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Song: Holy God we praise your name
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Song: Holy God we praise your name
The song "Holy God, we praise your name" is a translation in 1858 by Roman Catholic priest Clarence Walworth (1820-1900) of New York state.
The German title was "Großer Gott, wir loben dich", as in "Great God" and not "Holy God", and is attributed to the Polish Roman Catholic priest Franz (1719-1790) from 1771.

The original 4th century Latin hymn was "Te Deum Laudamus".

2. Verse 1 - German
Großer Gott, wir loben dich!
Herr, wir preisen deine Stärke!
Vor dir neigt die Erde sich
und bewundert deine Werke.
Wie du warst vor aller Zeit,
so bleibst du in Ewigkeit!

3. Verse 1
Holy God, we praise thy name.
God of all, we bow before thee.
All on earth your scepter claim;
all in heav’n above adore thee.
Infinite thy vast domain,
everlasting is thy reign.

4. Verse 2
Hark, the loud celestial hymn,
angel choirs above are raising.
Cherubim and seraphim,
in unceasing chorus praising,
fill the heav’ns with sweet accord:
Holy, holy, holy Lord.

5. Verse 3
Lo! the apostolic train
join thy sacred name to hallow.
Prophets swell the glad refrain,
and the blessed martyrs follow,
and, from morn till set of sun,
through the church the song goes on.

6. Verse 4
Holy Author, Holy Word,
Holy Spirit, three we name thee;
still, one holy voice is heard:
undivided God, we claim thee,
and adoring bend the knee,
while we own the mystery.

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640