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Jazz and music
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Jazz and music
The English word "jazz" is of uncertain origin. The idea of jazz originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Jazz has roots in blues and ragtime - with a lot of syncopation.
An important aspect of jazz is that of "improvisation". That is, making up melodies in real time to go with pre-planned harmonies.

2. Utah Jazz
The "Utah Jazz" is a NBA (National Basketball Association) team based in Utah.
Why are each of the following professional team names out of place? What were their former names?

3. Out of place names
NBA Utah Jazz
NBA Los Angeles Lakers
NBA Memphis Grizzlies

4. Out of place names
NFL Tennessee Oilers (now Titans)
NFL Indianapolis Colts
MLB Los Angeles Dodgers
NHL Calgary Flames

5. Calgary Flames
The Calgary Flames NHL (National Hockey League) team started in Atlanta, GA, and then moved to Calgary in Canada.

The name comes from the "burning of Atlanta" in 1864 as part of Abraham Lincoln's decision to reintroduce total war (to the world) against both military and civilian targets during the American Civil War. One can now see that this decision created far more long-term problems than it solved at the time.

A related song was "The night they drove old Dixie down" from 1969 by the Canadian-American group called The Band. The song has to do with Lincoln's strategy against both military and civilian targets as enacted in southern Virginia.

Discuss: Will we ever get to the point (again) where one group feels that the end justifies the means and that they can physically attack another group because of "opinions" (on either or both sides)?

Information sign More: Song: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

6. Improvise

The English word "improvise" comes, through French, from the Latin word "improvisus""unforeseen, unexpected, sudden".

The Latin word "provisus""foreseen, provided for" as in the English word "providence".

Even in jazz music, part of jazz is planning and part is improvisation. It helps to have a plan from which to deviate.

7. Piano
How might you determine if someone can play piano?

Might they have just learned one song - the one they are playing?

A saying for this is that they are a "one trick pony". They can only play that one song exactly as they have learned it.

How about having them play a song that they have never seen before - from a large collection of possible songs?

8. Greek
How might you determine if someone, such as a pastor, really reads and understands Greek (or Hebrew)?

How about having them read and explain a passage of Greek (or Hebrew) that they have never seen before - from a large collection of possible texts?

Verse routeLuke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; [kjv]
Verse routeκαι σημεια εν ηλιω και σεληνη και αστροις και επι της γης συνοχη εθνων εν απορια θαλασσης και σαλου [gnt]

Information sign More: Luke 21:24-28 Perplexed with problems with impossible solutions

9. Luke 21:25
   Luke 21:25 
KJV: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Hebrew: והיו אתות בשמש ובירח ובכוכבים ועל הארץ מצוקה לגוים ומבוכה מהמית הים ודכיו׃
Greek: και εσται σημεια εν ηλιω και σεληνη και αστροις και επι της γης συνοχη εθνων εν απορια ηχουσης θαλασσης και σαλου
Latin: et erunt signa in sole et luna et stellis et in terris pressura gentium prae confusione sonitus maris et fluctuum

10. Koine Greek New Testament
CD: Koine Greek New Testament
Spiros Zodhiates (Greek-American Bible scholar, author and ministry innovator)

11. Pastors
Over the years, I have heard many pastors try to impress the congregation with their knowledge of Greek (or Hebrew). Having studied (modern, Bible and classical) Greek in some depth, it appears that almost all have studied and read something during the previous week, memorized and rehearsed what they will say, and then act as if their expertise is far greater than exists in reality. The tip-off is that if they really understood the language, they would realize that some of what they are repeating is not correct.

The same is true of many computer science ideas in programming whereby those without a theoretical and practical background will repeat what they think is true or what they may have read in a book that, in reality, is either not correct or will not work well (or both).

12. Playing by ear
Some people can hear the exact tones being played. That is, they have perfect pitch or absolute pitch.

Some people can add harmonize to a melody in real time. This is like improvisation but follows rules for such harmonization.

Rev. Rodney Shearer in 1969In the 1970's, Rodney Shearer, a pastor just starting out, could do such playing. Years later, in graduate school, I learned enough of music theory to understand how this can be done.

13. Verse 1
Joy to the world, the Lord has come!
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room

And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing

14. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640