verb, which is used only as an alternate in certain tenses; to lie hid (literally or figuratively); often used adverbially, unwittingly:--be hid, be ignorant of, unawares.
Words: ελαθεν ελαθον λαθειν λανθανει λανθανειν λανθανετω
72. An agnostic Jew
An "
agnostic Jew" might be defined as "
a Jew who knows what the God he does not believe in requires of him.".
A common saying is that when you get two Jews together to discuss a matter, you might get (at least) three opinions on the matter.
73. Commas are important
The comma as "
," is important in English.
Romans 1:13 Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you,(but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles. [kjv]
ου θελω δε υμας αγνοειν αδελφοι οτι πολλακις προεθεμην ελθειν προς υμας και εκωλυθην αχρι του δευρο ινα τινα καρπον σχω και εν υμιν καθως και εν τοις λοιποις εθνεσιν [gnt]
Do you see (and hear) the difference?
- I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that ...
- I would not have you, ignorant brethren, that ...
Another example:
- Let's eat, grandma.
- Let's eat grandma.
74. Romans 1:13
KJV: Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you,(but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.
Greek: ου θελω δε υμας αγνοειν αδελφοι οτι πολλακις προεθεμην ελθειν προς υμας και εκωλυθην αχρι του δευρο ινα καρπον τινα καρπον σχω και εν υμιν καθως και εν τοις λοιποις εθνεσιν
75. Apathy

Ignorance and apathy often go together. One hears: "
I do not know and do not care".
Details are left as a future topic.
76. Conspiracy theory
The term "
conspiracy theory" is an explanation for something that invokes some evil group creating a story that does not have justification or a basis in reality.
- The word "conspire" comes from the Latin for "same breath".
- The word "theory" comes from the Greek for "think" as in "theorize".
Many people invoke the "
conspiracy theory" explanation without actually knowing what happened in reality nor do they care about what happened in reality nor do they think through what they are saying.
As such, some people who invoke a "
conspiracy theory" explanation are ignorant (not knowing), apathetic (not caring) and foolish (not thinking).
77. Proverbs 25:2
KJV: It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
Hebrew: כבד אלהים הסתר דבר וכבד מלכים חקר דבר׃
Greek: δοξα θεου κρυπτει λογον δοξα δε βασιλεως τιμα πραγματα
78. Conspiracy theory
If there is a basis in reality for a set of claims, one might want to at least investigate to the point of being able to make an accurate determination of the claims.
Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. [kjv]
As an alternative, for concealed, unknown or hidden things, one could just call it a "
conspiracy theory" and move on to other matters.
Note: The
LXX uses some interesting words in this verse.
Details are left as a future topic.
The way to avoid a conspiracy theory explanation is to preempt that idea with reasonable explanations or facts that would contradict a possible conspiracy theory.
The religious establishment attempts this in Matthew 27.
79. Matthew 27:62-64
Matthew 27:62 Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, [kjv]
27:63 Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. [kjv]
27:64 Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first. [kjv]
80. Matthew 27:62
KJV: Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate,
Greek: τη δε επαυριον ητις εστιν μετα την παρασκευην συνηχθησαν οι αρχιερεις και οι φαρισαιοι προς πιλατον
81. Matthew 27:63
KJV: Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.
Greek: λεγοντες κυριε εμνησθημεν οτι εκεινος ο πλανος ειπεν ετι ζων μετα τρεις ημερας εγειρομαι
82. Matthew 27:64
KJV: Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
Greek: κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
83. Matthew 27:65-66 Custodians
Matthew 27:65 Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. [kjv]
εφη αυτοις ο πιλατος εχετε κουστωδιαν υπαγετε ασφαλισασθε ως οιδατε [gnt]
… custodiam … custodite … [v]
27:66 So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch. [kjv]
"watch" in Greek is «
κουστωδίας» which was a word borrowed from Latin
"custodibus" and from which we get the word "
- The Latin word "custodio" ≈ "monitor, supervise, guard" and is the source of English words such as "custodian", "custody", etc.
After the resurrection, some of the
custodians went to tell the chief priests what had happened.
84. Matthew 27:66 Custodians
Matthew 27:66 So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch. [kjv]
οι δε πορευθεντες ησφαλισαντο τον ταφον σφραγισαντες τον λιθον μετα της κουστωδιας [gnt]
… lapidem … custodibus [v]
… stann … wearden. [wes]
… камень … кустодиею. [ocs]
The "
watch" in Greek is «
κουστωδίας» which was a word borrowed from Latin "
custodibus" and from which we get the word "
After the resurrection, some of the custodians went to tell the chief priests what had happened.
The Old English word
"wearden" ≈ "watch, guard" and is the second part of the English word
"lord" as, originally, "
load guarder" or "
bread guarder".
