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Teaching and learning sound and healthy doctrine
1. Teaching and learning sound and healthy doctrine
Here we look at "sound doctrine".
2. Message translation
Have you ever heard of the "Message Translation" of the Bible?
The Pastor used what he called the "Message Translation" last Sunday (2020-10-25) and what he read did not sound exactly like the Bible I have studied for many years.
With a little research, it appears that this "translation" is more of a commentary, paraphrase, or opinion of one writer (started about 1930) thought the Bible should say.
It is not clear how one would use that "Bible" as "sound doctrine".
3. Sound doctrine
Have you ever heard that one should use "sound doctrine"? What exactly is "sound doctrine"?
4. 2 Timothy 4:3
KJV: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
Greek: εσται γαρ καιρος οτε της υγιαινουσης διδασκαλιας ουκ ανεξονται αλλα κατα τας επιθυμιας τας ιδιας επιθυμιας εαυτοις επισωρευσουσιν διδασκαλους κνηθομενοι την ακοην
Greek today: Διοτι θελει ελθει καιρος οτε δεν θελουσιν υποφερει την υγιαινουσαν διδασκαλιαν, αλλα θελουσιν επισωρευσει εις εαυτους διδασκαλους κατα τας ιδιας αυτων επιθυμιας, γαργαλιζομενοι την ακοην,
Latin: erit enim tempus cum sanam doctrinam non sustinebunt sed ad sua desideria coacervabunt sibi magistros prurientes auribus
Wycliffe: For tyme schal be, whanne men schulen not suffre hoolsum teching, but at her desiris thei schulen gadere`togidere to hem silf maistris yitchinge to the eeris.
Luther: Denn es wird eine Zeit sein, da sie die heilsame Lehre nicht leiden werden, sondern nach ihren eigenen Lüsten werden sie sich selbst Lehrer aufladen, nach dem ihnen die Ohren jucken;
Russian: Ибо будет время, когда здравого учения принимать не будут, но по своим прихотям будут избирать себе учителей, которые льстили бы слуху;
5. Sound doctrine
Whatever is not sound doctrine, at some point those teachers will appear to be in high demand.
It appears that "
sound doctrine" requires defining the words "
sound" and "
6. Doctrine
The Greek word for doctrine used here (and elsewhere) is "διδάσκαλιας" (thee-thaa-ska-las) and means what in English is "teaching".
The Greek words comes into English as the word "didactic" meaning a teaching or way of teaching.
The Greek word "didactic" was originally part of what became known as a "Socratic dialog".
The Greek word comes through Latin as "
doctrinam" from which many English translations later used "
The Luther German is "
Lehre". In German, "
lehren" means "
to teach" and is the origin, English being a Germanic language, of the colloquial phrase, "
The teacher did not learn me much.".
7. Colossians 2:4 Enticing words
Colossians 2:4 And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. [kjv]
τουτο λεγω ινα μηδεις υμας παραλογιζηται εν πιθανολογια [gnt]
… decipiat … subtilitate sermonum [v]
Have you ever been "
beguiled" with "
enticing words"?
The Greek word for "
beguile" comes from the ancient Greek word
"παραλογίζομαι" ≈ "reason falsely" and means, literally reasoning "
beyond logic" or "
beyond words" as in "
false reasoning".
8. Soundness
Back to the "sound" in "sound doctrine".
Today, the word "sound" as in "sound doctrine" has the connotation of being "correct doctrine". That notion probably comes from the world of mathematical logic whereby a "sound" logical system has no contradictions, etc.
In particular, In logic, more precisely in deductive reasoning, an argument is sound if it is both valid in form and its premises are true. (Wikipedia)
There is something formal about "soundness". Is this what is meant in the Bible?
9. Luke 5:31
KJV: And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.
Greek: και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν προς αυτους ου χρειαν εχουσιν οι υγιαινοντες ιατρου αλλ αλλα οι κακως εχοντες
Greek today: Και αποκριθεις ο Ιησους, ειπε προς αυτους Δεν εχουσι χρειαν ιατρου οι υγιαινοντες, αλλ οι πασχοντες.
Wessex: Ða andswerede se haelend & cwaeð to heom. Ne be-þurfen laeches þa þe hale synde. ac þa þe un-haele haebbeð.
Wycliffe: And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Thei that ben hoole han no nede to a leche, but thei that ben sijke;
Tyndale: Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: They yt are whole nede not of ye phisicion: but they yt are sicke.
Gothic: jah andhafjands iesus qath du im: ni thaurbun hailai leikeis, ak thai unhailans.
Luther: Und Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihnen: Die Gesunden bedürfen des Arztes nicht, sondern die Kranken.
Slavonic: И отвещав Иисус рече к ним: не требуют здравии врача, но болящии:
Russian: Иисус же сказал им в ответ: не здоровые имеют нужду во враче, но больные;
10. Wholeness
The "sound doctrine" has more to do with "wholeness" as in "healthiness" than in "correctness" is used in logical systems.
Note that the "whole" in body and health is related to the "holy" in spiritual health.
The Greek word ιατρου (ya-trou) for "doctor" appears in the ending part of the English word "psychiatric" as in a "doctor for the soul".
Note: The modern Greek "Todays Greek Version" uses σωστή (correct) for "sound" before the word for doctrine.
11. Healthy
The Greek word υγιαινουσης (ee-gee-a-nou-sees) is the basis for the English word "hygiene".
The Greek word for "health" is υγεία (ee-gee-a) which in shortened form is γεία (yea) which is part of a popular greeting γεία συ (yea su) meaning "health to you".
The Greek words χαρτί υγεία, literally "paper healthy" is the Greek word for "toilet paper".
12. Living well
The word literally comes from "
living well" as in a long time. The
PIE (Proto Indo-European) root "
-aiw" for "
vital force, life, long age, etc." is related to the following words.
ever, every
Latin aevas
eternal, eternity
German Ewigkeit, ewig
(and others)
13. Gesundheit
The English word "sound" as in whole or complete or healthy comes from the Old English word "gesund".
The German word "Gesundheit" means "healthiness" and is the basis for the English exclamation "gesundheit", literally "healthiness" when someone sneezes, presumably going back to the Black Death of the Middle Ages.
14. Matthew 8:7
KJV: And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
Greek: και λεγει αυτω ο ιησους εγω ελθων θεραπευσω αυτον
Greek today: Και λεγει προς αυτον ο Ιησους Εγω ελθων θελω θεραπευσει αυτον.
Latin: et ait illi Iesus ego veniam et curabo eum
Wessex: Ða quoth se haelend to hym. ich cume & hine ge-haele.
Wycliffe: And Jhesus seide to him, Y schal come, and schal heele him.
Tyndale: And Iesus sayd vnto hym: I will come and heale him.
Gothic: jah qath du imma iesus: ik qimands gahailja ina.
Luther: Jesus sprach zu ihm: Ich will kommen und ihn gesund machen.
15. Therapy
The Greek word θεραπευσω (the-ra-pev-so) is the basis of the English word "therapy".
The Old English Wessex Gospels use the word "ge-haele" as in "ge-healed".
16. Conclusions
So the words "sound doctrine" in the New Testament appear to be referring to a healthy teaching for longevity in the faith and not to a correct logical sound doctrine free of formal logical contradictions.
17. End of page