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Christmas Talk
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Christmas Talk
What exactly is "Christmas"? How about "Happy Holidays"? What is the "X" in "X-mas"? Here are the words "Merry Christmas" in some other languages. What season and time of year did it happen? Why December 25? Who are the shepherds? Why Bethlehem? What do we know about the "Star of Bethlehem"? Was Herod right about the star? Did the angels sing to the shepherds? From where does this idea originate? (Charlie Brown Christmas had it right) Who are the wise men? How many were there? How did they know? Sadness at Christmas. Who is Herod? Why was everyone in Jerusalem concerned?
Why did Herod have the infants killed? Misconceptions about Christmas in songs. In what year did it happen? How might we know? About how many Roman soldiers did Mary and Joseph (and the wise men) encounter on their way to Bethlehem (and Jerusalem)? What happened to their reservations at the inn? What about the Christmas tree? How does Santa Claus fit in? Who is Kris Kringle? Some modern Christmas history. modern marketing of Christmas (from early 1800's) though text, pictures, radio, motion pictures, television, the Internet.

by RS : 1024 x 640