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Love is the only way
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Love is the only way
Have you ever heard someone say something like "Love is the only way"?

What exactly might that mean? Have you heard the following? The latter way, when pronounced, can mean "Love is God" or "Love is (a) god". This usage can be ambiguous and deceptive.

2. Love in popular culture
The topic of "love" is common in music, literature, etc.

3. Love is the only way
God is love and love as god God and Love

The ancient Greek word "αγάπη""totally devoted to, love" from which we get the word "agape".

The difference between "God is love" and "Love is god" can be subtle and deceptive - especially when spoken without the distinction between the one and only creator "God" and a "god" as in an idol or a desire.

This fallacy is common, covered extensively by Aristotle, and called the converse fallacy as one of many names describing it.

Information sign More: Converse fallacy: If A then B does not mean If B then A

4. Conditional probability
Spain and Spanish
One way to deceive people is to use conditional probabilities as if they go both ways equally.
  • The probability that one speaks Spanish given that one lives in Spain is very high.
  • The probability that one lives in Spain given that one speaks Spanish is very low.

  • Information sign More: Converse fallacy: If A then B does not mean If B then A
    Information sign More: Conditional probability

    5. God and love
    Here is one way to put the conditional probability into the current context. To put it another way, the desire of man is not always the desire of God.

    6. Temptations
    The "gods" that man serves can be contrasted with the temptations that Satan uses and that Satan used against Jesus in the wilderness.

    Satan tempted Eve with "Did God really say that?". Modern false teachers use a similar equivocation process when they say "Does the Bible really say that?".

    Information sign More: Equivocation deception between names and meanings

    7. A recent new beginning
    Verse routeGenesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [kjv]
    Verse routeבראשיתבראאלהיםהשמיםהארץ [he]
    Verse routeεν αρχη εποιησεν ο θεος τον ουρανον και την γην [lxx]
    Verse routeprincipio … [v]

    The word "God" is taken to be the creator God of the universe and everything in it, as in Genesis 1:1.

    The phrase "a recent new beginning" uses words that, in PIE (Proto Indo-European) languages, are related, as are all people going back in time.

    Information sign More: A recent new beginning

    8. The beginning and end of time
    Verse routeGenesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [kjv]
    Verse routeεν αρχη εποιησεν ο θεος τον ουρανον και την γην [lxx]

    Both viewsBoth the Bible and current scientific thought (since the end of the 19th century) agree that there is a beginning to time and an end to time as we know it. The two viewpoints disagree on the time scale.
    Modern secular view: Due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, about 1900, it was recognized that there must be a beginning of time and an end of time.

    Information sign More: The beginning and end of time

    9. Genesis 1:6-8 A gaping gap between chasm and chaos
    Verse routeGenesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [kjv]
    Verse route1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [kjv]

    Puzzle 2 Arrow 5 Puzzle

    Have you ever heard a pastor say or pray "to the god who brought order to chaos"? Whose god are they talking about? The gods bringing order to "chaos" is part of Greek mythology. Such a god is in the universe instead of outside of time and space.

    The description in Genesis of the God of the Bible is very different. That God had to create matter, time and space and then, from the starting point created, organize what was created.

    And this is different than the technical term "chaos theory" as systems with a sensitive dependency on initial conditions. And this is not the same as "chaos" as a general term for disorder as in "clutter" in our lives.

    Information sign More: Genesis 1:6-8 A gaping gap between chasm and chaos

    10. John 3:16 God is love
    Verse routeJohn 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [kjv]
    Verse routeουτως γαρ ηγαπησεν ο θεος τον κοσμον ωστε τον υιον τον μονογενη εδωκεν ινα πας ο πιστευων εις αυτον μη αποληται αλλα εχη ζωην αιωνιον [gnt]

    The idea that "God is love" is that of John 3:16-17.

    11. John 3:16
       John 3:16 
    KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    Greek: ουτως γαρ ηγαπησεν ο θεος τον κοσμον ωστε τον υιον αυτου τον μονογενη εδωκεν ινα πας ο πιστευων εις αυτον μη αποληται αλλ αλλα εχη ζωην αιωνιον
    God is love but that love is not just anything and everything. To take advantage of that love, there are certain conditions.

    The "world" means those humans in the world.

    12. The adornment of people in the cosmos
    Verse route1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; [kjv]
    Verse routeωσαυτως γυναικας εν καταστολη κοσμιω μετα αιδους και σωφροσυνης κοσμειν εαυτας μη εν πλεγμασιν και χρυσιω η μαργαριταις η ιματισμω πολυτελει [gnt]

    Paul's bottle of vitaminsPearls have been used throughout time as an adornment in the jewelry sense.

    Jokes are made about "cosmology" (astronomy and stars) and "cosmetology" (make-up and adorning). The words are related.
    The Greek word "cosmos" can mean adornments, the universe and everything in it, people in the world or a crowd of people (e.g., at a night club or a sporting event).
    Why is a cosmetology class easier than a cosmology class?