85. Matthew 27:66
KJV: So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.
Greek: οι δε πορευθεντες ησφαλισαντο τον ταφον σφραγισαντες τον λιθον μετα της κουστωδιας
Latin: illi autem abeuntes munierunt sepulchrum signantes lapidem cum custodibus
Wessex: Soðlice hyo ferdon. & ymb-tremedon þa byrigenne. & inseggledon þanne stann mid þam wearden.
Slavonic: Они же шедше утвердиша гроб, знаменавше камень с кустодиею.
86. Matthew 27:65
KJV: Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can.
Greek: εφη δε αυτοις ο πιλατος εχετε κουστωδιαν υπαγετε ασφαλισασθε ως οιδατε
Latin: ait illis Pilatus habetis custodiam ite custodite sicut scitis
87. Matthew 27:66
KJV: So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.
Greek: οι δε πορευθεντες ησφαλισαντο τον ταφον σφραγισαντες τον λιθον μετα της κουστωδιας
Latin: illi autem abeuntes munierunt sepulchrum signantes lapidem cum custodibus
88. Deuteronomy 11:26 Bliss
Deuteronomy 11:26 Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; [kjv]
There is a saying that "
ignorance is bliss". The English word
"bliss" is related to the English word
Many verses show the Middle English use of the word "
bliss" for both "
bliss" as "
joy" and "
bliss" as "
bless" as in a "
good word" which is the literal meaning of the ancient Greek word.
89. Deuteronomy 11:26
KJV: Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse;
Hebrew: ראה אנכי נתן לפניכם היום ברכה וקללה׃
Greek: ιδου εγω διδωμι ενωπιον υμων σημερον ευλογιαν και καταραν
Latin: en propono in conspectu vestro hodie benedictionem et maledictionem
Wycliffe: Lo! Y sette forth in youre siyt to day blissyng and cursyng;
Luther: Siehe, ich lege euch heute vor den Segen und den Fluch:
90. Mark 10:16
Mark 10:16 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. [kjv]
και εναγκαλισαμενος αυτα κατευλογει τιθεις τας χειρας επ ηυλογει αυτα [gnt]
91. Mark 10:16
KJV: And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.
Greek: και εναγκαλισαμενος αυτα κατευλογει τιθεις τας χειρας επ αυτα ηυλογει αυτα
Latin: et conplexans eos et inponens manus super illos benedicebat eos
Wessex: Ða be-clepte he hyo & his hande ofer hyo settende bletsede hyo.
Wycliffe: And he biclippide hem, and leide hise hondis on hem, and blisside hem.
Gothic: jah gathlaihands im, lagjands handuns ana tho thiuthida im.
Luther: Und er herzete sie und legte die Hände auf sie und segnete sie.
92. Luke 1:14
Luke 1:14 And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth. [kjv]
και εσται χαρα σοι και αγαλλιασις και πολλοι επι τη γενεσει αυτου χαρησονται [gnt]
93. Luke 1:14
KJV: And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.
Greek: και εσται χαρα σοι και αγαλλιασις και πολλοι επι τη γεννησει γενεσει αυτου χαρησονται
Latin: et erit gaudium tibi et exultatio et multi in nativitate eius gaudebunt
Wessex: & he byð þe to blisse. & manega on his akynnednysse ge-fageneð.
Wycliffe: And ioye and gladyng schal be to thee; and many schulen`haue ioye in his natyuyte.
Tyndale: and thou shalt have ioye and gladnes and many shall reioyce at his birth.
Gothic: jah wairthith thus faheds jah swegnitha, jah managai in gabaurthai is faginond.
Luther: Und du wirst des Freude und Wonne haben, und viele werden sich seiner Geburt freuen.
94. Ignorance is bliss
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy? Thomas Jefferson (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) .
95. Ignorance is bliss
Some people would prefer not to hear about "
truth" or other things. This provides "
peace of mind".
- "Out of sight, out of mind"
- "What you don't know won't hurt you"
Some people would rather not hear that there are things they do not want to hear.
96. Uncomfortable truths
Sometimes we discover unpleasant truths. Whenever we do so, we are in difficulties: suppressing them is scientifically dishonest, so we must tell them, but telling them, however, will fire back on us. [body of letter omitted] If the conjecture "You would rather that I had not disturbed you by sending you this." is correct, you may add it to the list of uncomfortable truths. Dijkstra, E. (June 18, 1975). "How do we tell truths that hurt?", EWD 498.
97. Did you know?
The phrase "
did you know?" can be informative or might be classified as "
The Christmas song "
Mary, did you know?" is from 1984 by Mark Lowry with music by Buddy Greene in 1991.
