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Musical analogies to programming
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Musical analogies to programming
C scale Puzzle 2To help understand the relationship between computer science and coding, a musical analogy may be useful to help put the puzzle pieces together.

2. Musical interests in graduate school
In graduate school in computer science, I sat in on more than 30 credit hours of music courses, including taking a few as allowed by my graduate assistantship (e.g., jazz improvisation, guitar and voice classes, private classical guitar lessons from Bill Carter, a world expert in the bass lute, etc.).
I wrote and used ear training software (Prolog logic programming language) using a PS/2 Model 30 and IBM MIDI sound board that kept learning statistics. The minor third was the hardest interval for me to distinguish.

3. Bill Carter
Guitarist Bill Carter CD: Palladian ensumble: trios for 4 CGD: Bach reimagines Bach Guitarist Bill Carter

In graduate school in computer science, I took guitar classes and private classical guitar lessons from Bill Carter - a world expert in the bass lute.

William Carter is a founding member of the acclaimed Palladians and a virtuoso player of the baroque guitar, lute and theorbo.

William Carter is also an enthusiastic teacher, and is Professor of Baroque Studies and Lute at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. (as of 2022-12-10) (1st quote) (as of 2022-12-10) (2nd quote)

4. Music
Music: Mary had a little lamb
(LilyPond used dynamically with text formatter to create the musical notation)

5. Table part 1
Music and computer science part 1
Music Computer Science
musical problem problem to solve
musical idea solution idea
compose music in notation specify solution in pseudo‑code
learn to read the musical notation learn to read the pseudo‑code solution
learn to play an instrument learn to code in a programming language

6. Table part 2
Music and computer science part 2
play the music write the code
playing coding
listen to music run the program
audio output program output

7. Put the pieces together
Clefs PuzzleDoes the music analogy help put the pieces together?

One should program designed solutions into a programming language. One should not think in a programming language. If the code does not have to be correct, it can be made as fast as desired (paraphrased from the micro-computer days). Think correctness and not run-time speed.

8. Music analogy
ClefsThink of music, playing a musical instrument, and creating a score of music to play. In computer terms, the musical analogy is as follows.

9. Learning music
How does one learn music? (After listening to music for a while).

A computer (science) programming approach often used is the following to a beginning programmer. Will that work well? How about the following?

10. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640