    Information sign More: The adornment of people in the cosmos

    13. John 3:17
    Verse routeJohn 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. [kjv]
    Verse routeου γαρ απεστειλεν ο θεος τον υιον εις τον κοσμον ινα κρινη τον κοσμον αλλ ινα σωθη ο κοσμος δι αυτου [gnt]

    14. John 3:17
       John 3:17 
    KJV: For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
    Greek: ου γαρ απεστειλεν ο θεος τον υιον αυτου εις τον κοσμον ινα κρινη τον κοσμον αλλ ινα σωθη ο κοσμος δι αυτου

    15. Ephesians 2:8
    Verse routeEphesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [kjv]
    Verse routeτη γαρ χαριτι εστε σεσωσμενοι δια πιστεως και τουτο ουκ εξ υμων θεου το δωρον [gnt]

    One is saved "through" his son Jesus and God, not by one's own efforts. It is the gift of God.

    16. Ephesians 2:8
    KJV: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    Greek: τη γαρ χαριτι εστε σεσωσμενοι δια της πιστεως και τουτο ουκ εξ υμων θεου το δωρον
    Latin: gratia enim estis salvati per fidem et hoc non ex vobis Dei enim donum est
    Wycliffe: For bi grace ye ben sauyd bi feith, and this not of you; for it is the yifte of God,
    Gothic: unte anstai siuth ganasidai thairh galaubein, jah thata ni us izwis, ak gudis giba ist;
    Luther: Denn aus Gnaden seid ihr selig worden durch den Glauben, und dasselbige nicht aus euch, Gottes Gabe ist es;
    Russian: Ибо благодатью вы спасены через веру, и сие не от вас, Божий дар:

    17. Matthew 7:3-23 A splitting feat of how the swine flew on pearls at a wide gait
    Two gates - pre-approvedJesus talks of the narrow gate to life and the wide gate to destruction. There are only two gates. Which one is for you? God does not want to condemn the people in the world, but if one asks, seeks and knocks at the wide gate, it will be opened and you will have, in effect, condemned yourself.

    Information sign More: Matthew 7:3-23 A splitting feat of how the swine flew on pearls at a wide gait

    18. Totally devoted love in John
    The same word for "love" is used for what men (by nature) love. It appears that the Apostle John is purposely making this distinction.
    Verse routeJohn 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. [kjv]
    Verse routeαυτη δε εστιν η κρισις οτι το φως εληλυθεν εις τον κοσμον και ηγαπησαν οι ανθρωποι μαλλον το σκοτος η το φως ην γαρ αυτων πονηρα τα εργα [gnt]
    Verse route12:43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. [kjv]
    Verse routeηγαπησαν γαρ την δοξαν των ανθρωπων μαλλον ηπερ την δοξαν του θεου [gnt]

    The idea that "Love" is god is that of love of anything other than Jesus and God is a "god" rather than Jesus and God. Love as a total devotion can be considered as a "desire".

    19. John 3:19
       John 3:19 
    KJV: And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
    Greek: αυτη δε εστιν η κρισις οτι το φως εληλυθεν εις τον κοσμον και ηγαπησαν οι ανθρωποι μαλλον το σκοτος η το φως ην γαρ πονηρα αυτων πονηρα τα εργα
    Latin: hoc est autem iudicium quia lux venit in mundum et dilexerunt homines magis tenebras quam lucem erant enim eorum mala opera
    Wessex: þaet ys se dom þaet leoht com on middan-eard. & men lufeden þeostre swiðor þonne þaet leoht. Heora werc waeren yfele.
    Wycliffe: And this is the dom, for liyt cam in to the world, and men loueden more derknessis than liyt; for her werkes weren yuele.

    20. John 12:43
       John 12:43 
    KJV: For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
    Greek: ηγαπησαν γαρ την δοξαν των ανθρωπων μαλλον ηπερ την δοξαν του θεου
    Latin: dilexerunt enim gloriam hominum magis quam gloriam Dei
    Wessex: Hyo lufedon manne wuldor; swiðere þanne godes wuldor.
    Wycliffe: for thei loueden the glorie of men, more than the glorie of God.

    21. Semantic slide
    Note that some will use the phrase "God is love" to reason that God is everywhere, and God is love, so love is everywhere, and love is God.

    One need only look around the present world and the history of the world to see that love is not everywhere.

    22. Judges 17:6
    Verse routeJudges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. [kjv]
    Verse routeεν ταις ημεραις εκειναις ουκ ην βασιλευς εν ισραηλ ανηρ το αγαθον εν οφθαλμοις αυτου εποιει [lxx]

    The LXX (Septuagint) uses the word for "goodness" (as in benefit) for what the KJV (King James Version) has as "right".

    23. Judges 17:6
       Judges 17:6 
    KJV: In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
    Hebrew: בימים ההם אין מלך בישראל איש הישר בעיניו יעשה׃
    Greek: εν ταις ημεραις εκειναις ουκ ην βασιλευς εν ισραηλ ανηρ το αγαθον εν οφθαλμοις αυτου εποιει
    Latin: in diebus illis non erat rex in Israhel sed unusquisque quod sibi rectum videbatur hoc faciebat

    24. Proverbs 21:2
    Verse routeProverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts. [kjv]
    Verse routeπας ανηρ φαινεται εαυτω δικαιος κατευθυνει δε καρδιας κυριος [lxx]

    The LXX uses the word for "righteous" for what the KJV has as "right".

