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Expanding on the belly and the womb
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1. Expanding on the belly and the womb
A "belly" is the abdominal part of the anatomy. A belly can be "concave" as in a protrusion or "convex" as in a valley.

In some languages, the word for "belly" or "womb" can be associated with "pregnant". Expanding on these ideas is "pregnant" with opportunities.

2. Phrases
There are many phrases that use the word "belly".

3. Belly laugh
A "belly laugh" can make one's entire body shake.

January 24 is "Belly laugh day".

4. Belly
The Latin word "venter""belly, womb".

The German word "der Bauch""abdomen, belly".

5. Diet
Unless one is pregnant (females only), a big belly is often associated with overeating, lack of diet, etc.

To lose weight, one must, in general, expend more calories than one takes in (on average, over time).

6. Business
In business, one is often told that they must "do more with less". This suggests the idea of "re-engineering".

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As one gets older, it seems like the only place where one can easily do more with less is in a diet. One keeps gaining more weight while trying to eating less.
Verse routeMatthew 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? [kjv]

The "stature" has to do with "age" and not with "height".

Information sign More: Luke 19:1-11 A short discussion on stature

7. English
The English word "belly" is related to the English words "bellows", "bulge" and "budge".

The World War II Battle of the Bulge in December 1944 was named for the bulge or belly shape of the front line during the critical parts of the battle.

8. Jonah
Jonah spent three days and three nights in the "belly" of the whale.
Verse routeMatthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. [kjv]

Jesus would spend three days and three nights in the "heart" of the earth.

Did this actually happen? Or did the church make scripture fit the tradition of a Friday afternoon crucifixion?

Information sign More: Sabbaths and High Sabbaths: Crucifixion week

9. Matthew 12:40
KJV: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Greek: ωσπερ γαρ ην ιωνας εν τη κοιλια του κητους τρεις ημερας και τρεις νυκτας ουτως εσται ο υιος του ανθρωπου εν τη καρδια της γης τρεις ημερας και τρεις νυκτας
Latin: sicut enim fuit Ionas in ventre ceti tribus diebus et tribus noctibus sic erit Filius hominis in corde terrae tribus diebus et tribus noctibus
Wessex: Witodlice swa swa ionas waes on þas hwaeles innoðe þreo dages & þreo niht. swa beoð mannes sune on eorðan heortan þreo dages & þreo niht.
Wycliffe: For as Jonas was in the wombe of a whal thre daies and thre nyytis, so mannus sone shal be in the herte of the erthe thre daies and thre nyytis.
Tyndale: For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whales belly: soo shall ye sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nyghtes in ye hert of ye erth.
Luther: Denn gleichwie Jona war drei Tage und drei Nächte in des Walfisches Bauch, also wird des Menschen Sohn drei Tage und drei Nächte mitten in der Erde sein.
Spanish: Porque como estuvo Jonás en el vientre de la ballena tres días y tres noches; así estará el Hijo del Hombre tres días y tres noches en el corazón de la tierra.
Portuguese: Assim como Jonas esteve no ventre do monstro marinho, três dias e três noites, assim o Filho do Homem estará no seio da terra, três dias e três noites.

10. Greek
The ancient Greek word "κοιλία""belly, stomach, hollow" and is from the ancient Greek word "κοῖλος""hollow". These Greek words are from the PIE (Proto Indo-European) root "*KOWHOS""hollow".

The modern Greek word "κοιλιά" (kee-lee-A) ≈ "belly, stomach".

11. Latin
The Latin word "cavus""hollow, concave" and is the source of English words such as "cavity", "cave", etc.

12. English
The Old English word "hol""hole, hollow" which is the source of the English word "hollow" and the English word "hole".

The German word "hohl""hollow, concave".

