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Live nativity about 1985
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Live nativity about 1985
St. Paul's Church live nativityFor many years, St. Paul's United Methodist church has had a live nativity or something similar in some way to a live nativity.

If you know some of the history, please let us know.

2. Christmas about 1985
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3. Christmas construction about 1985
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  • ? (left)
  • Ray Becker (right)
  • ? (left)
  • Ken Stauffer (right, on ladder)

  • 4. Santa's house about 1985
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    5. Live nativity about 1985
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    6. Christmas about 1985
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    7. Live nativity about 1985

    8. Live nativity about 1985

    9. End of page

    by RS : 1024 x 640