    The LXX uses the word for "direction" (as in compass direction) for what the KJV has as "eyes".

    25. Proverbs 21:2
    KJV: Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.
    Hebrew: כל דרך איש ישר בעיניו ותכן לבות יהוה׃
    Greek: πας ανηρ φαινεται εαυτω δικαιος κατευθυνει δε καρδιας κυριος
    Latin: omnis via viri recta sibi videtur adpendit autem corda Dominus

    26. Matthew 6:24 A wealth of logical ideas on mammon
    Verse routeMatthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. [kjv]
    Verse routeουδεις δυναται δυσιν κυριοις δουλευειν η γαρ τον ενα μισησει και τον ετερον αγαπησει η ενος ανθεξεται και του ετερου καταφρονησει ου δυνασθε θεω δουλευειν και μαμωνα [gnt]

    Father and mother
    Jesus points out two mutually exclusive choices: God vs. "mammon".
    [without spots, opinion, glory, statement or question]

    The historical usage of "mammon" in Hebrew is that of a confidence in one's own ability to do things (independent of God). That is a central idea of humanism. The modern Hebrew definition is that of "wealth".

    The ancient Greek word "καταφρόνησις""think badly of, hold in contempt, despise". Note that this can be done without the other person knowing. False leaders, false teachers, etc., will show an outward appearance that is different from their inside heart.

    There appear to be some logical translation issues of what Jesus said. Let us investigate.

    Information sign More: Matthew 6:24 A wealth of logical ideas on mammon

    27. Psalms 2: 1-12 Self-reference of robots and humans rebelling
    Verse routePsalms 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? [kjv]
    Verse routeινα τι εφρυαξαν εθνη και λαοι εμελετησαν κενα [lxx]

    RebellionThe Greek word translated as "vain" is that of "empty" in the LXX.

    Man has a natural tendency to have too much confidence in man and to rebel against himself, his family, his church, his state, his government, and against God.
    Psalms 2 is an interesting case study in this rebellion in terms of self-reference and human-created robots.

    Information sign More: Psalms 2: 1-12 Self-reference of robots and humans rebelling

    28. Love and hate
    The comparison and use of the words "love" and "hate", from the Hebrew and Aramaic traditions, can be considered as a comparison as "more than" and//or "less than".

    Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

    In any case, trying to serving "God" and "mammon" results in a "house divided".

    29. Divide and conquer or be conquered
    A house divided cannot stand.
    Verse routeLuke 11:17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. [kjv]

    There are three primary ways that a "division" can be accomplished between "entities" in a divide (decompose) and conquer (composition) method.

    30. Thorns
    Thorn Horizontal hornsIn many respects, the word "mammon" can be compared and contrasted with the Biblical idea of "thorns".

    Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

    31. Strongs

    32. C.S. Lewis
    C.S. Lewis talked of some of these ideas in a practical sense using literary flair for which he was noted.

    Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

    Information sign More: C.S. Lewis

    33. Summary
    God is love and love as godTo summarize, the difference between "God is love" and "Love is god" can be subtle and deceptive - especially when spoken without the distinction between the one and only creator "God" and a "god" as in an idol or a desire.

    34. Ecclesiastes 5:10 Totally devoted to agape love
    Verse routeEcclesiastes 5:10 He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity. [kjv]
    Verse routeαγαπων αργυριον ου πλησθησεται αργυριου και τις ηγαπησεν εν πληθει αυτων γενημα και γε τουτο ματαιοτης [lxx]

    In English, one says things like "I love pizza", "I love football", etc. Agape love is usually taken as meaning an unconditional form of love.

    A better definition is that of being totally devoted to something, is in "totally devoted" "to" "football", etc. This same idea is found in many Bible verses in the GNT (Greek New Testament) and LXX.

    One could add examples such as the following.

    35. Ecclesiastes 5:10
    KJV: He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.
    Hebrew: אהב כסף לא ישבע כסף ומי אהב בהמון לא תבואה גם זה הבל׃
    Greek: αγαπων αργυριον ου πλησθησεται αργυριου και τις ηγαπησεν εν πληθει αυτων γενημα και γε τουτο ματαιοτης

    36. Usage - love
    *G25 *142 ἀγαπάω (ag-ap-ah'-o) : perhaps from agan (much) (or compare G5689); to love (in a social or moral sense):--(be-)love(-ed). Compare G5368.
    Word usage per chapter Words: αγαθοποιειτε αγαθοποιησαι αγαθοποιητε αγαθοποιουντας=3 αγαθοποιουντες αγαθοποιουσαι αγαθοποιων

    The Greek word for "love" as in a "total devotion to" appears many times in the GNT.

    37. End of page

    by RS : 1024 x 640