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Music: amusing music
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1. Music: amusing music

The English word "music" comes, through French, from the Latin "musica""music" which comes from the ancient Greek word "μουσική""music" which comes from the ancient Greek word "Μοῦσα""Muse" which was an ancient Greek deity of the arts (not just what we today call "music").

2. Amusement
The English word "music" is not related to the word "amuse" which comes from the French word "amuser""stare stupidly at, gaze, waste time" which is of uncertain origin.

The word may be related to the Latin word "musa""snout" and to the English word "muzzle" through the German word "Maul""muzzle, snout".

In terms of modern English:

3. Modern Greek
The modern Greek word "μουσική" (mu-see-KEE) ≈ "music".

4. Old English
The word "music" replaced the Old English word "dream""music, joy".

5. Greek origin

The ancient Greek word "μουσική""music" comes from the "muses" of Greek mythology who were the goddesses who were the source of poetry, songs, myths, etc.

Over time, the meaning of the word narrowed to what we call "music".

6. Jubal
In Genesis, the Bible mentions Jubal, a pre-flood man, who is attributed with the harp and organ.

Verse routeGenesis 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ονομα τω αδελφω αυτου ιουβαλ ουτος ην ο καταδειξας ψαλτηριον και κιθαραν [lxx]
Verse routeIubalcitharaorgano [v]

Might the name Hebrew "Jubal" be related to "jubilation" which comes from the Latin but had influence from semitic languages? The Hebrew word "ובל" (yu-bal) ≈ "Jubal". ובל - Jubal

7. Harp and organ
Verse routeGenesis 4:21 … handle the harp and organ. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ονομα τω αδελφω αυτου ιουβαλ ουτος ην ο καταδειξας ψαλτηριον και κιθαραν [lxx]
Verse routecitharaorgano [v]

The English word "psalm" and comes, through French, from the Latin word "psalmus""psalm" which comes from the ancient Greek word "ψαλμός""twang sound from plucked strings".

The ancient Greek word "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" is the source, through Spanish, Arabic and Latin, of the English word "guitar"

The ancient Greek word "ὄργανον""instrument, implement" and often meant a musical instrument.

8. Modern Greek
The modern Greek word "τραγουδώ" (tra-gu-THO) ≈ "sing" and which means, literally, "goat song" or "goat ode".

9. Genesis 4:21
   Genesis 4:21 
KJV: And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
Hebrew: ושם אחיו יובל הוא היה אבי כל תפש כנור ועוגב׃
Greek: και ονομα τω αδελφω αυτου ιουβαλ ουτος ην ο καταδειξας ψαλτηριον και κιθαραν
Latin: et nomen fratris eius Iubal ipse fuit pater canentium cithara et organo

10. Music in Revelation
Verse routeRevelation 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; [kjv]
Verse routeκαι φωνη κιθαρωδων και μουσικων και αυλητων και σαλπιστων ου μη ακουσθη εν σοι ετι και πας τεχνιτης πασης τεχνης ου μη ευρεθη εν σοι ετι και φωνη μυλου ου μη ακουσθη εν σοι ετι [gnt]
Verse routecitharoedorummusicorumtibia canentiumtuba … [v]

11. Revelation 18:22
KJV: And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Hebrew: וקול המנגנים בכנור והמזמרים ומחללים בחלילים ומחצרים בחצצרות בל ישמע עוד בתוכך וכל חרש וחשב בל ימצא בך עוד וקול רחים בל ישמע עוד בקרבך׃
Greek: και φωνη κιθαρωδων και μουσικων και αυλητων και σαλπιστων ου μη ακουσθη εν σοι ετι και πας τεχνιτης πασης τεχνης ου μη ευρεθη εν σοι ετι και φωνη μυλου ου μη ακουσθη εν σοι ετι
Latin: et vox citharoedorum et musicorum et tibia canentium et tuba non audietur in te amplius et omnis artifex omnis artis non invenietur in te amplius et vox molae non audietur in te amplius

12. Music in the LXX
The ancient Greek word "μουσικών""music" appears 7 times in the LXX (Septuagint), 4 times in Daniel.

