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Song: O Tannenbaum
1. Song: O Tannenbaum

English: O Christmas Tree
German: O
Tannenbaum (O fir tree)
The German word "Tanne" ≈ "fir" and is related to the English word "tanner" and "tan".
The German word "Baum" ≈ "tree" and is related to the English word "beam".
The tree and the ornaments are made of
fractal curves called Koch snowflakes.
From what addiction do ornaments suffer?
They are usually hooked on trees.
2. O Christmas Tree
Here are the lyrics in English.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How lovely are thy branches
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How lovely are thy branches
Your boughs so green in summertime
Stay bravely green in wintertime
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How lovely are thy branches
3. O Tannenbaum
Here are the lyrics in German which date to about 1550.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
4. O Tannenbaum
What is the story with the Christmas tree? In German, "O Tannenbaum".
German records: Ordinance from 1561: No one "shall have for Christmas more than one bush of more than eight shoes length". Records from Strasbourg in 1605 describe decorating the Christmas tree.
5. Hessian troops
Hessian troops in the Revolutionary War are thought to have introduced the custom of Christmas trees.
Many more German immigrants later brought the custom to America - which had apparently unlimited fir trees.
Now that you know what Christmas trees are fir, you should not fir-get it.
[Alexander the Great and the Hydaspes]
6. Catnip Christmas tree
Charlie Brown
More realistic
Everyone loves Charlie Brown, Christmas and the tree.
Problem: A catnip bush in the dining room.
Solution: A catnip Christmas tree.
Kitty reaction: A purr-fect tree.
Update: It only worked one year. Never again.
Favorite kitty Christmas carol lyrics:
Here comes Santa Claws, here comes Santa Claws, ...
O’ Christmas tree, O’ Christmas tree, your ornaments are history.
Where did these Christmas customs originate?
7. Details
Problem: A catnip bush in the dining room. It is not acceptable, even with a 2-1 vote in favor (me and kitty).
Engineering solution: Trim the catnip bush, add ornaments, etc., to turn the catnip bush into a "Charlie Brown" catnip Christmas tree.
Sometimes engineering efficiency is not the top priority.
8. Kitty reaction
The next year: A better tree.
9. End of page