13. Diagram
Linguistic diagram of

14. Strongs - belly

15. Strongs - belly
Word usage per chapter Words: κοιλια=10 κοιλιαι κοιλιαν=5 κοιλιας=7

16. Matthew 15:17
KJV: Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
Greek: ουπω ου νοειτε οτι παν το εισπορευομενον εις το στομα εις την κοιλιαν χωρει και εις αφεδρωνα εκβαλλεται
Latin: non intellegitis quia omne quod in os intrat in ventrem vadit et in secessum emittitur
Wessex: Ne on-gyte ge. þaet all þaet on þanne muð gaeð. gaeð on þa wambe. & byð on forðgan asended.
Wycliffe: Vndurstonden ye not, that al thing that entrith in to the mouth, goith in to the wombe, and is sent out in to the goyng awei?
Tyndale: perceave ye not that what soever goeth in at the mouth descendeth doune in to the bely and is cast out into the draught?
Luther: Merket ihr noch nicht, daß alles, was zum Munde eingehet, das gehet in den Bauch und wird durch den natürlichen Gang ausgeworfen?
Spanish: ¿Aún no entendéis que todo lo que entra en la boca va al vientre, y es arrojado en la letrina?
Portuguese: Não sabeis que tudo aquilo que entra pela boca passa para o ventre e é expelido em lugar próprio?

17. Romans 16 A belly-ache pun on useful Christ-like words
Verse routeRomans 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. [kjv]
Verse routeοι γαρ τοιουτοι τω κυριω ημων χριστω ου δουλευουσιν αλλα τη εαυτων κοιλια και δια της χρηστολογιας και ευλογιας εξαπατωσιν τας καρδιας των ακακων [gnt]

Near the end of Romans, Paul says that false teachers, to support their "belly", will use "useful words" and "good logic" to deceive the overly-trusting congregation. Paul makes a pun between "Christ" and "useful" (words). In modern Greek these words are pronounced the some. In ancient times, there was a small difference in how they sounded.

Information sign More: Romans 16 A belly-ache pun on useful Christ-like words

18. Job
Job describes the beast behemoth who sounds much like a dinosaur.

Verse routeJob 40:15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. [kjv]
Verse route40:16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. [kjv]
Verse route40:17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. [kjv]

בהמות - behemoth

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19. Job 40:15
   Job 40:15 
KJV: Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
Hebrew: הנה נא בהמות אשר עשיתי עמך חציר כבקר יאכל׃
Greek: αλλα δη ιδου θηρια παρα σοι χορτον ισα βουσιν εσθιει
Latin: ecce Behemoth quem feci tecum faenum quasi bos comedet
Wycliffe: Hillis beren eerbis to this behemot; alle the beestis of the feeld pleien there.
Luther: Siehe, der Behemoth, den ich neben dir gemacht habe, frißt Heu wie ein Ochse.
Spanish: He aquí ahora behemot, al cual yo hice contigo; hierba come como buey.
Portuguese: Vê o hipopótamo que criei como a ti, que se nutre de erva como o boi.

20. Portuguese
This beast has a powerful "belly". The Portuguese word "hipopótamo""hippopotamus".

A "hippopotamus" is, literally, a "river horse".

21. Job 40:16
   Job 40:16 
KJV: Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
Hebrew: הנה נא כחו במתניו ואנו בשרירי בטנו׃
Greek: ιδου δη ισχυς αυτου επ οσφυι η δε δυναμις επ ομφαλου γαστρος
Latin: fortitudo eius in lumbis eius et virtus illius in umbilicis ventris eius
Luther: Siehe, seine Kraft ist in seinen Lenden und sein Vermögen im Nabel seines Bauchs.
Spanish: He aquí ahora que su fuerza está en sus lomos, y su vigor en el ombligo de su vientre.
Portuguese: A sua força reside no seu lombo, e o seu vigor nos músculos do seu ventre.

22. Job 40:17
   Job 40:17 
KJV: He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.
Hebrew: יחפץ זנבו כמו ארז גידי פחדו ישרגו׃
Greek: εστησεν ουραν ως κυπαρισσον τα δε νευρα αυτου συμπεπλεκται

23. Cedar trees
The NIV (New International Version) translation footnotes Behemoth as being possibly an elephant or hippopotamus. Unfortunately, neither has a tail like a cedar tree - which can be quite large. Let us get back to the topic of the "belly".

24. Belly
Verse routePsalms 22:10 I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly. [kjv]

25. Psalms 22:10
   Psalms 22:10 
KJV: I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly.
Hebrew: עליך השלכתי מרחם מבטן אמי אלי אתה׃
Greek: επι σε επερριφην εκ μητρας εκ κοιλιας μητρος μου θεος μου ει συ

26. Womb
The Greek word for "belly" can mean "womb" but there is another Greek word that is often used.
Verse routeLuke 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. [kjv]

27. Luke 1:31
   Luke 1:31 
KJV: And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
Greek: και ιδου συλληψη συλλημψη εν γαστρι και τεξη υιον και καλεσεις το ονομα αυτου ιησουν
Latin: ecce concipies in utero et paries filium et vocabis nomen eius Iesum
Wessex: soðlice nu þu on innoðe ge-eacnest. & sune censt aend hys name haelend ge-nemnest
Spanish: Y he aquí, concebirás en tu vientre, y darás a luz un hijo, y llamarás su nombre JESÚS.

