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Quantum computing
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Quantum computing
Quantum computing is becoming an important area in computer and information science.

2. Quantum computing in brief
Bit and qubitQuantum computing:

Dunbar number [exponential speedup not clearly defined, like entanglement]

3. Quantum computing analogies
Bit and qubitQuantum computing analogies: pick the best way

4. Qubits
Bit and qubit
In quantum computing, a "qubit" or "q-bit" stands for "quantum bit" where "bit" stands for "binary digit".

5. Bit as binary digit
Classical bitJohn Tukey (American mathematician and statistician) , working with John von Neumann, coined the term "bit" as "binary digit". The classical "bit" has one of two values, which can be represented as 0 (usually taken as false) and 1 (usually taken as true).

The term "bit" was first used in an article by Claude Shannon in 1948.

Information sign More: Claude Shannon
Information sign More: John Tukey

6. Q*bert
A qubit in quantum computing is not related to the video game Q*bert from 1982. Movie: Wreck it RalphIn more recent times, Q*bert made an appearance in the animated feature movie Wreck-It Ralph (2012).

7. Bits and p-bits and q-bits
The name qubit is short for "quantum bit".

8. Classical bit versus qubit
Bit and qubitHere is one way to see the difference between the classical bit and the qubit. ... more to be added ...

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640