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The word "Chrismon" comes from the words "Christ" and shortened form of "monogram" and are symbols (or ornaments) used to represent various concepts and ideas in Christianity.
2. In His Service
Jesus is the "alpha" and the "omega", the "first" and the "last".
Revelation 22:13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. [kjv]
εγω το αλφακαι τοωοπρωτοςκαι οεσχατοςηαρχηκαι τοτελος [gnt]
"Α" ≈ "alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet.
"Ω" ≈ "omega" is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
The Chrismon "IHS" is often taken to say "In His Service". "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ" ≈ "Jesus" which, in English, is "IHSOUS". The first three letters are (uppercase) "IHS" or (lowercase) "ihs".