98. Leviticus 5:17
Leviticus 5:17 And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he wist it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity. [kjv]
και η ψυχη η αν αμαρτη και ποιηση μιαν απο πασων των εντολων κυριου ων ου δει ποιειν και ουκ εγνω και πλημμεληση και λαβη την αμαρτιαν [lxx]
A fundamental concept in law is that "
ignorance of the law is no excuse".
This was true in both
OT (Old Testament) and
NT (New Testament) times, and throughout history.
99. Leviticus 5:17
KJV: And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he wist it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.
Hebrew: ואם נפש כי תחטא ועשתה אחת מכל מצות יהוה אשר לא תעשינה ולא ידע ואשם ונשא עונו׃
Greek: και η ψυχη η αν αμαρτη και ποιηση μιαν απο πασων των εντολων κυριου ων ου δει ποιειν και ουκ εγνω και πλημμεληση και λαβη την αμαρτιαν
Brenton: And the soul which shall sin, and do one thing against any of the commandments of the Lord, which it is not right to do, and has not known it, and shall have transgressed, and shall have contracted guilt,
100. Romans 7:1
Romans 7:1 Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law, ) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? [kjv]
η αγνοειτε αδελφοι γινωσκουσιν γαρ νομον λαλω οτι ο νομος κυριευει του ανθρωπου εφ οσον χρονον ζη [gnt]
In marketing terms, the "
I know that I do not know" my be sufficient. The opening of the eyes can be for good but it can be for something that is not good.
101. Romans 7:1
KJV: Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law, ) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?
Greek: η αγνοειτε αδελφοι γινωσκουσιν γαρ νομον λαλω οτι ο νομος κυριευει του ανθρωπου εφ οσον χρονον ζη
102. Ignorance of the law
Ignorance of the law is no excuse in any country. If it were, the laws would lose their effect, because it can always be pretended. Thomas Jefferson (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) .
Such ignorance is sometimes called "
plausible deniability".
103. Song: Open my eyes that I may see
Psalms 119:18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. [kjv]
… עיני … [he]
αποκαλυψον τους οφθαλμους μου και κατανοησω τα θαυμασια σου εκ του νομου σου [lxx]
The hymn "
Open my eyes that I may see" was based on Psalms 119:18. Additional verses cover the
"ears", "
mouth" and "
It was written in 1895 by
Clara Scott (American composer) . Growing up on a farm in the mid-west, the family moved to Chicago. She was the first woman to publish a volume of anthems. In 1897, returning from a funeral with some friends, she was thrown from her carriage and died instantly from the accident at age 55.
[hymn 486]
104. Ignorance of the law
In Genesis, Adam and Eve were not "
ignorant" of the law but they did choose to "
ignore" the law.
Genesis 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. [kjv]
3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. [kjv]
3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. [kjv]
105. Garden of Eden
Adam and Eve both "
knew that they did not know" both "
good" and "
Discussion question:
- Did Adam and Eve know "good" before eating the fruit?
- Did Adam and Eve know "evil" before eating the fruit?
Discuss: If they knew "
good" before eating the fruit but only knew "
evil" after eating the fruit, then eating the fruit introduced "
evil" and not "
good". Why is it then called the tree of "
good" and "
evil" and not just the tree of "
106. Genesis 3:3
KJV: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
Hebrew: ומפרי העץ אשר בתוך הגן אמר אלהים לא תאכלו ממנו ולא תגעו בו פן תמתון׃
Greek: απο δε καρπου του ξυλου ο εστιν εν μεσω του παραδεισου ειπεν ο θεος ου φαγεσθε απ αυτου ουδε μη αψησθε αυτου ινα μη αποθανητε
107. Genesis 3:5
KJV: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Hebrew: כי ידע אלהים כי ביום אכלכם ממנו ונפקחו עיניכם והייתם כאלהים ידעי טוב ורע׃
Greek: ηδει γαρ ο θεος οτι εν η αν ημερα φαγητε απ αυτου διανοιχθησονται υμων οι οφθαλμοι και εσεσθε ως θεοι γινωσκοντες καλον και πονηρον
108. Genesis 3:7
KJV: And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
Hebrew: ותפקחנה עיני שניהם וידעו כי עירמם הם ויתפרו עלה תאנה ויעשו להם חגרת׃
Greek: και διηνοιχθησαν οι οφθαλμοι των δυο και εγνωσαν οτι γυμνοι ησαν και ερραψαν φυλλα συκης και εποιησαν εαυτοις περιζωματα
109. Romans 1:20 Lack of ignorance
Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: [kjv]
τα γαρ αορατα αυτου απο κτισεως κοσμου τοις ποιημασιν νοουμενα καθοραται η τε αιδιος αυτου δυναμις και θειοτης εις το ειναι αυτους αναπολογητους [gnt]
Some things are evident and ignorance is not an excuse.