Many other musical instruments are named and are left for a later discussion.

13. Music in Genesis
Verse routeGenesis 31:27 Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp? [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ει ανηγγειλας μοι εξαπεστειλα αν σε μετ ευφροσυνης και μετα μουσικων τυμπανων και κιθαρας [lxx]
Verse routecanticistympaniscithara [v]

14. Genesis 31:27
KJV: Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp?
Hebrew: למה נחבאת לברח ותגנב אתי ולא הגדת לי ואשלחך בשמחה ובשרים בתף ובכנור׃
Greek: και ει ανηγγειλας μοι εξαπεστειλα αν σε μετ ευφροσυνης και μετα μουσικων τυμπανων και κιθαρας
Latin: cur ignorante me fugere voluisti nec indicare mihi ut prosequerer te cum gaudio et canticis et tympanis et cithara

15. Hebrew
The Hebrew word "בשרים" (be-si-rim) ≈ "singing". בשרים - singing

16. Ezekiel
Verse routeEzekiel 26:13 And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι καταλυσει το πληθος των μουσικων σου και η φωνη των ψαλτηριων σου ου μη ακουσθη ετι [lxx]
Verse routecanticorumcithararum … [v]

17. Ezekiel 26:13
KJV: And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard.
Hebrew: והשבתי המון שיריך וקול כנוריך לא ישמע עוד׃
Greek: και καταλυσει το πληθος των μουσικων σου και η φωνη των ψαλτηριων σου ου μη ακουσθη ετι
Latin: et quiescere faciam multitudinem canticorum tuorum et sonitus cithararum tuarum non audietur amplius

18. Daniel
The Greek word for "music", as in musical sounds, appears four times in Daniel as part of the fiery furnace story in chapter 3.

In chapter 2, Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dream where he is the head of gold, and other empires that follow him are the chest, belly, legs, and feet.

This appears to go to Nebuchadnezzar's head and in chapter 3, he has created a large statue of gold and everyone is to worship this statue. This is the set-up of the fiery furnace story.

We are introduced to Nebuchadnezzar's rag-tag band in Chapter 3, verse 5, 7, 10 and 8.

19. Music in Daniel
Before the fiery furnace episode in Daniel, musical instruments are mentioned many times as part of Nebuchadnezzar's rag-tag band.

Verse routeDaniel 3:5 That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up: [kjv]
Verse routeη αν ωρα ακουσητε της φωνης της σαλπιγγος συριγγος τε και κιθαρας σαμβυκης και ψαλτηριου και συμφωνιας και παντος γενους μουσικων πιπτοντες προσκυνειτε τη εικονι τη χρυση η εστησεν ναβουχοδονοσορ ο βασιλευς [lxx]
Verse routeaudieritistubae et fistulae et citharae sambucae et psalterii et symphoniaemusicorum … [v]

20. Pan pipes
Verse routeDaniel 3:5 That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up: [kjv]
Verse routeη αν ωρα ακουσητε της φωνης της σαλπιγγος συριγγος τε και κιθαρας σαμβυκης και ψαλτηριου και συμφωνιας και παντος γενους μουσικων πιπτοντες προσκυνειτε τη εικονι τη χρυση η εστησεν ναβουχοδονοσορ ο βασιλευς [lxx]
Verse routeaudieritistubae et fistulae et citharae sambucae et psalterii et symphoniaemusicorum … [v]

The Latin word "fistula""pipe, tube" as in the "pipes of Pan".

The ancient Greek word "σῦριγξ""pan pipes".

21. Sackbut

The English word "sackbut" comes from the French word "sacqueboute""sackbut" which comes from two French words. A sackbut is a brass instrument involving push and pull movements that descended from the trumpet and eventually resulted in the trombone.

