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Spicing things up with crocuses and saffron
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Spicing things up with crocuses and saffron
A "crocus" is a perennial flower from the Latin word "crocus""crocus" from the modern Greek word "κρόκος" (KRO-kos) ≈ "crocus".

2. Hebrew
The ancient Greek word "κρόκος" is a loan word from the semitic.

The Hebrew word "כרכם" (kar-kom) ≈ "crocus". כרכם - crocus
The Arabic word "كُرْكُم" (kurkum) ≈ "crocus".

3. Saffron
SaffronThe spice saffron is obtained from the dried stamens (threads) of the "crocus sativus" flower. The color as that of orange-red and is used for flavoring and coloring of certain foods (that would otherwise lack color).

The word "saffron" is from the Medieval Latin word "safranum""saffron" which is from the Arabic word "زَعْفَرَان‎" (za faran) ≈ "saffron". The word "crocus" (Greek and Latin) or "saffron" (other languages) appears once in the LXX (Septuagint), along with some other spices (saved for a future time).

In this verse appear the names of the spices "frankincense" and "myrrh".

4. Song of Solomon 4:14
KJV: Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices:
Hebrew: נרד וכרכם קנה וקנמון עם כל עצי לבונה מר ואהלות עם כל ראשי בשמים׃
Greek: ναρδος και κροκος καλαμος και κινναμωμον μετα παντων ξυλων του λιβανου σμυρνα αλωθ μετα παντων πρωτων μυρων
Latin: nardus et crocus fistula et cinnamomum cum universis lignis Libani murra et aloe cum omnibus primis unguentis
Wycliffe: narde, and saffrun, an erbe clepid fistula, and canel, with alle trees of the Liban, myrre, and aloes, with alle the beste oynementis.
Luther: Narden mit Safran, Kalmus und Zinnamen, mit allerlei Bäumen des Weihrauchs, Myrrhen und Aloes, mit allen besten Würzen.
Russian: нард и шафран, аир и корица со всякими благовонными деревами, мирра и алой со всякими лучшими ароматами;
Wycliffe adds "an erbe clepid fistula" as "an herb of clipped hollow reed" as an expounding of the Latin "fistula".

5. Unrelated word
An apparently unrelated word with the same Greek prefix (at the start of the word) appears in Leviticus in the LXX.

6. Leviticus 11:29
KJV: These also shall be unclean unto you among the creeping things that creep upon the earth; the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise after his kind,
Hebrew: וזה לכם הטמא בשרץ השרץ על הארץ החלד והעכבר והצב למינהו׃
Greek: και ταυτα υμιν ακαθαρτα απο των ερπετων των ερποντων επι της γης η γαλη και ο μυς και ο κροκοδειλος ο χερσαιος
Latin: hoc quoque inter polluta reputabitur de his quae moventur in terra mustela et mus et corcodillus singula iuxta genus suum
Wycliffe: Also these thingis schulen be arettid among defoulid thingis, of these that ben moued on erthe; a wesele, and mows, and a cocodrille, `alle bi her kynde;
Luther: Diese sollen euch auch unrein sein unter den Tieren, die auf Erden kriechen: das Wiesel, die Maus, die Kröte, ein jegliches mit seiner Art;
The modern Greek word "κροκόδειλος" (kro-KO-thee-los) ≈ "crocodile" and may come from the words for "pebbles" and "worm".

Information sign More: Alligators and crocodiles

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640