110. Romans 1:20
KJV: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Greek: τα γαρ αορατα αυτου απο κτισεως κοσμου τοις ποιημασιν νοουμενα καθοραται η τε αιδιος αυτου δυναμις και θειοτης εις το ειναι αυτους αναπολογητους
Latin: invisibilia enim ipsius a creatura mundi per ea quae facta sunt intellecta conspiciuntur sempiterna quoque eius virtus et divinitas ut sint inexcusabiles
111. Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, The Unanimous Declaration of The Thirteen United States of America.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
The "
created equal" comes from the Bible, but the Bible only indicates equality before God and equality on earth at birth. Some pastors and others will use the Bible to promote political and social agendas in the name of freedom and equality.
112. NO excuse sir
When a cadet at West Point has done (wrong) or not done something (that was to be done), the required response is "
No excuse sir" (starting in 1976, it became "
no excuse sir/ma'am"). There may be "
reasons" but there are no "
One might not have known about something (ignorance) or chose to ignore something known. There could be "
reasons" that could not be anticipated. It does not matter. There is "
no excuse".
113. Excuse me
Sometimes one must "
excuse" oneself before the action happens.
One little girl, almost 3-1/2 years old, in order to get to something, exclaimed, "
Excuse me! I need to get in the way!".
114. Stethoscope and reading
115. Leaders
Leaders, both civil and religious, will often use public ignorance to their own advantage.
116. Religious leaders
Religious leaders will always avail themselves of public ignorance for their own purpose. Thomas Jefferson (American statesman, diplomat, scientist and 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809) .
117. Kanizsa triangle: seeing what is not there

We often see or perceive things that are not actually there. Do you see the triangle?
There is no triangle! Your brain makes the triangle that you see. The eye just passed along the image information to the brain which organizes ind recognizes it.
Abstraction involves looking at
similarities and
differences and filling in missing details - sometimes appropriately, sometimes inappropriately. This abstraction can be used to deceive by providing some details but leaving other details to be filled in by unsuspecting listeners or viewers.
118. 2 Peter 3:5 Willingly ignorant
2 Peter 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: [kjv]
λανθανει γαρ αυτους τουτο θελοντας οτι ουρανοι ησαν εκπαλαι και γη εξ υδατος και δι υδατος συνεστωσα τω του θεου λογω [gnt]
Sometimes, one wants to be "
willfully ignorant".
In 2 Peter, the
KJV translates a word as "
ignorant" but it means something closer to "
deceived" or "
misled" or "
hidden from"
119. 2 Peter 3:5
KJV: For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
Greek: λανθανει γαρ αυτους τουτο θελοντας οτι ουρανοι ησαν εκπαλαι και γη εξ υδατος και δι υδατος συνεστωσα τω του θεου λογω
120. Hidden in the castle
When Frederick III, Elector of Saxony, wanted to hide Martin Luther, he had him hid by others in one of his castles (without telling him where) so that he could say that he truthfully say that he did not know where he was. He could find out where Martin Luther was, but he did not actually know where Martin Luther was.
121. Knowledge and ignorance and stupidity
There are some interesting quotes on knowledge, ignorance and stupidity.
Details are left as a future topic.
122. Knowledge
Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite. Karl Popper (Austrian-British science philosopher)
123. Infinite things
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Albert Einstein's (Physicist)
124. Ignorance and stupidity
Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician and social critic)
Too much book or head knowledge is not good without some street smarts about reality.
125. 2 Timothy 3:7 Ever learning
2 Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. [kjv]
παντοτε μανθανοντα και μηδεποτε εις επιγνωσιν αληθειας ελθειν δυναμενα [gnt]
126. 2 Timothy 3:7
KJV: Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Greek: παντοτε μανθανοντα και μηδεποτε εις επιγνωσιν αληθειας ελθειν δυναμενα
Latin: semper discentes et numquam ad scientiam veritatis pervenientes
127. Project planning
There are crucial elements to systems that cannot be known in advance. Project planning requires an iterative process. You can't do it once and be done with it (e.g., the Waterfall method).
The goal on a software development project is not to have the correct plan in advance but to make the right decisions every day as things that were unknown become known. James McCarthy (Microsoft software developer and manager)
McCarthy, J. (1995).
Dynamics of Software Development. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press., p. 101.
128. John 20:9
John 20:9 For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead. [kjv]
129. John 20:9
KJV: For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.
Greek: ουδεπω γαρ ηδεισαν την γραφην οτι δει αυτον εκ νεκρων αναστηναι
130. Luke 24:16
Luke 24:16 But their eyes were holden that they should not know him. [kjv]
131. Luke 24:16
KJV: But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.
Greek: οι δε οφθαλμοι αυτων εκρατουντο του μη επιγνωναι αυτον
132. End of page