22. Cithara and sambuca
The English word "guitar" comes from Spanish, through Arabic, from the Latin word "cithara""stringed instrument" which comes from the ancient Greek word "κιθάρα""stringed instrument".
The ancient Greek word "σαμβύκη""sambuca" which is a triangular musical instrument of four strings. The word comes from the Aramaic. The "sambuca" tree is an "elder tree". The sambuca musical instrument is made of "elderwood".

23. Daniel 3:5
   Daniel 3:5 
KJV: That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up:
Hebrew: בעדנא די תשמעון קל קרנא משרוקיתא קיתרס סבכא פסנתרין סומפניה וכל זני זמרא תפלון ותסגדון לצלם דהבא די הקים נבוכדנצר מלכא׃
Greek: η αν ωρα ακουσητε της φωνης της σαλπιγγος συριγγος τε και κιθαρας σαμβυκης και ψαλτηριου και συμφωνιας και παντος γενους μουσικων πιπτοντες προσκυνειτε τη εικονι τη χρυση η εστησεν ναβουχοδονοσορ ο βασιλευς

24. Daniel 3:7
   Daniel 3:7 
KJV: Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
Hebrew: כל קבל דנה בה זמנא כדי שמעין כל עממיא קל קרנא משרוקיתא קיתרס שבכא פסנטרין וכל זני זמרא נפלין כל עממיא אמיא ולשניא סגדין לצלם דהבא די הקים נבוכדנצר מלכא׃
Greek: και εγενετο οτε ηκουσαν οι λαοι της φωνης της σαλπιγγος συριγγος τε και κιθαρας σαμβυκης και ψαλτηριου και συμφωνιας και παντος γενους μουσικων πιπτοντες παντες οι λαοι φυλαι γλωσσαι προσεκυνουν τη εικονι τη χρυση η εστησεν ναβουχοδονοσορ ο βασιλευς

25. Daniel 3:10
   Daniel 3:10 
KJV: Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, shall fall down and worship the golden image:
Hebrew: אנתה מלכא שמת טעם די כל אנש די ישמע קל קרנא משרקיתא קיתרס שבכא פסנתרין וסיפניה וכל זני זמרא יפל ויסגד לצלם דהבא׃
Greek: συ βασιλευ εθηκας δογμα παντα ανθρωπον ος αν ακουση της φωνης της σαλπιγγος συριγγος τε και κιθαρας σαμβυκης και ψαλτηριου και συμφωνιας και παντος γενους μουσικων

26. Daniel 3:15
   Daniel 3:15 
KJV: Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the image which I have made; well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?
Hebrew: כען הן איתיכון עתידין די בעדנא די תשמעון קל קרנא משרוקיתא קיתרס שבכא פסנתרין וסומפניה וכל זני זמרא תפלון ותסגדון לצלמא די עבדת והן לא תסגדון בה שעתה תתרמון לגוא אתון נורא יקדתא ומן הוא אלה די ישיזבנכון מן ידי׃
Greek: νυν ουν ει εχετε ετοιμως ινα ως αν ακουσητε της φωνης της σαλπιγγος συριγγος τε και κιθαρας σαμβυκης και ψαλτηριου και συμφωνιας και παντος γενους μουσικων πεσοντες προσκυνησητε τη εικονι η εποιησα εαν δε μη προσκυνησητε αυτη τη ωρα εμβληθησεσθε εις την καμινον του πυρος την καιομενην και τις εστιν θεος ος εξελειται υμας εκ των χειρων μου

27. Major scale in C
Why does the most common musical scale, using only the white keys on the piano keyboard, start with C as in the key of C?
C scaleThe major scale in the key of C uses only the white keys on the piano keyboard.
Music: Major scale in C

28. Minor scale in A
Music: Minor scale in A
The Greek number system, based on letters, started at alpha as in "α" (modern lower case) or "Α" (ancient and modern upper case).

29. Greek gematria
Greek gematriaAncient Greek music was based on minor keys, and in the (modern) key of C, starting at A (a minor third down) results in a minor scale using only the white keys on the piano keyboard.

30. End of page

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