28. Womb
The ancient Greek word "γαστήρ""stomach, belly, womb".

The English word "gastric" as in "gastric acid" comes from the Latin word "gaster""belly" which is from the ancient Greek word "γαστήρ""stomach, belly, womb".

29. Strongs - womb

30. Strongs - womb
Word usage per chapter Words: γαστερες γαστρι=8

31. Titus
In the following verse, Paul writes to Titus on the island of Crete and quotes the Greek of a saying of Epimenides.

The Greek word for "belly" or "womb" is used with the usual translation of "belly". Wycliffe translates it as "wombe".
Verse routeTitus 1:12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. [kjv]

Information sign More: Titus 1 The Epimenides paradox about Cretans

32. Titus 1:12
   Titus 1:12 
KJV: One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
Greek: ειπεν τις εξ αυτων ιδιος αυτων προφητης κρητες αει ψευσται κακα θηρια γαστερες αργαι
Latin: dixit quidam ex illis proprius ipsorum propheta Cretenses semper mendaces malae bestiae ventres pigri
Wycliffe: And oon of hem, her propre profete, seide, Men of Crete ben euere more lyeris, yuele beestis, of slowe wombe.
Luther: Es hat einer aus ihnen gesagt, ihr eigener Prophet: Die Kreter sind immer Lügner, böse Tiere und faule Bäuche.
Spanish: Aun uno de ellos; su propio profeta, dijo: Los cretenses, siempre mentirosos, malas bestias, vientres perezosos.
Portuguese: Aliás, como disse um deles, que era profeta, «os cretenses são sempre mentirosos, bestas más e ventres preguiçosos. »

33. Both together
To better understand the difference between the Greek words, there are five verses in the LXX (Septuagint) where both words are used in the same verse.

Note that the meaning appears to have shifted some in the three hundred years from the time of the LXX to the time of the GNT (Greek New Testament).

34. Genesis 25:23
KJV: And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
Hebrew: ויאמר יהוה לה שני גיים בבטנך ושני לאמים ממעיך יפרדו ולאם מלאם יאמץ ורב יעבד צעיר׃
Greek: και ειπεν κυριος αυτη δυο εθνη εν τη γαστρι σου εισιν και δυο λαοι εκ της κοιλιας σου διασταλησονται και λαος λαου υπερεξει και ο μειζων δουλευσει τω ελασσονι
Latin: qui respondens ait duae gentes in utero tuo sunt et duo populi ex ventre tuo dividentur populusque populum superabit et maior minori serviet

35. Job 3:11
   Job 3:11 
KJV: Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?
Hebrew: למה לא מרחם אמות מבטן יצאתי ואגוע׃
Greek: δια τι γαρ εν κοιλια ουκ ετελευτησα εκ γαστρος δε εξηλθον και ουκ ευθυς απωλομην

36. Job 15:35
   Job 15:35 
KJV: They conceive mischief, and bring forth vanity, and their belly prepareth deceit.
Hebrew: הרה עמל וילד און ובטנם תכין מרמה׃
Greek: εν γαστρι δε λημψεται οδυνας αποβησεται δε αυτω κενα η δε κοιλια αυτου υποισει δολον

37. Job 31:15
   Job 31:15 
KJV: Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?
Hebrew: הלא בבטן עשני עשהו ויכננו ברחם אחד׃
Greek: ποτερον ουχ ως και εγω εγενομην εν γαστρι και εκεινοι γεγονασιν γεγοναμεν δε εν τη αυτη κοιλια

38. Psalms 71:6
   Psalms 71:6 
KJV: By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.
Hebrew: עליך נסמכתי מבטן ממעי אמי אתה גוזי בך תהלתי תמיד׃
Greek: επι σε επεστηριχθην απο γαστρος εκ κοιλιας μητρος μου συ μου ει σκεπαστης εν σοι η υμνησις μου δια παντος

39. End of page

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